Minecraft But There Are Custom Cookies...

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this jungle is really huge wait what are these i've never seen these before these must be a part of the new update we got a slimy cookie a chunky cookie there's a diamond cookie i gotta try this oh my god this is minecraft but with custom cookies these custom cookies are really weird but extremely overpowered can i eat cookies in order to beat minecraft watch until the end to find out and also leave a like if you like cookies and also if you're like me and absolutely love cookies go ahead and leave a like three two one i gotta eat a cookie before i do this [Music] and go okay ladies and gentlemen so in today's video we are able to get custom cookies but in order to find them we need to go to a jungle and find the brand new super cookie tree first things first though uh we're gonna need to figure out how to speak around minecraft because i'm not really much of a speedrunner as i'm sure you guys probably know so we're gonna get the little boopy crafting table we're gonna go ahead and get some sticks we're gonna go over here and bonk some more wood so we can actually get some tools we're gonna go ahead and get the poor man's pickaxe and i guess we really don't even need to go ahead and get a a sword and look at that ladies and gentlemen we actually got lucky today it's probably because i ate cookies and you guys probably left tons of likes on today's episode oh this is perfect we're gonna have so much food and no way wait do you guys see that right in the distance we have jungles wait hold up that means we can literally go directly to the jungle and start trying to find the super cookie tree so some of these cookies can be made out of blocks some of them can be made out of mobs and i believe some of them are just extremely overpowered there's over 10 different cookies that we can find and in today's episode i'm going to get all of them which is going to help us beat minecraft super fast or at least that's the idea why are there so many villagers here what are they doing they're unionizing back to your homes everybody back that's right i'm the mayor of this town this is now cookie town yo do you sell any cookies all right everybody in this town you guys are all dead i will have to show them the ways of the cookie ladies and gentlemen they're young and ignorant they have no idea what they're missing out on we should probably be collecting the beds as well i know for a fact every speed runner that i watch does that and then they use it to defeat the ender dragon when i first started watching speedrunners i thought that they were collecting the beds for like a giant sleepover slumber party and then i quickly realized that the enderdragon really hates beds oh we also got some extra food too i probably went a little bit overkill but that's okay ladies we're going to go ahead and bing bong boop we got ourselves a stack of bread let's get a little bit more there we go okay now we have a stack and a half of bread so i really should not go hungry but ladies and gentlemen in today's episode i really don't plan on eating too much bread we're gonna go venture over into the jungle but i will take the one extra bread that i found in this chest i see it ladies and gentlemen okay so right there those things are the super cookie cocoons they're kind of like cocoa beans except they should drop either cookies or the super cookies i'm not entirely sure how rare it is but we're gonna try it out in three two one all right we got a normal cookie i'm okay with that i love cookies so i mean normal cookies will do the trick but that's not really what we're looking for we're looking for super overpowered cookies oh we got one the chunky cookie let's try it out in three two one oh what [Laughter] look at my hearts though wait i have five extra rows of hearts what so short look at my head what is happening this is amazing okay so i have the chunky effects every single cookie is going to give me a special effect and i believe it only lasts for 60 seconds so my plan today ladies gentlemen is to figure out exactly what every single cookie does and then collect as many of them as possible and then i can actually like use them in battle in combat the chunky cookie even though it makes me look like a big chungus i think it's going to be pretty useful later on the only problem is when you mine normal cocoa beans you just get the regular cocoa beans and you can't really craft these custom cookies but these super cookie spawners have a higher chance of spawning on these random super cookie trees so let's see if we can get some more so if i'm about to die i can just munch on the chunky cookie and then i'll gain a lot of extra hearts oh super cookie no i'm just getting normal cookies i never thought there would be a day where i was sad to just get normal cookies normally i'm really excited okay oh we got a taming cookie what does this one do okay normal cookie come on come on super cookie we got a flash cookie the taming cookie has a bone going through it so i feel like i should probably use it around wolves we'll save this one for later but i really want to test out what happens when i eat the flash cookie in three two one this is crazy oh my goodness wait what and i get it for 60 seconds where i get instant mining oh i need to use this at some police house okay okay hold on oh we're gonna jump over here we're gonna go over into the jungle we can use this to collect a lot of different materials