10 MUST HAVE LIGHTING MODS for the SIMS 4 (Gshade / Reshade NOT required for these!)

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hey everybody it's savy that simmer and today's video I'm going to be going over some amazing lighting mods so with the Sims 4 we do have a lot of lighting mods and of course we have a wonderful g- shade which you guys most of you guys already know I love to create g- shade presets I do photography in my real life so creating presets is so much fun for me but we still need to think about people that can't necessarily download gshade or they have a Mac because I don't know if you are aware or not but Mac computer users can't use gshade or re-shade so it's really unfortunate for them and I still get a lot of comments and questions people asking me if they can use that in their game and unfortunately no as of right now as I'm aware that they cannot so I decided to make a video for those of you that cannot use g- shade for whatever reason that may be and just use these lighting mods that will completely enhance your game and just make it feel so much more brighter beautiful and just it adds a little bit of pop of color and makes it fun in your game I can't wait to show you what I have but I really hope these help you out and I know that not everyone has access to everything so I just really hope this helps out someone in the YouTube world so this video might be a little bit of a shorter video not super in- depth like I normally do I just wanted to go through this video and make it as simple as possible for you guys to see and some mods I already have in my game so you may not be able to tell the difference but I will go through their website so you guys can find where they're downloaded at so this is the mod that I'm currently using this is brand new this is in my current game and I'm obsessed with it it is so beautiful and this is the Cass volume 6 lighting mod and as you can see this is the EA version so very very plain very boring like look at her face like you can see there's not really like a lot of Dimension and then if you go over we have some more Dimension this is volume a here and this is more of just a white light this one is a red one we have a more like pinkish tones but as you can see this one here we have blue and then we have red and it has more of like a blue tint I think I have D let me see which one I have I'm pretty sure I'm using e here or it could be F or it could be G oh my gosh I'm pretty sure it's G or F cuz mine kind of has like a green tone but I just love the way it looks in my game like it definitely like makes things a lot more fun and I'll just show you what they look like on the website so here are the color variants and you can really tell the difference this is EA so there's absolutely nothing on your sim at all and then this is the first version a and um yeah it just it looks so much better having this and I honestly I just think it looks really cool for screenshots too and it just makes your sim pops then we're back in the game I I wanted to show you guys the fact that you can see the C lighting mods still on your Sim on their icon which I think is really cool if you guys have been watching my stuck in strangerville LP you may have noticed that I have my sim like juny and Nick and it's been surrounding them even here in the relationship panels even animals even Sims this next one is better in-game lighting mod by Northern Siberia winds and this one I used to use all the time before I had gshap in my game when I first started playing The Sims 4 I was using a Mac so now that I have my own PC it's much better so I'm really grateful for that but here is the Max's lighting so this is the default so this is game lighting so this one is not C so just keep that in mind as well this one will enhance your game and it'll make it look so much prettier so here's what it's going to look like and then this is just the default lighting and then as you can see here on this you can actually pick three different variants which is nice this one is called the bright base and then this one is the bright saturated if it was me I would probably go for more of this one just so just that way your Sims don't get whitewashed with this bright pale but that's just me and I like try to keep in mind skin tones but all of these are really beautiful so that is nice that you can use these mods without having to have g- shade bright base you also have an average base here and then the dark base so these are still really pretty too though I highly suggest using this I used to use it all the time before I got g- shade in my PC I'm also going create a patreon post and Link all of these for you guys so that way it's nice and organized and in one place for you guys next up is another lighting mod that you guys can use for Cass and I love the one that I just showed you guys but this is also another one too that I used to use as well and this one's called citylight there's also a torch light one and you can just see how it highlights the back of the Sim here and it just really brings your sim to life I used to use this one all the time I'm pretty sure I used either this neutral lighting or this this torch light one but here is an example of it so I'm pretty sure it was City Light That I Used to use I really like that one a lot and then the neutral light I liked but I feel like this one here was a little bit or maybe it was City like torch light I think it actually might have been this one here because I liked how there was like Shadows on your Sims but then like her face was still bright and this one is like kind of reminded me of EA still um but this is the default here and then City Light and then as you can see all of