10 Hypixel Glitches

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hypixel as i'm sure you're all aware is the number one minecraft server it's got the most players it's got the most developed game modes it's got the biggest communities but just because you're number one it doesn't mean that you're perfect in fact most of the time the most popular thing is often riddled with imperfections and flaws so today we're going to be examining some of those imperfections we're going to be diving deep into the hypixel iceberg and seeing what really makes the server crack and before i start abusing unintended game mechanics i thought i'd preface this video by saying that most of these bugs if not all of them have already been reported on the forums by me and several others so expect them to be patched in the next couple days if not like as i'm uploading this video anyway that's about it with my intro spiel so let's get on with the glitches alright so for this first glitch it's not really a game based glitch it's more like a lobby glitch so it's not really game breaking and a lot of people already know about this one but this is the duel's lobby cosmetic glitch if you go into the duels lobby there's this giant arena out here in the open and you can like fight other players now in a normal dual arena that you would see in a lot of other servers this is basically just a giant landscape where people fight to the death which is just a bunch of basic swords and stuff nothing really super exciting going on here but on hypixel it's a little bit different because the dual arena is actually in the lobby itself and what else is in the lobby cosmetics and so there's actually a way to glitch cosmetics into the duels arena where everyone is fighting and specifically i'm going to be looking at suits now suits are one of the more forgettable cosmetics on hypixel they're basically just armor sets that when you put them on in lobbies they'll give you like a special ability or something so for instance with the frog suit if i put it on it'll give me this frog armor and then i'll have jump boost in the lobby which is completely useless if you're vip or above because you can just you know you can just you can just fly but for the most part no one really uses these however if you're in the duels arena a lot of these abilities would actually be pretty useful because they give you like potion effects like for instance the speedster suit gives you like speed 3. so if you had the speedster suit effects while inside the dual arena you'd basically just be zooming around people and hitting them at the speed of light well like i said earlier there's a way to do that so first of all you want to keep track of what lobby you're in through the lobby selector so i'm in duels lobby five actually let's just go to duel's lobby one just so we can get as much chaos as possible so i'm in duels lobby one and let's say i want to get the speedster suit effects while i'm in the pvp arena well first of all i can equip the entire suit and we're gonna jump into the duels arena and then instead of leaving the duels arena or like you know going out and leaving the lobby i'm actually gonna leave the lobby while i'm inside and then i go back to the duels lobby making sure i go back to lobby one because otherwise this won't work and you'll know you did it correctly if your cosmetic chest is no longer in your hot bar that means you have successfully done the glitch correctly and if you jump into the duels arena well i now have speed three and i'm actually moving way faster than i should be and so you can do this with a lot of things you can do this with gadgets you can do this with pets as you can see there's a lot of other people that know about this glitch it's a pretty common glitch as you can see there's a lot of uh potential for this sort of glitch inside the lobby there's a lot of really wacky things you can do with this sort of glitch so i'm gonna one of the favorite things i like to do is i like to get the uh the cowboy gadget out and then i ride on top of my iron golem and then i just pick like a random victim that i want to just ride on top [Laughter] ah yes all right let's get a little creative with this i'm gonna activate my baby wild ocelot pet because that should be like the fastest first one to kill me in duels arena gets a cookie go go go hey oh god he's so fast [Laughter] oh they're after me they're on to me oh my god he's flying i'm circling around them they'll be able to touch me at this rate i'm too fast can't be stopped actually like three hearts wait i'm actually gonna die grab a hook out grab a look oh i can't leave that leads into the second glitch so this is actually a perfect segue into the next glitch because this one also involves a jankiness in the duels arena so as you probably know there's this thing where if you're if you get hit by someone and uh come on someone hit me if you get hit by someone and you try to leave the arena it'll do this weird you cannot leave the battle arena when you're in combat and it'll teleport you back in which is a little frustrating however there's a glitch associated with this so if i get this i get the grappling hook starts critting me out like a freaking maniac and then if i leave if i try and leave the arena it teleports me all the way through the wall because normally what's supposed to happen is if you're in combat right it's not allowed to let you outside of the arena however if you like try and teleport up it'll just constantly send you forward i don't know why let's try this out again guys creep me out creep me out someone demolish me come on all right we're out of here [Music] [Laughter] it'll just constantly send you forward and you just go through the wall anyway that's like two duels lobby related glitches but uh let's move on to the next one okay so the third glitch involves skywars and it's not really a game based glitch it's more of a server oversight i guess you could say so if i asked you how many skywars modes there are excluding laboratory and duels how many would you say well you'd probably say there's six game modes there's solo normal solo insane doubles normal doubles insane ranked skywars and mega skywars with 100 players right wrong you would actually be incorrect because there's another game of the skywars that i didn't mention mega skywars doubles and you might be thinking omicron how is that possible because if i go to the skywars lobby and i click on the only mega npc and i