let's say oh my fist okay okay so it doesn't really work but i can use the the wooden pickaxe in order to mine it so i i have instant mining but i need to make sure i have the right tools oh this is dope ladies don't i just i just accidentally broke my wooden pickaxe because it wasn't strong enough i need more flash cookies wait a second oh i see more i see more super cookie spawners oh my gosh we just got a whole bunch more i'm way too fast for my own good there we go there we go we're gonna jump up here we got ourselves the thanos cookie all right that one i feel like i should probably save until i am in grave danger what is this one was it okay we got ourselves a super cookie uh normal cookie bra can we stop getting normal cookies okay we ran out of the flash ability that thing is so overpowered the instant mining is going to be super useful later on let's see oh we got a slimy cookie a creeper cookie and another flash cookie we're gonna have this in our back pocket i am extremely tempted to eat the creeper cookie i have just a slight feeling that it's not gonna go too well for me wait we have something called the chili cookie well every single time i've had chili in my life it normally does not work out well when it comes out so oh okay all right i maybe am causing a forest fire this was literally the worst spot that i could have eaten that chili cookie i'm also dying it doesn't give me any fire resistance so okay i'm eating the creeper cookie i'm doing it creeper cookie i can't i didn't even eat it okay luckily i think i found all of my stuff i also realized yeah i caused a forest fire and i'm not proud of myself we're gonna act like that never happened ladies and gentlemen we're gonna keep running through the jungle looking for cookies because that's really just more fun than dealing with a forest fire cookie yes what is this oh creeper cookie again i don't know if i want to try out that we got another chili cookie let's go ahead and test out this super cookie in three two one okay we have particle effects we have something called super um i feel like i should punch something hello there squid come here oh oh okay i insta-kill things or at least i insta-kill a squid wait let's go try this out on the golem we only have it for 26 more seconds studies done we need uh we okay we don't need the flash cookie but what we're going to do is we're going to try to block him yes let's go i have too much power oh crap i lost it hello there villager do you want me to read you a bedtime story there was once a boy named beckbro jack he loved cookie so much there was one day where he found a creeper cookie out in the jungle it looked really delicious and green so he decided he would eat it did i wait what happened i have an ability called creeperisma well i i still look like a normal person what happens if i hit this button i found out what happens when you hit that button okay but good it looks like i kept my inventory i just realized dude we haven't tried up the slimy cookie i don't really want to become slimy but i'll try it oh why did i not bounce look at it look at it as soon as my body came back down it literally squished into a slime block this actually might be the world's largest jungle there has to be so many super cookies here would you chill bro do you not i'm i'm going to eat you i'm really i'm going to eat my chunky cookie and then i'm going to okay that's not working let's go ahead let's try to do the thanos cookie in three two one that's what you get for shooting me especially when i'm looking for cookies like literally if i had that ability if in real life if somebody was trying to talk to me while i was eating cookies and i could just eat a thanos cookie and they would just disappear mr stark i'm not feeling so good i might actually do it i mean sure i would think about it obviously like it depends what kind of cookie i'm eating and how hungry i am but here's what i'm thinking ladies and gentlemen i need to get either a super cookie or a thanos cookie and then i can use that on the ender dragon or i could just go ahead and here's a crazy idea use the ender dragon cookie that i just got on the ender dragon there's a lot of options ladies and gentlemen and a lot more cookies to find let's go ahead and eat ourselves a flash cookie just so we can punch our way to victory oh i see a special cookie tree oh there's no super cookies i've been debated ladies and gentlemen i got clickbaited give it to me come on come on come on super cookie okay i got another uh one that i can tame animals with i'm slowly breaking minecraft ladies and gentlemen we're breaking the game cookies let's go yes we got another diamond cookie uh okay we're gonna eat the diamond cookie here what does this do i turn into a diamond block and i get diamond skinned oh my god okay he's still doing a lot more damage than i thought he would be and i get super speed too it's not as fast as the flash but i think i i actually i like turned into scappy oh let's go i found a bunch of wolves over here let's try to eat the taming cookie did i do it yo they're my friends i actually just tame them what wait can they can they attack for me yes they can okay so i think they're just like normal wolves fun fact ladies and gentlemen wolves cannot have cookies so i can't feed them any of these bone cookies i'm pretty sure it's because they have chocolate so just yeah don't ever do that but whenever i eat the taming cookie it seems like it automatically tames anything around me that could be