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why is the world such a dangerous place we often think that we humans have tamed this planet that we call home but the fact is we're not really good at that actually danger awaits us in every turn and they come in various forms most especially animals seriously we can't tame this planet sometimes if we stretch too much then we're out of commission for a day either way today we're going to take a look at some animals that you should really stay away from especially number one and that one is known for its extraordinarily bad temper here are 10 of the most dangerous animals number 10 the black-footed cat the deadliest cat on earth isn't a shaggy main lion a sleek leopard a stealthy tiger or even garfield the cat it's a weak hat that you've probably never heard of africa's smallest feline the black-footed cat native to the grasslands of southern africa the black-footed cat has an endearingly round face and a light brown black spotted body that is small even compared to domestic cats the wild feline measures only 14 to 20 inches long and stands about 8 inches tall and weighs about 2 to 6 pounds admittedly those measurements don't sound very impressive when compared to the sizable big cats that are among the world's most fearsome predators but despite its small size the black-footed cat hunts and brings down more prey in a single night than a leopard does in over six months one small black-footed cat can consume 3 000 rodents each year they've also been known to eat dead springbok lambs although they don't actually kill them larger males can take adult cape hair which weigh approximately the same as the cat they've also been observed eating eggs crushing them gently between the jaws and then licking the contents clean number nine pitbulls pit bulls are a very popular breed of strong dogs although it is negative popularity this is the resulting breed when you combine the energy and agility of terriers and the bodybuilding strength of a bulldog pit bulls always get a bad rep that's mainly because of their popularity of being used in dog fights however i and pitbull advocates explain that they are a very misunderstood breed i mean seriously look at all the pictures of them in pajamas online they're just so cute their personality is naturally mild mannered loyal and caring making them an ideal family dog they are highly intelligent as well and can be trained to do all sorts of things the problem is couple intelligence and trainability with its unmatched agility and mind-blowing strength pitbulls can be very dangerous if trained in the wrong way well like i mentioned earlier they are the quintessential fighting dog breed they often clash with other fighting dogs like the roddy and the canary massive in the dig ring they even fight against the same breed and in dog fights when a pit bull is involved it almost always ends with a fatality number eight the saltwater croc the inclusion of the saltwater crocodile in this list shouldn't come as a surprise to you because they are truly one of the more dangerous animal species that populate the earth these animals although primarily ambush predators have been known at times to pursue their would-be prey aggressively but did you know that this aggressiveness starts at a very young age studies have shown that baby saltwater crocs have the same level of aggressiveness as adults who spend their entire lives in the wild these hatchlings were observed showing violent behavior some of which was unintentional kinda like when other hatchlings disturb their sleep or invade their personal space however other violent and aggressive behaviors were also observed and this time these babies do it intentionally these things are quite literally born to hate the world they're kind of like the reptile embodiment of the doom guy from doom other behaviors observed was when swimming in open water the hatchlings were observed to bite and drag each other under water as if trying to drown one another these babies are preparing themselves for the future learning at an early age how their mother behaves by grabbing prey and pulling them underwater until they drown ah kinda reminds me of me and my brother when we were younger those were dark days number seven the inland taipan the inland type and possesses the most toxic venom of any land snake in the world despite that there has never been a single recorded human fatality from a bite of the snake the snake is dark tan in color ranging from a rich dark hue to a brownish-like green depending on the season its backsides and tail may be different shades of brown and grey with many scales having a wide blackish edge it lives in the far west and southwest of queensland extending through the far west of new south wales into the northeast corner of south australia and into the southeast of the northern territory oh man that's a lot of directions right there although extremely venomous and capable strikers inland typhons are usually quite shy in reclusive snakes and prefer to escape from trouble however they will defend themselves and strike if provoked mishandled or prevented from escaping this is because they live in such remote locations inland type and seldom come in contact with people malvenimus are these snakes though well it's been reported that a drop of it can kill up to 100 adult men and it works in as little as 45 minutes number six the puffer fish puffer fish get their name from their ability to inflate to a much larger size when threatened by predators but they are more widely known for being one of the most dangerous fish in the entire world not because they're vicious predators oh no but for the deadly toxin that laces almost every part of its delicious little body the liver ovaries eyes and skin of most species of puffer fish contain tetratotoxin a potent neurotoxin a predator that manages a snack of cover before it inflates won't feel lucky for long almost all puffer fish contain tetratotoxin and it makes them foul tasting and often lethal to fish to humans tetrodotoxin is deadly up to 1200 times more poisonous than cyanide to dolphins they use puffer fish to actually get high there's something you know now there is enough toxin in one puffer fish to kill 30 adult humans and there is no known antidote amazingly the meat of some puffer fish is considered a delicacy called fugu in japan it is extremely expensive and only prepared by trained licensed chefs who know that one bad cut means almost certain death for a customer in fact many such deaths occur annually and was actually showcased on the simpsons number five the indian red scorpion the indian red scorpion is considered to be the most lethal scorpion in the world it's really not that big only ranging from two to three and a half inches in length and yet despite this it packs quite a punch also despite its name it's not really that red it ranges in color from bright reddish orange to dull brown and the species