Meghan Markle Vs. Kate Middleton: How Meghan Challenges Kate's Perfect Royal Status

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the members of the British royal family have long been a source of fascination for people all over the world many of us have fond memories of the late Princess Diana who is beloved by many but also known for breaking royal rules now her son's Prince William and Prince Harry are all grown up and have families of their own while the tabloids love to pick Kate Middleton and Megan Markel against one another they're both valued members of the royal family will explore how Megan's arrival has changed things up and why people believe she's a challenge to Kate are you ready let's go the beginning obviously the British royal family has been around for many generations and have always fascinated non Royals all over the world but the late Princess Diana truly changed the game and redefined what it meant to be royal her story wasn't a rides to riches one she was born into British nobility had a privileged upbringing and then married an actual Prince it would have been so easy to dismiss Diana as simply another wealthy royal but she had no intentions of sticking to the script she became known as the people's princess because she was so devoted to her charity work during the 1980s when fear of HIV and AIDS was sky-high Diana did not shy away from touching those afflicted because she wanted to show the world it was all right while she was devoted to her charity work and her two sons Prince William and Prince Harry her marriage to Prince Charles was an absolute disaster there were affairs allegations of abuse and ultimately divorce Princess Diana had shattered the image of a pampered princess and her passing was mourned by many people both within the royal family and outside of it this caused many people to feel emotionally invested in the fate of her two sons who were left motherless when they were still young Prince William is the older of the two men which means he's the one who will likely inherit the throne someday he's known for being more serious and traditional than Prince Harry who has earned reputation for being easygoing and fun-loving and in many ways the reputations these brothers have earned over the years have been projected onto their wives Kate Middleton is generally seen as more traditional than Megan Markel who is a former actress and divorcee but are the two of them truly so different you might be surprised by some of the parts of Kate Middleton's history which are less than reef mind family obviously both Megan and Kate are members of the royal family but Megan's biological family has been making the news lately and not for the right reasons she's close with her mother Doria Ragland who seems to get along well with the royal family and Prince Charles in particular but as for the rest of Megan's family well that's a bit more complicated we've all felt embarrassed about her parents from time to time but Thomas margul has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons it seems he loves nothing better than speaking to the press and giving long interviews where he accuses Megan of ghosting him and pleads with the queen who sup convinced Megan to call him you don't have to be an expert on royal etiquette to know that falls into be seriously uncool category he was even caught trying to set up a staged photo shoot with the paparazzi shortly before Megan's wedding to Prince Harry when his scheme was discovered people wondered if he would attend the wedding at all thomas claimed he couldn't attend due to health reasons but many people are skeptical of this claim but for whatever reason his absence was noted and he wasn't there to walk Megan down the aisle on her wedding day and he hasn't slowed down when it comes to talking to the press during one interview he claimed Megan would be nothing without him and added that he made her the Duchess she is today Wow we can't imagine why Megan isn't in a hurry to get in touch with him and then of course there are her half siblings on her father's side Samantha and Thomas junior they weren't invited to the royal wedding either and it's not hard to see why her brother has a serious alcohol problem has a history of domestic violence and isn't shy about hitting Megan up for money her sister has plenty to say about growing up with Megan and none of it is particularly nice she's also lashed out at Prince Harry accusing him of feeling as though he's above being decent and of not caring about Megan's family she even complained about the official Christmas card Megan and Harry sent out on the surface it's easy to believe Kate Middleton comes from a far more distinguished family who would never cause such trouble after all we've often seen Kate's sister Pippa showing up to formal events and beautiful dresses and epic hats but what if we told you Kate's family has their own share of difficulties in fact when Prince William and Kate Middleton first got together many people were appalled because Kate's mother had once been a flight attendant you know we know the sheer horror of it all TIPA and Kate are super close but there are rumors the palace has asked Tippa to rein in her troublesome behavior in the past on one occasion she was spotted out and about when one of her male friends pointed what appeared to be a gun at a photographer thankfully it turned out to be a toy but the palace felt the incident had reflected poorly on Pippa she has a history of being a party girl and in college