10 States People NEVER Regret Moving to.

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have you moved to another state in the last five years what state was it and are you happy with the move this was a question I asked in a survey earlier this year I received about 3 500 responses and I had an optional section for people to leave a comment about their move about 23 percent left comments what's strange about this is when I asked about States people regretted moving to I had over 5 000 responses and only about nine percent left comments this kind of tells me that we got more people that like the negative you know the dark side of things they're just not that committed a little lazy kind of like Darth Vader working at a call center another strange thing was we had some overlap this was two different surveys done a couple months apart and a couple States made both lists now even though I've explained that to you that won't stop people from leaving comments like hey Briggs this state was on the other list that people regretted which is it here's the answer it's both it is two different surveys people are different and these surveys are based on a opinions it's not a math problem there isn't a single answer and honestly that's my favorite part about human beings we're all different with many opinions and different experiences and that's with everything in life what food you like what politics you believe in which religions you follow what kind of people you're attracted to we're all different just because someone doesn't like barbecue and you love barbecue doesn't mean they're wrong so just like the state's people regretted moving to I will list the states with the most votes and the reason that seem to pop up most often got it get it good let's take a look number 10 Utah Utah always seems to be a hot spot for people moving it's safe has great schools it has one of the best or the best economy in the United States right now now the best is different from the largest largest is California this means people are making money businesses are making money and people are moving to Utah I said this recently in another video I think if people could get past the fact that you know the Mormon religion really has a lot to do with Utah and I think that's kind of put a stereotype for the state in people's heads that really don't understand it you don't have to be a Mormon to live in Utah it helps but you don't have to be one the people that claim they're happy with their move to Utah often listed crime they got a really low crime rate they got good schools and affordable housing now that's gonna vary from place to place they do have some affordable real estate when you consider how nice the place is number nine Idaho so this is the first one that overlap a lot of people said they regretted their move to Idaho but I'd say just about as many loved their move to Idaho so it's kind of 50 50. Idaho has been a hot spot for everyone moving and probably the last decade a lot of Californians have moved up there but according to the U.S census so have a lot of Floridians New Yorkers and Texans Idaho is another state that's relatively safe they've got beautiful landscapes and plenty of open space one of the biggest complaints on the other one is it's getting too crowded well like I said in that video if you don't want people to move your state make your state suck people don't want to move places that suck nobody's moving to Louisiana these days or Mississippi in my opinion I think one of the most overlooked places to move to in Idaho is Moscow Idaho and it's spelled Moscow but it's pronounced Moscow whenever someone's moving to Idaho you always hear them moving to Twin Falls Idaho Falls pocatella or Boise and even Coeur d'Alene my opinion I think Moscow is a little bit better the the reasons that popped up the most were cost to living and The Great Outdoors you'll see that on a lot of these I've noticed states that people don't regret moving to have great outdoors you'll see as we go along number eight Virginia Virginia all around is a pretty good State I would say in the last five or six years it's really picked up a lot of momentum and their popularity I guess you could say a lot of people around the country are moving to Virginia seemed like before only people from the Eastern Seaboard would move to Virginia or people that needed to work for the government overall the state's crime isn't bad they've got decent schools their health care is pretty good and a lot of tech companies have moved to Virginia in the last 10 years I would say so these all help with its popularity and one of the main reasons people listed why they love their move they got a really good job in Virginia and they like their neighbors number seven Montana Montana's another one of those places that kind of makes the list on the Great Outdoors alone I mean that's one of the most common things that people brought up is they like the outdoor lifestyle and they like the small towns a lot of small towns in Montana have seen some pretty good growth in recent years thanks to the remote worker movement when I was living in California a lot of people that I knew were moving to Montana and Billings seemed to be the landing spot for most of them it's also become very popular with a lot of celebrities they all seem to be moving around the Jackson Hole area and stop typing Jackson holes in Wyoming not Montana all right be honest in the comment section how many of you started leaving a comment but yeah Montana does get its fair share of celebrities moving there a lot of them will end up in Coeur d'Alene area or Whitefish but the most common things I would say would be cost of living cost of housing and The Great Outdoors for this one also number six Vermont Vermont's another one of those States that's just beautiful great skiing great scenery amazing small towns and I think that's how it's got on the list a lot of these small towns again are some of the ones that are benefiting from the remote worker craze a lot of people hold the stereotype that Vermont is a state for older people well they did have one of the oldest population overall for a long time and then around 10 years ago a lot of Generation X Millennials and Generation Z or Zoomers started moving into Vermont Millennials in Generation Z are very much outdoor people and Vermont has a lot of outdoor stuff to do the reasons most often given for moving to Vermont it's not as crowded and it has all the seasons now that's