20 Shocking Facts About Living on Death Row

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you're killing people whether you know they're Inn innocent or not once you find out that they are innocent you can't bring them back welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down the 20 most striking harsh and difficult aspects of existence on death row quite honestly what people don't see the whitewashing on the lethal injection is there is suffering number 20 extended weight times before execution you know as the days get closer I can feel the pressure on my shoulder ERS uh they call it clinical depression where I just start having less motivation to do things less energy inmates typically wait for years sometimes decades before their execution is carried out this prolonged period is due to the extens of appeals process designed to ensure the fairness and accuracy of the death penalty however this extended weight can be psychologically taxing for them as they live in a state of uncertainty about their fate the extensive and excruciating duration of waiting also raises questions about the effectiveness and ethical implications of the entire process as prisoners spend a portion of their lives in a state of limbo for Patrick the state has decided after 17 years his time is now up number 19 limited contact with the outside world mcmanis had always amazed me how clean that cell is keep it up lot of time in here I know significant restrictions exist for those on death row and their interactions with the outside world most of their time is spent in solitary confinement with limited access to visitors and phone calls the strict rules governing communication often lead to feelings of isolation and despair this isolation has a profound impact creating a sense of disconnection from society despite these challenges some find ways to express themselves through letters artwork or legal appeals attempting to maintain a sense of humanity in a system organized to limit personal interactions just sit up there like I was doing and just writing a letter writing my girl over in Germany so number 18 strict daily routine just if you stay calm we're going to treat you like a human we're going to treat you decently uh the the the implication is until we kill you like a dog life on death row is characterized by a strict and monotonous daily routine prisoners are confined to their C for up to 23 hours a day with minimal opport unities for physical exercise or Recreation meals are often served in the cells and inmates have very limited access to educational or vocational programs this rigid schedule is meant to maintain order and security within the prison but it also contributes to mental and physical deterioration with little opportunity for any sort of normal daily human connection the stress that they may have throughout the day of not being able to talk to their loved ones or family members so the cat replaces that which they don't have or loss on the outside number 17 mental health challenges as already touched upon incarceration can have a large impact on Mental Health the isolation uncertainty and stress of awaiting execution can lead to a range of psychological issues including depression anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder you know at any time you know um once your pellet you know all your pellet rights is up they can come get you and execute you that's a threat it's always on your mind it's always in the back of your head right in some cases inmates may already have pre-existing conditions that are exacerbated by their time on death row the lack of access to Quality Mental Health Services for inmates reflects broader issues of neglect and inadequate resources in Correctional Facilities exacerbating the challenges faced by those on death row and hindering their ability to cope with the extraordinary pressures of their situation when you're on death row um death or thinking about death is unavoidable you know because uh it it's around you all the time number 16 exposure to violence and safety concerns here we have uh several weapons that uh We've discovered throughout the years here at Ironwood but it kind of shows how ingenious these guys are when it comes to creating weapons within a facility unsurprisingly the nature of this form of confinement usually means a heightened risk of violence and safety concerns the high stress environment combined with the presence of individuals convicted of serious crimes could lead to volatile situations incidents of violence among inmates or even between inmates and guards are not uncommon you got to be prepared for anything and everything that situation yesterday it could have been me getting walked out on a on a gurnie instead of somebody else these safety concerns are further exacerbated by the fact that many on death row already suffer from issues which can lead to unpredictable Behavior prisons often Implement rigorous security protocols to mitigate these risks but the underlying tension and potential for conflict remain a constant presence this environment of heightened vigilance and potential danger adds another layer of psychological stress to the already burdensome experience of awaiting execution number 15 impact on physical health the conditions on death row can of course also take a huge toll on physical health the lack of physical activity coupled with the stress of confinement often causes a range of problems including cardiovascular difficulties muscle atrophy and weakened immune systems Additionally the quality of Medical Care in prisons is often substandard making it difficult to receive adequate treatment for existing illnesses or injuries a nurse wrote in the patient's chart that he had um vital signs were normal and he was in no apparent distress despite the fact that the prisoner had had actually died 10 hours earlier these challenges are compounded by the psychological strain of living under the constant threat of execution further deteriorating the overall health and well-being of inmates the neglect of these physical health issues reflects a broader disregard for the humanity of those on death row raising critical ethical questions about the treatment and care of the incarcerated I actually watched a good friend of mine that was not a LIF term inmate who had a definite date to get out turn green and die in his bunk number 14 security measures prisons of this kind Implement stringent security measures to prevent escapes and maintain order these measures include constant surveillance limited movement within the prison and thorough searches of cells and people we also do get sometime outside but it often time it's just in a cage about a you know 12 by 16 cage the intense security environment contributes to the oppressive atmosphere on death row and exacerbates the the sense