she and her brother James Middleton were members of the starfishes hockey team this group was known for drinking well like fish like Pippa Kate's brother James has also been spotted out and about in dresses and some of them have even belonged to Kate he's also gotten so publicly intoxicated he had to be carried to the car which is just a plain embarrassing Kate also has an embarrassing uncle Gary Goldsmith who has been in the news multiple times he was even banned from Buckingham Palace because of his behavior although he got an exception for Kate wedding he owns a multi-million dollar mansion in Ibiza and journalists have revealed some of the shocking debauchery which goes on there and uncle Gary hasn't been shy about talking about his niece to the press he once revealed an alleged comment which Prince William made about Kate's figure definitely cringe-worthy and not the sort of thing one should gossip about when a Duchess is involved we know Megan Markos family might be in the headlines right now but Kate Middleton's family tree is far from cringe free in fact these two actually have a lot in common where their families are concerned it's hard not to see how Kate could relate and have sympathy for Megan in this situation which could inspire her to welcome her into the royal family relationships now we know relationships are something you can't really quantify but for some reason many people believe William and Kate have a much more dignified relationship than Megan and Harry Kate and Williams started out as friends when attending the University of st. Andrews but eventually their friendship blossomed into romance we know it seems like a long time ago now but at the time the public was shocked Prince William having a college romance with someone whose mother used to be a flight attendant what a huge scandal in fact the media's treatment of Kate during her early days was pretty similar to the way they treated Megan when she started dating Harry and things got even worse when Kate Williams split up rumours about what caused the break-up were insane they ranged from pressure from the palace to infidelity it wasn't until they were happily married years later that William elaborated on what broke them up and the reason was downright relatable he claimed he and Kate were both young and in the process of finding themselves when they met life got busy and complicated and neither felt they had time to dedicate to a relationship at the moment so the two took some time apart to work on themselves and ended up back together Megan and Harry ended up being set up by a mutual friend and their relationship was also both adorable and pretty normal some people make it out as though Kate and William had a far more dignified courtship and wedding in fact Kate and William broke tons of royal wedding rules when they got married including one which was over 350 years old while we certainly see the value in preserving some treasure traditions others must change with the times and Megan isn't the first person to see that even the Queen has been known to switch things up from time to time like when she declared the birth of a male heir would not cause a female heir to lose her place in the line of succession when Kate William married they had a maid of honor and a best man which is unheard of in royal weddings they spent their wedding night at Buckingham Palace instead of immediately heading out on their honeymoon and they performed a scandalous double kiss to the delight of the crowd kate also refused to wear her hair in an updo despite the fact that royal Brides have been doing so for over 350 years wearing her hair half up and half down was a huge departure from the norm and a significant compromise on behalf of the Duchess and then all of a sudden people couldn't stop talking about all of the ways Megan and Harry were breaking from tradition for their wedding they issued the traditional buckingham palace balcony kissed and had a lemon and elderflower cake instead of just fruitcake it's almost like they wanted to include some reflections of themselves and their personal tastes in addition to all the expected pomp and circumstances heck Princess Eugenie didn't even wear a veil on her wedding day things are constantly changing and even the royal family has to deal with this people act as though Megan is the first person to ever break with royal tradition but Kate was doing the same thing just a few years earlier the Queen in addition to being an actual Queen Queen Elizabeth is also the matriarch of the family and many wonder if she favors Kate Middleton or Meghan Markel for right from the get-go that's kind of a silly question Kate has been a member of the family for over a decade and is the mother of the Queen's three grandchildren naturally she and Kate had a lot more time to get to know one another and form a bond over the years however people are quick to point out that the Queen has let Meghan get away with some things despite it being untraditional for instance Meghan was often invited to attend events with Harry before they were officially married which in general is a huge no-no many people believe this showed favoritism and proved the Queen prefers the company of Meghan to Kate but let's not forget that the Queen has let Kate get away with some things as well spending Christmas with the royal family is supposed to be compulsory yet she is allowed Kate and William to spend the day with kids family instead that's a huge deal in the royal family and a sign of what