10 OVERWATCH BUGS that lasted way too long

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I hope they never fix the Reaper ulting in spawn bug

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ray_bacon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

meanwhile there's one that's still going for sym whereby her tp (her core uptime tool) immediately self destructs upon placement and has literally been here for years



It's very likely brought in back in sym shield gen days since back then, it was possible to place shield gen in places that made it indestructible (e.g. junkertown point A end the door opens and then closes, placing it where the door closed made it go inside the closing door and thus indestructible), so they made tp self destruct in certain places to "fix" that, but consequently made several other places/spots that were actually valid suddenly subject to random self destructs leading to the bug shown above.

Yeah, we've had this since sym 2.0 days, that's how long it's been.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zephrinox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I seem to have a bug where I can't update my game, had it for a bout 2 years now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/andyxiob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The rein shatter bugs lasted way too long he basically didn’t have an ult for half the games life

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dead_Optics πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

All the players you block on Xbox still populate your friends only leaderboard. It's been at least 4 years and no one has fucking acknowledged this on the team.

Love seeing all the people that have verbally harassed or threatened me over the years on my "friends" list.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ocean-Acidification πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i hope number 1 is doomfist’s entire kit god he needs to be fixed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cis_Sabrina πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cant watch, I’m at work, does he mention the hanzo no-reg bug?? I swear that happens to me at least once a night. Is that even a bug? Or just lag on my end or something?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/markeisha- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
players will always find bugs mechanics and exploits in every game both accidentally and intentionally today i've decided to take a trip down memory lane and compile a list of some of the overwatch bugs and exploits that affected the game for way longer than it should have before it eventually got patched get ready because there are some good ones in here for a nice nostalgia trip if anybody in ranked ever tells you to go touch grass tell them you can't because you trimmed your grass already with the lawnmower 4.0 from manscaped who are kindly sponsoring this video the lawnmower 4.0 is a waterproof cordless trimmer built with skin safe technology and comes included with the performance package that may very well be the best gift you can get remember that this package comes with the crop preserver ball deodorant and crop reviver ball toner spray over here we actually have some more additional accessories along with the anti-chafing boxer briefs right over here included with every 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other genji nerfs blizzard didn't want to acknowledge the exploit as there was no official documentation about the ledge boost on the official patch notes it was however quite humorous reading the numerous genji mains bitching about it all over the forums and read it this ledge boost dominated season one of overwatch and had a solid three-month run the second bug i want to talk about is the road hog hook yes some players may call this one of the buggiest overwatch abilities of all time because you were able to hook enemies through literal dimensional wormholes there were two issues with the 1.0 build of the hook the first problem was that it had an abnormally large hitbox allowing you to connect hooks where you couldn't even see the enemy the second problem was that once a hook connected it would attempt to pull the enemy to you no matter what floors no problem walls no problem buses okay blizzard on september 1st 2016 three months after the release of overwatch blizzard attempted to fix the first iteration of roadhog's hook by retracting the hook if they aren't in line of sight the developer comments this change means that the hook targets will be less likely to slide along walls potentially ending up in an odd place after they've been reeled in no keyword was less likely but it was still a common occurrence another four months would have to pass until january 2017 a full seven months after the release of the game before blizzard decided to really programmatically fix roadhog's hook and this was the birth of hook 2.0 targets were now pulled in front of hog versus his location hook detaches upon breaking line of sight and the line of sight is checked from the hogs position rather than the hook's position there were a few more hook exploits that showed up a few months later such as the spin hook but this did not last nearly as long as hook 1.0 rest in peace hook 1.0 may 2016 to january 2017. for the first year and a half of overwatch transformation ultimates such as tactical visor or dragonblade would be refunded if canceled by a stun or asleep this was frustrating for players on both ends if you were the one casting the alt you would never be able to use your damn ability this for the opposing players this game mechanic felt more like a mild inconvenience rather than an effective play that punishes opposing players ultimate duration it wasn't until september 2017 that blizzard stepped in and patched it on march 21 2017 erisa was released into the game and was a solid hero choice after a few buffs around august 2017 about five months after her release players began discovering what they called a halt tech but in reality was just a pretty big bug it was brought to attention on reddit after several top erisa players like ace of spades and slurpee thief were using it and showing people how it was done the simple explanation is that halt is a spherical orb and when detonated it checks if there's an enemy there like if an enemy exists and whether it can see the enemy within its range now all surfaces in the game are one way in which one side acts as a true wall which is what you see while the other side is hollow and it allows you to shoot through it hence the term one way this is actually a common game engine design simply because it saves resources without having to render thick surfaces for better optimization now because of this one-way nature the erisa hall used to clip through these surfaces then it would check for enemies and then pull them to the projectile if there were small walls or barriers between them they would still get pulled up and over them like so despite the attention it was getting nothing was being done about it until the players started using it in the overwatch league now that true competitive integrity was on the line and that's when blizzard finally stepped in and fixed it on april of 2018. this bug had an uptime of one year and one month let's be real most of us don't like junkertown players figured out a