just something that someone from Texas California Arizona Nevada say when they move someplace they have all the seasons because in California Nevada and Texas you really don't number five Washington State there is this strange thing about Washington and I think a lot of people there are really bitter and they're upset that they can't afford to live in their own State anymore I think that's a big problem at least in the comments section of any video that I State the obvious Washington is a very popular state to move to in the last three or four years The Evergreen State continually shows up in top 10 lists when you're talking about good things in a state a lot of retirees are choosing Washington because it's one of the nine states that doesn't have a state income tax and I know they got other taxes and things like that I get it but they don't have a state income tax and to a lot of people that's very important sure Seattle has a lot of problems with homeless crime and extremely expensive rent and real estate prices but the entire state is not Seattle Southern Washington is becoming an option for a lot of people especially down near the Portland area it's right across the river from Portland Oregon with half the problems and lower rent and real estate prices when it came to the reasons people gave for loving their move to Washington State it was all over the map there's tons of different reasons and nothing really stood out Above All the Rest even though one person did say they wanted to live closer to the original Starbucks I've been to that Starbucks it's not that exciting I've never actually been inside that Starbucks because there's always a line like 30 minutes long I just want to stop at that line and go people it's just coffee there's a Starbucks four blocks away with no line number four Colorado Colorado is another one that's drawn in the Millennials and the Gen Z years ago it was pulling in the Gen X and everyone else and most of it has to do with the Great Outdoors the Rocky Mountains right there every kind of skiing hiking camping fishing rafting kayaking they got it all in the Centennial state Denver isn't as nice as it used to be but the rest of the state is outstanding in most places the most common answers for wanting to move to Colorado was to be closer to Nature or some other wording and all boiled down to people wanted to be closer to Nature number three Minnesota this one kind of surprised me I mean Minnesota is a nice state it does have Minneapolis and St Paul and they've got some issues there but most of the state is another one that's great for people that want to be outdoors it's affordable in both cost of living and real estate and rent I guess they have amazing small towns they have lakes everywhere it's the state of 10 000 lakes land of ten thousand lakes whatever and it gets very cold but not everyone hates the cold so yeah the most common reason for being happy with the move to Minnesota it was always around cost of living or real estate something like that basically affordability was a big thing for people moving to Minnesota I did see a strange amount wasn't number one or anything like that but there was a lot of people that mentioned fishing they said they like to fish they want to move to Minnesota where they can fish all the time all right if that's what gets your motor going go with it number two Wisconsin yes the badger state shows up at number two and why not it's a great place to live especially if you've got a family this is I would say one of the top five states to raise a family in low crime good schools lots of outdoor activities I mean Statewide not just in some City or something like that Wisconsin really only has one city that has any notable crime and that's Milwaukee and when you compare Milwaukee to places like Memphis Detroit or Chicago or something like that it's not that terrible it's not great but it's not terrible and those are the two most common reasons given for being happy with their move to Wisconsin it's a great place for families and it has a low crime rate you just got to deal with some pretty brutal winters like you do in Minnesota and Vermont and even parts of Colorado one person did mention they love Wisconsin but they did have a problem with the people there they said that they're from New Jersey and the people in Wisconsin are really nice so you think they're up to something he said coming from New Jersey if someone's too nice for you you put your hand on your wallet make sure they're not trying to get it all right before we get to number one two states that almost made this list number 12 was Oregon and number 11 was Maine also if you're thinking about moving to another state and you need a real estate agent there's a link for home and money down below and they can help you find a real estate agent anywhere in the nation along with some other things they do on that website alright on to number one and number one Wyoming yes Wyoming is one of those states that not many people regret moving to matter of fact it beat number two on this list of Wisconsin by a good amount Wyoming like Montana and Idaho it's one of those States that's been gaining popularity out west in the last five six seven years as Washington and Oregon kind of slowed down they've picked up the slack and it's not just Californians Moving to Wyoming they get a lot of New Yorkers moving there and a lot of Texans also a lot of wealthy people have really nice homes in the Jackson area like their second home their vacation home whatever Wyoming is a very beautiful state and that's another one of the reasons people want to move there they want to be closer to Nature affordability nature and not that many people live in Wyoming those were the main reasons people said they're happy with their move to the cowboy state all right that's today's video hope you guys enjoyed it hope you got some information out of it now go out have a great day and be nice to each other
Channel: World According To Briggs
Views: 493,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: where to live in America, Top 10, Top Ten Lists, world according to Briggs, United States, Ranked, Lists, Best States, Best Cities, Relocate, Travel Education, States, USA, US States, Relocating, State to state move, best places to live, best places to live in the united states, best places to live in the world
Id: tia9Eoj7Fzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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