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20 brand new dragons that you can get in minecraft today some of the dragons are elemental others are dinosaur dragons and there's even one with three heads i'm super hyped to get into this if you guys are too go ahead and gently drop kick the like button i'm not entirely sure how you'll do that gently but that's for you to figure out but without further ado let's get into the world of dragons so ladies and gentlemen for those of you that do not watch my second channel i'm not entirely sure what you're doing you need to go hop over to beckbro plays and subscribe right now but on that channel i did an entire dragon series on the world of dragons aka advanced dragons well funny enough this is the sequel obviously i don't need the tutorial i'm already a master of dragons so we're gonna skip it now the last map that i played had a ton of different dragons but this one takes it to the next level if you guys saw in the intro and you can see on the walls right now there are 20 different dragons that i am able to get the eggs of and then hatch and then grow them into absolutely massive dragons now some of them are dragons that i've actually tamed before so it looks like i'll need to do the entire process again but for example the chinese dragon i've never seen this there's a skeleton dragon look how sick that is and then we have the holy grail of all dragons the magma dragon now ladies and gentlemen if you would like to see more episodes i'm actually going to be uploading the rest of the series on my second channel beckbro plays so if you guys want to see me tame the rest of these dragons go ahead over to the second channel where the second episode is probably already live now it looks like right from the start i have a small dragon egg i'm gonna need your guys help naming all of these bad boys because there are 20. i can't think of 20 names i can maybe think of like three but we have a brand new system of how to hatch the dragons who plays down the egg and then we smash with a hammer i honestly don't think this is the best way but it works okay we have a dragon i need to make sure to tame it oh wait we can make it grow too okay i'm gonna name my first dragon binky i have no idea why he just he looks like a big old binky now that leaves 19 other dragons that you guys have to name by the end of today's episode i would love to tame another dragon all right binky i have no idea what my other little dragon things do let's see we have a color changer wait a second i can change binky's colors this is entirely new i love it wait a second i want binky to be blue he looks amazing my baby binky but blue dragon english is hard you will be the best binky boy the binkiest world has ever baked what am i saying now we also have a brand new weight tool so every time i right click on any of my dragons they should just hopefully wait for me until i get back he looks so cute ladies and gentlemen i'm loving this now is he max size already this guy is tiny over here we have a ton of different merchants we have a furniture dealer a resource trader a tool merchant you guys all look like twins are these like the 12 grumpy old men maybe they're like the nine old stooges let's see we have our dragon trader right here so our small dragon that we automatically just started with costed one big emerald the next dragon we can get is the runner dragon which cost three big emeralds i don't know about you guys but i have no clue what a big emerald is do you know do you you sell big emeralds oh my gosh he does okay so it's ten emeralds wait a second i could already get another dragon hold on yep we started out with ten emeralds we're gonna ah do we do it i don't know i have no equipment for my dragon binky boy right now let's see dragon equipment over here so yes we're definitely going to need to spend a few emeralds on a dragon saddle that's going to be super important so that i can actually ride on top of my dragon we can buy armor we could buy epic armor we could buy fire upgrades size upgrades damage upgrades speed upgrades it just needs to kick it deep my mind is exploding i have literally never been so excited to play through a map all right thank you boy here you go saddle up let's see if it worked so we're gonna hit you with the weight tool and yes yes i can fly let's go ladies and gentlemen this is epic okay let's see over here it seems like we have an entire teleportation library so at the moment i have zero different spots unlocked but i'm guessing if i come across them which are all over the world i should be able to unlock the different teleportation points so i can get around super fast sweet i found some good old-fashioned leather armor i practically look naked we might as well go ahead and get a glimpse of what the entire brand new world of dragons looks like whoa this place is massive so the last one that i played on was actually a bunch of different islands floating in the sky but it looks like all the islands have dropped down we even have like a giant winter mountain over there lil binky boy we got a lot of work to do pinky boy away is there a map of this place because i honestly i was gonna fly out in the world with binky boy and conquer it but i honestly have no idea where i should go let's go check out the marketplace so it looks like everything is detailed through signs in the entire world so that should make it a little bit easier to at least get around whoa sick okay so we have merchants