10 More Needlessly DARK Weapons | Warhammer 40k Lore

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so warhammer 40k is pretty famous for having a lot of needlessly dark stuff like an entire legion of space marines that have a certain fixation with collecting the skins of their victims to the dreaded demon calaba and do yourself a favor don't google it it's just going to ruin your day sometimes when i'm reading the descriptions of these weapons it occurs to me that there's an author out there somewhere who had to write all this stuff and the only thought that comes to mind is dude is everything good you gucci fam i feel like governments put me on a watch list just by googling this stuff now all that being said i kinda sorta love all of that edgy stuff it's so cartoonishly dark that i just can't get enough so today we're gonna be talking about 10 more needlessly dark weapons from the 40k universe from guns that strip you apart molecule by molecule like a reverse 3d printer to a demonic relic that is so evil that just the slightest tap from it will make the target immediately wish for death but first a quick word from this video sponsor and then we're going to dive head first into the grim dark stay tuned taking this list off at number 10 we have 40k's iconic chain swords so a chainsword is exactly what you think it is it's pretty straightforward in its brutality but unlike a normal chainsaw the teeth of these things are often monomonicularly sharpened meaning that every tooth is impossibly sharp they are designed to rip and tear through the enemy shredding armor and dismembering the wielder's opponent in as gruesome a display as possible blood and armor fragments fly everywhere while the roar of the sword sends a haunting warning to all of those within listening rage now seeing your comrade get sliced in half is one thing but seeing them get killed by a chainsaw has got to be way more horrifying the idea of fighting a space marine is scary enough but a thick-ass boy flailing around two chainsaws screaming for the emperor as he thunders towards you is downright horrifying and i know the lore traditionally portrays the space marines as super honorable and heroic but to the enemy it's like fighting an entire army of leather faces in power armor and needless to say these weapons have an incredibly detrimental effect on enemy morale the deafening roar of thousands of chain swords on the battlefield has got to be absolutely terrifying in at number 9 we have the grav guns and continuing with the trend of a weapon's name spelling out exactly what it does the grav guns literally fire gravity at the enemy you see they work by admitting a stream of graviton particles this warps and manipulates the local gravitational field in the area that the gun is aimed turning the target's own weight against them now these things have multiple settings and when used on their most minimum mode it just causes a rumbling that affects local air pressure making it difficult to breathe and disorienting the target on higher levels it can completely incapacitate a group of enemies that need to be captured alive well when this thing is cranked to its maximum setting it will crush the enemy into a singularity okay it's not exactly that powerful but having your weight suddenly multiply by 10 to 100 times can cause an absolutely agonizing death as all of your bones crack and your organs rupture individuals in heavy armor suffer a far worse fate as the thing that once offered them so much protection now becomes their tomb as they are slowly crushed in from all directions in at number eight we have the synoptic disintegrator the synoptic disintegrator is a sniper rifle used by a class of necrons known as the death marks and this thing is insanely effective against humanoid targets the gun fires a beam of subatomic particles that absolutely wreak havoc on the target's neural system it causes the molecules in their nerves to become unbound starting in the brain and then quickly moving through the entire body one moment you're standing there fighting and the next you've collapsed to the ground as if somebody had just flicked a switch and turned you off your entire neurosystem evaporated in an instant with no physical signs of damage to your body this can leave your comrades incredibly confused as they have no idea what happened where the shots came from or if they're even actually under attack the death marks are insanely accurate and can even fire the gun while on the move and due to their incredibly advanced targeting systems they rarely ever miss however that being said sometimes the shot may hit their mark but off by a few millimeters in such instances sometimes the target actually survives but they are left in a debilitating vegetative state for the rest of their lives coming in at number seven we have the necron gauze rifles and speaking of necron weapons let's talk about the humble gauze rifle you see gauze rifles are the most common version of god's weaponry utilized by the necrons however the gods weapons come in many different forms but they all function in a similar way you see these things aren't firing bullets or a blast of energy like other guns as they actually admit a molecular disassembling beam the energy created by it quickly disassembles the molecular structure of the target tearing them apart a single molecule at a time it's kind of like a reverse 3d printer and i think it goes without saying that being killed by one of these things is horrifically painful the imperium is completely