How to make your OWN Gshade / Reshade Preset for The Sims 4 | In depth Gshade Tutorial

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this does look really intimidating when you first start with gshade but I promise you the more that you use it it actually isn't as complicated as you may think it is hey everybody it's savy that simmer so in today's video I'm going to be showing you all about g- shade and how to make your own g- shade preset so this was a video request from my friend and she really wanted to learn how to make her own g- shade preset so in today's video I figured I would just touch face on all of the main points that you would need to know in order to make your own g- shade preset now this video might be a little bit complicated if you've never used it before but I'm hoping that my tips will kind of give you guys an overall understanding of how to use it so my first tip that I will give you guys is when you think of creating a g- shade preset the best way that I can describe it as or compare it to is basically Lightroom so when you think of a Lightroom preset when you're editing a photograph in Lightroom or in Photoshop think of it as you are editing a prese set in Lightroom but instead you're editing your video game if that makes sense and like adding pretty effects to it so basically you're making a preset for your video game hopefully that makes sense and you can understand my comparison so I'm going to show you guys what this looks like with it off so this is my mango Heights g- shade preset I have currently made several g- shade presets this is with it back on and then this is with it off so as you can see it just makes it nice and bright and really pretty and creamy this is without the blurry effect effect on it's the same preset just changes that little um background blur to it if you're curious as to what the background blur effect or the bokeh effect is that is the ad so that is Quint DF so ad and see as we play around with it when we turn it on and off you can see it just adds a blurry effect kind of like a camera lens if you were to take a photo of someone with that effect on and you're trying to have a pretty blurry background so that's what that is it's just really nice and pretty and as you can see it gets bigger and smaller as we get closer to the Sim the little bokeh effects just kind of blur and they get bigger and smaller which is kind of cool let me show you guys where I would start off at so for example if I wanted to make a new gshade preset I'm just going to name it example preset and then what I'm going to do is going to hit enter on my keyboard once I do that it'll create a preset and then we can start it from scratch but if I wanted to copy these settings here I would just click this right here and hit copy current preset and then I could rename it example preset and then just start from scratch but have these additional preset settings underneath the preset or shaders if that's what you want to call them sometimes it's interchangeable but these Shader settings and but I'm not going to do that I'm just going to start from scratch but for example it would be nice to do that if you you know I have this main one here called on Mango Heights and I haven't found a way to find an undo button in the gshade panel so for example like if I wanted to I'm not going to move this because I really like my settings but if I was to move this back it doesn't have an undo button that I have found so I haven't been able to actually go in here and like if I mess with a bunch of settings within here I can't like go back and hit undo Ando undo and get it back to where it was originally so it might be nice for you to copy a current preset and then rename it whatever so you can have like a version two if you'd like hopefully that makes sense okay so now we are on our example preset which is a blank preset as we can see here it is completely brand new we have no settings ticked off in here and just a little heads up let's just say I wanted to add a few settings in here obviously we're not going to use these cuz they are like pretty crazy looking but we had these shaders in the preset that we wanted to use something I like to do is hit this active to top so it takes the ones that you have in your actual preset that makes the preset they're active and they're at the very top so it's easy to get to if you wanted to tweak them just a little tip for you guys a lot of times your gshade panel this is the panel that I'm talking about this panel when I say gshade panel you can actually move this you can make it bigger by clicking on the side here I wouldn't suggest making it obviously this big but you can make it as small as you want sometimes it'd be nice to have it this small but you know you do want to see the settings that you're maneuvering with and stuff I like to make it about this big so I have my reload button and everything like that and I can see everything um and then there also is this safe preset automatically button which I always like to be checked but as you can see here we have these shaders checked off right but we can't see our settings that panel right here so what you're going to do to make sure that you can always see your setting panel underneath it is to check this make sure that it's unchecked so this is performance mode you're going to turn that off in order to actually adjust your pre set settings if that makes sense hopefully that makes sense but if you ever want this to go away I don't really know why you would maybe it helps your like game performance I don't really notice a difference in mine but just a heads up just make sure that's turned off so you're able to adjust your settings my sim is in The Sims nude she's in the game um completely Bare Bones so we are in Mount cabar Robi iel like it was pretty nice to to be here for this because it's such a pretty day it's