a good relationship the Queen and Kate have with one another remember that when William and Kate started dating even they weren't sure if their relationship would be long term and they split up for a while in comparison Harry and Meghan have been serious about the whole thing from the get-go which could easily explain why the Queen has seemingly been more open to getting to know Meghan prior to her being married into the family sure there will be some awkward bumps along the road as Meghan struggles to adjust to being part of a new family one palace insider claims the Queen was perturbed when Meghan was sent notice the queen bee wearing a hat to an event and yet Meghan showed up for that one apparently Megan didn't realize the message was actually a request much to her chagrin however the Queen and Meghan seemed to get along quite well and apparently bond over their shared love of dogs it seems less like the Queen favors one daughter-in-law more than the other and more like she has two different relationships with two different people style ever since she got engaged to Prince William people haven't stopped talking about Kate Middleton's fantastic sense of style if you like something she's wearing you'd better act fast because it's practically guaranteed to sell out in moments and this even goes for the clothing she dresses her children in when Princess Charlotte went to visit her little brother Princess Louie in the hospital fans fell in love with her adorable outfit the periwinkle blue dress was designed by little Alice London's Alice and parents immediately wanted to get it for their own children according to the brand this dress completely sold out a mere 24 hours after Princess Charlotte was seen wearing it while Kate and her children do wear some expensive items many outfits in her collection are surprisingly affordable those lucky enough to get their own versions of Charlotte's dress paid only $62 for the privilege Kate Middleton and her classic sense of style have been so influential that the phrase Kate Middleton effect is now a thing it describes how seeing Kate wear something means everyone else just has to have it too but it seems as though being a fashion icon may be one area in which Megan is able to overtake Kate we don't say this as an expression of personal opinion while Kate married into the royal family a decade ago Megan spent that time strolling the red carpet and keeping up with current fashions without having to worry if they were appropriate for spending time with royalty so it's not surprising these two have developed very different sensibilities over the years or that Megan sense of style is more modern global fashion search platform lists put out their ranking of celebrity fashion influencers for 2018 and Megan Marco ranked second on the list this put her right behind kylie jenner who was in first place while kim kardashian was in third it also means Megan was listed before fashion icons such as Beyonce and Rihanna not too shabby for the latest member of the royal family the website used page views sales data and social media mentions in order to come up with their list of celebrity fashion influences according to list whenever Megan wears designer clothing their website sees a 200% spike in searches for that name but don't count Kate out just yet for one thing Megan may seem more popular when it comes to style but her name is also a super hot topic right now she just married into the royal family and announced her pregnancy so naturally she's incredibly topical and we've seen Kate in the public eye for so long a fans even noticed when she recycles an outfit it's possible that as time goes on and Megan adapts to life in the royal family the style gap between her and make clothes Megan also seems to take more risks with her wardrobe than Kate which can often work out in her favor but it can also mean more fashion faux-pas such as when she wore a skirt you could see right through issues there are a lot of rules and traditions members of the royal family are expected to follow earlier we talked about how some people make a big deal when these traditions are even slightly deviated from like when Megan served the wrong kind of cake at her wedding but there are some rules which are non-negotiable and one of them is no politics members of the royal family do not vote and they do not express their personal opinions on political matters prior to getting engaged to Prince Harry Megan Marco was always exceptionally outspoken on social and political issues it was obvious where she stood on these issues and she wasn't shy about letting herself be heard in comparison Kate Middleton avoids discussing things like politics many point to this as a difference in their personalities but it's really more of their circumstances than anything else Megan Marco was an actress with a huge social media following meaning people were always eager to hear her thoughts on the other hand prior to getting engaged to Prince William Kate Middleton wasn't someone people look to for entertainment or insight and after she became famous she became a part of the royal family which pretty much means she's forbidden to speak about such things journalist Carole Malone is one of the people who likes to talk about the feud between Kate and Megan she also claims they are entirely different personality-wise she describes Kate as the quintessential English rose and adds she was never an outspoken feminist in the way megan is Carole believes this has caused Kate to