has distinctive dark gray ridges and granulation their pencils are relatively smaller compared to other scorpions but they have really thick tails and a large stinger despite their potent venom indian red scorpions are kept as pets they're also kept in bred in captivity for medical research scorpion toxins include potassium channel blocking peptides which may have used as amino suppressants for autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatide arthritis some toxins may have application in dermatology cancer treatment and as anti-malarial drugs they're very common in india in nepal where stings from this species is unfortunately not uncommon while the scorpions aren't aggressive they will sting when stepped on or otherwise threatened the good news is that those things are rarely fatal to adults and yet children are more at risk number four the poison dart frog the poison dart frog with its various colors and patterns is one of the most stunning looking animals in the world and one we've talked about quite a lot and i feel like i don't really need to explain it at this point but i'm gonna do it anyway the fact of the matter is they have poison that is enough to give the most poisonous creatures a run for their money just a tiny amount of this poison is extremely fatal to humans in fact one five centimeter long frog packs enough toxins to incapacitate up to 10 humans permanently the thing is they don't look at all that dangerous they're small compared to other frogs and are even brightly colored ranging from yellows greens red and oranges among them all though it's the goal that you really need to look out for they don't produce the poison themselves but rather from feeding on a particularly poisonous insect almost exclusively that's the reason why poison darts born and bred in captivity are very safe to handle for the gold dart frog skin contact alone can introduce the venom into your system so touching them with unprotected hands is really not a good idea ironically enough scientists are also using the same toxin in some medical applications so they aren't all that bad number three the tasmanian devil this fierce creature is found only in the australian island state of tasmania and in the popular show looney tunes they got the name devil from their nature of being aggressive so quickly so aggressive in fact that they often find themselves in a scuffle with one another yes tasmanian devils fight a lot yet despite their regressive reputation they don't attack immediately they will often use a few clever tricks first before resorting to full out combat when a dispute finds two devils face to face their skin will flush red turning the ears crimson and they will gape their impressive jaws at each other screaming and growling the whole time if the situation is stressful enough the devil will release a musky odor that would clear most rooms finally they will emit a staccato sneeze that is sometimes so violent they lose their footing if all else fails it's time to rumble and most devils are the scars to prove it now it's time for today's best pick [Music] today's pig is definitely an arachnophobe's worst nightmare a ginormous spider does this kind of spider really grow to such proportions is it even real if it is real it's probably from australia more importantly though is it dangerous well judging by that size yes yes it's probably pretty dangerous either way find out next with number two the giant hawaiian cane spider back in 2015 this photo surfaced on the internet and sent chills down the spines of millions worldwide it shows a giant spider clinging to the side of a house it was reported to be the dreaded giant hawaiian cane spider a spider so large that it hunts and feeds on cats and dogs and requires several bullets to kill man let me tell you if that spider was real that'd be something to watch out for fortunately no such spider exists or has ever existed only in cinema with like eight-legged freaks one arachnid that you really do need to watch out for is the brazilian wandering spider they're also called armed spiders or banana spiders and belong to the genus photonutria which means murderous in greek and it's no wonder why it's one of the most venomous spiders on earth its bite can be deadly to humans especially children it's so venomous that even the guinness book of world records recognizes it as the world's most venomous spider although extremely venomous they aren't quite small only growing to about 2 inches in length they give their name from the fact that these spiders never build nests but rather is constantly on the move at the same time looking for its next victim they spend most of their day hiding under logs or in crevices and come out to hunt at night they eat insects other spiders and sometimes small amphibians reptiles and mice before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one the cassowary the only bird that made it to this list but quite fittingly is it is considered to be the most dangerous bird in the world considering the size cassowaries are second only to ostriches but cassowary attacks are more deadly than ostriches if provoked they become extremely aggressive and attack viciously using their powerful clawed legs as their primary weapons with a single blow using these claws they could break human bones they charge and kick and sometimes jump on top of their victims unlike emus and yes i'm quite surprised to learn that emus also attack people which reportedly can only kick backwards cassowaries can also kick forwards and downwards they may also pack and headbutt you needless to say these attacks can cause a variety of injuries the most common of which include puncture wounds lacerations and bone fractures when being attacked by a cassowary you should never ever turn your back to it or crouch down in a prone position as this is when the most serious injuries can happen you have to stand your ground and look as menacing as you possibly can and hope that it's enough to intimidate the charging bird kind of like a big goose but yet slightly more threatening have you ever encountered any of these dangerous animals let us know in the comments section down below want to watch more videos about amazing animals click on any of the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 204,647
Rating: 4.8482885 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, deadliest, amazon, creatures, deadliest creatures of the amazon, animals, deadliest animals, deadliest animals of the amazon, top 10, wildlife, dangerous, dangerous creatures, dangerous animals, deadly, deadly animals, deadly animals of the amazon, deadly creatures of the amazon, national geographic, poisonous, poisonous creatures, poisonous animals, snakes, river monsters, national, epic wildlife, piranha, anaconda, DANGEROUS ANIMALS, AMAZON RAINFORESTS, most dangerous
Id: SJo2m_BP8NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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