summertime and it's a nice background for creating a pre set and it'll give us a nice canvas to work off of so anyways getting back to our Sim here um I always like to make sure I'm in a good place with scenery so I'm able to check my preset when I am um making one so I'm able to look at my different settings and make sure the nature or AKA like the scenery is looking good with the colors that I choose and like all the settings that I do so anyways pulling this back up I'm just going to go over a couple of shaders in here that are really important to me and that I typically always use in my presets that make my game look really nice so first and foremost I want to go over mxao this is a really popular setting that most people like to have in their game as you can see when I'm turning mxao on and off the settings around my Sims face is getting shadowy it's basically adds Shadows to your Sims and the surrounding areas of your sim so as you can see here when I'm moving the sample radius it just basically adds the radius of the Shadows on the Sim so you can kind of play with this how ever you want I kind of like to use it around this setting here just like this number around one so just to add a little bit to it right there the normal bias I don't normally mess with either I just kind of keep that on a lower setting the ambient amount I try to be careful with because if you go really far with it um it sometimes can make your Sims faces look a little funky so just keep eye out on that I do really like the setting a lot I like to use it often cuz it adds a lot of depth to your sim as you can see like the Shadows look really nice around my Sim's face but the fine AO scale and the coarse AO intensity are really intense as in their name as you can see it adds in a lot of Shadow to my SIM and then the fine one too just be careful when you use these ones it does make your Sims teeth sometimes gray and we don't want that for our Sims obviously so as we can see here when we're in tab mode my sim has these like weird shadows on her and I'm not really a big fan of that clearly so what you're going to have to do is just play around with that and adjust it and it definitely has to do something with our MX AO settings so I would just you know maybe move the normal bias out a little bit and then um you know just adjust your core settings too and you know just play around with it and just make sure the Shadows on your sim don't look too much it's nice to have some on there but you don't want it to be like overpowering where um it looks kind of funky so I think that's kind of a good place obviously she has her hair down so it's going to add some Shadows over here so I think it looks pretty nice I like that overall but if there something that you wanted to like play around with definitely do that and okay so our next thing I want to look at so we already have mxo built up so let's go and put the active to the top another one I want to show you is the sharpen I like to use the Adaptive sharpen this one here adds a lot of crispiness to your game that's kind of like how I like to think of it as so as you can see here the sharpening strength it gets really really intense like it gets really high so if you don't want to have your uh strengthen super high I like to kind of keep it right in this section here on um 50 you can even go lower if you want or you know a little bit higher just depends on again how your game performs cuz when you make a two- shade preset you want to make sure it's something that's going to work well with your game these are also some other settings in here with the sharpen I don't really mess with these too much it does add in some more obviously sharpen to it um but I just mainly mess with this right here and you can always play with it but that's what I like to do for mine all of the presets that I have that I've created I've made cozy days cozy nights and then also my mango Heights and every time I make those I like to do mxao and then the sharpen and then another popular Shader that I like to use is called the tone map it just adds a lot of nice colors to your game so right now obviously this is very very bright we are going to go ahead and fix that because it's so bright we don't want to have settings that bright So within the tone map we have gamma we have exposure and sat saturation so saturation is obviously going to make it more colorful and then our exposure we can turn down so this is more of a setting if someone really wants to brighten up their game for me I like to have my game more muted the colors be muted so it's not harsh on my eyes but I really like this specifically because honestly you can make a Gade preset out of these three settings right here you can do the tone map mxao and then your sharpen and like right now this is a really nice preset like look at this nice and beautiful and bright but at the same time too it's not super um you know overbearing but it's nice for those of you that want like a simple preset and that's not going to be too heavy on your game um even if I took mxao off like right now there's also something called Quint um which is Q mxao so this is also a lighter setting versus your true mxo so these are the settings right here for it right in this section here so you're going to go like this and this just adds some more Shadows to it but it doesn't give your mxao super heaviness that it does the simple radius just is basically the radius of your subject of how much it's going to be on it hopefully that makes sense you also have your ambient amount as well so again this just adds more um depth to it I like to really use that a lot but just be mindful of it because it can sometimes again make your Sims look a little gray I've noticed that when I use it it can sometimes make my Sims teeth look gray I don't know if you guys can kind of see that it's adding it in here if her like