10 More Hypixel Glitches

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i think that there's a lot of underappreciated work that goes into hypixel on a daily basis you know you've got people moderating the server people updating games people moderating the server website and the server store you know there's a lot of hours going into the server and you know i think the results speak for themselves i'm recording this at 2am which is you know typical time to be recording a youtube video and 64 000 players on a school night at 2am that's not bad not bad at all especially for a minecraft server like i can name a bunch of games that probably have fewer players right now and hypixel just casually spikes to 100 000 players during peak hours which for a minecraft server is kind of insane and you know what i think it's the combined efforts of all the people that work on hypixel for why the server does so well that and also minecraft content is basically just free views at this point [Music] but i think it's pretty safe to say that all this work done is what makes hypixel such a great server and now that i've said that i'm immediately going to tear it apart and showcase 10 hypixel bugs and glitches that exist today can't wait to get a dm from the admins about that one now before i show a bunch of ways to break your favorite hypixel games i just want to make a couple things clear first of all one of the main purposes of this video is to actually help get these bugs patched and the last video that i did where i showed off 10 other hypixel glitches a lot of them actually did get patched which is exactly what i wanted to see like yeah okay it's free content but a lot of the glitches from the last video had existed on the server for years and thanks to the publicity of the video it actually helped them get patched which you know what what can i say i'm an ambassador to the community thank me later all the glitches i'm showing off have been known by the community for a pretty long time and the more people that know about them the faster they get patched so easy win but just in case all these glitches have been reported on the forums by me and several others so expect them to get patched pretty soon but enough with my introductions let's go break some games and the first one we're starting out with can actually be done right here in the bed wars lobby this is the swap lobby trick now this is probably the most well known out of the entire list but if you don't know how to do this you probably should it does come in handy sometimes so i'm in bed wars lobby three but let's say i want to join bedwars lobby one well i can't it says that it's currently full i'm trying to get in i can't get in now the only way to be able to join lobby one using this method is just just keep spamming until you get lucky enough and the lobby's not full by the way lobby one chat holy crap it is just it's a flood but let's say you want to get into lobby one and it's constantly full so you can't join it well you can actually use a command so you do swap lobby and then enter the hub number that you want to join so i want to join lobby one press enter and you'll be able to join and this will work most of the time even if the lobby you're joining is full so as you can see it says 121 out of 120 players so i've gone over the max player account and i can still join it's a pretty useful trick if you're trying to meet up with a friend in the lobby or you're sipping for a youtube rank here i'm just gonna farm clout real quick oh my god it's on a chronology oh my god again this swap lobby trick is pretty well known by a lot of people in the community but if you don't know how to use it i mean well here you go and the only reason i say it's a glitch is i'm pretty sure the admins don't intend for you to be joining a server that's full because you know lag and uh spam and stuff so you know it's probably not ideal there's like five people playing jukeboxes in here why is it so loud see why would you even want to join lobby one in the first place it's literally just people spamming the chat and using every gadget they can think of and some of you might be wondering does the swap lobby thing work in skyblock because it works in all the other hubs does it work in skyblock hubs let's see so let me just travel to the hub real quick do swap lobby let's say one and it it doesn't work because these are not lobbies these are hubs and unfortunately there is no swap hub command on skyblock so the only way you're gonna be able to join and snipe some skyblock youtuber is by clicking as fast as you can a little bit of a bummer but honestly given how skyblock is as a game it's probably a good thing that that doesn't exist you know snipers people lagging the server all that fun stuff but that's pretty much it for that trick so let's move on to the next one all right this next glitch is pretty harmless but it's fun to do anyway i'm going to show you guys how to escape the hub the starting lobby in mega sky wars also dead game mode by the way lol so one of the really interesting things i think about a lot of hypixel games is that the starting lobbies usually start you in adventure mode so you can't usually like mine blocks or glitch stuff you know but i'm pretty sure it's because mega sky wars is so unbelievably unpopular that they just they don't really care so you're in survival mode when you're in the lobby and what that means is that you can break the blocks in the lobby and