these different ones add like different varant CH to your sim and Cass like it just gives your sim different lighting features obviously but I just like that each one has its own difference with it and it's kind of fun too cuz you can always switch it out and play around with it if you like and I did use to use this one like I said so highly suggest this one as well and again I will make sure to link this one for you guys but you could do a simple Google search if you'd like to but I know links are nice so I'll make sure to do that for this one but this one was one of my favorites it was one of my OG Che so the C lighting mod that I showed you for volume 6 is the current one that I'm using and this one is volume 4 you could get this one as well if you didn't want all the bright lighting behind your sim and I'll show you guys the example so this is the EA so it's kind of flat and then this one enhances Shadows I personally like B and C the most probably B because it kind of creates the shadow behind the Sim on the Sim's face and I just like that depth it feels like there's more depth to your Sims faces and their features so I definitely feel like this is a good option if like I said you didn't want the one I showed you first if you didn't want to have all the lighting behind your sim um this one is great because it's just about lighting and shadows so highly suggest this one and on the website it actually gives you a little example here so here's a b c and d um absolutely love this this one is beautiful top tier and like look at the difference between the EA one like the EA one is so plain so so plain next up on the list is going to be another Cass lighting mod by Northern Siberia winds this one is a light version so it's not going to be anything extreme it's just gentle um I believe this one is called gentle lighting but here's the EA so as we can see it's more flat again and here's the lighting so it just kind of gives it a more like softer look as you can see more like kind of fine tune it almost reminds me of like airbrush you know like the airbrush apps um here's before and here's after so again before after and it's nice because it gives it a g- shade effect without having gshade or re-shade in your game so again here it is back to back so this one is with nothing with no C lighting and then this is C lighting so yeah I mean it makes such a big difference and it's honestly so beautiful and I love the fact that simmers that don't have access to you know stuff like that they have these options which is really nice next up on the list is another Cas lighting mod this is the golden light one and this one's so cute too because I like the golden effect I love this one as well and this is one that I used to use personally again before I got g- shade and I like it because it just adds a nice warm Hue to it so here is the C default and then here is the Golden Light like look at that difference guys it is so beautiful it's so so pretty and yeah again like you can totally get close to having a g- shade preset in your game and Cass with this liing mod like obviously you don't have it but at least you can kind of get similar effects to it so I love this one this one's so pretty and just like look at the difference it's so bright and colorful and just really makes your sim pop and your game pop next up on the list is going to be milk thistle and this is by softer Haze and softer Haze has a current mod that I currently have in my game that is newer and I'm using that currently I'll get to that one next but this one here is what I used prior to using that one and this one is called um like I said milk thistle and just look at the difference here and this is a lighting mod so you again don't have to have dhade you don't have to have reshade so it's so nice for those of you that don't have access to that I know already said that but I just want to reiterate like the difference between like how beautiful this is it's so pretty so this supposed to be Britton Bay with milk thistle over here and then as you can see just look at the difference it is so gorgeous so so incredible and I just love all the beautiful warm Hues that it adds and like look at the difference right here of this house like you can see in the trees the trees are way more vibrant it's just gorgeous I love it here's another one of dolil valleys so in here again look at the difference it's so warm and so [Music] beautiful and here is tarsa with it it's so pretty I just love it and then here's hper on baggley at 12:00 p.m. apparently but yeah you guys can just see the difference of how gorgeous it is it's a very soft Hue and it just makes your game add some color um that was like severely lacking so I love it highly suggest this one again I used to use this one all the time I stopped using it once I learned about about gshade um it just gshade does it for me I don't necessarily need it um these other mods but obviously they do make your game beautiful but G just helps me create this option without having all these other extra lighting mods in but I will go ahead and show you one that I absolutely use no matter what if I do have g- shade in or if I don't and I'll go ahead and show that one to you now so next up on the list may be a mod that you guys have already heard of but Lumia makes these really beautiful mods that help your game not look so dark so it's called no glow and then they also have a no blue effect too so if you look at this Maxis here with the lights off you can kind of see over here I'm going to move my mouse because it dims it once I put it over it but as you guys can see on the left here with the Max's version without the mod in there it creates like a blue version like it has a blue