10 Most UNUSUAL Kids In The World

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like and subscribe right now or this spider will crawl on your face while you're sleeping children are amazing well not always but most times they do a great job and are great at bringing smiles to our faces that much is true when you think of a child you probably have a stereotypical idea two eyes one nose one mouth perfectly aligned bodies you know that sort of thing and for the most part that's true most children when born look the same sort of money but that assertion is not always true some children are born looking the way you'd imagine and today we'll be looking at these different but still special kinds of children's number 10 human camaris no human cámaras are not the name of a brand new Nike kicks even though it sounds eerily like that before we talk about human cámaras let's break it down first off what's a chimera essentially a chimera is any organism that is made up of cells from two or more individuals that means that an organism that consists of two sets of DNA with code that is meant to make two individuals so you already have an idea of what QP mares are but how do you think human cámaras are made they're made when a twin fetus absorbs the DNA of its sibling this occurs a lot with fraternal twins if an embryo dies early enough in pregnancy so if it's cells can be absorbed by the other embryo growing in the body this means that the fetus that will be born will have two sets of cells the original and the one from its twin the amazing thing of course about human cámaras is that it's almost impossible to know if you are one one amazing story that proves this is the fascinating tale of Karen Keegan in 2002 Karen needed a kidney transplant and she had to go through tests to see if a family member could donate a kidney to her the tests came back and showed that biologically it was impossible for Karen to give birth to her children apparently Karen's children had the DNA of Karen's twin so technically Karen's children had no living biological mother and Karen was two persons in one it thought isn't unusual you really don't know what is number nine Milagros serum what do you think of a mermaid do you think they could actually exist or are they just a figment of a hyperactive imagination well we do know that what closely resembles a mermaid can exist no siren amelia is a condition called the mermaid syndrome that is caused by a congenital deformity where the legs are fused together this fusion of course takes the appearance of a mermaid's tail most fetuses that have this condition never survived the neonatal period if born a child would siren amelia is not likely to survive however there are a few notable survivors like Tiffany York's who underwent successful surgery to separate her legs unfortunately due to fragile leg bones she was confined to a wheelchair number eight butterfly children what image do the words butterfly children conjure in your mind it's at an image of happy children flying about and doing butterfly ie things is it an image of happiness and bliss if it's one you'd be wrong the condition that afflicts butterfly children known as epidermolysis bullosa is an extremely painful one it's a rare genetic condition that causes blistering of the skin and mucous membranes children that are born with this condition live a very hard and painful life scratching them or giving them even the gentlest of touches can cause blisters and bruises it can even make their skin tear that isn't all the condition comes with a lot of secondary complications and children afflicted with it don't often live long many of them died before 30 number seven the two faces of Leigh Leigh sink in March 2008 Leigh Leigh Singh was born to Vinod and Sushma Singh in sunny sapore Zohan / village near Delhi her birth was delayed because she had a unique genetic problem she had dipper aasif us because of her large head her mother found it very difficult to give birth to her and the woman had to receive an episode of me but first off what's dipper asopus and why did Leigh Leigh sing habit de prosopis is a condition also known as craniofacial duplication simply put it's a condition of having two faces children would differ asopus are often stillborn and rarely live for more than a few hours but that's where this case is even more unusual lately Singh was born with two pairs of eyes two noses and two mouths her parents saw her as the reincarnation of a goddess Durga an Indian deity that is often depicted as having many limbs and eyes that's probably why they refused to allow doctors to perform a CT or MRI scan on laylee without this diagnostic imaging it was impossible for doctors to figure out exactly how much her condition may have affected her brain and other vital organs however her parents said Lili was as healthy as any child had a right to be as expected she soon developed a lot of secondary complications for example her two middle eyes suffered from corneal opacity which is a condition caused by the abnormal anatomy of her facial muscles she also had a cleft palate which made it difficult for her to feed and suck food she began to dehydrate and soon became very ill her parents were alarmed and took her to the hospital there she was given antibiotics and she began to improve unfortunately this wasn't to last she died six hours later of a heart attack number six vanellope hope vanellope hope was born a pretty normal girl except for one tiny problem she was born with a heart outside her body yes you heard that right hope was born with a heart firmly planted right outside her chest she was born with no breastbone and was delivered at Glenn field hospital in Lake Chester she was delivered via caesarean section and her parents didn't think she would live for long in fact before she was delivered her mother Naomi Finley packed a special baby grow in a cocoon to wrap her in just in case she died but hope was a fighter and she