click on the only mega game mode this will just teleport me to the 100 player version of mega skywars for whatever reason if you type backslash play mega underscore doubles it'll send you to a most likely empty mega doubles lobby not regular mega skywars it just they have servers for mega doubles for whatever reason so right now the only way for someone to get into this mega doubles lobby with me is if they type the mega doubles command which let's be honest no one is really going to do unless they know about this this bug i say right now because as a lot of you may know hypixel has this great little feature where when a game mode is about to start it sends a message to each of the lobbies in order to get more players to join however it will also send that message if the minimum player count hasn't been met so the minimum player account hasn't been met and it sends a message to the lobbies which then random people will click on the message that a mega doubles game is starting and this lobby will kind of trickle in with a random bystanders however like i said earlier there's no npc for mega doubles so the games are basically never going to queue because everyone's going to leave and then eventually if not enough players have have joined the lobby and the game can't fill then it'll just it'll just send you back it'll send you back to the main lobby so you won't get the game to start but uh secret lobbies are probably not an intended feature of the server so i'm gonna go ahead and call that a glitch all right moving on whoa actually three people just joined what the hell so this fourth glitch involves the game hide and seek in the arcade lobby more specifically prop hunt and you'll notice that as this video goes on more and more of the games are gonna start getting more obscure and the reason for that is because games like bed wars and skyblock which have like that tens of thousands of players get a lot more attention and so as a result when there's like a game breaking glitch in one of those games it gets patched like almost immediately however if it's a game like hide and seek i i don't think the admins are prioritizing bug fixing hide and seek so a lot of the glitches will stay around in like lesser-known games for for months sometimes however this one is pretty game-breaking and i needed a friend to do it and you'll see what happens if you haven't played this game before i don't blame you so let me run over some logistics on how exactly this game works so it's basically farmhunt if you know farmhunt but uh but worse basically there's like this giant warehouse and you can disguise yourself as like blocks or as tools and stuff like that and your objective is to hide from the seeker as best as you can and depending on what item you are you actually have like a bunch of special abilities so if you're a tool for instance you can uh you can left-click the seeker and he gets stunned so he can't hit you but uh one of the things you can do is if you disguise as a block you have this camouflage ability so if i go over here for instance right well i can just turn into a cold block by left clicking yeah this game is kind of really hard for this for the hiders because they have to last for six minutes in this small warehouse like there's three minutes left and there's only one hider left like this guy's screwed fortunately for the hiders however there is a certain glitch that you can do that basically makes you unkillable you'll you'll see you'll see what happens so for this just follow me to like the back of the room and then make sure you're transformed as a blog all right we're getting on the same block all right at the same time we're going to camouflage left click okay you just go first okay just go let's go wait that's actually really easy yeah and then after the camouflage wears off automatically it should just leave the block let's go oh the other thing too okay so when your disguise wears off um make sure you're inside the area okay two more blocks and they they just can't get in i think if we have a two two tall block it should just not should just not be able to get in okay we're so close we're so close come on one more one more okay i'm gonna wait a little longer so you can get inside okay go and go all right now make sure you're inside the block oh no i gotta slide but you should be able to win you should be able to win i'll stall them you actually can't get in there oh they found out this isn't no way i can't get in here they are really confused they're really trying to find where you are this is what pokemans dms look like and you can't move ah that is unfortunate now this glitch isn't entirely foolproof like it takes 60 seconds to set up this entire wall in the first place but if you do pull it off it is basically impossible to kill you because those blocks are like permanent so anyway get me out of there and on to the next glitch so this next glitch is in the blitz survival games and it involves this blitz star ability called no country for old men and basically when you're playing the game if you get the blitz star you can activate this uh this ability and it'll give you this shotgun redstone repeater which can do it can do a lot of damage to anyone that comes near you however with some manipulation there's a way to get the shotgun in spectator mode so you can fly around and the shotgun still works so you can you can like fly around and shoot people it in spectator mode it is it's something to see i got it let's go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait chill chill chill chill chill chill okay give it kill me they know about the glitch i did it thank you hello sebastian wait frick wow what a cool mechanic really cool oh yes all right well i ran out of shotgun ammo but i got this guy really scared because it did like four damage and i got a kill too as you can see that glitch is pretty game breaking like you have the ability to kill people in just flying around in spectator mode it doesn't give you kill credit but but it's still pretty overpowered it's probably not an intended game mechanic and i'd probably be a little bit more careful about showing this off in a video if it wasn't for the fact that this glitch has been in the game for i'm not kidding over a year and it's not like it's unknown by the community either i'm pretty sure over 50 percent of the blitz community knows about that glitch but even after a few bug fixes it still hasn't been patched yet so maybe things will change