hue to it automatically and then over here on the right here you can see with the no blue it adds a more like normal version to it if that makes sense so like the Hues are more saturated and it's not as blue um that's the best way I can describe it so and then if we look at this one here Maxis and then no blue and no blue glow um I personally here's another one with the lights so this one here is with the lights on and as you can see again it's it's hovering so I don't want to mess it up but um okay here we go that's easier so over here Maxis has the lights or they have the lights on here and then Maxis so you can see the difference it's a big difference like look how dark Eliza looks and then over here Eliza looks much more saturated and more to her normal appearance and then here's outside as well so Max's version is very saturated when they're outside it's it's just it doesn't look good it's like very highlighted and then over here with the no blue glow and the no blue you can tell the difference like look how more subtle it is it's a lot more true to her appearance like like before so the new glow is a 2.1 version they did update that because they didn't want them to look overexpose so I highly suggest downloading the no Blue version two and then the no blue so it's called No blue so it gets rid of the Blue version and then no glow so your sins aren't going to be glowing and then you don't have a blue hue I've been using this before I had g- shade and now after g- shade it makes the biggest difference in my game highly suggest I never ever do not have this in my game so I'm telling you it makes the biggest difference normally in the past I've just had G shade in my game and then these two mods here no glow and no blue so it just makes the biggest difference you guys it's beautiful I love it there's nothing else to say you have to have it in your game next up on the list is also by softer Haze this one is called sunblind this made the biggest difference in my game it's a very subtle difference but it also is so beautiful and I feel like it's definitely needed again you don't have to have gshade or re-shade to have these features in this mod it says that it's more realistic daytime lighting and less blue than EA's default and still somewhat is saturated but better to emulate light bouncing unlike no blue mods which entirely desaturate daytime lighting and shadows so the fact that I still do have blue no blue mod in my game and sunblind now it just gives it a more realistic effect which is nice so here is sunblind it's again very subtle but it creates shadows and the best way I can describe that is is what I've noticed in my game and now we're in game and just the best way to show you guys an example is this for for sunblind from what I've noticed cuz I just recently had it in everyone's ranted and raped about it they talk about it all the time how beautiful it is and like it's just so needed and I agree with you it is because here is a shadow over here and I do have my Shadows on like in my settings like in this panel like up in here in my game but with the mod like it just adds Shadows like this like from what I've noticed I could be crazy but that's the that's what I've noticed in my game and also sunrises and sunsets too make the biggest difference in my game and let me just turn off my g- shade so you guys can see um the difference I don't even know if you can really it's a slight difference but it makes a big difference I don't know if that makes sense or not but it does it does in my game um it feels so weird not having it but this Shadow here from a tree which is this tree right here it adds more depth to shadows and and then also too with sunsets and sunrises I'm going to speed up my game so we can get to a sun set for you guys the sunsets are so beautiful in the game now so it's about 1:00 a.m. right now in my game and I just want to show you guys how the sunblind mod works with the Sunrise it's so beautiful and I just want to show you guys like the full effect I have my game on three there we go oh my gosh look how beautiful that is oh my goodness you guys I've been seeing so many other um fellow simmer friends have this mod in their game and I never thought I needed it but here I am to tell you guys um some blind is needed okay it is so beautiful let's take off my g- shade here it is and you can still see how pretty this is it's so beautiful and even like the clouds in here um okay so let's move over here just look at the Shadows the Shadows from the trees we have the warm pink colors I will say that too I feel like this mod adds more of like a pink um que to like the sunrises so it's just so pretty like look at this section over here again this may not mean a lot to some of you guys but I know people that care about like the way their Sims environments look you'll appreciate this like look how pretty that is all right I'm going to turn my Gade back on so you guys can kind of get more of like an effect here but oh my God okay here this section over here is nice so you can kind of see it change it's just so pretty it's such a difference oh it's snowing now but anyways I just want to show you that that and just kind of see in game how beautiful it is and the difference I also want to show you guys another simmer that I recently discovered and they make beautiful hairs but here's another lighting overhaul mod that they made this is their 2.0 version this is also super new it came out in December this Creator's name is Josh so Josh here has such a beautiful mod and I just love how it creates so this is with the overlay here so with this custom lighting mod this is an overlay essentially so it's not something that you're going to put in