1 GENERAL TIP for EVERY HERO in Overwatch 2 BETA

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hey what's going on guys my name is car q and i've been doing overwatch tips for over five years now the overwatch two beta is here so for both my new and returning players welcome back to the game and i'll help you get started with the mix of both old and new tips and tricks for every hero [Music] this video was sponsored by the overwatch league who begin their opening weekend this thursday may 5th to sunday may 8th and you don't want to miss this because it's going to be professional overwatch 2 with the whole 5v5 the new push game mode and maybe we'll see some sojourn if you missed the beta drops last week you're in luck because they're distributing 1500 overwatch 2 pvp beta codes every hour of the broadcast the entire weekend you need to watch one hour to be eligible so make sure you link your battlenet account to your youtube account other viewership perks include earning league tokens every hour and during select events throughout the year you can earn in-game sprays featuring team mascots select overwatch league grey skins and bonus token drops they also have a fun game throughout the year called overwatch league pick em where fans predict the match results to earn points everything gets tracked on a global leaderboard and the player with the most points wins prizes don't miss any of this again beginning this thursday may 5th to sunday may 8th at youtube.com overwatch league link is also in the description some diva players from overwatch 1 have it ingrained in their muscle memory to melee at the end of their booster to stop its movement however in overwatch 2 melee no longer cancels booster jets flight that means you can always guarantee at least 2 melees during a burst combo or do a flyby melee and quickly escape doomfist's empowered punch comes from blocking 100 damage and there are two tips here one the empowered punch does not expire you can just block damage early on and then wait for the right opportunity to use it without having to worry the second tip is that blocking 100 damage actually resets the cooldown immediately that means you can engage with seismic slam punch an enemy hold your block up and then as soon as you block that 100 damage you can punch again whether that's to continue fighting or to escape orisa's new terra surge alt has a ridiculous hitbox range so you can jump off the map and pull enemies down with you you can also pull enemies off high ground like so or even pull enemies up from low ground so please don't underestimate its vertical range it's really good with reinhardt being able to cancel his charge now you can outplay the enemy rhyme by baiting a counter charge and then follow it up with a shatter when they don't expect it oh yeah and you can also shatter through little timmy on push maps for roadhog you can immediately cancel the hook with his ultimate so that the enemy is still pulled in then ends up eating more of the initial pellets of your ultimate for bigger burst damage you can also do this with a turn pole to force them into the corner it's important to pay attention to patch notes but in case you missed it overwatch two sigma had his rock buffed from 70 damage to 100 damage meaning you can now burst 200 hp heroes with the 100 damage rock plus 120 damage from his hyperspheres this was not possible in overwatch one in overwatch one a traditional winston burst combo was to leap into the air and then press melee just before you land to deal the 30 damage melee plus the landing damage with the addition of winston's new secondary fire ability in overwatch 2 that charges up a jolt of electricity a new powerful bread and butter combo is to charge it up while leaping in midair and then release it on your target on the way down then follow up with the melee plus landing combo dealing over 130 damage instantly if everything connects for ball the general tip of wall jumping to pile drive still works and is one of the best practical tips that you have to know if you're gonna play him against any wall roll towards it and then jump but as soon as you jump you need to press your movement key in the opposite direction away from the wall so here yidl was facing forward and then what he did was press s on his direction key and then that gave him enough height for the pile drive the nice thing about overwatch 2 is that there's also an indicator in the middle of your screen that lets you know when you're high enough for the slam knock up distance was increased in overwatch too allowing zarya to rocket jump into places she previously couldn't reach you can also double rocket jump by firing one directly above you and then using that first knock up when it lands in conjunction with the second one to go even higher and even cheekier spots to reposition whenever you go in or out of a scope shot from ash you can always chain a hip fire shot without animation penalty for some insane burst damage like so you can also go hip scope hip which has a similar fire rate to hip hip hip that deals more damage bastion's new ability a36 tactical grenade allows you to rocket jump to get into some cheeky positions to surprise your enemies here's a nice clip from siegel doing just that cassidy's new magnetic grenade has a bit of a timer before detonation and deals a lot more if you stick it on someone however it does give enemies time to react and counter it like with tracer's recall for example though if you need to get the instant explosion damage you need to throw it at its max distance in the air but make sure you don't throw it on the ground or else it'll get stuck this can be useful if you need the quick damage in a pinch or to finish someone off behind cover echo has invulnerability frames when duplicating so use that to your advantage and dodge enemy abilities one of the best general genji tips is to learn how to short dash in which you purposefully aim lower to hit the ground and stay close to your target it's really important to know how to do this during dragonblade because a lot of genji players mess this up by dashing way past their target and then turning around and realizing they're at a range for the slash also a bonus tip that probably won't make it out of beta is that you can actually escape cassidy's magnetic grenade with a dash yeah that's probably not intentional if you haven't played in a while here's a reminder hanzo's storm arrows can bounce once off walls as of january 2022 which got ported over to overwatch too so here's a cheeky bounce spot on route 66 in overwatch 1 you're free to weave in a concussion mine for extra burst dps as junkrat if you trap an enemy tank however junkrat's steel trap properties have changed in overwatch 2 where they're no longer rooted that