10 Rules Meghan Markle HAS To Follow And 5 She’s ALREADY Broken

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being a royal is pretty much every girl's dream to marry a prince and then become a princess yourself is like a fairy tale but what most people don't think about is how many rules come with being in the royal family it isn't all tea parties and social events have you ever wondered how Megan Markel is stacking up against all the rules of British royalty stay tuned to find out why her and Harry's engagement photos had the Royals up in arms if this is your first time visiting our Channel make sure to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe for more great content leave us an original comment down below for your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card today we're showing you 10 rules of Megan Marco has to follow and 5 she's already broken no selfies everyone loves selfies you'd be lying if you said that you never took one pretty much everyone has a selfie or two on their Instagram profile everyone except Royals that is apparently Royals aren't allowed to take selfies in public they can of course take them in the privacy of their own homes but they shouldn't post them on any social media sites it may seem like a strict rule but when you think about it it does make sense selfies are at their core kind of vein the royal family probably doesn't want to portray vanity in any way this shouldn't be too big of a problem for Megan it's not like she posted lots of selfies before she was engaged anyway most of the photos on her Instagram are of the causes that she cares about we don't see the royal family having any problem with that no shellfish this is one of the weirder rules on the list the royal family isn't allowed to eat shellfish but the reason behind it is truly because of dietary restrictions or to stay thin shellfish are unpredictable people often come down with food-related illnesses due to this type of food the royal family abides by a very strict schedule they have lots of appearances to make and even more business endeavors to attend to they can't risk spending a few days in bed due to food poisoning or an upset stomach some Royals will break this rule and eat shellfish from time to time who can resist all shellfish 100% of the time no one but even the Royals who break the rule definitely don't make it a habit must always carry black attire you never know where you will be when tragedy strikes so the Royals prepare for that how you might ask well whenever they are they must always pack an outfit that is funeral appropriate the rule stemmed from when Queen Elizabeth's father King George the sixth passed away while she was away in Kenya the princess had no appropriate funeral attire with her when she landed back in the UK there was a sea of paparazzi waiting for her wanting to see how she was reacting to her father's death unfortunately since she hadn't packed appropriately she looked more like she was going on vacation than returning to burry her father in order to keep this from happening again the royal family in stated this rule they won't be caught unprepared again no social media everyone has social media these days you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't especially celebrities their social media accounts are there brands social media is how celebrities show the world what they want them to see but Royals aren't normal celebrities they aren't allowed to have their own social media accounts accounts like Kensington Royal post pictures of the royal family but those accounts are extremely curated so when Megan marries Harry she will have to either delete or turn over her social accounts this may be for the best though can you imagine if Megan was snapchatting all of her nights out once she became a princess it could be extremely dangerous for the crown part of the appeal of the Royals is that they are so mysterious if each member of the family had their own Instagram and Twitter accounts that would definitely ruin the air of mystery no voting in America voting has always been a super important right people have died for the ability to vote but Megan will have to give that right up when she becomes a princess why because Royals aren't allowed to vote they are supposed to be completely impartial can you imagine if the Queen were to endorse a political candidate it would cause complete chaos so no matter how into politics Megan may be she will have to stay out of it where Britain is concerned we wonder if she will still be able to vote in American elections that may be a conflict of interest since she will be leading a completely different country will she become a dual citizen or will she completely give up her American citizenship we will have to wait and see neutral nails only there are so many ways to express yourself nails are one of them you paint them to match however you are feeling but if you are royal you don't get to be quite as expressive Royals are only allowed to wear neutral colors on their nails in the past Megan has opted to wear darker shades the neutrals she better enjoyed the darker colors while she still can because once she becomes royal there will be none of that we completely understand where the royal family is coming from with this rule their whole brand is about being clean and polished nothing looks more clean than neutral colors it is also a great way to ensure that you don't offend anyone this rule might be a bit restrictive but at least Megan won't ever have to worry about her nails clashing with her outfits again follow the Queen when it comes to how Megan will interact with the Queen there are a lot of rules she must be aware of for instance she must curtsy whenever she greets the Queen formal greetings between other family members are negotiable but for the Queen it is a given she must also always be watching the Queen during meals when the Queen is done eating then everyone else must also be finished regardless of whether you are still hungry or not Megan must also watch out if Elizabeth begins to stand whenever her Royal Highness stands everyone around her must also stand for a lot of these rules Megan can just look around to make sure if she is doing what everyone else is doing but if she happens to be not paying attention one day she could get in some hot water tiara when you look at a princess wearing a tiara you probably think that she just plopped it on her head and walked out the door that is not the case at all when it comes to tiaras there are plenty of rules in the past tiaras were worn pretty far forward on the woman's head but