The Most Shocking CULT Scandals And Events

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beyond the pseudo religious rantings against the corrupt World there is an ulterior and very practical motive for this morning's operation welcome to watch Mojo and today we're discussing some of the most harrowing upsetting tragic and bizarre cult scandals and tragic events people think that Pride makes them great but pride is covering up uh an inner deficiency of lovability the solar Temple tragedy here they were privy to startling Revelations not only messages from their mysterious spiritual Masters but sometimes apparitions of the figures themselves a heroing sequence of events unfolded across Switzerland France and Canada orchestrated by a group known as the order of the solar Temple this organization rooted in a blend of esoteric beliefs mysticism and the Allure of transcending the material world promised its Believers a passage to a higher spiritual plane however this promise culminated in tragic deaths under the guise of achieving salvation from a society believed to be deteriorating the leaders exploiting their magnetic pole convinced over 70 individuals that leaving their Earthly constraints was a necessary step towards a new purified existence beyond the stars these events spread out over 3 years starkly highlighted the perilous consequences of unyielding belief in a catastrophic fate 500 officers were involved in the man hunt it began on Friday when cars were found in the forest belonging to cult members Heaven's Gates transition now you can say well I can't believe that well it's up to you whether you believe that or not the Serene setting of a San Diego Mansion became the scene of a startling Discovery 39 bodies each dressed identically in black shirts sweatpants and brand new Nike decade sneakers lay in bunk beds and on the floor helmed by Marshall Apple White the Heaven's Gate cult orchestrated a mass departure from life believing that the hail Bop Comet then near its closest approach to Earth harbored the spacecraft that would take their souls to a higher existence we interviewed Chuck Humphrey and he gave me this t-shirt and true to his own beliefs it says Heaven's Gate what if they're right Apple White a charismatic leader who fused Christian millenarianism with sci-fi interpretations of biblical prophecy had convinced his followers to view their physical bodies as mere vessels to be shed in preparation people recorded farewell messages expressing eagerness for their journey to what they called The Next Level being out of the world proved to me being out of the class excuse me proved to me that this was the only thing for me the rajnish porum experiment the Raji took off their red robes and put on regular clothing and went through the town with spray containers filled with salmonella the quiet expanse of Central Oregon became the unlikely stage for buan Shri rajnish later known as as Osho his acolytes established a commune aimed at creating a Utopia founded on principles of dynamic meditation free love and communal living however the commune's practices soon created tension with local authorities the conflict escalated into a series of legal battles over landuse and zoning laws it's also been reported that the group amassed so many weapons they had more Firepower than all the Oregan State Police east of the Cascades in 1984 in an attempt to influence County elections and gain political control a faction within the commune executed the largest biot terror attack in United States history poisoning salad bars at local restaurants with salmonella sickening over 750 people this terrible event not only exposed the dark undercurrents within the commune but also the vulnerability to ideological extremism he pleaded guilty to immigration violations was deported and died in India in 1990 if you're interested in learning more about cult in today's world keep watching until the end of this list for the 10 most disturbing Cults that are still active hello everyone this is the Manson family spiral Into [Music] Darkness it's not nice to snitch short Charles Manson and his groupies known as the Manson family created a wave of Terror that shocked the nation Manson a charismatic figure with a troubled past attracted various lost people disillusioned by Society settling at spawn Ranch in California Manson preached a doctrine that combined apocalyptic Prophecy with personal grievances culminating in what he called Helter Skelter an anticipated race war he believed his actions could initiate when Terry hears me play he's going to lose his mind which means the world gets to hear my music and then all the Lost young loves during the Mayhem and the killing will hear my music and they will know that they have a home in August 1969 this dangerous mix of delusion and loyalty manifested in a series of brutal incidents most notoriously The Murders At 10,50 SEO Drive which claimed the life of actress Sharon Tate and four others the trial that followed captivated the public with Manson and several family members receiving life sentences every bit of it was planned out by Charles Manson The Tragedy of the people's Temple he could rail I mean he could just light up I mean his whole body punctuated what he