you're probably thinking omicron why is that helpful they just like respawn back and if i try and like break the glass and try and get down it won't let me down because it just keeps replacing the block if you go up to the corner of a fence and you break it and jump at just the right time you'll be able to escape out onto the map now i'm not very good at this you need to like time your jump so that you're like you're at the peak of your jump when the block breaks it takes a couple of attempts but trust me it's worth it and you know it's making skywars so it's never going to cue so you might as well might as well do something in the meantime while you're waiting an hour for this game oh and there we go just faced right through the block and i'm now at the bottom of the map suckas look how cool i am i'm gonna loot middle before anyone else except you know the chests don't actually work so it's kind of pointless yeah you can't really like break any part of the map so it's not like this actually gives you a game advantage or anything but it's kind of cool to just like look around at like all the empty cages and look around the map before it gets destroyed by a hundred players and oh look i have a fellow friend who made it down here with me because a lot of people know about this again pretty harmless but also unintentional so another fun little thing is if you jump into the void it actually won't teleport you back to the uh the center spawn so you'll just keep falling forever thinking about your fate you'll just be falling forever deeper and deeper into the void and there's there's no way to return and also it's mega sky wars so no one's gonna cue this dead game so i'm out of here all right uh let's move on to the next one all right for this next glitch we're actually gonna go into a game and we're gonna break some party games today so this glitch involves a very specific party game called bombardment so i basically i'm just gonna have to keep playing until i get to that game and then i'm gonna have to act fast [Applause] [Music] oh my god i actually got it holy crap that took like half an hour so what i'm gonna do i have to explain this really fast you can actually jump into the water before the game starts normally that's supposed to kill you right um and that guy actually was a little too low when that happened um but you're not supposed to be able to go into the water but during the pre-game you're not supposed to die so you can literally uh swim in the water before the game begins now that can allow you to swim over to this island pretty easily and uh you're no longer on the main island you're just kind of chilling now eventually what's gonna happen is the cannon balls actually do fire over here because this glitch got patched a little while ago it's just so easy to get over here here let's see if one of them eventually fires at me or if i end up just winning here let's see uh eventually maybe nope i none of them fired at me they're normally supposed to eventually there's supposed to be a point where it eventually fires over to that island now you might be looking at that and thinking oh well if the cannon fires over there then the glitch has already been patched right and that's kind of true but i'm pretty sure the admins when they designed that game uh did not intend for people to be able to swim during the pre-game countdown but also if you look very carefully at the bombardment map you might have noticed that there's some islands behind the spawn island and you can actually swim there with the 10 second pre-game countdown and there's a very specific ledge that you have to perform in neo which is a parkour jump it's pretty hard to do in the moment but if you get everything lined up right you have just enough time to make it that to that ledge then you're basically invincible because the cannon will never shoot back there and you'll be able to outlast everyone because you'll never die so yeah that's a little bombardment swimming glitch i guess you could say so let's move on to the next one while we're on the topic of arcade let's join the blocking dead and i'm gonna show you guys how to also be invincible so if you don't know what the blocking dead is it's basically like a typical zombies outlast game you have to run around the map looting chests to get resources and you shoot zombies it's you know typical zombie game but one of the characteristics of this game is that the zombie ai is pretty funky and it doesn't make sense a lot of the time so if you come over here to the hypixel high school you'll notice just outside there's this little like playground i guess this is and i'm pretty sure these are monkey bars but if you go up here and you come up to this little tower all you have to do is shift on the corner of this ledge and a zombie will never be able to kill you all right there's a zombie coming up here he's trying to kill me and he just gets teleported away for some reason and this is just gonna continuously happen for every zombie that comes up the staircase even enraged zombies which like move faster so you can kind of just like chill here afk and just uh you know watch watch the zombies go away and they can't attack you from below so they're gonna all have to funnel through this little this little staircase and just constantly get teleported away now eventually what's gonna happen is if you see in the right there there's gonna be a rescue in four minutes and during the rescue you have to go to a