10 States Moving in the Right Direction in 2023. (Getting Better)

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Are you looking for a new state in 2023? If  you are you're not alone like I said in our   going downhill version of this series 2023 is  predicted to be one of the most active years   for state to state relocation on record today I'm  going to tell you the ones that might be your best   option if you're one of those that are in the hunt  for a new state as we come out of the pandemic a   lot of states have started to turn things around  every state took a hit in the last few years some   states in my opinion have set themselves up for  Success post covid and those are the ones we're   looking at today this video is my opinion based  on information that I've taken in over the last   year are these states perfect no do they have some  problems yes but in my opinion the next few years   compared to the other 40 States they should be  making more progress towards that American Utopia   we all dream of keep in mind these are just my  opinions and why they're my opinions yours are   just as valid I'm sure and I'd love to hear about  them in the comments section below get it got it   good let's take a look number 10 Idaho Idaho has  always been in the top 10 list for most move two   states I would say for at least the last decade  decade and a half in 2018 and 17 they kind of   dropped out of the top five but they're back baby  and no it's not mostly liberal Californians moving   to Idaho I know the people of Idaho think that's  what it is but a majority of the people leaving   California for Idaho are already voting along  the same lines as most of Idaho it's kind of why   they're moving there they don't like the politics  of California so they're moving there the ones   that just can't afford California anymore tend to  move to Utah Oregon Washington and Nevada probably   the good news about moving to Idaho is they got  a low crime they got decent schools their Metro   areas aren't totally huge they got a lot of nice  small towns plenty of things to do outdoors and   their cost of living isn't crazy sure if you move  to like a resort town or something like that it's   gonna be a little high but most of Idaho is pretty  reasonable is it Mississippi cheap absolutely not   is it cheaper than cow California uh-huh I just  talked to someone about two weeks ago that left   California for Idaho actually they're one of  the people who watch this channel let me know   that they used one of the Realtors I suggested I  actually didn't suggest the realtor it's a website   that I have a link down below called home and  money they will help you find a realtor you know   grants programs build your credits affordability  calculator all that good stuff's on the website   number nine Wyoming Wyoming I think is a state  in the next few years is going to start seeing   some positive migration and it's because of  the remote worker thing going on Wyoming's   an affordable state for a long time I wouldn't  have suggested them because they don't have the   best internet in some of their rural towns but  now with that starlink thing Wyoming apparently   is doing really good when it comes to internet  connection with starlink so they're affordable   a lot of open land peace and quiet beautiful state  if you're a remote worker that loves to hunt and   fish this is probably the best state for you in  the last few months they're one of the states   where their home prices have gone down a little  bit I wouldn't say gone down they kind of stayed   level a little bit longer than most States at  about 35 percent of the homes that had been put   up for sale had actually reduced their price  within the last 90 days some of the other ones   on this list are far more drastic than that but  I thought that was kind of cool starting to show   prices are getting ready to come down a little  bit on home buying but I think while filming   is gonna benefit in a big way from the changes  that we have in the world now post covid Granite   Cove it's still around but we're coming out of it  number eight Vermont Vermont is one of my favorite   states it is a beautiful state it's amazing it  gets really cold Winters and it can get expensive   but there's basically no crime they got great  schools great place to have a family and again   especially if you're a remote worker or if you're  a retiree that doesn't mind the cold weather this   is a great state there's a little town in Vermont  named Woodstock and I dream about moving to that   place sort of like one of those towns if you  don't like to relax and take it easy you know   the winter built snowmans and drink hot cocoa it's  probably not the best option for you number seven   New Hampshire yes Vermont New Hampshire always go  hand in hand because they share a lot of the same   things extremely safe they're always in the top  three for crime and safety beautiful landscapes   again cold Winters their real estate is going  down a little bit so that's a plus and like all   states their inflation's up there a little bit  maybe a tad bit more than everyone else but I   mean that's just the world we're living in right  now the last videos I did on this everyone's oh   you didn't talk about inflation we all know about  inflation but it's kind of universal across the   