was saying in the jungles of Guyana the people's Temple led by Jim Jones culminated in one of the most harrowing tragedies of the 20th century promising a Utopian community free from the social injustices of the United States Jones lured over 900 people to Jonestown however beneath the guise of socialist paradise and racial Harmony lay a regime of fear manipulation and control the community was subjected to intense indoctrination forced labor and rehearsals for a revolutionary Mass departure from life it's been a it's it's such a joy and great pleasure being here because of Father's Love we are trying to make and we are making a place of Refuge for all of you here on November 18th 1978 under Jones's directive and amid mounting external scrutiny the community was coerced into ingesting a cyanide laced drink this act resulted in the largest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until September 11th 2001 and I'll say this about November 18th I felt I lost a family the movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God in the year 2000 a devastating event unfolded in Uganda involving a doomsday cult known as the movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God this cult promised salvation in the face of an impending apocalypse they claimed would occur at the turn of the Millennium as the predicted Apocalypse date passed without incident doubts and unrest grew among the flock we believe there was a systematic extermination of followers and we believe this was after the prophecy failed to materialize in a tragic turn over 700 members lost their lives in a fire at the Cults Church in kungu investigations later suggested a Sinister reality uncovering multiple sites with victims indicating a premeditated act by the leadership to silent desent and cover up the failed prophecy these people knew what they were doing they were doing it systematically the antill kids commune but they actually duped people they made people believe that they were just wanting to have this nice little lifestyle controlled by Rock Moise Tero in Canada this commune started as an offshoot seeking spiritual enlightenment and escape from societal Norms Kio charismatic and manipulative initially Drew in the curious with Promises of a utopian life based on shared values and Back To Nature living however it all quickly devolved into a nightmare of exploitation and control with Teo asserting absolute authority over his followers lives including their health relationships and autonomy you know we don't have no power no possibility to think anymore we as I said we are zombie the communes internal practices hidden behind a facade of religious devotion and communal living included extreme and inh disciplinary measures that Terio Justified as necessary for purification and spiritual growth these actions birthed unimaginable suffering and in some cases loss of life among the members Trio's reign of terror ended when authorities finally intervened with rock Tero Behind Bars people began asking how a man of God could have become so ungodly om shino's Tokyo attack [Music] in March 1995 the world was stunned by a shocking act of violence in the heart of Tokyo Japan om shrio a cult led by shoko asahara orchestrated a saren gas attack on the Tokyo subway system targeting innocent commuters during the morning Rush Hour asahara who Blended apocalyptic religion with his own prophetic Visions convinced others that the end of the world was imminent and that they needed to act to save Humanity they didn't fit in in the Japanese Society they didn't really fit in in this kind of super consumerist type of society the traumatic event resulted in 13 deaths and injured thousands causing Widespread Panic and fear this event marked one of the deadliest acts of domestic extremism in Japan's history bringing Global attention to the dangers posed by Cults with access to chemical weapons many passengers head upstairs for fresh air but the siren is already in their blood poisoning them the branch dividian Siege I got a call that morning a little Siege going on in Waco Texas and we don't think it's going to last more than 2 days I was there for 51 days a sect that splintered from the 7th Day Adventist Church the branch devidians entered the Global Spotlight in early 1993 culminating in a 51-day Siege at their compound in Waco Texas led by David K who claimed prophetic status and demanded absolute loyalty from his devotees they became the focus of of federal attention due to allegations of illegal activities Lord I have preached righteousness in the great congregation what's he going to preach seal the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms attempted to execute a search warrant at the Mount Carmel Center sparking an initial deadly exchange of gunfire and leading to a prolonged standoff with the FBI The Siege ended tragically on April 19th 1993 when the compound caught fire under controversial circumstances resulting in the deaths of of Kesh and 76 of his followers these men came in here and they started firing on us the bats came through the walls and people were killed people were injured the Nexium Scandal I'm an unconventional person and when conventional Solutions don't work maybe the unconventional way of