feel put out when it comes to accepting Megan into the family saying that Kate isn't an outspoken feminist because she wasn't called upon as a celebrity to make speeches or make social media post is a bit ridiculous we're not saying we don't love Megan's passion and dedication but it's not fair to compare her pre royal years to the ones Kate spent in the royal family Plus looking at Kate's actions over the years it's clear she's passionate about a wide variety of social issues during the seventy-first British Academy Film Awards the organisation times up called for women on the red carpet to wear black in order to show solidarity for women's issues kate was strictly forbidden from taking part in such a political movement but she wore black sash and carried a black handbag not two times up one of the issues kate is very passionate about his mental health despite the fact that it carries a serious stigma she's been known to visit women's prisons in order to talk about mental health concerns as she's doing more than simply making appearances according to inmates who have interacted with Kate she appeared truly genuine and interested in learning about their lives this is giving us serious Princess Diana vibes kate claims she was grateful to the inmates for sharing their stories with her and she looks forward to working on programs to improve access to mental health care going from being an actress to being a duchess is a huge shift in many ways Meghan may find it difficult not being able to be as outspoken as she once was this is another area in which Kate may be able to help her out in the past Kate William and Harry all worked together on the mental health awareness campaign called heads together we're guessing Meghan may be interested in being a part of this as well bonding since Meghan Markel first showed up on the scene there had been rumors about she and Kate not getting along people like to focus on the dynamic between Meghan and Kate because they seem so different in so many ways but they also have a surprising number of similarities Kate not only knows what it's like to join the royal family she's been pretty much treated the same way Meghan has by the media Meghan seems to be grateful for any guidance Kate can give her and we fully expect Kate to do what she can to help out even if this was a typical family there are still some growing pains when a new member is added and some long-held dynamics have to change before Meghan came along Prince William and Prince Harry and Kate Middleton were all really close Kate even got Prince Harry a grow a girlfriend kit for Christmas one year naturally Harry getting married has changed things and it may not be Kate and Meghan who are having trouble adjusting kate has been a duchess for a long time now but William has been a prince even longer according to one source of the royal family its Prince Harry and Prince William who are struggling to get along with each other nowadays although they grew up together William has been groomed to inherit the throne from a young age Oh Harry knew he would most likely never become king this led them to developing a certain dynamic in which William was the more responsible one and Harry was a bit more jovial understandably this dynamic carried through their adult lives and became especially pronounced when william married and became a father while harry remained a bachelor but all of a sudden prince Herry falls in love and things start to change now harry is the one getting tons of attention stepping up and having a closer relationship with their father Prince Charles allegedly this has been tough for both brothers to adjust to Prince William is reportedly the one who feels resentful about all of the attention being paid to Prince Harry and Megan and Harry isn't happy about it either sources claim he expected William and Kate to be more welcoming of Megan and believes they weren't happy enough to include her in the family however it looks as though things are being smoothed out reportedly Prince Charles out of all people has stepped up to mediate William and Kate have been making a sincere effort to go above and beyond to make Megan feel more welcome and Harry has been trying not to take their busy schedules personally that's for the Duchess's there's definitely a lot Megan can learn from Kate but this doesn't mean their relationship has to be one-sided Kate views Megan as a breath of fresh air according to some sources she also allegedly hopes the two will eventually become close friends the media likes to make it seem as though there can only be one royal Duchess but this couldn't be further from the truth there is definitely room in the British royal family for both Kate and Megan what do you think about the relationship between Kate Middleton and Megan markle's do you think they really can't get along or has this whole feud between them been blown away out of proportion let us know what you think about these two duchesses in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button for more videos from us here at the taco bye for now
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 1,037,166
Rating: 4.4398174 out of 5
Keywords: TheTalko, Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, meghan vs kate, royal family, Prince William, Prince Harry, royal marriage, royal life, british royal family, british royals, prince william, queen elizabeth
Id: zwbLZxj9qhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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