way to cancel junkertown matches by choosing may and freezing the motorcycle in the attacker's spawn do it just let it freeze the motorcycle the game will break this map came out in september 2017 and it wasn't until about january 2018 where the bug became commonplace and players started doing this every time they had to play junkertown until blizzard stealth removed it from the map pool hotfixed it without ever documenting it on the patch notes based on my understanding overwatch is always sending information from the client to the server with a certain data limit so that the server doesn't crash however the motorcycle and spawn didn't have a programmed frozen state therefore there was a major performance issue with trying to constantly tell the server to freeze the unfreezable if you ask me this bug didn't last long enough because i hate this map brig was released in march of 2018 and was considered one of the most controversial and polarizing heroes to enter the game i'm not gonna even get into the particulars of her balance on release but around september 2018 six months later players discovered that you could super glide by canceling the shield bash animation with whip shot you could also do this with other abilities such as her heel pack and rally it basically boiled down to having the shield bash movement acceleration and deceleration tied to the ability itself and when canceling it with the whip shot you just cancel that deceleration portion and that means you'd carry over the bash acceleration and let the natural slowdown of the game take over which allowed you to travel a lot further unintentionally this opened up some crazy flank spots and was both an insane engagement and disengagement tool that caused a frenzy in the competitive scene wasn't until early october that year that this was eventually patched from the game giving this bug a run time of 8 months give or take on july 24th 2018 wrecking ball was released into the game but he was shipped with what many considered game breaking bugs that players would soon discover by august one month in players discovered that piledriver had two problems number one it's supposed to deal 100 damage at most when landing directly on an enemy and only 20 damage at its max range like so now the bug arises when more than one target is being pile driven all targets will take equal damage closest to wrecking ball the second bug was that pile drive would sometimes deal double damage when slamming near certain geometry effectively one shotting 200 hp targets the game would register the 100 damage pile drive on the payload and then slide down and register another 100 damage on the ground when both bugs interacted with each other you would deal the double damage pile drive and have that damage affect everyone else in your radius like kaguru demonstrates here now ball isn't the only one with game changing bugs at this time winston's leap works similarly to ball in which the maximum damage is 50 when landing on an enemy slowly falling off to as little as one damage at maximum range sometime in the summer of 2018 winston's leap was unintentionally doing the max 50 damage no matter where he landed on the leap now these tank bugs didn't particularly last as long as some of the other ones listed in this video but i'm putting it on the list because it certainly lasted longer than it should have because none of them were hot fixed at the time and the 2018 overwatch world qualifiers in la were around the corner in early september you can see where this is going i had the pleasure of being part of the 2018 world cup with team canada and i can tell you that during the preparation of this event we knew about it and we were trying to practice and strategize who could play ball on our team i think we scrimmed with note on ball and then we put xqc on winston so that we could potentially wombo combo the buggy pile drive into the 50 damage leap however i think we ended up with a different comp throughout most of the event because none of our players are really proficient enough on ball yet and i thought that was just an interesting anecdote to share with you all now we've moved along the timeline and we're in 2019 now and on one early summer day in june reddit user clumsy lee discovered a huge bug with briggs rally armor that has existed since her release clumsy lee noted that briggs rally armor ramped up at 15 armor per .5 seconds for 10 seconds and the damage reduction property that armor inherently has is recalculated with every layer of armor added so in short every armor layer or ramp up during rally was reducing 3 damage at the same time making it 20 stronger than normal armor in some extreme cases it was even 45 percent stronger while taking some damage during her ultimate if you need a visual reddit user made a great video demonstrating it i just want to mention that at the time of the recording soldier did 20 damage for a body shot and armor reduced instances of damage by three damage that's why you're seeing 17 and it should be 17 but instead you're seeing 14 and a couple of other numbers as if briggs kit wasn't complaining about enough the fact that this was discovered over a year later was absolutely mind-blowing now this next one is a bit debatable because you can still sort of do it on certain heroes this exploit is just simply switching heroes back and forth and spawn to reset ability cooldowns an early example of a pro player doing this mechanic is carpe back in february 2018 swapping back and forth on anna to permanently sleep the winston although someone else on his team woke him up after the second sleep in theory you could sleep an enemy forever there but the downside is you can't really play the game as anna and i guess neither can the winston making it a 5v5 overwatch 2. you can still do this today on anna but it's super situational now the problem with this mechanic or exploit is that it works on everyone and when baptist was released in march 2019 well you can see how problematic a permanent immortality field can be this was a known mechanic for ages even used in the overwatch world cup that year and in the overwatch league in early 2020 and it wasn't until ml7's clips of him doing it went viral before blizzard finally fixed it after a year and two months in may of 2020. now for the final bug or exploit that lasted way longer than it should hence the title the drop tire all you have to do is start the rip tower animation near a ledge and while junkrat sets up his tire it would fall to the ground below giving the enemy nearly no time to react to it junkrat was shipped with the original release of the game in may 2016 and takes the cake as the longest running bug before finally getting patched in may of 2021 this year making this tech as part of his kit for five strong years rest in peace and that concludes my list of some of the craziest bugs in overwatch history if there are some you thought that should have made it to the list let me know in the comments
Channel: KarQ
Views: 499,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch bugs, overwatch exploits, genji ledge dash, roadhog hook bug, orisa pull bug, overwatch ult cancel, overwatch brig superjump, brig superglide, brig armour bug, overwatch wrecking ball bug, overwatch baptiste bug, junkrat droptire
Id: qY4s7zJ01eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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