10 Places You Should Live in 2023

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Today I'm going to tell you what I think are  the best places to live in the United States   in 2023. Everyone's got that bucket list of places  they'd love to live or travel to things like that   I travel I study this stuff I dream about living  in different places it's kind of my thing it's   what I do I also like to tell people my name  is Benjamin Dover but then I tell them they   can call me Ben for short today we're looking at  places I would live in 2023. we won't be looking   at any specific Stat or category this is just  a video about my opinion and I'm also going to   tell you why I would live there it might include  a stat or something but I'm not following one stat   these aren't ranking them by the lowest cost  living or the highest cost of living anything   like that these are just the places I'd love to  live in 2023 got it get it good let's take a look number 10 Aspen Colorado Aspen Colorado has  been on my bucket list since I was like 13 and   I first saw the place Aspen is beautiful Aspen is  exciting and it is expensive like crazy expensive   if you don't make at least 250 000 a year forget  living here if you make less than that and you   want to live here you're gonna be living in a van  down by the river as the old saying goes and yes   they do have a river they've got a river and a  small Lake there it's surrounded by mountains   and some of the best skiing in the country Aspen  has next to no crime their crime rates like 25   percent below the national average so they're  doing great there their schools are excellent   they've got plenty of things to do they just  have one of the highest costs of living in the   country along with some of the most ridiculous  real estate prices if you find a condo that is   under 1 million dollars it's like a unicorn if  it does exist nobody really believes it there's   Town Homes here that are going for three million  dollars and they have one bedroom sure you're like   50 feet from the ski slopes but it's expensive  there's a home there that's for sale right now   for 45 million dollars being that expensive I'm  surprised there's 7 000 people that can actually   call this place home that's their population  seven thousand and one of them is named Tori   that's it one name and he's their mayor but yeah  if I could afford Aspen I'd definitely move there number nine Fayetteville Arkansas now I'm  sure a lot of you just gasped here's why I   think Fayetteville is a great place to live it's  still relatively affordable cost living housing   still pretty low and this part of Arkansas  like I've said before is not like the rest   of Arkansas and the reason I would move here  it's a good investment it's not going to stay   cheap forever they're starting to build more  and more million dollar homes in Fayetteville   now a few years back they might have had a  handful but now they're starting to be built   this is just gonna raise the property values of  all the other homes in Fayetteville this part   of Arkansas doesn't get horrible weather it's  beautiful they have jobs the economy is doing   really good in this area just don't go to Little  Rock for any reason whatsoever now is Fayetteville   perfect no it's got some crime it still has  some unemployment and some poverty like every   place this is definitely not a playground for  the rich like Aspen is but it is a place that   has a lot of potential and in the next handful  of years I think if I were to move there or if   anyone was to move there the property values will  go up and the place will get nicer but their cost   of living is pretty low their schools are decent  and their housing is decent too they also got the   University of Arkansas right there in towns so  you can go see some Razorback games Fayetteville   Arkansas is part of a whole metro area that  includes Springdale and Rogers there's about 526   000 people living in this area so  it's not a small town in Arkansas number eight St George Utah St George Utah's in  the southern section of Utah not too far from   the Nevada border there aren't a lot of desert  towns that I would move to but I would move to   St George it's safe it's reasonable when it  comes to real estate their cost of living is   also reasonable they have great hiking outdoor  activities and they've got a handful of really   nice golf courses in and around St George  you're also less than an hour from Mesquite   Nevada and they've got some casinos there so  if that's your thing and if you want to go to   Vegas that's less than two hours away also so  you could live a very quiet life in St George   and head right over the border for a little  excitement in Nevada you also got Zion National   Park which is right there so yeah St George is  probably the only desert town I would move to number seven Monterey California Monterey is a  great City it's beautiful tons of things to do   you're far enough away from San Francisco  where you don't get any of that stink on   you and you're far enough north of Los Angeles  where you don't have to worry about that you're   right on the coast it's beautiful it's foggy I  lived there from 1985 to 1990 well just outside   of town but in the area it's a little expensive  there but still it's also a great place if you're   a veteran they've got plenty of facilities for  you since Fort Ord used to be right there just   outside of Monterey entire Monterey Bay though is  just beautiful I'd move back there in a heartbeat number six La Jolla California yep heading down  the coast of La Jolla La Jolla is part of the   San Diego metro area you never heard of it it's  uh where a lot of the wealthy people live it's   right there on the coast beautiful place to  live I used to do comedy down there at the   La Jolla Comedy Store is how insane it is when  you're a stand-up comedian I would drive two   hours down to San Diego get on stage for 15  minutes get off stage grab something to eat   and drive two hours home and I wasn't the only  freak doing this there was a lot of comedians   doing the same stuff how it is when you're  a struggling comedian but La Jolla is one of   the best places to live in Southern California  especially the San Diego metro area their cost   of living's just insane and their housing is even  more insane but that's usually the case when it's   a really nice place to live with really low crime  which they don't have any crime it's actually   25 percent lower than the national average the  Vatican doesn't even have a crime rate that low number five Bellevue Washington Bellevue  Washington is in the Seattle metro area   and right away if you don't know where it is  you're going to think that's bad well it is   just east of downtown Seattle but good news for  Bellevue there's a lake between Bellevue and all   the drama and all the nonsense that goes on in  Seattle nothing keeps the criminal element out   of your town better than a lake with only two  Bridges