mouth was wider we probably would be able to see it more but just be mindful of that that this does add more um Shadows to your Sim's faces so just try to be a little mindful of that just a headset but I like this setting here because it does give your sim that depth see this is off and this is on so it just adds some more Shadows to their faces which is really nice but it also you know doesn't it's not so heavy on someone's computer that wouldn't really be able to hold a really heavy preset so I like using that one something else to be really mindful of too when you are making a gé preset is your Sims skin tones this may be something that not everyone um really thinks about but I always try to when I'm making a juiy preset especially for one that I'm going to release to the public I want to make sure that it looks nice so as we can see here this is with nothing on and then this is with it on this does kind of make my sim a little bit lighter than her normal skin tone and you can go into the g- shade panel and add some more settings that will help bring back her color a little bit more I think there's like it's something called like color selection and we'll get into that in the future but I just want to make sure you guys are aware that certain settings can make your Sims look a little washed out so just be mindful but that's the gamma so as you can see here the gamma I like to kind of think of this as like when you're editing a photo like let's just say Lightroom or like on your phone this reminds me of Shadows so you're kind of blowing out the shadows of your photo AKA like our video game here so if you kind of bring the gamma back down it does make her skin tone more closer to the original color see this is with it off and this is with it back on so this one is probably the closest with it still being like the actual two shade changing and everything like that just keep in mind and then we do have like a bleach setting here which um I don't normally play with it just makes your surrounding like white settings really really bright and oversaturated I don't really like messing with that too much you can make it um you know really bright if you want to totally up to you this is my actual current g- shade preset that I like to use for myself as you can see here it definitely makes my game more muted more toned down I'm a fan of having my game more muted and having the colors a little more toned down like with the greens they're like really bright in the normal game so I don't have the best eyes in the world and I wear glasses most of the time or contacts um so you know I need to have something that's going to protect my eyes I love The Sims for but the actual game itself is so bright and the UI like hurts my eyes sometimes so I like having it toned down more often and then some people love to have their game bright I also have this g- shade preset here that I also have made it's called mango Heights I was showing that to you guys earlier and as we can see it makes the UI like nice and bright but some people need you know they prefer to have their game to be really bright and really saturated and you know I think that's beautiful but g-a presets are really too each their own to be honest with you it just is all about the player's preference and what how they like to view their game like this is such a nice preset especially for those of you that like bright and Airy and you know super saturated I think it looks really nice it's beautiful but for my eyes I need something more like the one I currently use that's like this and I sometimes I'll go in and tweak it to make it a little bit brighter I'll like turn my brightness up on my actual game um laptop but for the most part I like to have this because it's better in my eyes so I'll show you guys what I like to do for that so within your tone map the gamma is a really good way to make your game more toned down so that's a really nice setting to use and just going back to our example so we can continue building it I'm going to go to the tone map feature that we have here and just bring that gamma down so you can see it kind of brings it a little bit better and makes the skin tone a little bit more accurate and then we can do exposure it's hard to explain this actual one but it just dims it so I really like the exposure Shader within the tone map because as you can see here this is going to be really bright and it hurts my eyeballs and then if we bring this down um even to like right here to 348 it just gives it a nice dimmer look and I you can go even further obviously we don't want to go too dark cuz then we won't be able to see but just having it at a good point is really really nice so anyways that is a nice way to like build that um I'm going to put in xao back on but as you can see like these Shadows are even more intense because we have the Quint on um hopefully I'm saying that right but if we can move it around and just still keep some nice Shadows so if you want to use mxo and the Quint together you can it's totally up to you it's just going add more shadows and make it even more intense but let's go to another major one that I like to use is Adolf so Adolf is our blurry effect as we can see here I just turned it on for the very first time with with our new preset and look how pretty this is we're going to go into tab mode I'm going to close so we could take a screenshot right now and it would be so pretty but I'm going to explain the settings for you guys cuz I know a lot of you don't really know how to use this and there's a lot to this one this is really important for your autofocus Center you want to have your Center for your sim these settings right here are pretty good for the most part but you can always move this around if you want it will change the vocal setting to a different place so you kind of just have to play around with that this is the boka and