10 Nintendo Switch (and Switch Lite) Tips for New Owners

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so you just got your switch or switch light you've been playing some games but there's just a few things the many you haven't quite figured out yet no worries I got your back what's up guys thank you so much for stopping in I'm gonna make this a pretty quick one today but if you would before we get started do me a favor please leave a like on this video make sure you get subscribed also make sure you hit that Bell to be notified anytime a video goes live okay so I've got about 10 things I want to go over with you guys in the menu system of the switch I'll go ahead and leave timestamps below in case you want to skip to any of these but we're gonna go over them fairly quickly so let's just jump right in okay so the first quick thing I want to show you guys gonna do is how to put your switch into dark mode some people like to keep it in the light mode but me personally I don't like blinding myself when I turn my switch off in the darkroom and it also will actually save you a little bit of battery life too so what you want to do is come down here to the system settings all the way down here to themes and as you can see here you've got a basic black on basic white you're just gonna switch over to basic black there it is okay so the next one I want to show you is how to collect your points from physical games so when you buy a game in the eShop you automatically get points and they're saved there for whenever you want to use them to get discounts or if you have enough even a free game but when you buy physical games you actually have to go in and apply those points manually I'm gonna show you how to do that right now okay so I've got Link's Awakening in here and I know that I haven't got those points yet so what I want to do is hit the plus button [Applause] and then right there at the bottom it says my Nintendo Rewards program you're gonna hit a hey again and you're gonna pick who will receive the points [Music] and there you go hey one more time [Music] you got it okay so the next two I want to talk about are how to actually power your system off completely and how to pull up your Quick Menu I'll start with the Quick Menu all you have to do is hold down your home button now as you can see here you can put it into sleep mode or airplane mode and if it wasn't actually plugged into the dock there would be a few more options there one would be the screen brightness and the other is the volume and if you're on a regular switch you're actually going to be able to turn on and off your auto brightness from this menu as well the switch light doesn't have an auto dim feature so it's not gonna be on there for that so sleep mode is one way you can power down the system but if you want to fully power the system down to restart it and what you're gonna have to do is not to reach over here you want to hit the power button on the entire system and hold it down [Applause] [Music] then that will bring up this menu where you can also put it into sleep mode or you can go down here to power options you can restart the system you can turn it off or sleep mode from this menu to turning it off obviously is gonna turn it completely off restarting it will turn it completely off and then back on and sleep mode is just gonna obviously just put it to sleep okay something else you might need to know is where to find your friend code this is how you're gonna connect with other people to play online so what you want to do is come up here in the top corner pick the user and your friend code is actually gonna be displayed right here under the game you're playing so this is the number that you'll want to give to people if you want to play with them online there's other ways to find people that you know to play with like Facebook and a few other different things but this is probably gonna be the easiest just to send somebody this code another thing you may want to know is how to capture screen recordings now there is a capture button on the controller and on the switch itself if you press the button once it'll take a picture now I can't do it in the menu but I will go into a game and show you how fast okay so if you want to do a screen recording all you have to do is instead of just pressing the capture button you're gonna want to just hold it down saving successfully safe what that will do is actually record the last 30 seconds of whatever happened on screen so if there's a certain part of your game that you want to record or something cool happen so all you'll have to do is just hold that button down and it will automatically save it to the switch's menu I'll show you where that's at to you'll come down here to the album and you'll see right here there's our 30-second clip if you've got more than one person in your house playing on the same Nintendo switch it's probably a good idea to make everybody their own individual users I'm gonna show you how to do that right now so you're gonna come down here to system settings to users add new user close that from here you're gonna be able to create a new one pick an icon [Music] [Applause] Plus [Applause] [Music] that later as you can see now there are three instead of two and I'll show you where you can find those on your main menu you look up here in the corner now you can see there's a new one right there that says test and then the other two that were already there so if you already had a switch and you've just got a switch light as well there are a few things I want to help you guys out with - one is the cloud saves so to get to your cloud saves you want to come down here to system settings you wanna come down to data management right here to save data cloud and then so I'll come down here to a game and I'll just back something up okay so what you want to do is come down here to download save data it actually takes almost no time at all it's very very quick [Applause] as you can see it's already done so now all the data that I had actually over on my switch light is now on my regular switch - like I said in my switch light review I think this system is really bad but it's all we got right now okay so one more thing you might want to do if you have a switch and a switch light chances all you're probably gonna be taking your switch light on the go with you and leaving your regular switch in the dock so what you want to do is actually make your switch light your primary console if you don't make it your primary console every single time you try to play a digital game it's going to try to connect to the internet to see if you're allowed to play it so the workaround for this is making your primary switch the switch light and the secondary switch the home console that way the one at home will always look for the internet connection here and you won't have to worry about it while you're out with your switch light I'm gonna show you how to do that right now okay to make a switch your primary console you need to go down to the eShop okay so what you want to do once you're in the eShop is actually go over the little icon right there click on that now all your info is right here obviously I'm gonna blur all this out but you want to go over and go all the way to the bottom of this menu and you'll see here it says this console is registered as your primary console what you want to do is hit D register do you register it [Music] you're gonna enter your password which I'll do right now okay so you'll get this screen after that this console has been deregistered the next console you used to open the Nintendo switch a shop will register as the primary console so what you're gonna want to do is go to your switch light sign in to the eShop it will automatically set that switch as the primary console I got one last one for you guys if you want your switch to actually display the percentage of the battery that you have left let me show you how to do that what you're going to do is come down here to system settings all the way down to system and then you're gonna come down right here console battery percentage all you do is hit a and it is on so now you know you have 96 percent battery so that's all I got for you guys today if there's any other system settings that you want to know about please leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer your guys's questions as they come in and guys as always thank you so much for watching please leave a like on this video feel free to subscribe and we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Drip Media Gaming
Views: 101,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nintendo switch tips and tricks, nintendo switch cloud saves, nintendo switch power off, nintendo switch hacks, nintendo switch primary console, nintendo switch points for physical games, nintendo switch screen recording, nintendo switch 10 tips and tricks, nintendo switch deregister primary console, how to make nintendo switch lite primary console, nintendo switch hacks and tricks, nintendo switch lite tips and tricks, nintendo switch secrets, nintendo switch tips and secrets
Id: y9f4KWmlKu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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