10 Movie Protagonists You're Desperate To See Lose

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Cinema is filled with lovable sympathetic Heroes who everyone wanted to win like Luke Skywalker Harry Potter Indiana Jones attacus Finch and then there's the other side of the coin the unlikable unsympathetic protagonists the ones you wanted to lose year in year out many films get criticized for the characters being unlikable but is an unsympathetic protagonist always a bad thing I'm Jem from whatculture.com and here are 10 movie protagonists you're desperate to see lose number 10 Norman from don't breathe to occasionally sequels will turn former villains into the hero sometimes this works out well like in Terminator 2 Judgment Day and sometimes it works out horribly such was the case with don't breathe too in 2016's excellent don't breathe blind golf War veteran Norman who was terrifically played by Avatar Steven Lang was a ferocious and terrifying killer who made for one of the finest horror movie villains of the past decade the delayed 2021 sequel on the other hand took his character in a woefully misjudged Direction this time around he's a morally ambiguous protagonist trying to protect his adopted daughter from a criminal gang essentially this movie will probably only work for those who haven't seen the first film otherwise it is near on impossible to root for the deranged Thug who raped and murdered his way through don't breathe especially as the sequel doesn't bother to acknowledge Norman's violent past aside from a brief throwaway line during the final acted in many other departments don't breathe to is just fine it's a well-directed Revenge Thriller with some Bunchy outbreaks of violence more than anything else this particular case is an example of how just one misjudged creative Choice can sink an entire film number nine Susan in deep blue sea deep blue sea is a well executed be movie in many ways and it's one of the only shark movies not named Jaws that is worth seeing but the film does have its issues its protagonist Dr Su mallister played by Saffron Burrow is one of the biggest ones and this was recognized before the film was even released during test screenings those first viewers were absolutely unanimous in their dislike of mallister a scientist who is trying to cure Alzheimer's she has conducted a series of dangerous experiments on some sharks as a result they become unusually intelligent and Incredibly deadly and she prevents the others from killing the Sharks more than once so that she can protect her research those audiences were infuriating by the original ending in which Susan survived while the far more lovable film stealing comic relief character Sherman played by LL KJ died as such the ending was reshot with Susan dying in the climax and Sherman surviving in her place test audiences do frequently hold far too much sway in Hollywood but they will bang on the money here number eight Annie in dash cam dash cam is a found footage horror from host director Rob Savage a very interesting case as far as unlikable protagonist are concerned the lead role is played by American musician and vlogger Annie Hardy performing as a fictionalized version of herself a snarky ignorant and staggeringly unlikable right-wing conspiracy theorist and the story unfolds through her cameras through dash cam it feels like Rob Savage is testing the audience asking them how much of Annie they can take and if they're still prepared to root for such a repulsive character well those who were rooting for Annie to die will be disappointed as she does indeed survive the film having a lead character so hard to root for certainly is a subversion of tropes all right but not one that necessarily worked the film was divisive with many finding the film almost unwatchable thanks to Annie dasham is actually a frightening and skillfully made horror film in most other ways so it's worth seeing if this questionable creative Choice can be overlooked number seven Evan Hanson in dear Evan Hanson Evan Hanson played by Ben Platt is another supposed good guy who seems like a bit of a psychopath more than anything else after a fellow student named Connor tragically takes their own life Connor's family through a misunderstanding believes that Connor and Evan were close friends and instead of setting the record straight Evan goes along with it in order to get close to the family especially Connor's sister who he has a crush on and become popular he doubles down and fakes an entire friendship as it should go without saying even when taking Ben Platt's ridiculous performance complete with a Gastly makeup job to make plat look young enough to be a high schooler out of the equation Hansen is a deeply uncomfortable character to watch he's not likable in the slightest really and to make matters worse he gets off far too easily once his lies are finally exposed let us know your thoughts in the comments down below and while you're there drop us a like share and subscribe too number six Daniel Plan View and There Will Be Blood Daniel Plan view played by Daniel de Lewis is one of the greatest cinematic creations of the 21st century a richly drawn practically Shakespearean antihero flawlessly brought to life by Daniel de Lewis who gives one of the great film performances in the role PL view is also undeniably one of the most unlikable film protagonists of all time a cruel hate filled and selfish psychopath driven entirely by his unending lust for money and power PL view is perhaps Cinema's most potent and terrifying representation of capitalism run a mock a corrupt businessman a and a cold blooded murderer who brutally kills two other characters throughout the story blame you is an extremely unsettling character to watch he does have redeeming qualities however such as his love for his family and at times his ambition and Relentless drive to invoke a certain grudging respect but that's about it as far as likeability is concerned number five all of them unfriended