baffled by them and they have no idea how they work because by all accounts the gauze weapons produce so much energy that if mankind was to try to recreate such a device it would be insanely dangerous for the user and would probably have a pretty likely chance of exploding yet to the necrons this is their most basic form of weaponry in the number six spot we have the quake cannon alright now to be fair i did just talk about the quake cannon in my titan deep dive so i'll keep it short but i felt like it definitely deserved to be on this list so the quake cannon is an absolutely massive gun that is normally mounted as part of a titan's weapon system however there are some super heavy tanks that have been known to use this as their main gun and this thing is a fortress killer it's capable of bringing down massive buildings in a single shot if the initial impact doesn't destroy the target then the massive spider webbing of cracks that spill out from the impact site will inevitably tear it apart but that's not why this gun is so scary you see the shells that it fires are made in a pretty ghoulish way from time to time the imperium will initiate what is known as exterminatus the killing of a world whether that be through orbital bombardment cyclonic torpedoes or even virus bombings when the exterminatus order is issued it is basically a death warrant for a planet and not to mention every living thing on it now when a world is killed in such a way it often leaves residual energy which the mechanicum sends out soldiers to collect this energy is then diffused into the shells of a quake cannon so using the remnants of a dead world to power their guns is dark enough as it is but what makes it really scary is the commonly held belief by the soldiers of the imperial guard that when the quake cannon is fired if you listen closely enough you can hear the screams of untold billions the final death echoes of all of those lives lost during the final minutes of a planet's life sliding in at number 5 we have the flamers of zinch now there's a lot of different types of flame throwers in the 40k universe from the pistol-sized hand flamers to the toxin-spewing plague belchers of the death guard but the flames created by the flamers of zinch are probably the most bizarre when you see artwork of these guys they're normally billowing out massive clouds of flames to roast and toast the enemy army but here's the thing about the fire they produce it's not actually fire at all what it actually is is a cloud of change magic when under the attack of the flamers of zinc all targets in the vicinity immediately begin to mutate and change out of control as the warping twisting energies worm their way inside their bodies and just like the nature of change the effects are completely unpredictable they can sprout hundreds of limbs turn into piles of eyeballs be turned inside out or even just explode the effects are literally limitless and the target isn't afflicted by a single change but hundreds if not thousands almost simultaneously their minds bodies and souls warping and twisting into ever more horrific amalgamations this takes place every millisecond they are under the effects of the flamer it's one of those things that the more you think about it the more disturbing it gets in the number 4 spot we have the rod of torment the rod of torment is a singularly unique relic wielded by the clone lord himself fabius bile or fabulous bill as i like to call him you see fabius is a mad scientist once the chief apothecary of the emperor's children he began a descent into madness as he frantically sought to unlock the secrets of gene manipulation and by all accounts he's doing pretty good as he was able to make a clone of the primark sanguinius and even the warmaster horus lupercal himself he's also created a new race of humans that are bigger stronger and faster than their predecessors and right now he's currently spreading them throughout the galaxy you should definitely check out his trilogy as i think he's a really awesome character and he's kinda underrated but anyways the weapon that he uses is a demon-forged mace made out of the scepter and skull of a high-ranking demon prince and this thing isn't really made for killing although to be fair it is technically a big-ass club wielded by a space marine so you could definitely use it to beat someone to death but here's the thing about the rod of torment the tiniest tap will inflict absolutely debilitating levels of agony said to be so painful that the individual will immediately begin to wish for death and it definitely makes sense for fabius to use a weapon like this considering that he's created an army of abominations how better to keep them in line than through unimaginable cruelty now over the years that fabius has had the rod in his possession the weapon has been feeding off of all of the torment that it inflicts and at this point it's developed a form of demonic sentience and just like how it is used against the clone wars underlings to punish and keep them obedient fabius must also punish the rod to make sure it knows its place and who its master is in the number 3 spot we have the animus speculum the animus speculum is the iconic helmet worn by the collexus assassins of the officio assassinorum and it's designed not only to inflict agonizing death on the assassins enemies but also to keep their allies safe you see in this universe there are what are known as sikers and their polar opposite blanks psychers have an incredibly strong connection to the warp