certain place on the map and survive there so you can't stay here forever you can't like automatically win games by doing this but it's just kind of funny just to watch the zombies never be able to kill you you also have this chest here which is pretty convenient you can like loot this and let it refill but it's not very good for like actually trying to win the game but you know what it's pretty funny regardless hey you're killing all the zombies man what they're not doing anything to me again i really don't have any clue of why this works and why this happens the way it does but it's it's very janky and i i don't know i don't know if this is even something you can fix because the ai is just so so weird also i'm pretty sure this is the only spot on the map that actually works like this but i might be mistaken if anyone knows another you can point it out in the comments below oh they actually got me so i guess they can hit you it's just very unlikely to happen um but you know i survived for basically a solid four or five minutes there and it was only when they were so clumped up that they actually they actually hit me off okay maybe it's not fully glitched but you can still live for a pretty long time just by doing that all right this next glitch is another pretty harmless one it just involves using this little player visibility die in your inventory so as i'm sure you guys know in minecraft you can use dyes to dye sheep different colors and that's exactly what i'm gonna do with the sheep pet so you get a sheet pet you can pick any sheep that you want i'll just pick like this brown sheep and then because the player visibility toggle thing is a die you can actually just right click your sheep and it will it will dye the sheep a different color than it actually supposed to be so here we go green dye item i can dye my sheep lime even though it's supposed to be a brown sheep again extremely harmless but it's kind of funny regardless just to get dire sheep different colors again pretty pointless but it's a glitch regardless so i'm adding it god damn it for the next glitch on the list we're doing a lot of arcade today we're gonna be playing some football and we're gonna be basically breaking the lobby so this game is pretty much just regular football or soccer although it kind of plays like rocket league now when you're in the starting lobby you can toss the ball around while the game cues and you can actually use that to perform a glitch pretty much how this works is if the ball is inside the goal just before the game starts it's going to trick the game into thinking that someone has already scored a goal and then something something game shenanigans it teleports you into the void everyone just falls into the void endlessly no one can play the game because everyone got teleported outside the arena and you're just you're just stuck again i don't really know what controls this but that's just the perfect way to just instantly end a game of football they all left [Laughter] thank you hypixel very cool here's another extremely useless lobby glitch but a glitch regardless so you guys might know what the hot potato gadget is it basically spawns in a little hot potato that you can pass around in the lobby and uh if you lose all your hp you get uh burnt to a crisp due to a hot potato but you can actually manipulate this to make a glitched item so if i spawn in the hot potato so there's a little hot potato in my inventory and i start a lobby parkour what's gonna happen is it's gonna give me these items it's gonna clear these five slots in my uh hot bar and it's gonna replace these with the parkour reset stuff now if i decide that i wanna cancel the parkour what should happen is that it should replace the items that were originally here so like the collectibles chest the shop and stuff like that and it's also going to replace that glitched hot potato so i now have a hot potato in my inventory that i can move wherever i want and if i try and give it to someone else it it doesn't work sadly it won't it won't let me give the hot potato to other people it's a glitched item it's just a useless hot potato that you can just do whatever you want with i guess another extremely useless glitch that's probably pointless but it's a glitch regardless and adam is you got to get on the stat it's it's breaking the server alright this next glitch involves the arcade game throw out and it is pretty pretty hilarious so if you don't know what throughout is i don't blame you it's not a very popular game on hypixel but it's kind of like smash bros or uh sumo duels pretty much you're a pig and you hit other pigs and the more often you hit someone the more knockback they take but it turns out that combat tagging is actually pretty broken in throw out alright so basically how this glitch works is i just need to combat tag someone which means i just need to be the last person to hit someone and then they if they fall on the void i'll get the kill now in a game like skywars or bed wars that would obviously make sense right like if you're the last person to hit them and they fall into the void then that means you should probably get a void kill right and that's what draw it's all about but the problem is if you're the last person to hit them and they continuously fall into the void if they just keep falling into the void over and over you will continuously get kills so as you can see i'm still constantly getting kills because i was the last person to hit