10 Kids You Won't Believe Exist

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like and subscribe right now or this spider will crawl on your face while you're sleeping for most of us our childhood passes by uneventful E with only our relatives or their close friends taking an interest unless of course your parents are a popular Hollywood couple or are part of the royal family it's only natural there are millions of kids born every day all looking the same just a smaller and less developed version of a regular person so who cares about some random kid that said some kids managed to draw a considerable chunk of the public their way and this is all because of being unique in some way so unique that their existence is almost unbelievable wondering what this is all about here are 10 such kids number 10 Mohammad Kaleem Mohammad Kaleem was born some time back in eastern India what was supposed to be a joyous event later turned to a nightmare for both the boy and his parents unlike other toddlers Mohammed had one problem he suffered from macro deftly or local gigantism this rare condition made his hands go way faster than the rest of his body and it wasn't long before this became a problem by eight years old the hands were too big for him rendering simple activities like dressing up eating and bathing impossible to do so unless someone stepped in and that's not all almost all local schools declined to take him in saying he scared other kids at home the family was taunted and shunned by villagers who attributed this rare medical condition to a curse on Mohammed's parents for a supposed past transgression they even labeled the boy Devil's child it was devastating to say the least but luckily for the boy help came calling towards the end of 2014 select Indian doctors took up the initiative to work on liberating him from his misfortunes so he underwent an operation on one of his hands but the God sent doctors aiming to reduce both the growth plates and the size of his fingers before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number nine deepak puss one just like mohammed deepak suffered a fair share of stigma due to his unprecedented development but unlike mohammed his case was more shocking instead of the usual four limbs he had eight with the other extra four sticking right out of his chest these extra body parts were said to be an undeveloped twin and were problematic to the mother before she gave birth to deepak she is said to have been through frequent bouts of pain and when she finally gave birth she found out what the problem had been all along it wasn't possible to know of such an abnormality before her due date because of the rather poor health care services in the Indian region of Bihar and so the eight Linda Pak was born much to the astonishment of everyone some viewed him as the hindu goddess lakshmi and even brought him offerings other saw him as some kind of monster who might later consume his parents but thanks to charitable doctors the boy didn't have to put up with all the extra limbs the parasitic twin was removed after scans confirmed that the two didn't share any vital body organs number eight fool when gwee food when we from Beijing China is yet another example that extra body parts can be a bit of a problem instead of the usual seven vertebrae that most people have on their necks who had ten of them this made him appear taller albeit disproportionately as pictured here with his father Fugen you but most unfortunate is the physical pain that comes with those extra bones according to his father the additional three vertebrae exerted more pressure on the nerves of his neck which made walking a grueling ask for the boy according to medical experts when we had a condition called congenital scoliosis that arises when the spinal cord fails to form properly the condition develops early on in the first six or so weeks after conception the last time he was in the limelight who and we was gearing up for surgery to reduce his neck under the sponsorship of a Beijing based charity this was back in 2014 nothing much has been heard about him since then we just hope the operation was a success number seven mana mug head twins come about when the embryo splits into two and each one of them develops to form a distinct fetus but what happens when the split isn't successful the case of mono man get an Egyptian toddler can be used to explain this better the girl got the bad side of the process ending up with an extra head attached to hers instead of a separate twin the help was more of a parasitic toddler arising from a condition called cranial peg espero citta kiss this extra head had a bit of life as it could blink and move the mouth it had even been given a name it's Alam but to allow mana a normal life the head had to go ASAP so doctors get down to work on a 13 hour surgery that saw the undeveloped twin removed this proved a success even though the little girl suffered regular infections for the two years she was alive sadly she later succumbed to a brain infection Charlotte Garside well we said earlier that kids are in some ways just a smaller version of regular people but for Charlotte Garside she was way smaller than a normal kid would be according to experts a newborn baby should weigh anywhere from 5 to 8 pounds under normal circumstances but for Charlotte she was rather tiny weighing just two pounds at birth naturally this was cause for alarm for both doctors and her parents and she had to spend the first 13 weeks of her life under the care of medical staff data from past such cases painted a rather gloomy picture of this girl with doctors chipping in that she might not be able to last past her first birthday this is common among patients of primordial dwarfism a rare genetic disorder Charlotte was suffering from most people with this condition died early on in their lives from health complications due to their tiny builds but not for our little girl she still holds on I'll be it with her brain being a bit less developed