all over the tiny little town what the heck is this is that supposed to be me guys i know you wanted to make a statue of me because i tamed all the dragons last time but i am not that ugly yo what's up look kid okay i'm gonna need you to go ahead and take down that statue and make a brand new one with me little kid okay i don't have time to mess around here you gotta do it oh wait a second ladies and gentlemen we found the arena this is a great spot to start training your dragons so let's see at the moment we should probably do easy difficulty because i only have binky boy and as much as i love him he is the worst dragon i'm sorry little bankster it's nothing personal i mean you're absolutely beautiful you're blue you just don't have the uh you know the muscle strength or the dragon strength to defeat a lot of orcs but don't worry i am a professional orc destroyer so i will help here we go the arena has started let's see pinky boy's abilities from the start okay so he actually does have fire well okay what is that that is brand new that is an orc dog what the heck bro this guy is insane now if you guys did not know every time you kill an orc they have a chance of dropping loot now loot is super useful you're able to trade it with different merchants in order to get your hands on better materials so that actually wasn't so bad let's make sure to feed up binky boy he actually did not take any damage whatsoever oh we have i've completely forgot little tiny baby dragons now these ones you really can't do anything with uh they kind of just fly around the entire world okay let's step it up a notch let's try medium difficulty oh we have archers this is okay hey okay pinky boys moving in nice for whatever reason i'm the tank today they all just go after me this dude has two axes brother stop it dude you literally run so stupid oh we got a big boy too thank you boy get the big boy i'll take out the crazy axe dude psycho has been annihilated thank you boy i'll leave the last guy to you minky boy yup just keep yep do it doing your thing bankster pink em up there you go you doing you're absolutely fantastical no binky voice so good this guy didn't even stand a chance and now for the moment of truth let's see if we can train on the hardest difficulty hey hey hey why is who just blew the horse oh my gosh we got a psycho again okay i only see this guy oh never mind we got the biggest binkster over there oh my gosh bro we have goblins too these flying dudes are crazy and this dude does an insane amount of damage bankster dude yup keep banking them i'm honestly so hype especially because binky boy is doing a ton of damage and this is supposedly the least powerful dragon so once i get my hands on the next few dragons that we should be able to tear through all of the dungeons dude this guy has a million health look at him take that trick that was like a ginormous chungus shrek oh sweet there was some loot in the center too oh nice we have an iron sword in this one all right little baby blue blinkster let's go ahead and check if with all of our brand new loot we can unlock a brand new dragon whoa i found a bow and arrow too okay here we go we have our loot collector so we can give him a bunch of loot for some emeralds and then we can give rare loot for one emerald a piece so now we have 14 emeralds which we can then use to get one big emerald and that officially means that we can go ahead and get another dragon egg now before i do that i need to make sure to get another saddle so that i can ride around on this dragon there we go one dragon saddle that leaves me with only one emerald that's okay though we have everything that we need in order to unlock never mind we don't i am so stupid sometimes i completely forgot ladies and gentlemen that to get the next dragon the runner dragon we need three big emeralds and then moving along to get these stegosaurus or no this is the snake dragon we need seven emeralds to get the paradise dragon we need 15 big emeralds that is 150 emeralds and then if we move down all the way to the final dragon which is the magma dragon we need a full stack of big emeralds that is 640. binky boy we did great but we have so much more to do oh sweet i got another emerald we're like one percent of the way there well that's okay i'm not super worried the arena is a great spot to kind of test out your dragon's abilities but the best way to get loot is to go ahead and find a dungeon or you can also just venture out into the world there's a ton of different areas and i'm sure because the world's even bigger than it was before there will be orcs everywhere there has to be something good up there you guys see those floating islands wait a second maybe there's a dungeon over here by this little tiny waterfall oh my goodness wait do you guys see those giant fish hold on let's see what we have oh we have the lake dungeon okay if i step inside let's see lake dungeon click to unlock yes now we have our first teleportation that is going to be so useful later on in the series to be able to teleport everywhere but i'm really curious about these fish let's see are these orc fish it looks like they kind of are let's see do they attack me okay no they're friendly fish but they might drop some loot but they did that's probably not the best way to get loot so let's go ahead and head into our first dungeon the lake dungeon thank you boy bankster little baby blue i need you come over here with me come on buddy come over here yo binky let's go