them and so each time they jump into the void it's just gonna give me another kill so you know i know there's not a lot of people that like main throw out or whatever it's obviously not like the most popular game on the server but you know this is it's a it's a pretty uh game breaking glitch i suppose you could say i'm just simply built different watch as i walk around the map and keep getting kills okay let's move on to the next glitch all right this next glitch is actually patched but it's something i wanted to mention and it's actually outside of the hypixel minecraft server it's related to the website so those of you that are og hypixel players might remember that at one point on the server you used to be able to vote on minecraft server websites in order to get xp and arcade coins you'd simply go to vote.hypixel.net 0 through 5 and it would send you to a different minecraft voting server one of them for example looked like this so all you would do is you would enter in your minecraft username and then you would just agree to the the privacy policy and click vote and at this point you'd get a couple thousand arcade coins and xp on hypixel and you could do that once per day now they removed this feature from the delivery man two years ago but what used to happen is there used to be a little uh icon here where you used to click this and it would send you to one of those voting websites now even though they removed it from the delivery man you used to still be able to go to these links and then go to these websites and still get coins in xp even though it didn't show up in the delivery man now how do i know about this well i was actually one of the few people that kept voting to get free xp and coins even after it was supposedly removed from the server and as you can see here i just look up omicron gaming and there i am position 318 and i was able to climb a bunch of positions just because i kept voting even after they removed the feature now i said earlier that this glitch is patched and it is if you go to vote.hypixel.net for any number it will send you just to like a bad gateway error and even though my vote went through on a website which this used to work on if i check back i did not get arcade coins or xp so it no longer works and it doesn't count new votes but do you guys know why this glitch was patched i'll give you a moment to think about it it is not because an admin noticed that this feature still works and they decided to manually remove it from the server no do you know what it was instead do you guys remember the hypixel ddos attacks that got the server shut down for about a week well during that time of maintenance they actually moved all of the high pixel servers over to a different location right and because the servers got rebooted during that maintenance these links no longer work and there's no way for you to get arcade coins and xp for voting so i'm a little sad that this feature was removed but i'm even more sad that it was removed unintentionally again that glitch has already been patched but it's a little fun fact to know about it because i know a lot of people did not know that that existed and for this final glitch let's end it off with some murder mystery shenanigans so as you know in murder mystery when the detective dies they drop the bow and anyone can go grab the bow if they're not the murderer but what would happen if when the detective died multiple people were able to pick up the bow at the same time well as you can see with the setup we've got every single person in the same block except for the murderer and the detective is going to shoot someone to kill them and when the detective shoots an innocent both of them die and the bow is dropped so let's see what happens when the bow is dropped in front of everyone and as you can now see everyone has a bow with an arrow that works properly so when the detective dies if there are multiple people on top of them they all get the bow now you might have noticed that my role still says innocent that's because only one person is selected as the detective and whoever is the detective their arrow will regenerate like the normal detective bow every innocent that gets a bow that bow will not regenerate arrows like a detective bow will still pretty glitchy though i mean it requires a lot of coordination obviously but if you have more than three people you can get multiple bows yeah but the murderer is having a great time with that one everyone just instantly has a bow and there you have it 10 more hypixel glitches for your fun and enjoyment ranging from barely a glitch to rather game breaking again please don't abuse glitches i know i'm literally making a video on them but you know it's to help them get patched and also for a little bit of fun facts about hypixel and how the server works they'll probably get patched soon anyway so don't get your hopes up but yeah that pretty much wraps up the video so if you enjoyed this make sure to leave a like and subscribe so i can pretend like i'm relevant on youtube i know i haven't really been uploading that much i'm sorry i'm just lazy but i'll try and get back into it anyway uh thanks for all the support and i'll see you guys later
Channel: OmicronGaming
Views: 276,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, 10 hypixel glitches, hypixel glitch, minecraft, omicrongaming
Id: ssNXleDv_h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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