15 Things BANNED By The Royal Family

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[Music] being a member of the royal family comes with a ton of perks but it also comes with some hefty restrictions whether you're born or marry into royalty there are some things you just aren't allowed to have in your life anymore we'll let you know which things have been banned by the royal family but first hit the subscribe button and turn on your notifications for more videos from the taco screen time we all know that the royal family is busy hosting parties and attending various formal engagements this means that the children of Kate Middleton and Prince William are often brought along for the ride while most moms aren't above bribing their kids with an iPad to get some much treasured quiet time the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge don't have that option their family is supposed to represent the best of the best and always appear proper and traditional so it wouldn't do to have Prince George fiddling with a tablet in public he and his siblings aren't yet allowed to have screen time but that doesn't mean that they're bored the kids have tons of more traditional toys and love reading books there are plenty of low-tech toys to choose from especially if your family is as wealthy as theirs William and Kate believe that these types of gadgets are meant for grownups not for kids they both grew up without relying on these things for entertainment and believe the traditional toys encourage more outdoor play and more active imaginations monopoly during one royal outing Prince Andrew was presented with a copy of the game Monopoly as a gift this game is considered a classic by many but he was forced to turn it down he shared a fascinating bit of insight which revealed that even the proper royal family has its moments of chaos apparently just like many other families we know they just can't get through the game without arguing with one another tempers run high harsh words are said and all over a simple game of Monopoly according to Prince Andrew it gets too vicious so this game is now on the family's banned list autographs there are plenty of celebrities out there who are tired of giving autographs to fans but the royal family has a great excuse for saying no to these requests they're not supposed to give out their autographs because this would increase the risk of their signatures being forged for some nefarious purpose however members of the royal family have broken this rule from time to time Prince Charles obliged fans with an autograph after they had recently lost their home in a flood of his son Prince Harry once gave in and signed someone's caste the newest member of the royal family Megan Markel found out a clever workaround for this rule when approached by a fan she simply wrote hi Kaitlyn instead of signing her name dinner table there are so many rules regarding royal dinner etiquette that we could talk about it all day well one huge one is that you need to take your cue from the Queen once she is done eating that means everyone else is done to continuing to eat your meal once the Queen is finished hers is absolutely forbidden so you'd better learn to eat fast but if you finish your food faster than the Queen does don't even think about excusing yourself from the table you need to wait until the Queen gets up to leave before you can conclude your own dinner getting to enjoy a high-class dinner with the Queen sounds wonderful until you realize you have to match your meal pace with that of another person no touching when meeting a member of the royal family it's considered incredibly rude to reach out for a handshake instead you should let them shake your hand if they choose to even with this rule understandably members of the royal family end up coming into contact with many people however they're expected to mitigate the amount of touching they do and they do this in several clever ways one simple solution is wearing gloves this helps prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of getting sick and potentially being out of commission another is carrying a clutch instead of a handbag this makes people less likely to reach out when they see that someone's hands are occupied politics the royal family helps to instill a sense of nationalism to the people of the United Kingdom one of the reasons that they are so effective is because they stay far outside the realm of politics it sounds a bit counterintuitive but consider how much Democrat can really cheer for a Republican president or vice versa in order to appeal to the greatest number of people possible the royal family is forced to completely abstain from politics they're not allowed to even vote let alone run for any sort of political office talking about politics is also not allowed and many people wonder how well Megan Marco will adjust to this rule prior to marrying Prince Harry she was rather outspoken when it came to political matters especially on social media social media prior to marrying Prince Harry Megan Markel was extremely active on social media she even had her own lifestyle blog called TIG but once Harry slipped a ring onto her finger that all had to end because members of the royal family are not allowed to have private social media accounts their public personas have to be carefully curated and so maintaining social media accounts just won't do fans of the royal family no doubt remember when Megan Markel first met Prince Harry and her Instagram was under constant scrutiny - those of us who love social media this can seem like a big thing to give up but we're guessing that she doesn't mind too much besides most members of the royal family are probably way too busy to update their Instagram anyways approval it's traditional to ask the bride's father for permission before proposing to his daughter however many people feel that this is antiquated and even a little bit sexist but when you're a member of the royal family and you want to get married you absolutely need permission from someone first that someone is the queen and you better hope that she approves of your intended she has the right to say no and then you're in a very uncomfortable position you can end the relationship and continue on as a member of the royal family or you can leave in favor of true