means if you use the mine early in your combo you'll accidentally boop them out of it now so it's best to use the concussion mine for burst at the end of it to prevent that from happening maize ice walls won't break on certain geometry so during an escort or hybrid map you can place a maywall on a payload pushing through to things like the bridge on circuit royale or the tunnel in midtown giving sufficient cover and things like the bridge or the signs won't break them people still struggle to play pharah because they don't know how to fly forever so we're gonna settle this right now and go back to the basics to teach you once and for all the key is to just tap your hover to use a little bit of fuel let it slightly recharge use a bit more let it recharge and then you continue this process until your next jump check cooldown is available when you use the jump jet don't press your hover until it finishes boosting you up because that is the key to get that massive refill if you mess up you can also stall on rooftops and wait for your cool downs and to stay silent for a flank kill at the expense of not refilling your fuel reaper's dps got nerfed by 10 percent and his spread got nerfed by 33 percent meaning you have to get a lot closer to enemies and you would expect to deal the same amount of damage that you were used to from overwatch one you want to sneak up on flanks and don't want to open up with a shot too early and far away because that just gives them time to respond you want to get as close as you can and then fire away to minimize reactive cooldowns and then you should also try to reactively wraith to bypass an ecc sojourn can actually go higher than her default slide jump range with a new super jump tech press jump first then slide and then jump at the end to reach places you previously couldn't for soldier you can cancel the last bit of his reload animation with your sprint which is a really nice tip to help keep up his movement tempo and apm you can cancel it with helix rocket as well okay with sombra the new ping system is actually op with her normally when you ping a target the ping will follow them until they break line of sight making the icon go all shadowy however sombra's hack will reveal a target for 8 seconds so if you ping them as a sombra the icon will follow the enemy as long as the hack debuff stays on them this is really helpful for your teammates because now if they're not necessarily like looking at the hack target they can still see the pinged icon with that little small white directional arrow on their ui which is really really helpful information despite torb's turret not being able to shoot sombra out of a stealth hack symmetra's turrets can so if you place your turrets nearby and sombra attempts to hack while in stealth it'll immediately target her taking her out of invisibility and giving you some sort of like safety net and defense against her for torb the tip here is to remember that his primary fire changes the target of his turret's lock-on torb's turret will always try to focus the closest available target first however hitting a primary fire changes the turret's lock-on target as long as that enemy is in the turret's line of sight that's why you can effectively one shot a tracer if you land a headshot on her despite only dealing 140 damage here are a few tips for tracer's recall one you can animation cancel and melee with it where the damage comes out but you actually don't see it two you can use the recall to drop stickable projectiles as a gift back to the enemies such as bastion's a36 grenade cassidy's magnetic grenade echo sticky bombs and tracer's pulse bomb a lot of players jump in this game it's literally ingrained in you as an overwatch player and one of the best ways to improve your widow headshot game is to actually keep your crosshair steady and wait for someone to jump into them the over flicking stuff is really fancy and works for some but honestly it's inconsistent as hell one fantastic anna tip is to learn how to splash your grenades based on the map geometry and environment to land some big antis especially if they're running a shield tank try to splash it to the side or on the ceilings above them for baptiste just being a heal bot where you heal heal heal is incredibly inefficient there are two tempos you need to know first is the shoot heal shoot heal shoot heal which is much more efficient than the heel heel heel heel because it's the same thing but with that added dps like look at them side by side you lose no healing output but you're adding so much more damage value to your team the second tempo is the shoot shoot heal shoot shoot heal shoot shoot heal which is a slower overall healing tempo but it comes with increased dps and killing the damage threat makes your job as a support much easier for brig be much more conscious of your shield management and hold it up more often because of the new support roll passive that heals 15 hp per second if you get poked from long range you don't even need to trigger inspire anymore just let the passive do its thing for you for lucio there's two important settings you need to check the first is to turn on backwards wall ride to give you the ability to shoot back while skating around the buildings the second is that if for some reason this wall jump on release setting is off turn that ship back on immediately or else you're just gonna fall right down after every wall ride unless you manually buffer two jumps every time for mercy you need to know about the guardian angel slingshot by simply pressing jump at the end of your guardian angel to gain a lot of extra distance however you should also incorporate lateral movement to swing around corners to safety and utilize the one second buffer you get before your beam disconnects by quickly repeating your teammate like so for moira fade received a buff back in january of 2022 that allowed her to jump higher while using the ability this made fade jumping much easier and it opened up the ability to double fade jump by pressing jump again on a surface before the fade animation ends pretty cool stuff and finally for zen you can animation cancel his reload with a discord or harmony orb by timing it to the clap of his hand super easy to do and it certainly helps your apm and that's all for this one come over to my streams at twitch.tv car q lots of overwatch 2 content there and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: KarQ
Views: 323,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch 2, overwatch tips, overwatch 2 tips, overwatch 2 tips for every hero, overwatch 2 karq, overwatch 2 general tips and tricks, overwatch 2 beginners guide
Id: GDuBbOh0ODk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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