thinking does initially introduced to the public as a professional development company offering executive success programs Nexium spiraled into infamy in 2017 following Revelations that peeled back layers of a much darker reality founded by Keith reri Nexium attracted thousands including celebrities and Wealthy professionals with Promises of personal growth and professional empowerment I'm I'm in all lot a lot of you why I it's say somebody like you exists in the world however beneath the veneer of self-improvement lurked a hierarchical organization that manipulated and exploited members Central to to the Scandal was Doss a secretive subgroup within Nexium where women were branded with Rene's initials and coerced into servitude under the GU of mentorship high-profile arrests including reri and actress Allison Mack brought to light practices of psychological control exploitation and forced labor you look terrible when you control you look beautiful when you don't before we get to our number one pick if you're fascinated by the shocking cult scandals and events from this list be sure to stay tuned for our list of the 10 most most disturbing Cults that are still active and that you'd never want to meet next you had to have at least three wives while you lived on Earth and if you did not you could not reach that highest degree the mam moros nightmare the professor of anthropology studied Colts before but wasn't prepared for what he was about to see in 1989 the discovery of a ranch in Matamoros Mexico revealed the nightmarish activities of a cult presided over by adult constanzo shocking both local communities and international observers castano a self-proclaimed Sorcerer And His Believers practiced ritualistic human sacrifices believing these acts would grant them protection and power authorities paraded four suspects who admit to cult involvement two who say they helped abduct Mark Kilroy on March 14th as he celebrated spring break in mamura the investigation initially triggered by The Disappearance of an American college student uncovered gruesome evidence of the Cults rituals including altars adorned with human remains this case highlighted the dangerous intersection of criminal Enterprise and perverse spiritual beliefs challenging law enforcement agencies across borders and drawing public attention to the vulnerabilities within communities that can be exploited by charismatic leaders promising power and protection they thread him some bread and water we understand and then one of them ultimately came up behind him with the machete and and and hit him across the back of the head with it are there any other movements or events that could be on this list let us know in the comments he intended to teach each and every one of them to be exactly what he wanted them to be welcome to watch Mojo and today we're looking at 10 disturbing Cults you never want to meet for this list we're looking at bizarre Cults that are somehow currently active there are inactive Cults that are far more Sinister such as Jonestown but we'll save those for a different list you would be sworn in as a member and and uh you would also swear not to reveal any of the uh going on inside this uh this group which of these do you find the strangest let us know in the comments below the rid Niche [Music] movement buan Shri rnes a controversial philosophy scholar and Professor founded his movement in the late 1960s early '70s he dismissed established religions and instead focused on free thought meditation and sexual Freedom now there are two ways either repress sex as it has been done by all the so-called religious traditions of the world are transformed I am for transformation he also had a marked interest in communist literature which influenced his teachings he moved his facility to Oregon in the early 1980s after attracting too much controversy in India yet found the same hostilities in the states in order to gain political influence the movement committed crimes such as mass local Salmonella poisoning and an attempted assassination of a US attorney he was then deported and the movement's commune was reestablished in India in 1985 rajnish died in 1990 but the movement now called Osho is still very much active what's going to happen to your holy man buan had always told me that when things get too difficult for him he will sit in his chair take a injection and disappear the order of the solar Temple the order attracted many successful upper middle class people disillusioned with conventional churches yet hungry for Spiritual experiences the order of the solar Temple or International order of chivalry solar tradition was founded in Geneva in 1984 the order took its influence from the Knights Templar which had been reformed into several several factions in 1805 in its Heyday the order had a presiding Council as well as multiple lodges around the world in which they would perform initiation rights and ceremonies only the elite who had passed all the initiations from novice to Knight would treated to the secrets of the inner sanctum here they were privy to startling Revelations the order believed that an apocalyptic event would occur sometime in the mid90s and that in order to survive they had to achieve a higher plane of existence