10 Paranormal Experiments the Government Kept Secret

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(ominous music) - In the deepest darkest regions of the research facilities governments have been known to perform experiments with both weaponry and technology. But sometimes those experiments extend to other worldly things. Things that are chilling. Things that are paranormal. (creepy sounds) Here are 10 paranormal experiments that governments kept secret. Number 10 is Nazi occultism. Government research into psychic powers may have been started by the Nazis. After the war, the allies tried to discover all that they could about Nazi research programs, in case there was new technology to be found. This resulted in the discovery of Ahnenerbe, which was Heimlich Himmler's so called science organization. The research and experiments carried out within its organization were horrific. And also included interest in occult and psychic phenomena. As well as instructing agents to gather up cult artifacts, it's believed that the Nazis experimented with telepathy and telekinesis. Though documentation of these experiments is sparse, it's rumored that both the west and the Soviets started their own similar programs. It began with a psychic arms race, which some suggest continues in secret laboratories to this day. Number nine is Soviet biological communication. When the Soviet Union and the United States both started their investigations of the paranormal, they took two completely different approaches. The United States focused on the psychology of the paranormal while the Soviets believed in the biological basis for psychic ability. One of those Soviet experiments involved testing whether telepathic communication could be used to communicate with remote regions. Specifically with submarines. The thought process behind this was that without using conventional radio, such submarines would remain undetected. And it would also give the Soviet Union a way to communicate with its navy, even if radio infrastructure had been destroyed through a cataclysmic war with the US. While it's been proven that this was a real experiment, the findings of the program are currently unknown. Number eight are the Kulagina trials. Nine Kulagina was born in 1926, and was the subject of Soviet psychic experimentation throughout the Cold War. Her psychic abilities were allegedly so impressive that several experiments attempted to measure her seemingly natural talent for psychokinesis. The ability to move objects with the power of her mind. This research produced a number of black and white silent films which reportedly shows Nina's powers. The Soviet government employed 40 scientists, including two Nobel laureates to study Kulagina. And on March 10th of 1970, scientists investigated whether Kulagina could influence biology itself. It was discovered that she could stop a frog's heart from beating during the session. It was hoped that Nina's powers could be harnessed somehow. Allowing assassins to kill with their minds. However, to this day, nobody knows what happened to the files from that experiment. Or ultimately what happened to Nina. Number seven are the Uri Geller experiments. The CIA ran a number of experiments with Uri Geller, the self proclaimed psychic from Israel. The extent of these experiments was revealed after the declassification of CIA documents in 2017. The experiments took place across eight days in 1973. And were designed to test Geller's clairvoyant abilities. While James Randy, among others, claimed to have debunked Uri Geller as a fake, those involved with the experiments believed that Geller proved that he had psychic powers. One of the experiments involved scientists picking a word at random from a dictionary. One of the words chosen was fuse, and in response in another room, Geller reportedly drew a firecracker. And most terrifyingly, he has claimed that he has also been asked to detonate a nuclear device through just the power of thought. Number six is project blue book. Project blue book is perhaps the most famous study of unidentified flying objects ever carried out. And it was performed by the United States air force themselves. Beginning in 1952, the study lasted until 1970. And it has recently been revealed that the American government has continued investigating unidentified flying objects in the decades since. Project blue book collected and analyzed thousands of alleged unidentified flying objects sightings. Those involved with there study were told to officially document that UFO's constituted no threat to national security. However, some researchers did admit that a small percentage remained unexplained. To this day, the findings of exactly what UFOs exist out there remain classified. Number five is naval premonition research. $3.85 million was invested in psychic research by the American navy as recently as 2014. The navy's approach, unlike many other government research programs into psychic ability, was not to try to understand the science behind the phenomena, but instead to employ it in a theater of war. The money was allocated after a number of supposed events during war in Iraq, which reportedly showcased the existence of psychic abilities. One such instance was a staff sergeant who detected an explosive device purely through intuition. The hope of this research is that this type of psychic intuition can be taught to personnel, so that military units can maximize their ability to respond to dangerous events moments before they actually happen. However, there are others that believe that this sort of ability could easily be used for more nefarious purposes. Number four is the Philadelphia experiment. The Philadelphia experiment is a highly controversial military case, which allegedly took place in 1943. This experiment offered a frightening glimpse into the weird world of parallel dimensions. The first mention of this experiment was in two letters sent to Morris K. Jessup, an astronomer and UFO expert in 1955. Later, more anonymous information was produced, stating that the US navy had developed a new unified field theory of physics, and been able to teleport an entire ship across the country. This technology was deemed too dangerous when the ship was boarded because it was found that the crew was horribly mutated and fused with the metal of the ship itself. Number three is psychic survey. Secret documents show that the UK government was involved in psychic research in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The government hoped that it could use potential psychic insight to detect terrorist cells before they had the opportunity to strike. This study was performed under the guise of an academic survey. A questionnaire was sent out to self proclaimed psychics, and the answers given were used to identify those with exceptional extra sensory talent. The next portion of the experiment involved psychics trying to identify a number of hidden images. The study concluded that some of the psychics were actually able to use some unknown means to see the images, even when some distance away. What happened to this research, and just how far it's gone remains classified today. Number two is cosmonaut communication. CIA documents show that throughout the 1950's and beyond, the Soviet government was interested in establishing a worldwide telecommunications system for its cosmonauts using psychic ability. It's been suggested that the cosmonauts' training at that time learned to be in tune with each other, and share information over vast distances. In the Soviet press, it was reported that psychic training had become and integral part of the space program. However, many of these experiments and psychic policies which the Soviet union employed remain classified. And thus, it's truly difficult to evaluate the success of each experiment. Some believe that the development of a psychic bond between cosmonauts or astronauts could be used to keep them sane when human beings are finally sent on long trips to colonize other planets. And number one is project star gate. The star gate project was established in 1978 by the defense intelligence agency in the United States. The primary goal of this project was to use a psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing. This allowed talented individuals to spy on remote locations purely through the power of thought. After the project was publicly terminated in 1995, rumors persisted that it was far from being discontinued. And that remote viewing research has become part of the American military's black ops budget. Debate rages about the success of the star gate project to this day. Skeptics believe that the project was a waste of money and a failure, where supporters of this endeavor insist that the fact that the government invested so much time in testing psychic ability that proves once and for all that human beings have untapped potential within them. So, those were ten paranormal experiments that the government kept secret. And if you enjoyed this, remember to give it a thumbs up. Also be sure to subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet, and click the bell beside the subscribe button so that you're able to enable notifications so that you never miss a thing, because I release new videos all the time. Thank you for watching, and see you in the next video.
Channel: Matthew Santoro
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Keywords: paranormal activity, paranormal story time, ghost story time, ghost stories, true scary stories, government experiments, scary stories, creepy pasta, real scary stories, mk ultra, real ghost stories, mind control, campfire stories, scp foundation, creepy stories, conspiracy theory, project mkultra, paranormal story time with footage, paranormal story time 2018
Id: _3W1cEW81xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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