for her age but hey it's still incredible that she's come this far [Music] number five mil aggressor on stories of mermaids are commonplace in a lot of cultures around the world the big issue is whether these mythical creatures are real or false Milagros Arun was a close enough representation of the mermaids only that she wasn't one and didn't live in water she was born with siren Amalia or mermaid syndrome which means her legs refused the condition may be accompanied by other health problems like kidney and gastrointestinal issues typically kids born with mermaid syndrome die within a few hours of being born but that wasn't the case for Miller gross she survived long enough for doctors to separate her legs and carry out extensive reconstructive surgery on her lower body she even managed to walk something that was a big deal considering her condition she survived for 15 years before succumbing to kidney complications number four Tessa Evans rare as it is it's not entirely impossible to find organs that fail to develop at the time of birth a case in point is Tessa Evans she was born with an extremely rare condition known as congenital arhe Mia which means she lacked sinus cavities and a sense of smell and the space that should be occupied by a nose is covered with just a patch of skin this rare condition is said to occur about once in every 197 million births and there have been at least 46 reported cases worldwide so how does this girl go about her normal life at birth doctors fitted her with a tube that has been pivotal to her survival but the quest to address her condition hasn't stopped at that she's the first person be fitted with a nasal implant which is aimed to help her grow a nose this process is still ongoing with an assortment of other procedures such as an implant through her hairline the implant is to be replaced as she grows to ensure the nose will grow with her the final procedure will be when she hits her teens a medical tattoo artist will draw nostrils and shades of light and dark to give it the feel of a real body part number three hi dear Montalvo little Thai dear Montalvo from Colombia had a shell like growth on his back that earned him the turtle boy nickname it might have sounded delightful to his mockers but to tae dear the growth held him back in so many ways being at the growth accounted for at least 20% of his weight it was like constantly having baggage on him according to doctors the growth was caused by a rare illness called congenital melanocytic nevus or CMN which the boy was diagnosed with in 2011 and as if the name calling wasn't enough back in his village people believed that he was under some evil spell which trounced him further but thanks to neo Bulstrode a prominent plastic surgeon based in the UK tidier bid goodbye to his growth and with it the emotional and physical strain the conductor offered to operate on him for free after the boy's plate caught his attention and yes the surgery was a success with the IDR now being able to do everything a kid his age would score one for the selfless doctors now it's time for today's best paper today's photo was sent to us by subscriber so if you come across a photo online and want to know more details about it just send it over to us we might even feature it in a future video number two the albino twins these albino twins set the interwebs on fire when this pick was released among a collection of others by Swiss photographer Vinicius terranova they're undeniably adorable with the uncanny resemblance to ancient Greek gods but who are they they're Mara and Lara Pawar living with their parents in Brazil even though they're originally from Guinea Bissau in West Africa as already mentioned they have albinism a more well-known condition compared to most that we've looked at in this video as albinos they lack pigmentation in their skin eyes and hair as you can see this turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the twins together with their older sister Sheila are a sight to behold what's more they've landed major modeling deals with big brands such as those are kids and Nike and they love their skin and past interviews they've termed albinism as pretty and wanted to use it as a medium in the modeling world to represent not just other albinos but also other women those are some pretty impressive affirmations from such young people what can we say may the universe grant their wishes number one pan Zion Hey pan sighing hey has a genetic skin disease known as itch theosis which translates to fish in greek his entire skin from head to toe is dry scaly and always itchy when it is too dry it cracks which can further complicate the boy's life as this opens an avenue for other infections and the pain the boy goes through is unbearable he's unable to sleep peacefully at night and has to limit the movement of both his arms and legs to have a less painful experience the worst part is there's no cure yet so pan will have to contend living with this condition despite all the discomfort he'll have to face locals in weanling China where he lives have nicknamed him the fish boy which let's say doesn't really help the situation - at least tone down the itchiness and pain H theosis patients must keep their skin moisturize at all times moisturizers oils and creams are especially helpful with this [Music]
Channel: 100M
Views: 3,242,559
Rating: 4.9137821 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, kids you wont believe exist, kids you won’t believe actually exist, amazing kids, unusual kids, people are awesome, people are strange, mermaid girl, rudolph ingram, he yide, lu hao, connie lloyd, bella deviátkina, you wont believe exist, list, kids, children, actually exist, you won't believe, incredible, real, child, won't believe, top 10, bizarre, two heads, strongest, in the world, amazing people, kids you won't believe, unusual children, viral
Id: rcDM5vj-Nww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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