board with maybe a percentage or two here and  there what's the point of bringing something   up if we all know about it and every state has it  at about the same level again I think the remote   working thing is Gonna Change New Hampshire in a  big way now I'm not saying hundreds of thousands   of people are going to be flooding in there in the  next few years but they will gain some population   and it'll be a great thing for the state you have  people that don't need jobs and they're putting   tax dollars into the local economy it's like a  win-win number six Minnesota Minnesota is kind   of turning things around not like they were a  horrible state to begin with but in the last   few years especially since the pandemic they're  kind of moving in the right direction with a   lot of things like jobs they're they've got decent  schools their crime isn't terrible I know you want   to bring up Minneapolis or something that went on  there or whatever but overall this state doesn't   have a lot of crime a lot of that has to do with  poverty poverty usually breeds crime whether you   like it or not or whatever you want to say about  it it's just a fact and it's not anything to do   with anything racial or anything like that it's  just if people don't have a lot of money they do   a lot of stupid stuff whether it's to get money or  they have a lot of time on their hands there's a   whole lot that goes into it but part of the  reason Minnesota doesn't have a really high   crime rate is they don't have a lot of poverty if  you got kids the state provides excellent Early   Education opportunities and they rank fifth in  the nation for K-12 performance great state all   the way around you just gotta do deal with some  pretty brutal winners to a lot of people that's   a deal breaker and I get it I'm one of those  people that's not a deal breaker snow more than   any other place absolutely Count Me In my wife on  the other hand isn't happy unless it's over 85.   number five Pennsylvania Pennsylvania is a little  bit of a weird one I think a lot of you are gonna   kind of question me on this one and I'll tell  you why I think they're doing good again with the   remote workers they have a lot of affordable and  nice small towns throughout that state not just   Honesdale which I love they've got a lot of really  nice small towns that you could move to work live   an affordable life get some decent real estate and  not have to make a million dollars a year to do   that amazing wooded areas Creeks streams rivers  and ponds and lakes everywhere in that state if   you're coming from some place like Arizona or  California where there's like no water you will   be amazed at Pennsylvania you walk down a path and  there's a spring that's been bubbling for 90 years   and nobody's capped it and tried to you know water  their crops with it or something like that or put   it in a bottle and sell it of course Pennsylvania  does have some cities you probably want to stay   away from actually we're talking about the going  downhill ones and Philadelphia falls into the   category of never move here Pittsburgh you can  think about it Philadelphia is definitely a hard   pass Pittsburgh is also one of those cities that  has a pretty high rate of houses that have dropped   their price in the last three months 45 percent  of the homes that have been put on the market   in Pittsburgh have had a price cut outside  of Philadelphia Scranton and Pittsburgh you   don't have a lot of crime in the smaller areas  of Pennsylvania now I say that knowing you can   find some Pockets where you're gonna find some  crime but overall compared to other states it's   not that terrible outside of Philadelphia and  somewhat Pittsburgh but Pennsylvania is one of   those States that's really trying hard to turn  it around to get more people moving into the   state especially remote workers so I think they're  going to be moving in the right direction in 2023   number four Utah Utah these days always shows up  on some positive list whether it's a great place   to have a business it's a great place to raise  a family go to college not get pistol whipped   at an ATM machine you know the American dream Utah  currently is the state with the best economy that   doesn't mean they're turning out the most like  California obviously California is the largest   economy Utah's the strongest economy if you look  at all of their stats that everyone looks at like   crime Education Health Care economy three years  ago half of them were in the top 15. currently   there's only one outside the top ten and that's  Healthcare and that's ranked 11th in the country   so they're moving in the right direction they've  always been good they're just getting better   honestly think that Utah within the next few  years will be the most moved to State I think   one of the things that keep them backed I've said  this before a lot of people just think they're   run by the Mormon church like you shouldn't go  there if you're not a Mormon Mormon church has   a lot of a control in that state but they let  other people in too so don't worry move to Utah   number three South Carolina this is another one  that needs a lot of explanation South Carolina   is moving the right direction when it comes to  a lot of their cities they have a truckload of   small towns that should