intensity so bokeh is the blurry effect in like the little circles so let's just say right here we have the shape verticals I normally keep that still on six so if you want to add so you can keep just the blurry effect but if you wanted to add like the blurry circles the boka that's what that's called what you would do is you would go to bokeh intensity like this then you would go to bokeh maximum blur size and this is where you would actually get the size of your boka so let me just close this so you can see like as we can see here that is um they're like really really bright okay and they're really big and this is the intensity too of the VCA circles so you can make it really bright or you know have it like at a decent brightness whatever you want to do you can do whatever you want you can also change the shape of them as well in your boa shape roundness section go like this I like to keep them as circles personally that's just me and then you can do the shape aspect so this just kind of makes it more of like a camera or you can make them like this you can change so much in this which is really really cool so it's really fun to play with I think that making g- shade presets are so much fun but you can change the quality as well right here the shape quality so you can change them to be smaller you can make it more kind of greeny looking like that obviously most people are going to want it to be like this and so I leave mine more around 18 when you are making your G shade presets pay attention to the numbers that you're setting stuff to so you can kind of get an idea as to like what what levels you need to keep stuff at I'm going to make the circles smaller so we can go more into depth you do have your hyperfocal depth distance so what this does it's going to add the distance between you and your Center focus which my Center focus is my sim right basically the distance between the background and my sim and the blurriness is what you want to change so if you want the distance to be you know like you want everything to be blurry behind them you're going to get that higher if you want there to be a little bit of a less blurriness between you and your subject you would just keep that a little bit lower so hopefully that makes sense and then your far blur curve is also important so as we can see if we go higher with the setting it's going to disappear if you want the blurriness in the background to be really blurry and then you want your sim to be in Focus you would just make sure that you keep it at a of a lower level everything's still blurry if we look obviously we have that Sim in the very far background but but if we wanted to blur her out we could just kind of like go like that and you would just play around with stuff if you want to or you could just even like get her to go away and wait to take the picture but I'm glad she's there cuz it's kind of helpful for it another thing you want to keep in mind too is your autofocus speed adjustment this might be a little overwhelming to watch but I'm going to have my sim walk around so you guys can see the adjustment see she's walking right now um but we do need to be a little bit closer to her because of our focal whatever we have it set it to and as we can see it's bouncing around right it's moving all around and we don't really want that right so let's just say I'm trying to make a scene from our YouTube video and most people like to use this feature so you have the bokeh in the background and I want to have my sim walk in the background but I want it to be blurry while they're walking in tab mode so what you're going to do is you're going to hit Tab and then you're just going to Center your sim um obviously you're want to um pull back a little bit so we can get this pretty you know background here um and it it'll be blurry in the background um typically I would take the plum buob off but I'm not going to worry about that right now but as you can see here my sim is walking and it's blurry in the background and is nice and pretty and it's not moving too much so how I fix this is I put my autofocus speed adjustment all the way down to 50 and so let's just say I want to have this background here I want it to be nice and blurry when she walks by you what you do is you put your game in tab mode then I will take my mouse and I will just move around again I'm sorry if it's kind of like blurry but then as you can see here it is blurry in the background and I'll just make sure my sim is in focus and if I'm trying to make a scene right now for YouTube she will walk by and then as you can see my blurriness isn't moving all crazy it looks really nice when she walks by so just another example just so you guys can see so now my sim is in focus and she's walking and the blurriness looks really nice and it's not jumping around so that's a little example for you we want to take the bokeh off and we just wanted a pretty blurry background you could just take this right here um and then just play around with it so also we have this blur WID and that just makes the intensity of the blurriness so if you wanted it to be like super blurry but still kind of have a little bit of the background of the trees you can just mess with those settings right there so hopefully that makes sense so again um putting my sim back in Focus see she is walking around and it's nice and blurry but we're not seeing any jumping around which is seriously so nice and oops and it looks really nice too when she walks around like it looks very natural it looks like we literally have a lens on our Sim that we're like folling with like a camera lens or you know like a video camera lens and it's just so nice like it's really pretty and so yeah that is my um main tutorial settings for the ad off key which is a big really important one people love it cuz you get this beautiful blurriness as we can see here so you can either