in the mid90s over 70 of its members were murdered or took their own lives investigators say the cult was obsessed with death and considered it an illusion experts say cult leaders told their followers that fire would lead them to a new world on another planet with more to follow despite this the group is still thought to have between 140 and 500 active members realism the raans now 30,000 strong worldwide believe that space beings created humans through genetic experimentation though its classification as a cult is sometimes debated realism was or is still at some point in the cult category it's essentially what's called a UFO religion and was founded in France by clud Von in 1974 it's not only the the scientific aspect of creating life but also the political religious belief uh so sociology everything is we are entering a new world which is completely different but there is no a better world a much better World they believe that an alien race known as Elohim created humans the Elohim have been mistaken for Gods historically and any prophetic figure such as Jesus or Muhammad was created by them Von known as Rael is the 40th and final Prophet followers believe that the world is in an Age of Apocalypse and that new technologies must be developed after which time the Elohim will return to Earth and share their extraterrestrial knowledge with us current railan members were counted at around 18,000 in 2017 the rail mve has two goals one is to to spread the message and two to build the embassy Al inside sect members were undergoing survival training chemicals and drugs were used to raise then remove states of anxiety om Shin Rio or more recently Alf was founded in Japan in 1987 by chisu Matsumoto later known as shoko asahara it's a doomsday cult and its beliefs combine aspects of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism Hinduism Christian millenarianism yogic practices and the Prophecies of Nostradamus the religion is a blend of yoga and mysticism with bits of Buddhist Hindu and Christian teachings thrown in his catchiest sales point though was a claim to levitation it started off fairly tame but eventually the became criminal with accusations of extortion murder and forced membership among other things they performed a number of attacks at some point the group began to manufacture sarin gas and were responsible for the attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995 which left upwards of 1,000 injured a number of the more prominent members were executed in 2018 but there were still indications of active membership as of 2019 about 20 members live here and AER lifestyle driven by the desire to spread the Master's teachings hello everyone this is shoko 12 tribes if you're not in you're out if you're not if you're not with me you're against me if you want to have a strong identity create a strong enemy and then you can really know who you are founded in Tennessee during the Evangelical Jesus movement of the 1970s the 12 tribes might seem like a simple wholesome community on the surface it aspires to recreate the original Christian Church as depicted in the book of Acts however it allegedly exerts authoritarian control over its followers lives and promotes strict corporal punishment reportedly by parents and non-parents alike which has led to accusations of child abuse Tessa remembers being sent out to work on her own when she was just 5 years old sometimes working in kitchens like preparing food for the whole rest of the community or in like candle factories so I remember being like four or 5 years old working with this boiling wax once followers reach a certain level they're allegedly instructed that Jews are cursed for murdering Jesus that gay people should be put to death and that black people are naturally servants to whites the group has often flown under the radar but there's a lot more going on beneath the smiling and folk dancing they control your logic and your and your thinking and they control your money happy science so happy science have so many teachings that you can learn about them so that is a l of wisdom you got love founded in 1986 by former businessman ruo Okawa happy science focuses on a four-fold path to happiness members of the group attend seminars and training in order to climb the group ladder they worship elari a being that is said to have been born over 300 million years ago on Earth and reincarnated through time until its current Incarnation which is of course Okawa himself r Okawa this guy is the supreme god of Earth more powerful than Jesus Allah and Moses [Music] combined the problem with this one comes in the form of major uncredited claims for example that the organization can cure the pandemic with quote spiritual vaccines okawa's own son has left the group and subsequently denounced his father's actions happy science claims to have 11 million followers however a former member has said it's more like 30,000 there are membership fees there are donations for prayers for blessings members May kind of rise in status based on donation to Okawa and his larger project the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of latterday Saints every aspect of this family's life who they marry what they wear even what they eat is controlled by