didn't die in fact she continued to fight for her life after a series of three incredibly daunting operations hopes heart was inserted right back into her chest she was allowed to go home number five chesco Frank Lentini born on May 18 1889 Francesca was a peculiar baby why he was born with a parasitic twin that means that he had three legs but that was not all he had four feet and even two sets of genitalia his family was disgraced that they had him and after four months he was sent to a specialist in nepal's to be examined the examination went well and it was determined that his third Lake was a result of being born with a parasitic twin apparently the twin was attached to his body at the base of his spine and was made up of a pelvis bone a rudimentary set of genitalia a full-size leg and a small foot that protruded from its knee when he was 5 he was able to straighten his third leg however he had to be bound to a wheelchair because he couldn't walk Francesco achieved worldwide fame by being part of a sideshow he veted in numerous cities and when he was eight he moved to America he became the great Lentini as that was a sideshow named and he had a career that spanned over 40 years he worked with all the major circuses and shows throughout those 40 years he died of lung failure at the age of 77 number four conjoined twins we spoken a lot about twins on this list but we've not talked about the truly unusual case of conjoined twins when it comes to unusual children conjoined twins are the images that often come to mind right now we'll be looking at two peculiar but fundamentally different stories of conjoined twins the first will be about Layden and Laban John and the second will be about Aaron and Abby Delaney Layton and Leigh were born conjoined at the skull they were cranial pegas conjoined twins who shared some parts of the brain however they spent most of their lives wanting to be separated but since they shared some parts of the brain it was tricky to try and separate them but Layton and Leigh didn't care about the risks they wanted to live apart at all costs so they were allowed to undergo surgery fortunately 30 hours into the surgery they died of complications the story of Aaron and Abbie is a bit happier though both children refused at the head much like Layton and Leigh ten months later they underwent an 11-hour surgery that separated them the surgery had to be conducted by about 30 healthcare professionals fortunately both children survived and will never remember that they were once conjoined at the skull number three honk honk people that have the same first in surnames like slit Smith or John John are fairly peculiar but that's not why Hong Kong is on this list Hong Kong is here because of the peculiar nature of his birth you see when human beings are born we usually come out with 10 fingers and 10 toes Hong Kong came with 31 fingers and toes it's not quite a bit excessive he was born with 15 fingers and 16 toes he had two palms and unsurprisingly doesn't have a thumb now Hong Kong is peculiar and unusual but this is by no means of first Hong suffers from and was diagnosed with polydactyl ism a congenital condition that means that a human is born with more toes and fingers than necessary it's a condition that affects one in a thousand live births thankfully it's a condition that can be corrected through surgery now it's time for today's best paper today's best pic was sent in from a subscriber if you ever come across a picture online and would like to know its origins just send it in to us who knows you put your may be featured in a future video number 2 Cyclops baby yeah are you surprised do you think it's impossible well you really shouldn't any and yes Cyclops baby means exactly what you expect a Cyclops baby is born with one eye like the legendary Cyclops right in the middle of their faces beneath their brows 3 it's an extreme form of polo procent sefa li and it is caused by the failure or inability of the embryonic protein Cephalon to properly divide the orbits of the eyes into two Havanese many Cyclops babies died a few moments after and most are not even born at all a lot of them are miscarried however there is a case of a cyclops baby who lived for a few days after delivery she was born with only one eye in India she had no nose and her brain was joined in 1ms she had so many deformities that it was a miracle that she survived birth at all as expected she died a few days later I said the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that take 45 seconds fifty three if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it his really work number one frog like baby this is without a doubt the most bizarre looking an unusual baby you'll ever see the baby was born in chair cot and got the monkey er frog baby because of her peculiar looks she had no neck and her head has almost sunk into the upper parts of her body her eyeballs were extraordinarily large like that of a frog and they almost popped out of her eye sockets she died half an hour after her birth that's all for today guys if you enjoyed the video as much as we enjoyed making it for you give it a like and subscribe to the channel we have a lot of videos like this for you goodbye and please remember to stay safe catch you next time [Music]
Channel: 100M
Views: 518,346
Rating: 4.8962197 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, unusual, unique, unique kids, unusual kids, 10 most, the world, kids in the world, unusual kids in the world, most unusual children, top 5, kids, amazing kids, countdown, list, amazing videos, child, top 10, rarest human, tree man, genetics, rare, human, unique people, unusual people, you wont believe, tree man syndrome, actually exist, won't believe exist, most unusual people, strange, turtle boy, fish boy, medicine, born different, blow your mind, facts
Id: ikYUcN0Yb7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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