your game and you're going to see automatically this is a mod that you're going to have to find and it's going to be under your skin details makeup and tattoos and then also your brow ring left that's another section is going to be under so what you'll do is you'll just find for example like under the makeup section and you'll find that and I'll show you guys where it is really quick okay so now that we're in Cass I'm going to show you guys how to find that specific mod really quick so here it is here is the ingame so it is pulling with my CC Hair but I can just easily change the CC Hair if I wanted to but yeah here it is just to give you guys a little example of the different shadows that you can cast that you can cast in here um and then you can do like the brightness of it bring it down or bring it up just you know again just creates like a nice shadow so if that's something you're looking for for like a screenshot um or whatever you know you guys can do that like I even like this one right here how it kind of cast a shadow like on the side of her face which is my sim self but you know what I mean um yeah so it looks pretty cool and again just play with around with it you have so many different swatches in here which is really nice clearly not every Swatch is going to be perfect right now cuz I am like playing around with it and just like going through it fast for you guys but yeah you can change it you can make the opacity you can change the Hue of it if you wanted to actually the Hue doesn't change from what I'm seeing but the OPAC does so you can bring it completely down add a little bit um so yeah it is really really cool I love it I think it's super fun for adding some depth to your sim I'm going to go ahe and take that off though cuz I'm not going to be using that and yeah so mine shows up around um the like eyes shadow um area for this mod but you can find it in other places too I also want to mention too with this mod if you do put any of these different overlay features on your sim it will show up in the game so this isn't confined to just Create a Sim so just an FYI next up on the list is Twinkle Toes also by softer Haze this is another one that's been around for a little while but again I like to show everything that I've used and everything that I currently use I know there's a lot of new simmers as well and I always like to take that in consideration sometimes I don't feel like I want to share mods because I'm like oh so many other people share them or so many other people know about whichever mod I'm thinking of But ultimately there's going to be a new simmer that watches my videos so a lot of the times these are designated for you guys but here is the Twinkle Toes mod this is also another lighting mod this does enhance like clouds and stuff it is really really pretty I used to use this before I don't use this one anymore but like I said before I had G this is what I did use this is with the Britton Bay Sunrise just adds really pretty effects to your sunsets and um to the clouds in the game it's honestly really really beautiful and um they also use no blue lighting mod for um twinkle toes so that is included in this mod so this mod has been updated several times so here's a few things that have been fixed or added so it makes the daytime Sky a little more subtle blue it changed the star texture to the Jungle Adventure Milky Way change the colors during the sunset and sunrise to shown above that I just showed you and then also fix the excess bloom during the afternoon in full sunlight so basically so it's not as harsh and they also wanted to make sure that the compatibility with seasons does work well with the different seasons based on the sunrises and sunset so I think that's super cool and feel free to read through the rest of that if you want to but Twinkle Toes is one that I've always loved and I know so many people have as well anyways guys that's it for me today I hope you enjoyed these in-game and Cas lighting mods for your game I can't believe there was 10 of them I feel like there is like way more than that but there's only 10 um Honestly though you video that doesn't have a ton of mods because then I get overwhelmed it kind of like just a handful of them so anyways I hope you enjoy this and I highly highly suggest using if you don't have gshade or reshade and you can't add that in your game I highly suggest adding the the northern San winds one for the endgame lighting mod highly suggest that one it just really makes your game pop a lot more and the no blue no glow mod as well from Lumia there's a couple of other ones from other people too that has a similar mod for that effect but I like Lumia um you can always feel free to do the other ones too but those are my two highly suggested ones that I would definitely recommend to anyone I've been using it for a couple years now and I just I don't ever not have it in my game so the no blue and the No glow I don't have the other one in my game anymore the Siberian wins one just because I you know have g- shade anyways guys those are my suggestions I hope they helped you if you enjoyed this video and it did help you feel free to leave a comment down below and like the video and share to any other simmers that might need some help with some lighting in their game all right guys I hope you have an amazing day I love you guys so much and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music] guys
Channel: Savythatsimmer
Views: 15,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 mods, must have sims 4 mods, sims 4 must have mods, mod review, mod list sims 4
Id: VpLkhSBt95s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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