of confinement and isolation despite these measures there have been rare instances of escapes or violent incidents highlighting the challenges of managing such a high security environment this constant state of surveillance and restriction not only diminishes the sense of personal autonomy for inmates but also serves as a daily reminder of their circumstances reinforcing the psychological barriers to maintaining hope or a sense of normaly within such a controlled setting number 13 variations and conditions by state the conditions on death row vary significantly from state to state in the United States individuals who may have some type of safety concerns whether they are um pred whe we believe they may be predatorial or whether we believe they may uh have safety concerns coming at them from other individuals we place them on individual yards by themselves each state has its own policies and procedures leading to differences in cell size access to amenities and and opportunities for social interaction some states may offer more Humane environments While others maintain more restrictive environments can you help people understand why so badly you want to die it isn't that I want to die it's so I'd rather be dead than do this these variations reflect the broader inconsistencies in the US criminal justice system and highlight the importance of understanding the specific context of each State's practices this disparity and treatment raises questions about the equity and fairness of the death penalty across different jurisdictions underscoring the need for national standards to ensure a baseline level of dignity and Humane treatment for all individuals sentenced to death number 12 limited legal resources now we talked to a local trial attorney who says that O'Neal has already done serious damage to his chances at getting an appeal as he was representing himself throughout the trial waiting for execution ALS also often means facing big challenges in accessing legal resources to appeal convictions or sentences many rely on courta appointed attorneys or public defenders who may be overburdened with cases and have limited resources to dedicate to each clients this can result in inadequate legal representation and a lower likelihood of successful appeals inmates with financial resources or support from advocacy groups may have better access to Legal Assistance highlighting disparities in the justice system based on socioeconomic status the struggle for adequate legal representation is a critical issue for death row inmates as the quality of Defense can significantly impact the outcome of appeals and ultimately the fate of The Condemned number 11 last meal tradition imagining what's going through their minds this is my last meal on this Earth one of the most well-known aspects of Life on death row is the tradition of the last meal inmates are typically allowed to request a special meal of their choice before their execution this practice varies by state with some imposing restrictions on the cost or type of food that can be requested the choices made by prisoners for their last meals can be deeply personal and reflective of their individual tastes backgrounds and experiences this moment of personal choice amidst an otherwise controlled and restricted existence provides a brief rest bit from the Grim reality of their situation offering a poignant glimpse into the humanity of those facing execution the death row inmates they didn't have a choice of whatever meal they were going to have every day here they have a a choice something they haven't had probably in two decades number 10 inadequate living conditions the Russian novelist Don tvki once wrote the degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons that judgment would be harsh for anyone setting foot in any of our nation's 123 federal prisons death row inmates often face extremely poor more living arrangements with overcrowded cells insufficient ventilation and subpar sanitation this all contributes to the overall dehumanization and suffering experienced by those awaiting execution the lack of privacy constant noise and exposure to extreme temperatures further exacerbate the physical and mental strain on inmates it is not a way of life I would ever want to live moreover the quality of food provided is frequently inadequate both in terms of nutritional value and T taste adding another layer of discomfort to their daily lives these harsh living conditions raise significant ethical concerns about the treatment of the most marginalized individuals in the criminal justice system number nine racial and economic disparities the death penalty disproportionately affects minorities and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds Studies have shown that racial bias and economic status significantly influence who gets sentenced to death with high higher likelihood for those unable to afford private legal representation this systemic inequality underscores the fundamental flaws within the entire system reflecting broader societal issues of racial and economic Injustice these disparities contribute to a sense of hopelessness among inmates as many believe their fate was sealed not by the severity of their crime but by their race and inability to navigate the legal system effectively number eight impact on fam the Ripple effects of a death row sentence extend far beyond the individual deeply impacting their families and loved ones I mean I guess for them it's just it's another day and you out here I mean the world is keeping going you the emotional and financial burden placed on families can be overwhelming as they navigate the complex and often costly legal system in an effort to save their relative visitation restrictions and the stigma associated with a death sentence further isolate families leading to social ostracism and psychological distress the impending execution of a family member creates a prolonged period of grief and Trauma complicating the morning process and leaving lasting scars on those Left Behind the emotional toll on families highlights the broader societal impact of the death penalty it's pretty much like a Slaughter line I mean there's no dignity at all and and it's just inhuman number seven lack of Rehabilitation opportunities unlike other segments of the prison population death row inmates have virtually no access to Rehabilitation programs or activities that could contribute to personal development or remorse the focus on punishment over Rehabilitation denies individuals the chance to reflect on their actions make amends or improve themselves this lack of rehabilitative support not only undermines any potential for personal growth but also questions the broader goals of the criminal justice system by denying these opportunities the system reinforces a cycle of Despair and stagnation