tamed oh and i also seen enderman over there okay i think maybe i go close and then i use the thanos cookie let's try ladies gentlemen in three two one yo oh it blew up all my wolves and it blew up everything else wait did i just get stuck that was literally the worst possible thing that could have happened ladies and gentlemen this is why i don't i don't deserve the thanos cookie i didn't even get the ender pearls it they got blown up that was just a waste it's been about five minutes and i've been going around the jungle collecting all of the super colorful amazing cookie things and i think at this point i've collected every single cookie that there is to collect so now we're gonna go ahead and break minecraft with the custom cookies let's go ahead and make ourselves an upgraded iron pickaxe and then we're gonna go over here and we're gonna make sure that we tame this cat please tell me works did i get it are you my kitty no okay it maybe possibly only works on dogs but now what we're gonna do is go ahead and eat the flash cookie and then i can literally just mine until i find diamonds or maybe some sort of cavern oh my goodness this is so overpowered let's go i broke my pick i didn't even think of that well i can at least mine my way with my fist i'm not going to collect anything useful but that's okay as long as i don't mind diamonds that's you know it'll at least be a victory okay i found quite a bit of iron right there and i also hear a cavern someplace over here we have to make the most of all of these different cookies flip dude okay now we can go ahead and make a cobbler pickaxe we'll grab all this iron we can finally go ahead and craft a furnace and then i'm thinking we're going to waste one of my super cookies to destroy everything on the other side of this wall and yoink bonk bop boop oh we have two creepers bop beep oh hello there you try to come from the sky no super cookie man destroys you from this guy no where are those sweet sweet diamonds at ladies and gentlemen and we can officially craft ourselves an iron chest plate and a shield too we'll upgrade our poop pickaxe to an actual iron pick and now we can use our flash cookie to start mining for diamonds why did that do so much damage that's why you don't need a flash cookie and dig straight down oh would you look at this ladies and gentlemen we got a mob spawner go go go go go get back stop stop stop okay okay we're going for diamond cookie diamond skin that'll make it so that it makes it really difficult for them to kill me and i'm also made of diamonds it looks really cool oh we got a golden apple nice what i really need though is diamonds even though my entire body's made out of diamonds right now i still have yet to find any luckily i have the flash cookie and this time i'm just gonna be a tad bit more careful about it this might be the most satisfying thing to ever do in minecraft oh yes we got it ladies gentlemen okay i need to go ahead and upgrade my pickaxe because the flash cookie is great but it also tears through any pickaxe you use yes yes yes okay now we can use this to go straight to the end dimension uh once i'm there all i'll need to do is use the thanos cookie or the super cookie and then the ender dragon is dead we made it back to the surface okay next up we have to find oh hello there okay okay okay we're gonna engage this dude because we need ender pearls come on come on come on come on there you go did we get one come on come on come on debbie no we didn't drop one that's okay ladies and gentlemen we should be able to use a lot of our cookies later on in order to get ender pearls super fast oh i hear lava okay it's right under here that is the most awkward spot but i think i can work with it all we need to do is just get one water bucket and then i can use the flash cookie in order to quickly mine up all of the obsidian there you go that's right cool off lava ah so satisfying okay next up we're gonna eat the flash cookie and we actually need to be a little bit careful here because i'm not entirely sure if all the lava turned to water or i mean obsidian so we're just gonna try to boop it a boop boop okay okay there we go please don't be lava please go okay okay so we have a little bit of lava here honestly not the worst thing in the world we're able to mine it up really really fast i already have 16 obsidian that should be enough i just realized i do not have one piece of iron in order to get the flame steel so we're going to go back down here we can quickly mine up the one iron that is just coincidentally sitting right there for me plop down the furnace get the coal in there get the iron in there and then we need a flint hey mr skeleton you wouldn't happen to know whether flint is do you no okay you die oh wait a second ladies gentlemen i just realized i can go ahead and use the chili cookie okay we're gonna start building this thing i always build it one too high but today i won't i stand corrected well i mean all right it should work we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna use the chili cookie there we go come on please tell me this works it's gonna burn me a little bit but let's stand on it yo it did and now i'm just gonna run in the water because i don't feel like dying yo what are these villagers talking about are they talking about me yeah shut up and we're good okay let's go go go go go and we're going inside i also just realized we haven't tested out the ender dragon cookie at all i don't know if it can make me fly or if it just gives