horror Cinema is full of unlikable characters and that isn't always a bad thing sometimes the main characters being so rep impulsive makes the story more interesting and helps it to function as a powerful cautionary tale such is the case with the much underrated screen life horror film unfriended unfriended tells the story of six American high schoolers who were stalked by the ghost of a teenager who took their own life thanks to cyber bullying the ghost Laura knew all of them and was good friends with the protagonist Blair she holds them responsible for her death and as it turns out this isn't without reason these characters immediately seem tiresome but but as the ghost picks them off she reveals many of their worst secrets and it gradually becomes clear that they are indeed scum of the earth they're all exposed as Liars bullies backstabbers and cheaters hell it even turns out one of the male characters drugged and raped a fellow student eventually it's revealed that Blair Laura's supposed friend was the one who uploaded the humiliating video that led to Laura committing suicide and shortly before this reveal Blair allowed Laura to kill her boyfriend just to protect the secret the characters unfriended being so unlikable isn't a negative it allows the film to be an unsettling and thought-provoking look at the Dark Side of social media and teen culture too still it's pretty much impossible not to ro for the ghost in this case at least they all die in the end though number four Jack in the house that Jack built Cinema is full of serial killers but few are as messed up as Jack played by Matt Dylan from L vontre controversial and sadistically nasty the house that Jack built the house that Jack built an interesting and well written allbe excessive horror movie shows Jack's Grizzly murders in horrifying detail and even goes deep into Jack psychology through his conversations with Virgil played by Bruno ganzi in one of his final film roles he Reveals His deranged psyche as he presents his justification for his many crimes Dylan's excellent performance brings out just how broken and alone Jack really is and as such it's possible to feel a deeny Dy Bit of Sympathy for him but only turny bit the director has never been one to focus on audience Comfort or satisfaction but in this case he did give the audience a lovely moment of cathis by concluding the film with Jack literally falling into hell number three Lou bloom in night crer Bloom who's played by Jake gyllen Hall stands as one of the most hateful insidiously vile protagonists of the 2010s he's an amateur journalist who sells his a legally obtained crime scene footage to the highest bidder all by destroying or even killing anyone who gets in his way many films have satirized the Corrupt Practices of the mass media but few have done so with such terrifying ferocity as night crer and this chilling character is the main tool the film uses to hammer home its tragically relevant message unlike with some other cases on this list Bloom being so hateful isn't a negative at all quite the contrary actually it makes him even more fascinating nevertheless he is impossible to root for in many ways still at least he gets caught in the end right no such luck he gets away with everything and even hires a new team to expand his business chilling stuff honestly number two Lou Ford in The Killer Inside me another Lou now and this one is arguably even worse than the last and that is saying something in the Killer Inside Me Lou Ford played by Casey Affleck who gives a stronger performance than the movie deserved is a deputy sheriff in Texas who is secretly the stuff that nightmares are made of he's a ferocious and sadistic serial killer who commits many any harrowing acts of violence throughout this 2010 crime film which is a sickening work that you'll probably wish you never watched in particular the scene in which he batters Joyce played by Jessica Alba to a pop ranks among the nastiest scenes of the 2010s still at least she survives most of the others that Ford encounters throughout the film including his own fiance aren't so lucky he's also in flashback shown assaulting a little girl as a teenager so this guy is basically the lowest of the lows the essence of heartless evil some serial killer movies do manage to create a Little Bit of Sympathy for their characters by emphasizing just how broken and lost they are but there's none of that with the Killer Inside Me This is a film that suffers from its disinterest in its characters and Ford is simply a very uncomfortable character to watch he does die at the end although the satisfaction of an onscreen and brutal death which he gave most of his victims is denied in this case and number one Bella Swan in the Twilight Saga so finally if there's one movie protagonist everyone wanted to see fail or to be frank bite the dust it's the Twilight sagas Bellis Swan this character is perhaps the queen of unlikable protagonists but why is she quite so Dreadful let's start with the way she treats her school friends and her genuinely likable father like trash she's emotionally manipulative she's shallow rude and as a person Bella is quite off-putting in almost every sense secondly she she is a very poorly written character she's such an inactive passive lead who is defined entirely by her relationship with Edward Cullen paid by Robert pson and finally there's the matter of the performance as Kristen Stewart has shown time and time again since leaving the role she's actually a really great actress but she was quite bad in these movies and gave one of the most annoying film performances of the century in more recent years it's become apparent that much like co-star Robert pson she didn't actually liked the films and accordingly phoned it in
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 11,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RfKrbd4lyGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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