choose to have it just blurry in the the background or have those bokeh circles that are my favorite so that is totally up to you and again you would just use the blur quality and then the boka sections in here those are like my main big settings now that we've gone over a few of my favorite ones that are really important to look at I do want to show you guys another setting which is also this um other setting here which is selective color and then we have the other one here which is depth cues this one right here the depth cues might be a little harsh on people's computers it's not personally on mine cuz I do have a gaming PC so I'm not sure how it is on yours but again it just kind of adds as you can see here it's just adding um a lot of the like depth that we like to see in our Sims faces and different stuff um when it comes to I'm going to take the bokeh off so you guys can see I'm just going to show you like an example over here we have these rocks that are in here so this is on this is with our shaders off and then this is with it on so basically what the depth cue does it just adds obviously more shadows and more depth to the items in our game death Q so this is off and on and you can just make it really really really tense if you want to or light just depends however you want to use it I personally love it I think it adds a lot of um depth to my game but also doesn't slow down my computer and if I'm feeling like I it's too much Shadows I'll even take mxo off and then the Quint and I feel like it still adds like good to my game so this is off and this is on so as you can see like there's still like you know some nice depth but I still do love um my Quint and mxo even if you didn't want to use mxo and it was too hard on a computer I definitely like the Quint see like this is off and on it just adds so much to it let's go ahead and get to like our color here is a way to change the colors of your game this selective color I don't even know how to say all this but it's like prod whatever so these are some main ones that you want to look at so they're like color gradients and temperature and selective color I personally like to look at this one here and then this one this one right here which is the selective color this one is going to change the different colors so again it's like Lightroom and how you have greens you can change the colors of the greens different Hues within it so let's just say we're going to look at our greens so this is going to add see as we can see right here let's just take a look at a tree for for an example so for example I want to look at this green tree right here and I want to like change the color of it I want it to be not so like wildly green like so deep so as we can see even like right in here it's changing it it's making it more warm taking like the magenta color out so right over here we have some pinks um and that's changing it so this is like a red Hue and it just changes the color so this is more like intense green this kind of gives it more a like earthy green if that makes sense you can change it to be more like fall looking um I actually like this color specifically cuz I feel like it's not so like in your face green you can even make it more muted like that if you like also I think it's fun to like play with different presets for different worlds too I think some worlds look better and than others and then um we have Blues too so we'll find an area with some blue so we have this river right here which is perfect so if we're going to test the blues we can go over here so we can see this is really really blue kind of like retro ish color um which I like and this is more of like purpley blue Chang the intensity of the blue see this makes it more um this is kind of close to my mango Heights blue color that I changed it's more like retro blue in my mind and this is more of like a deep indigo blue kind of purpley again you can just play with it and see what you like but yeah g shade just changes so much so again I'm not going to go through all the colors in here but you can kind of just get an idea of what you can do it's really nice um especially if you're not someone that wants to play with like really bright colors and you want to kind of like tone stuff but as you can see now my sim looks a little um yellow you just have to be mindful of when you do change colors to like how it's going to affect your sim so as you just saw I moved this around here it makes my sim like look green okay it's like we have like the Hulk in here but if we go back here it's kind of getting closer to like a good skinn tone color but you also don't want your Sims to look red either I feel like that's a good medium right there and it is very close to her skin tone um it might be like a little more Rich a little more vibrant but it still looks nice on hers overall obviously I'm not building this preset it still looks really nice for an example one um it's definitely different which is really nice so I really like the magic Bloom here this one just kind of gives it an extra pop of brightness so as you can see I don't have it on and then I have it on so see what I mean like it just kind of brightens up your sim a little bit our magic Bloom is off and now it's on and it just kind of gives it like a little bit of a pop but just be mindful when you do use the magic Bloom it does make your UI really bright and again it hurts my eyes but it might be nice for some people um that really want like a little extra like I think this looks good but it just kind of blows out the Shadows a little bit and you can play with these different settings like the exposure you can make it like extra bright then you have saturation right here which again self-explanatory adds to the saturation and then you can do something called dirt intensity and this area here adds like little pretty um kind of like just clear bokeh but