and thus can utilize its energies to for lack of better words cast spells whereas a blank has no connection to the warp at all and it is said that there is nothing but a black empty void where their soul should be now all humans have at least some connection to the warp with the exception of these blanks and just like how there are varying levels of psycher from low-level individuals who can kind of sort of read the thoughts of those around them to omega level psychers that can bring about the death of an entire planet with their minds now the same logic goes for blanks and the most powerful of which are known as pariahs every single collexus assassin is one of these in the negative aura they admit is absolutely insane it emits waves of dread that can cause everyone around them to lose their mind vomit uncontrollably or become completely debilitated sometimes even causing serious injury to themselves as they try to get away from this thing as the aura they admit cuts everyone around them off from the warp and that connection is generally considered to be your soul in this universe so suddenly losing connection to your soul is an unbelievably unnerving experience for most people however for psychers the effects are far worse not only is being in the presence of a pariah insanely painful but it can even cause death if they're exposed to them for too long the animus speculum keeps this negative field in check limiting its horrifying impact on the assassin's allies while additionally allowing them to condense all of that energy and fire it through a focused beam out of the helmet's islands and this beam is incredibly devastating when used against a normal human it has the ability to burn out their brain in just a second we're refused against a psycher or even demons the effect is multiplied to a hundred degrees making it the absolute bane of sorcerers everywhere in at number two we have the drukari glass plague now no list of super dark weapons from 40k would be complete without at least one drukari entry so let's talk about the glass plague so the glass plague is a virus that is primarily utilized by homunculite covens it's a pretty common type of ammunition in their hex rifles but it's also been scaled up to be used in many different ways including as a horrific payload in the missiles of their aircrafts when the virus is inhaled a chain reaction begins in the victim that starts to make their flesh rapidly turn to a black glass-like substance the process of having your entire body turn into glass is incredibly painful and if i'm being honest i cannot for the life of me find in the lore how quickly this happens if it's over in an instant i mean that sucks but there are far worse ways to die if it takes several minutes that's absolutely horrifying what makes the glass plague so dark is that it was actually created by of all people a dark eldar artist he was famous for his sculptures of other drukari people that were unbelievably lifelike and the fact that he crafted them from glass was even more impressive and one day a rival artist academy was sick of him being in the spotlight and staged an attack when they broke in and smashed many of his creations the airborne virus was released turning not just the attackers but thousands of comorn citizens that had been visiting the gallery into sculptures for his new exhibits later on the glass plague would be confiscated by the homunculi covens and utilized in their new horrific weapons of war and in the number one spot we have the plague grenades of the death guard now just about everything the death guard utilize in war is either terrifying or super gross and the vast majority of the time both of these titles apply however to me the plague grenades or the death heads as they're more commonly known definitely take the cake for the most gruesome you see they aren't just any ordinary grenade in fact they're not even really a grenade at all they're actually the severed head of one of the death guards enemies after they beat them they take the head and hollow it out and then fill it with hundreds of different contagions poxes acids parasites diseases and many manner of other gross stuff they then sew all of the orifices on the head shut and the neck is sealed with wax before it is left to quote unquote ripen the process of ripening can take many years and sometimes they're left to age for decades or even centuries all the while its content's growing ever more virulent when the grenade is finally thrown the head splatters into mushy goop releasing a cocktail of vile fluids and toxic gases its contents are so concentrated and powerful that not only can it bring about a horrifying disease-induced death to anybody caught in the blast radius but it even has the ability to rust and corrode armor and vehicles causing them to age thousands of years in an instant making these grenades rightfully feared
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 329,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer lore, 40k lore, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer weapons, warhammer tier list, warhammer top 10, top 10, 40k weapons, space marines, death guard, necrons, games workshop, warhammer 40k ranking, 40k assassins, chaos space marines, game lore, weshammer, dark lore, deathguard, warhammer 40k chaos gate, nurgle, chaos gods, warhammer story, emperor of mankind, gaming top 10, scary top 10, tier list
Id: d5atkqZzO9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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