10 HORRIFYING Things Found INSIDE Human Body

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like and subscribe right now or this spider will crawl on your face while you're sleeping the human body is an amazing work of art and even more so an incredibly efficient machine but have you ever thought about what bizarre and mind-blowing things the body can accommodate can you imagine that this same work of art and Harvard the most unexpected creatures and objects here are the 10 most unbelievably terrifying things that have ever been found inside a living human body strapped in tightly and get ready to be amazed as we take you through this journey number 10 plants and lungs ever heard of the saying two peas in a pot peculiarly unlucky Massachusetts man Ron sveden found out that his lung had become a pod harboring a pea plant in fact a fully grown few plant had been growing out of his lung for decades Ron had been battling emphysema for months until his conditions started to worsen rapidly emphysema is a medical condition in which excessive air accumulates in lung tissues as his condition deteriorated Ron was rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung but I'm getting scammed it wasn't air that was found in his lung Ron had been given a very unusual diagnosis a pea plant was growing in his lung the confused man who had been expecting at worse a cancer diagnosis then had to deal with the absurd reality that a whole plant had been growing and thriving in his lung Ron's newly discovered friends the plant was measured to be half an inch in size dr. sweat in stock Dursley that he had at some point eaten the pea but it may have somehow escaped the right route and went down the wrong way the man believed the tree had sprouted from a seed he inhaled in the woods during army training for a pea that simply lost its way it sure did cause a lot of damage poor Ron would probably think twice before accepting a meal with peas in it before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number nine fish in lungs twelve-year-old Annie Barela complained to a doctor about having a lot of difficulty breathing soon after he went to the hospital the doctors opted for surgery when the boy's oxygen level suddenly plummeted and he began struggling for breath the 45-minute surgery revealed that there had been a three and a half inch fish lodged in his left lung an Indian chest specialists and bronchoscope expert said that he never had come across such a peculiar case the unwanted visitor even put up a great fight but finally took its last breath when the bronchoscopy was done the young Indian boy admitted that he inhaled the scaly fish as part of a youthful game called swallow while playing beside a river in his home state in bhatia paresh however instead of heading for a stomach the creature somehow found its way to his lung the poor boy probably would not be trading seafood for a long while that's what happens when a life fish decides to take up residence in your lungs number eight maggots in an ear the family of a 92 year old Illinois woman was unpleasantly surprised when doctors discovered if these seven maggots living happily in her ear the woman Katherine McCann suffered from Alzheimer's and was put in the nursing home for a better care the plan however hatched in a rather imaginable way staff at the nursing home noticed the gory looking situation in her ear after noticing she had been practically scratching her hear but they assumed it was a wax buildup I'm getting to the hospital nine days after they first discovered the issue the elderly woman was prescribed drops and sent home this was the evening before maggots were discovered doctors believed that a fly must have crawled into her ear and laid some eggs which successfully hatched after the surgery the poor woman was so distressed that her condition edged her family to sue the nursing home for negligence another man in India had it even worse he arrived at a hospital complaining of you pain in examination the doctor found hundreds of maggots larvae living in his flesh they had been discovered a minute later the parasites could have burrowed further and eaten up his brain got out of bad way to go number seven and heal a 40-year old Chinese man had what you would call a shocking visitor while he was drunk and passed out his friends thought it would be funny to put an eel and his penis the eel had squirmed its way farther into the man's rectum and began to cause destruction it continued to knots wait further into its intestines working even more havoc and was finally recovered from the man's abdomen the horrid tenant died shortly after being extracted from the man's body he also often have pointed jaws but sharp teeth and slender body which no doubt helped this particular eel to slither in and eat its way through the man the creatures actually considered to be a delicacy in China but this particular man did not seem to be in a hurry to take up the habit of eating eels any time soon surprisingly this was not the only case of backside resident eels in China a Chinese vlogger popularly called quickly became an internet sensation although not for her blogging skills the 20 year old had put an Asian swamp eel inside a condom and began to use it to masturbate during a live broadcast in a bid to attract more viewers the eel escaped inmates way further into her causing her to require life-saving surgery the reality she found herself in have slithered irreparable from the outcome she was expecting number 6 a microphone in 2003 a pregnant woman was sent into a critical medical condition after she impaled herself on a microphone how you might ask the 34 year old Jessie Wickham had suddenly become dizzy and fell off a loft in her home and landed rather unluckily on a microphone including the long stand although dizziness is a common symptom associated with pregnancy a 3-foot long microphone stand protruding out of the chest is not the poor woman was rushed to the hospital after she called 9-1-1 and her six-year-old son helped guide medical personnel to her home Jessie was an avid lover of music and often opened up her house to musicians in her locale to practice after a long and complicated surgery doctors were able to successfully eradicate the object Jessie was already 8 and a half months gone in her pregnancy and the fetus was only narrowly saved as the pole missed it by inches and also barely missed her heart Wickham is a