me some different dragon abilities and what is this like the worst spawn i've ever gotten in my life let's make sure we have the slimy cookie out just in case anything bad happens and i end up falling really deep i'm eating this slimy cookie now i don't really know what else to do we're just gonna fall oh okay so if i don't press anything right oh my gosh please work okay so i can't press space as i'm falling i'm also starting to realize that i might be trapped here it looks like by the y value i'm super deep already so i need to kind of dig my way out and cool we made it slimy cookie do your thing oh my gosh i gotta be careful with that [Music] this is great we need to keep bopping around until we find either another fortress or one of those blue biomes i know that the endermen spawn there pretty frequently oh there it is okay so we have at least the fortress i see the blazes i really wish one of these cookies made me fly because that would make this process ten times easier oh my gosh i just got sniped no no no okay okay uh while we're here we should probably eat the super cookie or at least have it at the ready and also the chunky cookie i am chunky i just i just realized too it makes me like really slow oh wait maybe that's the soul sad i'm not really sure let's do this ladies and gentlemen zero blaze rods there's a play spawner over here let's go ahead and eat our super cookie and let's get him oh baby you guys do not know who you're messing with it's super cookie bro jack got him we got our first blaze rod ladies and gentlemen but the only problem is i think i maybe ran out of super cookies we still do have the thanos cookie and the ender dragon cookie that i'm not really sure what it does so hopefully that'll be enough that should be enough ladies and gentlemen we have 21. now we just need to get ourselves the ender eyes oh i see our first enderman hello sir can i have the pearl of ender pretty please thank you chop the knees tap the knees yes we got our first one only like 12 more to go okay i managed to get 14. so let's go ahead and turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and then we can combine that to get the eyes of the ender now the only thing that we have to do is find the end dimension portal go through and then snap by eating a thanos cookie and hopefully that kills the ender dragon where we gotta go wait are we here oh no wait so okay we gotta go this way okay it's right underneath here this is a good opportunity to use our flash cookie i'm really nervous to dig straight down so we're gonna do a little bit of a spirally staircase yep this is definitely effective oh i see it oh no way i'm eating my diamond cookie that was close wait in the portal it's literally right there oh no way okay we need to break this and not accidentally break the portal because i feel like i could do that with my current flash abilities where i break everything and anything let's see if we have enough i think we should okay let's go one two three four five six seven eight and before i do that let's go ahead and we're gonna get ourselves our thanos cookies before i jump in i'm eating a chunky cookie and also the dragon cookie i wonder what it does oh oh my gosh it actually just pushed me in oh this is the worst pawn ever we need to we need to go up fast we've made it ladies and gentlemen okay luckily i lost my flash abilities i'm still bec bro chunky but i need to get close enough to the ender dragon and then we're gonna try to eat the thanos cookie to kill it i need to somehow get a detention i'm gonna try to shoot my own dragon balls i don't even know wait can i maybe hit the end crystals with these come on come on i did but i don't think it does anything i need to somehow get close to the ender dragon i don't know if i can lure it down without taking out all the end crystals this is the funniest way to fight we're going for it ladies and gentlemen oh no it's so fast it has to be close enough to me when i eat it in order for the thanos effect to work okay it's coming around now i'm gonna try to eat it three two one no we killed everything else but that i might need to build up to one of these obsidian pillars and then i can maybe get close enough it's a risky business ladies and gentlemen but i'm a risky guy come on you big ugly come on yo what wait where'd the ender dragon go but i still hear it but i wait it exploded where i broke it we just broke minecraft wait i'm actually really confused what am i supposed to do now the ender dragon is just gone i don't see it it exploded wait wait wait can we get like an instant replay because i swear it exploded wait it just it killed me no way well ladies and gentlemen i hope you guys enjoyed i don't think i can kill an invisible ender dragon huh so we're gonna wrap it up there if you guys do want to see some more minecraft butt challenges smash like with a cookie also hit that subscribe button lately youtube has been unsubbing people so if you think that you're not subscribed you should probably subscribe that is going to wrap it up my name is beckbro cookieman i'm actually going to go eat a lot more cookies to make me feel better and yep i'll see you guys next time peace out dudes [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,693,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, cookie, minecraft but, minecraft custom, op, op minecraft, minecraft challenge, mods, minecraft mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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