be avoided at all costs  but a lot of their cities are getting a lot   better Charleston's one of them almost anywhere  in the Low Country which is Charleston on down   to the border of Georgia near Savannah you  go all the way up to Greenville that's doing   better better than it has in years Columbus it's  still about the same Spartansburg which is just   uh Northeast of Greenville is doing better than  it has in years one I will tell you about which   most people think it's amazing if they've never  been there it's Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach is a   great place to lay on the beach that's about  it I mean don't get me wrong their beaches are   beautiful it's just not that great of a town  anymore but the rest of the state I think is   truly moving in the right direction as far as  livability economy things like that but if you   do want to move to South Carolina definitely  look at the low low country that's your best   bet you're talking Charleston Hilton Head one  of my favorite towns in the South Bluffton   number two Missouri here's another one that's  gonna need a little explaining Missouri has not   been great for a long time I mean you're talking  about a place that has both St Louis and Kansas   City in its border those two cities are so  bad they let other states claim half of them   Springfield Missouri is not great and it's got a  pretty bad history but I think they've turned the   corner in the last two years again with the remote  workers they're starting to kind of Eye Missouri   because it is Affordable outside its major cities  they don't have a ton of crime it's beautiful if   you like to be outdoors and especially on the  water they have some amazing places to do that   I've talked about Lake of the Ozarks a few times  that is a great place to be around and it is home   to the most unfortunately named restaurant I've  ever seen and I've talked about them here before   that's right we're talking about big dicks halfway  in it bills itself as a funky Lakeside pit stop   with Pub grub this is the type of place you get  potato skins with your sixth Bud Light but if you   look at the cost of living you look at housing  prices Missouri is a good option especially if   you're a remote worker or retiree Missouri is  one of the states that's been affected the least   by the inflation that we've been having and their  home prices are affordable and going down a touch   all right before we get to number one don't forget  to give this video a big thumbs up leave a comment   subscribe if you haven't and then head on over  to our other channel on this day and do the   same thing there alright on number one and number  one Washington State so there's a lot going on in   Washington there's a lot of good they just got a  lot of homeless and Seattle is extremely expensive   but prices are starting to go down there and  especially when it comes to real estate in Seattle   not just Seattle the entire state of Washington  earlier we had talked about states and cities that   they'd seen price Cuts in real estate in Tacoma  in the last 90 days 49.5 percent of the homes   on the market had a price cut in Seattle 46.3  percent of them that's the type of thing that's   going on throughout the state I've been looking  at real estate in southern Washington near Camas   and Washougal and most of the things on Zillow  Redfin whatever you're looking at you could see   that they've had a price cut recently Washington  also is I'd say somewhat getting a handle on their   homeless in the Seattle Tacoma area is it perfect  far from it has it gotten better over the last 18   months maybe two years I think so now there's a  certain portion of the population in Washington   state that whenever you say anything positive  about the state they're there to tell you how bad   it is I've said this before but Washington shows  up consistently on lists for the best states it   does have a lot of negatives and it does have a  lot of hurdles that need to be taken care of but   Washington state has a lot of good too I mean it  doesn't hurt that they're one of the states that   doesn't have a state income tax now the reason  they're on this list for States moving in the   right direction I think in 2023 some things will  happen one real estate prices will be going down   tourism is back that means more income for  local economies especially in places like   Seattle where the cruise lines came back they're  starting to make progress like I'd said on the   homeless situation you know if they clear up some  of those things and some of those things happen   the way I think they will Washington's gonna be  in a better position this time next year alright   that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope  you got some information out of it don't forget   to leave a comment tell me what you thought what  State Should have been on this list which one do   you think shouldn't have been on the list alright  everyone have a great day be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 219,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, south carolina, best states to live in, best states to move to in 2023, best places to live in the united states 2023
Id: o3EImHsIl1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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