right in the middle of that lake is   Mercer Island and that's where you live if  you have a title that includes letters like   CEO the late Paul Allen who's a co-founder  of Microsoft he lived there Steve Miller   from the Steve Miller Band lived there one of  the CEOs of Ford and a bunch of professional   athletes but yeah Bellevue is a really really  nice town to live in and I've looked at it   several times I like it up here in the Pacific  Northwest and I've actually given some thought   to Bellevue even though it's out of my budget  Mercer Island is definitely out of my budget number four Rockport Maine Rockport is a  beautiful coastal town in Maine now it's   one of many beautiful coastal towns in Maine  the place is just silly with them I'm sure you   could find some especially if you live there  and you know where they are but if you're just   showing up as a tourist or just checking out  Maine it's hard to find any bad towns in Maine   especially on the coast Rockport is about an  hour and a half up the coast from Portland the   harbor is what's really great about this place  it looks like someone painted it most the time   Rockport doesn't have as many things as let's  say Bar Harbor or obviously Portland but it is   a great place to live it is beautiful here if  you want to live in a town that looks like it   could be the backdrop of like a romantic comedy  this is the place to live you only have about 3   300 residents too and it's spread out they're  not like right up on top of each other like   all good places though it's a little expensive  their cost living is like 50 percent above the   national average and their housing is pretty  decent I mean they they have homes there that   are going for five hundred thousand now to some  of you that seems like a lot of money but this   is a really nice New England town so it's gonna  be expensive so compared to other really nice   New England towns this one's affordable compared  to Strawberry Patch Arkansas yeah it's expensive number three Honesdale Pennsylvania I've talked  about Honesdale many times in my opinion I think   overall an all-around Honesdale is probably the  best town to move to in the United States it's   rural the land is Affordable the people are  decent the cost of living is low they have   great health care in town water everywhere  Hunting Fishing hiking camping drinking they   got quite a few breweries in the area plenty  of things to check out if you're into history   including Hotel Wayne which if you ever get a  chance stay there it's supposed to be haunted   I've stayed there three times I haven't seen  any scary stuff yet but it's pretty cool if   you get a chance if you want to check out  Honesdale go during the roots and Rhythm   Festival they have every summer it's usually in  the middle of June it's definitely a good time   also while you're there definitely hike Irving  Cliff this is a cliff that's outside of town   over looks Town actually well it's named after  Washington Irving apparently he used to like   to take his lunch up there and Overlook the  town don't have a little lunch if you don't   know who Washington Irving is sorry but he's  the guy that wrote like Rip Van Winkle and   The Legend of Sleepy Hollow among other things  and he used to spend a lot of time in Honesdale number two Bluffton South Carolina Bluffton South  Carolina is in what they call the Low Country it   is just Inland from Hilton Head South Carolina  just north of Savannah Georgia it's right over   the Border this is another town that looks  like it could be the backdrop of a romantic   movie you know like the movies we used to get  back in the day was Sandra Bullock or Julia   Roberts you know there's some woman escaping  a bad relationship and they could never love   again but they moved to a small southern town  and some dude works on their car and he looks   like an underwear model and they fall in love that  type of movie that could happen in Bluffton it's   honestly like this small town but it's really not  a small town it's got a population of almost 30   000 residents and it's surrounded by some pretty  good sized places like Savannah and Hilton heads   got a lot of people there too so it's almost  like part of a metro area but it's really   not bluffton's like one of the only Southern  towns I would want to move to you know I like   Savannah great Charleston's another great one  there's some places in West Virginia I wouldn't   mind moving to but on my top 10 list bluffton's  definitely the only southern town I would move to all right before we get to number one don't forget  we have another Channel called on this day there's   a link down below there's also a link for home  and money which is a website you can go to and   if you're thinking about moving anywhere in the  United States they could help you find a local   real estate agent for wherever you're moving  to they've got a whole bunch of other things   to help you buy a home also on their website  so check them out all right on to number one and number one Cannon Beach Oregon yep right down  the road for me is Cannon Beach and I would love   to move there I'd really love to move there so  my wife would quit hassle on me about wanting to   move there but really I'm in love with the entire  Oregon coast it's beautiful sure it's not like the   coast I grew up on I was born and raised a couple  blocks or a couple miles depending on what year   it was from the Pacific Ocean in Redondo Beach  California sure Oregon touches the Pacific Ocean   but this is two different worlds when it comes  to beaches one you need suntan lotion and the   other one you need a good thick jacket but the  beauty of the Oregon coast is immeasurable it's   hard to compare to any other coast maybe Maine  but I still think the Oregon coast is better   if you look at the small towns along the coast  Maine probably beats out Oregon yeah I'm pretty   sure they do but just the land touching the ocean  here in Oregon is one of the best things you'll   ever see if I ever win the lottery and you're  looking for me just about any day you could   find me walking up and down the coast around  can Cannon Beach I promise you how strange is   that I mean I grew up dreaming about moving  to Las Vegas and hanging out in the casinos   and partying all night now I dream about just  walking up and down the coast of the Pacific Ocean   all right that's today's video hope you guys  enjoyed it hope you got some information out   of it this is a little bit different than  what we normally do it's just my opinion   I do hope you guys enjoyed it everybody  have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 275,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, Relocate in 2023, Best places to live in 2023, best places to live, best places to live in the world, best places to live in oregon, united states map
Id: aJC7VeM1Nq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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