it's just basically adding like a pretty effect so I think it might be nice if you wanted to use that for let's just say you know some build um screenshots and stuff so um that is another one I really like to use so those are pretty much it for my main ones I'm just going to look through and see what else I have in here the next one I do want to show you guys is called film pass also I wanted to mention that you can actually search different shaders in here so let's just say I'm going to look up film pass so there's film pass right here and as we can see it changes the game pretty fast so don't be intimidated by this I know it looks like a little funky film pass is another one that is really popular among presets and this one um can be a little harder to finagle with um as we can see here it really changes things a lot and I think this one can kind of end up looking a little funky if you don't know how to use it but see we have the fade here and it just changed es the colors which is nice this is going to be more like warm and this is going to be a little more red so this is like see how my sim changes and she's more pink so this is more of like a neutral I do like to use film pass but I just you have to be mindful of your sim skin tones cuz you don't want your Sims to like look red and like funky um you obviously that's no fun and then we do have the base gamma here so base gamma again is like gamma think of like Shadows so it's just brightening your shadows here and I feel like that looks really nice you can also do um this here which is your gamma G and it's just changing again making it more like neutral kind of like adds Your Greens and then here obviously we're making our Sim like look kind of pink but just be mindful of that I I like to keep that in the center so it's more natural looking on my SIM and then I really like this gamma B it makes your sim look a little more warm so this is with an off and this is on like look at that difference it just adds some beautiful Vibrance to our game but it's not overpowering either and you can always go in and you know just change um we also have a bleach setting here and that is where you see where it looks very contrasty so just think of the bleach setting as contrast so see it's making it more um more flat and not making it so contrasty like and heavy this is already a really nice preset obviously our um UI is really bright if you want to fix the brightness what you're going to do is see how bright this contrast is you're just going to bring that contrast down and as we can see already it already is looking a little bit better and if that kind of changed it too much for you you can always just go back in and change some other settings too see I feel like this looks really nice and you can just play around with your gamas and then um your contrast to not make this so bright and I feel like that made such a big difference for example I have my preset on or example one that we're playing with right now and then I turn it off and look how bright this area is with the difference like it's such a nice difference not having it so bright that is just a little example for you guys let's just say I wanted to download this so in order to find your gshade presets what you're going to do is go to program files and then go to your EA Games go to Sims 4 go to game then go to your bin folder then go to your GJ preset go to custom and then this is where all of your g- shade presets basically live let's just say I wanted to share my g-- shade preset that we just did together which is our example preset what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on my preset and I'm going to hit copy I normally put this on my desktop you can just click on your desktop folder and hit paste or you can put it in a new folder wherever you want or normally just put them on my desktop and then you can just you know rename it or whatever and then your able to have a copy of it that you can share to other people as well so it just kind of makes things easier and it saves all of your settings too I'm hoping that answered your questions and that gave you guys a good beginners tutorial into making your own g- shade preset um I really hope it helped you a lot if you guys are interested in checking out my gshade presets I do have them on my patreon they're all free now you can support me if You' like to send me a donation feel free to do so I also do make loading screens too if you do have have any more questions about making your own g- shade preset feel free to comment down below more than happy to help I'm definitely not a tech expert but I will do the best that I can um because I know it's really nice to have your game look really beautiful it just makes your game honestly feel like a brand new game and I know there's nothing like having your game look beautiful and pretty without adding a bunch of mods to it so sometimes I do get the question too that if gshade and reshade are um compatible and you can actually go into gshade and you can convert a re shade preset into gshade you are able to do that just a heads up anyways guys I hope this really helped you I know when I first started making my own presets I wish I would have had some guidance and someone to help me too so I hope this was really helpful for you I hope you guys are having a really great day whenever you guys watch this and feel free to comment down below if you need any help I hope this video made you guys feel a little bit Cozier thanks for hanging out with me thanks for watching I hope you learned a little bit love you guys and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Savythatsimmer
Views: 3,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, gshade tutorial, gshade preset, sims 4 gshade preset
Id: ivFSSL2GurI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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