what is happening what pinky what what what are you doing are you really that afraid kiss your little baby blue dragon butt in that dungeon look i got rotten flesh here you go follow me buddy come on i know you want it he's so cute okay here we go let's try on the easiest difficulty to see if we can beat it the lake dungeon has started okay we're gonna move in slowly steadily i'm really nervous binky thank you i thought he left me if we're gonna win this binky we have to stick together it is super smoggy down here i see our first ogres we have an ogre dog that's fine oh my gosh we have an ogre bat okay we have a little goblin this is okay i just need to make sure binky does not die i have to take most of the damage here i think he only has eight hearts oh my gosh we were tearing through these let's go okay we have the little orc dog that is literally the ugliest most smelliest thing i've ever seen in my entire existence what do these buttons do button is this button do anything oh my gosh this thing's running abby binky get him minky please thank you actually i don't want to thank you you barely did anything i need to be on the lookout too for secret chess if you guys notice that i miss anything in one of the episodes just be sure to leave a comment down below with a time stamp then i can come back later and check it out oh my gosh the deeper we go the more smog i literally can't see anything binky bank it come on come on body it's not that scary oh what is that what is that thing binky get it they get it they get it what what what what what what what what is that literally like a little ball mom oh wait a second binky boy i think he stunned it let's see if i can get it oh my gosh we did and we got a piece of rare loot let's make sure he's nice and healed he still is at full health he has lost zero health thus far that's okay we have a flying goblin we are gaining loot like crazy though now miles like not super worried at this point we are moving we are grooving i'm only worried about these giant orcs luckily binky boy actually attacked there so it made it 10 times easier i really wish i brought a pickaxe down here it looks like there's diamonds everywhere oh my gosh we have to go even deeper let's get it i'm so hyped right now i'm not stopping they're literally doing nothing to me they're actually it looks like they're fighting each other i also need to make sure i don't accidentally hit binky i don't know if i can do that but i definitely do not want to find out don't worry we still have a ton of health my armor is doing an amazing job right here of protecting me from all the different attacks this has to be the end of the dungeon right oh my gosh it definitely is we have the boss okay hey pinky uh let's go regroup up here that dude does not look friendly at all oh my gosh i ran out of arrows binky's hiding though they didn't see him wait no is he hiding from me hey okay thank gosh get him boy i really could use another dragon here that would take some of the attention off of me this guy is massive bro and he hits like a giant fire truck never mind that dude was trash whoa sick he dropped a diamond and a ton of rare loot it looks like there's still oh my gosh we have these little dudes that explode on impact i need to make sure to keep them at bay if i kill them too i also get extra loot okay we got one of the psychos we have one to big boy get out of here you little big boy shrek out here little donkey oh my gosh no this is a donkey this is like a lord of the rings warg oh no no do not explode oh nice one binky okay otto he's safe oh never mind right on cue that dude just kamikazed me that was close that was the closest i have come to dying yet this place is disgusting dude how do the orcs live down here wait did i get it yes teleport back to start and we unlocked a diamond pickaxe and a golden apple too thinking my little boy i think we have completed the first dungeon let's see am i able to mine these oh my gosh i am now i'm not entirely sure if i'm able to sell these but if i can that would be super useful let's go i was able to locate the diamonds and now we should be able to craft our very own diamond sword one dungeon down ladies and gentlemen i believe there are five others to go now there has to be something up here in these floating islands that i can at least use i don't see anything over here other than a mob spawner these things are great you can kind of just camp it and then kill anything that comes out of it oh hey dude where'd you come from little dude stop a little tiny man oh sweet we have a chest we have a fishing rod i don't really plan on ever going fishing binky looks like we have to go higher oh we have more of the orc dogs oh my gosh i just trapped myself in a corner bad idea we should be okay look binky's acting as a body shield there you go buddy you're doing absolutely fantastic just keep doing what you're doing i will stand back here like a coward with my beautiful sword and slice away oh my gosh we have a running whoa i managed to find a ginormous lake on the top of the tallest island oh hey dude how you doing nice to see you pinky get him i don't know if being in the water is the best approach here but he he seems to know what he's doing maybe he's trying to like camouflage okay i'll leave that one up to binky now let's see there has to be something here oh there's definitely something we have ogres everywhere do not try to snipe me oh my gosh it just led me over here to all of the orc dogs