for those on death row further alienating them from the possibility of positive change or Redemption and I think that's something that goes on every time uh and every day that they get up that they're reminded that what they did was wrong and I think that is a difficult way to to live you know out your life number six media and public perception the portrayal of death row in Ates in the media and public discourse often lacks nuance and Humanity focusing instead on sensationalizing their crimes Lidell Lee is a super Predator he kills for fun this one-dimensional portrayal contributes to a dehumanized view of individuals on death row overshadowing any more complex personal histories and systemic failures I'll be here on death row well no it is seven years I'll be here on death row 7 years and I still wake up up cold sweat when I think of what I've done the Public's appetite for true crime stories and politicization further complicates efforts to Foster empathy or understanding for The Condemned cementing a culture of Retribution over Rehabilitation and compassion the impact of media representation on public perception is significant shaping attitudes toward the death penalty and knows it affects it is silly to keep them alive and keep them fed clothed number five execution methods last night in Oklahoma while observers watched an execution by lethal injection deviated horribly from the script methods of execution ranging from lethal injection to electrocution carry their own sets of controversies and psychological impacts reports of botched executions and the suffering they cause have raised significant ethical questions about the Humane application of the death penalty he rised and struck struggled and managed to say the words man I'm not and something is wrong the anticipation of such a potentially painful and undignified end adds a profound layer of fear and anxiety to the already distressing experience of awaiting execution highlighting the brutal reality the psychological impact of facing an execution method that may result in pain or prolonged suffering cannot be overstated it introduces an additional dimension of Terror to the already formidable Prospect of death this is supposed to be an execution not a a Vindication number four postconviction innocent claims I thought me being innocent would be the cloak that would protect me and it didn't a deeply troubling aspect of the death row experience is the possibility of Innocence with the Advent of DNA testing and increased scrutiny of forensic evidence there have been numerous cases of wrongful convictions being overturned however the process approving innocence is arduous and timeconsuming leaving some innocent individuals to languish on death row for years or Worse to be executed before their innocence can be proven Ford spent 29 years 3 months and 5 days of his life in solitary confinement on death row an innocent man years behind bars spending every waking moment wondering if this would be the week he dies this reality casts a shadow over the entire death penalty system underscoring the irreversible nature of execution and the catastrophic consequences of judicial error the potential for wrongful execution exposes fundamental flaws in the criminal justice process highlighting the urgent need for reforms to enhance the reliability of convictions number three execution witnessing death Ro first and foremost is pure hell inmates on death row often grapple with the trauma of witnessing or hearing about the executions of fellow inmates these experiences can have a profound psychological impact heightening feelings of dread and hopelessness you smell the Flesh of another human being that they just killed my cell was 30 yards away from the execution check the knowledge that they may soon face a similar fate serves as a constant reminder of their mortality and the Grim reality of their situation exacerbating mental health issues and contributing to a evasive atmosphere of Despair witnessing the execution process either directly or indirectly introduces an element of vicarious trauma this exposure to the realities of execution can deepen the sense of isolation and alienation from Society number two loss of personal identity the institutional environment of death row with its rigid routines and dehumanizing treatment often leads to a loss of personal identity among inmates keep busy keep yourself occupied you're going might go crazy you know some guys do stripped of their autonomy and reduced to their crimes individuals on death row struggle to maintain a sense of self amidst awful surroundings this erosion of identity can diminish their will to fight for their rights or engage with the appeals process contributing to a sense of inevitability about their Fates the psychological effects of long-term confinement and the stripping away of personal identity are profound impacting inmates self-esteem mental health and overall well-being you know I I used to write all the time and have a lot of energy and I just don't have it anymore I just feel like I've been beaten down before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one technology for virtual connection advancements in technology have begun to offer deathro inmates new ways to connect with the outside world such as virtual visitation digital art programs or participation in online education courses these present unusual opportunities for inmates to engage with Society pursue personal development and maintain relationships with family and friends in ways that were previously impossible the integration of tech and death row settings prompts discussions about digital access as a human right the potential for scientific advances to alleviate some of the isolation experienced by inmates and the ethical considerations of monitoring and controlling inmates digital interactions there you go my Mom hey Mom I miss you what do you think is the most unbearable part of being on death row let us know in the comments you were convicted of two murders you've been on death row for 10 years y that's correct but why are you still alive right did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 57,849
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Keywords: arrested, convicted, crime, crime facts, criminal, death, death penalty, death row, death row facts, fact, facts, facts about jail, facts about living on death row, facts about prison, jail, jail facts, jail stories, law, list, locked up, mojo, prison, prison facts, prison stories, prisoner, top 10, true crime, true crimes stories, true prison stories, watch mojo, watchMojo, worst parts about death row, worst parts about prison
Id: AiuftSXoRms
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Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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