love this has happened a few times historically and it means abdicating your place in the line of succession and giving up a chance to sit on the throne some people are quick to criticize Megan Markel for various reasons but since the Queen clearly gave her approval we should definitely give her some slack propriety there are a ton of clothing related rules in the royal family but as you would have probably guessed flashing your cleavage is a huge nono modest dress is absolutely a must especially for the women of the royal family but they do have some clever tricks in order to keep things rated PG when entering or exiting a car ladies will hold their clutches tight against their chest in order to avoid any embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions Princess Diana famously referred to her clutches as cleavage bags for this very reason the Queen is also known to have certain weights sewn into the hems of her dresses in order to prevent an embarrassing incident on a windy day after all the royal family are supposed to be all about propriety so it wouldn't do to have them experiencing wardrobe malfunctions especially on camera black outfit one of the perks of being a member of the royal family is being able to travel their duties take them all over the world and that's not including the vacations they take simply for leisure they need to travel with their security team but there is something else important which they have to remember to bring not including one black outfit in your luggage is against the rules and there's a rather morbid reason for this if a member of the royal family was traveling and a family member passed away they would be expected to come home immediately and show up in proper mourning clothing vacation is no excuse for being seen walking around in a Hawaiian shirt during a time of great sadness the royal family is always on call for formal events and this includes funerals as well nail polish when it comes to her clothing Queen Elizabeth loves things that are bright and bold she has said before that she doubts people would recognize her if she went around in neutral colors while she wants to make it easier for people to see her in public by wearing bright colors that rule doesn't extend everywhere women in the royal family aren't permitted to wear bright and colorful polish on their nails it's seen as improper so they are forced to stick to neutral or slightly pink hues the Queen herself swears by Essie nail polish in the color ballet slipper considering the fact that this family is incredibly wealthy it's almost weird that they insist on wearing inexpensive barely noticeable nail polishes cake the quote let them eat cake has been wrongfully attributed to Mary Antoinette for ages and it's also something you'll never hear Queen Elizabeth say she's very particular about her choice of confection and she isn't interested in sharing according to her former personal chef her favorite type of cake is a chocolate biscuit cake she even takes a slice out with her when she travels to make sure she gets to eat some it might take her a couple of days but the Queen makes sure to consume each and every last slice of that delicious cake which has been prepared for her touching the Queen's cake or trying to throw it away before she's eaten it is strictly forbidden even her own family members can't have the tiniest sliver of this cake but are forced to get their own desserts corgis being one of Queen Elizabeth's beloved corgis means living a life of luxury these pampered pooches may not have many rules but the people around them sure do you won't find them chewing on dry kibble their meals are prepared with fresh ingredients by Palace chefs their proteins are rotated so that the dogs don't get bored of eating the same old thing although the chefs may prepare that corgis dinner they are forbidden from feeding it to them only the Queen herself gets to do the honor of presenting her dogs with their daily meal although servants feed her the Queen insists that only she gets to feed her pets not only are they fed by the Queen but at times the dogs are even treated to freshly caught game courtesy of Prince William and Prince Harry spices there was once a time in history when British people went all over the world in search of new spices ironically today many types of flavoring are banned from Buckingham Palace on order of the Queen former palace chefs have confirmed that the use of garlic is banned apparently if the Queen doesn't have a taste for it but there is a practical reason why she banned its use she and her family are always entertaining important guests and it just wouldn't do to communicate with them with a bad case of dragon breath from garlic for the same reason onions must be limited in all food items they aren't outright banned like garlic is but using them requires a very light hand giving up monopoly or red nail-polish is one thing but imagine never getting to eat garlic again vocabulary we know that the royal family holds us up to extremely high standards in most areas of life this isn't limited to their vocabularies and there are something some words it's considered improper to utter although saying pardon might sound perfectly polite to the rest of us it's a word that people in the royal family simply don't say if they need to excuse themselves because nature calls they aren't allowed to say the word toilet because it sounds to UNK up instead of applying some perfume members of the royal family use scent instead us commoners may think that the royal family is quite posh but that's a word they would never use to describe themselves apparently calling yourself posh is the most unpatched thing you can do what do you think of these rules the royal family has to follow let us know what you think in the comment section and then hit subscribe for the latest videos from the taco thanks for watching
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 1,597,962
Rating: 4.86133 out of 5
Keywords: thetalko, royal family, Queen, Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, rules, restrictions, banned, monopoly, clothing, garlic, food, 0618, ipad, the queen, princess, prince harry, prince william
Id: T07oFtADeuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 16 2018
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