thank you now's your time to shine i see you up there dude i will slice off your toenails i sliced off his toenails it looks like this is some old abandoned structure normally that means that there's been loot left behind at the very least there are spawners everywhere and it looks like we actually have a chest over here with this spawner yes there we go we have another emerald whoa hey dude how you guys doing we can all just get along you know we don't have to fight each other oh oh oh my gosh i'm surrounded what did i just walk into wait a second do the orcs have their own versions of dragons or are those just like flying goblin creatures hold on let's take out this spawner over here while we still have a chance or maybe not i desperately need to get back and make a diamond sword oh my gosh these things do not stop coming that means that there has to be something valuable around here no no no no don't you do it he did it now you're going to pay for it and he paid with his life oh we have a cat binky do not attack the baby cat and the mama cat oh my gosh why are they right here i'm gonna accidentally hit them with my sword let's go check out this tower pinkie's already moving right in i need to stand right at the ledge so that they can't hit me even though they're still hitting me a little bit i could really use like a bomb or tnt right about now it is so dark in here too i need to get rid of the spawners asap come on i'm trying to push through ladies and gentlemen it's so difficult okay i got in we'll take out this boner first the spawner next don't hit me dude really i'm watching you wind up your shot okay my sword is about to break it looks like there is a ladder system all the way up to the top of the tower oh my gosh we have a secret chest with a fire upgrade that is so sick and also an enchantment book now as much as i love binky i feel like i should probably save the fire upgrade for a better dragon or at least a stronger more powerful one okay before we get swarmed again binky we gotta get the heck out of here whoa we have a boss work this is perfect this drops so much loot and of course right on cue my sword breaks not okay not okay at all i only have a stone sword are you joking this is what happens i'm gonna get flung off of this island please don't uh or or not or that dude was actually just really bad oh no no don't fall down he uh he's 1 000 dead we should be able to make a crafting bench just so i can get my hands on a diamond sword that's going to be super useful especially because i'm working with only a stone sword right about now oh we have a trap door down here oh my gosh we have so many arrows yes yes yep don't mind me just gonna take all of these diamond boots as well it does not get any better and no no yup i'm slow dying here we are back in the dragon kingdom now all i have to do is go ahead and see if i maybe have enough to get my hands on another dragon here you go take all my loot i'll exchange you for some beautiful emerald we also have some rare loot as well which gives us 40 emeralds total wait a second never mind no we have more 48. okay now we can transition all of these into big emeralds we have five big emeralds total i don't know about you guys but i think that means we can get either the runner dragon or the green dragon now i've already had the green dragon named boogers so i think i'm going to go for a brand new runner dragon uh that'll give us two big armors to spend on a future dragon let's do it in three two one new dragon okay now i should just have to place it down right here that dragon egg looks so cool we'll get out our handy dandy dragon hammer and now we just smash it so don't know if this is the best method but it seems to work now we'll feed you a ton of rotten flesh boom this guy got massive okay wait a second do we have the saddle we do and now let's plot that on you and now we officially have the runner dragon now this guy is definitely quick i'll leave it up to you guys to have some name suggestions ready for this runner dragon but ladies and gentlemen that is going to wrap it up for episode one episode two will be going up on my second channel backpro plays if you guys haven't already go ahead check that channel out smash the subscribe button and turn on all notifications so you guys do not miss out we have 18 other dragons left to tame i am super excited i hope you guys are too that is going to wrap it up though my name is bec bro dragon master jack and i will hopefully see you guys all back again here very soon for episode two peace out dudes [Music] well ladies and gentlemen i hope you guys did enjoy it be sure to go ahead and subscribe to my second channel i i think this button in the middle should take you there hopefully or it'll take you to my main channel either works
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,318,152
Rating: 4.940701 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dragon minecraft mod, minecraft dragon, dragon breeds, dragon breeding, minecraft dragon egg, minecraft baby dragon, baby dragon, baby dragon egg, dragon mounts, hatch ender draogn egg, how to train your dragon, adopted baby dragons in minecraft, Minecraft baby dragons, baby dragon mod in minecraft, dragons, training pet dragons, pet dragons, breeding dragons, ice dragon, fire dragon, ender dragon minecraft, dragon eggs, beckbrojack, beckbrojack dragon
Id: M8zHT3jCC8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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