now modern style dictates that it should be worn a little further back the tiara must sit at the perfect 45 degree angle when viewed from the side Megan must also wear a tiara on her wedding day traditionally the tiara should come from the bride's family and then after the wedding day she would be expected to wear the groom's family jewelry however this rule is not always followed the last time it was broken was actually by Harry's bum Princess Diana no monopoly most of the rules on this list makes sense when you think about them for a while but this particular stipulation is super strange the Royals aren't allowed to play Monopoly we know you are probably wondering why a children's board game would be banned from the Royals well apparently the game gets a little too intense in 2008 the Leeds Building Society gave Prince Andrew the game unfortunately he couldn't accept it he told them that the Royals were not allowed to play Monopoly at home because the game got too vicious isn't that funny the Royals who deal with Wars and international diplomacy can't handle a game of Monopoly were they playing with real money or something they must have been otherwise why would someone get so angry over a game that they would ban it from their whole family we need more answers pinkies down when you were younger you may have heard the saying when in doubt pinkies out well apparently that saying is completely off Royals have a specific way of drinking tea and it has absolutely nothing to do with putting your pinky out to drink tea correctly Meghan should use her thumb and index finger to hold the top of the handle the middle finger will support the bottom of the cup she must also drink from the same spot so lipstick stains don't get all over the whole cup if Meghan would rather drink coffee there are rules for that too she must have loop her index finger through the handle when drinking the caffeine filled drink that seems like a lot to remember every time you want to have a warm beverage we wonder if there are rules pertaining to every drink what does she have to do if she wants to drink a simple glass of water no pantyhose now that we have gone over some of the rules that Meghan will have to follow let's get into some of them that she has already broken for instance when you looked at Meghan and Prince Harry's engagement photos what did you see you were probably just thinking that they were beautiful pictures well the rest of the Royals undoubtedly saw something different in her engagement photos Meghan didn't wear pantyhose under her dress anyone familiar with the royal family it knows that this is completely unloaded mantyhose must always be worn when a Royals legs are shown out in public we wonder what made Meghan go against this rule maybe she decided that her outfit looked better without the pantyhose just didn't care about the rule she's divorced the Royals like to keep everything prim and proper meaning that they want to portray themselves as doing everything the right way for that reason divorce is usually a big no-no just look at what happened in the past Princess Margaret was forced to split from her partner Edward Townsend and when Edward the eighth wanted to marry the love of his life he had to abdicate the throne at that time marrying a divorcee was extremely forbidden and he would have rather lived with her than be king the rule is becoming a little more lacs now as Prince Charles himself married a divorcee after he and Diana split Megan used to be married to a film producer named Trevor engleson but the two got divorced after only two years being married it doesn't seem like Harry really cares she talks to the press we never really know what is going on in the lives of Royals and you know why that is because they refuse to talk to the press at least not about their relationships megan Markel on the other hand was an actress so she was used to talking to press about romantic things before she even met Harry in her feature in Vanity Fair she spoke about what it was like to be with Harry she told the magazine that they had been quietly dating for six months before it became big news she went into detail about how she was working the whole time they were dating she even talked about what had changed for her since she began dating him while giving away details like that may make her more relatable to the public it is definitely frowned upon by the royal family PDA is her thing royal relationships aren't usually very hot and steamy and there's a reason for that they aren't really allowed to be very touchy-feely on one another in public but Megan and Prince Harry obviously don't care about this rule they are always holding hands and holding on to one another they were even spotted holding hands at the Invictus games if they were trying to hide their affection for one another holding hands at such a prominent event was not the way to do it these two obviously loved each other so much that they don't care how it comes across we wonder how the Queen felt about that do you think she scolded the two when they got home can you imagine getting scolded by the Queen herself talk about scary she talks about politics as we mentioned before Royals are pretty mum's the word when it comes to politics they aren't allowed to choose sides at least not in public well in the last American election Megan made it very clear what she thought about one candidate in particular she called the current President of the United States Donald Trump misogynistic she was also very open about her support for his opponent Hillary Clinton now that was all well and good back when she was just an actress but now that she is a princess to be things like that are strictly prohibited we wonder if she will be able to go with the flow and be tight-lipped like the rest of the Royals or if she will have a problem with this rule someone who is used to being so outspoken probably won't be silenced so easily that's it for ten rules Megan Markel has to follow and five she's already broken were you surprised by any of the things on this list let us know in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 10,692,705
Rating: 4.6126871 out of 5
Keywords: List, Top10, Top5, Facts, Viral, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, the Queen, The Royal Family, royals, England, the UK, marriage, rules, princess, Rules All Royal Family Members NEED TO FOLLOW From Birth, kate middleton, prince george, royal baby, pregnant, queen elizabeth, harry and meghan, 0118
Id: n-BYuxFOTCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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