the man they call their Prophet Warren Jeffs the LDS church spawned some fundamentalist sects when the core religion opted to renounce the practice of polygamy those who wish to continue the practice branched off remaining Mormon but on their own terms polygamy remains illegal however and in 1953 an entire flds Community was arrested in short Creek Arizona modern-day Colorado City and most had their children taken away from them we were taught from birth that in order to get what they called the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom you had to have at least three wives while you lived on Earth and if you did not you could not reach that highest degree a compound in Texas was rated in 2008 after child protective services was made aware of allegations of abuse over over 400 children were taken from the compound and placed in CPS custody we felt like the children out there on the property were in danger and that's when it became a very large operation leader of flds Warren Jeffs remains in his position despite being in prison for life after acts against miners the sect currently has between 6,000 and 10,000 followers Superior Universal alignment the second UFO cult on this list Superior Universal alignment or lento Universal Superior was founded by Valentin GI andrai in 1981 she claimed to have received messages from extraterrestrials warning her of Destruction if however she shared their warnings with others she and her followers would be saved similar to the raans suah believes that Jesus was actually an extraterrestrial messenger they also believe that males born after 1981 are evil and that their lives should end as payment to the superior beings between 1981 and 1993 19 Brazilian boys disappeared were mutilated and left to die in the woods the guilty cult members were sentenced but Gian drai was acquitted the cult is still active and has been running a website since 2009 the family International Berg preached to the hippie generation about Jesus and recruited them to join him in his all-consuming drive to save Souls the children of God more recently the family International was founded in 1968 by David Berg and was immediately subject to controversy as it used sex to lure potential members which was Berg's own invention which he called flirty fishing they established colonies worldwide as many as 130 in 70 countries the family International draw their beliefs from the Bible yet with a heavy emphasis on loving Jesus which is done through sexual interaction over time there have been a large number of child mistreatment allegations raised against them reportedly keeping children is a cult policy while longing for her four lost children Vivian lived here in this small apartment in sou Falls disoriented unable to hold a job and subsisting on welfare celebrities such as River and walking Phoenix as well as Rose Macwan were partially raised in this group before finding their way out TFI is still active albeit as an online community boasting 1450 members we were trafficked we were moved constantly we were never taught anybody's names so it's very difficult to learn your abuser's names and I think that was by Design oh absolutely before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications Nexium to understand Nexium nxivm is the umbrella company founded in 1998 by Keith reri and Nancy salsman Nexium started out as a self-help Group which offered classes called executive success programs in 2017 former members urged authorities to investigate initially for a subgroup within Nexium called The Vow it was a group of women branded with Rene's initials and on a rotation to have relations with the founder and recruit members do you think the person who's being branded should be completely nude and sort of held to the table like a sort of almost like a sacrifice I don't know if that that's a feeling of submission in a sort of exceedingly complex relationship scheme on top of this in 2018 charges were brought against reri and five female members for a number of crimes including extortion sex trafficking and the list goes on reneer got 120 years in prison as of 2020 a number of groups branched from Nexium are said to be active and recruiting we didn't even know that we were being experimented on we thought we were just kind of learning and growing but really they were observing and watching how we responded to the lack of sleep how we responded to lack of food how all of these things affected our psyche and we were very weak we were weak mentally and we were weak physically check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Views: 106,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branch Davidians, Education, Facts, History, NXIVM, Rajneeshpuram, charles manson, cult, cult events, cult leader, cult leaders, cult scandals, cults, heaven's gate, infamous cults, list, manson family, mojo, most shocking cult events, most shocking cult scandals, scandal, scandals, shocking cult events, shocking cult scandals, the Peoples Temple, the solar temple tragedy, top 10, waco siege, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst cult leaders, worst cults
Id: tbOT6eswVPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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