lucky lady number 5 a giant hairball in Kyrgyzstan a teenage girl at Perry alekseeva was relieved of IG kantak hairball aperi had been diagnosed with rapunzel syndrome which is an extremely rare intestinal condition and humans resulting from ingesting hair the girl had a rather disturbing habit of picking up strands of hair and bits of wool that she found on the carpet at home as well as chewing on the ends of her own hair her parents had noticed that she had been losing weight did not eat or drink anything she began to look very sick and ghoulish the concerned parents have to be transported to the capital city for treatment after her condition got worse the 18 year old had immediately undergone an absolutely hair raising procedure to remove the 9 pound monstrosity while in recovery I parry vowed that she would never chew her hair again number 4 magnets children as you might know have the unexplainable habit of swallowing the most ridiculous things such as the case of eight-year-old Haley from Indiana the girl really Lentz confessed that she had swallowed the magnets and steel objects which her father could barely understand how his daughter could have done such a thing he claimed that they taught her to be smart enough not to do things like that he did not seem to understand the certain attraction between kids and odd objects Haley was taken to the hospital after she began experiencing pain so unbearable she could barely stand meanwhile inside her body the magnets and steel pieces did what they do best they began to pull toward each other regardless of whether they were in her body rather unattractive image to picture the doctors retrieved 10 magnets and 20 steel balls from little Haley stomach after spending two weeks in the hospital an 8 year old did not eat much prompting to realize that not everything that looked like candy happened to be candy number 3 cutlery when Margaret Dallman reported to the hospital complaining of excruciating pain in her stomach doctors were not expecting to find what they did in the stomach daleman had a disturbing habit of swallowing cutlery and soon the consequences caught up with her the netherlands resident worked as a secretary in a local state agency until doctors that she could not explain the urge she always had to eat cutlery it was also revealed that it had not been her first time being treated for ingesting cutlery but hopefully it would be the last an astonishing x-ray taken before her operation revealed dozens of forks and spoons trapped inside the 52 year old she was rushed to surgery in a desperate attempt to remove the silver mare the surgeons extracted 78 forks and spoons and diamond was diagnosed with a borderline personality disorder called pica that gave her the urge to eat cutlery her silver lining rested in her decision to dedicate her time to therapy to avoid a repeat on the dicey disaster now it's time for today's best paper today's picture was sent in by a subscriber if you ever come across a picture and would like to know its origins you can send it to us who knows your picture may get featured in the new video number 2 spider spiders are known to be invasive creepy crawlies but where you would never expect to find a spider would definitely be inside the human body Australian Dylan Thomas woke up one day to find a two-inch red trail across his stomach this was a few days after Dylan had returned from his vacation in Bali the unexpected souvenir had burrowed under his skin and traveled all the way to his chest the concerned man had gone to see a dermatologist who perceived the trail to be an insect bite Thomas was given an antihistamine and was sent on his way later in the day the eight-legged creature had burrowed two or three inches further up his chest and had started to poster the dermatologists realized that Dylan's peculiar insect bite was in fact not an insect bite the tourists then went on to get examined and tested and doctors discovered that a tropical spider had been living in him for three days Thomas was operated on in a spider which is the size of a match head was removed doctors suspected that the invader had entered Dylan's body through a small appendix scar that was left after appendectomy number one a twin when you come across a man with an unexplainably large belly you might sneak here I know the monument to a wreckless diet and lifestyle you might even entertain the comical thought of a pregnant man this was the case of an Indian man named Sanju Bhagat Sanju had been ridiculed all his life for an incredibly enormous summit the farmer had looked pregnant all his life people in his village said he looks like he was nine months pregnant well did they know they weren't far from the truth when banget was 36 his belly became more than a physical limitation the armor began to have serious difficulty breathing he was immediately rushed to a home by hospital where the doctors assumed that the man had a tumor growing inside of him on operating the surgeon discovered something he had never seen before inside sun-joo was his mutated undeveloped twin brother 36 year old had a rare medical condition called fetus in fetu which occurs when a fetus gets trapped inside its twin when they're still developing in the womb Sanju's twin had become a parasite and had begun to leech off his body and blood supplied to survive the parasite got so big that it even developed mouth torn limbs bones genitalia even small Tufts of hair after the surgery Sanju dropped a whopping 112 pounds and regained his ability to breathe so there we have it guys the ten most horrifying things that have ever been found in a human body if you enjoyed watching this video please click the subscribe button and give us a like that's it take care and stay safe [Music]
Channel: 100M
Views: 445,427
Rating: 4.9435439 out of 5
Keywords: top, education, 100m, fish in lungs, maggots in ear, botfly larvae in eye, scary, spider, things, ear, worm in eye, human body, inside, maggots, tapeworm in intestines, creepy, tapeworm, human body (literature subject), human, top 10, things found living inside a human body, living inside a human, botfly, intestine, body, facts, living inside a human body, horrifying things found living inside a human body, worms, parasite, FOUND, discovered, actually happened, existed, human weird, odd, strange
Id: ooAIhPuywQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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