after i make this video who knows all right moving on for the sixth glitch we're gonna head over to uhc and i'm gonna teach you guys how to get kills before the grace period is over i'm gonna like quit you out while you're in the lobby so like find a spot and then i want you to suffocate yourself immediately after the game starts what should happen is that it should register that i hit you and then give me kill credit for when you suffocate yourself because i i think i remember what you used to be able to do is you still just like crit everyone out in the lobby and then if any of them died during the grace period you just get kills [Music] nope i got the kill yeah if you create everyone in the lobby and they just die during the grace period you just get like 700 coins all right let's move on to the next one all right so i said that in the intro these glitches would range from game breaking to not game breaking at all and this is one of those not really game breaking ones but i'm just adding it here to complain so if you join skywars duels and then when you're inside skywars duels you decide that you might want to play the baseball player kit uh normally that kit's supposed to give you a chain helmet and a knockback sword it gives you the chain helmet and it doesn't give you the knockback sword that's it that that's the glitch that's literally all there is i don't even know why i'm including this either because you can literally just go the fisherman kit and it should just give you a knockback rod anyway yeah so if you want knockback you can use this kit but i'm just putting this here to complain i was originally gonna make a video of me screwing around by using the baseball player kit in skywars duels but but it does it doesn't actually give you the the knockback sword so anyway that was extremely minor but let's move on to the next glitch all right so this next glitch involves bed wars and i've already shown this off in a video previously but i thought i'd show it off here again because this is a glitches list so fun fact by the way i wanted to show off more bed wars glitches but it actually turns out that when i was recording this video a lot of the glitches i knew about were already patched so they were actually pretty quick with the bug reports i mean it kind of makes sense though because bed wars is like the second most popular game on hypixel so if there were any game breaking glitches the the server was gonna fix them almost immediately anyway so this glitch is the disabling bed wars generators glitch so i've already showed this off in a video but in case you haven't seen it i'm gonna add it here so generators and bed wars will generate iron gold and emeralds if you have the team upgrade right and they're designed to make it so that they cap out at a certain amount of resources so if i collect this you'll see that i have 48 iron and there was no iron being produced until i picked it up because the generator maxes out at 48 iron similarly what will happen is if i actually throw in resources into the generator it'll actually stop spotting things because it's hit the generator cap however there's a way to abuse this because on certain maps you can actually go to the back side of the generator and then if you line up your iron in gold behind the generator you'll notice that the generator has suddenly stopped spawning any resources so you can use this to like disable someone's generator now if someone knows about the glitch they can just go behind their generator and then pick up all the resources there and then once that happens it'll just start producing materials as normal but in a lot of bed wars games a lot of people won't know about this glitch so you you can actually probably fool a lot of people because the generator is not it's not producing any new resources anyway let's move on to the next glitch here's another minor bug that's completely harmless but you probably didn't know about so if you're in a hypixel lobby you have your hot bar set up right you got your game menu you got your profile collectibles gadget player visibility and lobby selector and these items are designed so that you can't move them out of your inventory so if i try to like move my profile or my game menu around it won't let me and that's what's gonna happen for all of the items in your hot bar at least that's what should happen for all of them if it wasn't for the fact that you can just you can just move the player visibility to dive wherever you want hey if you don't like where it's located in your inventory you can just move it around or you can just move it out of your hotbar entirely and the reason i think this is a bug or a glitch is because in certain lobbies if you move this thing it'll still work right but then if i like move it around enough it'll actually just it'll just stop working like it it doesn't work anymore so it's barely a bug but it's cool to know about nonetheless and finally for the last glitch this is probably my favorite glitch on hypixel ever it involves bed wars armed so you can't play bedwars armed right now but it will be available in a couple weeks or so so bedwars armed is one of the biggest memes in all of hypixel it's literally bed wars with guns and i don't think a lot of people like this game that much but maybe i'll sway your opinion with the showcasing of this glitch so this game is actually so unbelievably broken that there can be iron bars sitting in front of me and i can shoot him oh it's also not limited to just iron bars by the way see these staircases yeah i can shoot him [Music] so as long as it's not a solid block you can actually just you can why is this a thing hypixel fix your game so you can also combine that with like a max range gun like a magnum and then like if you pull this off in a real game they will have absolutely no idea what's going on dude this is crazy so if you want to add more reasons onto why bedwars armed is such a meme here's a here's a fun glitch that you can pull off easy but anyway that was 10 hypixel glitches for you guys i'd like to thank my guild members for helping me record this video and uh some of these might be patched by the time you're watching this who knows but um they're they're just a lot of fun to mess around with they're not all like super harmful like none of them are gonna win you the game definitely but uh there's some of them in here that should probably be patched anyway that about wraps up this video if you enjoyed leave a like and subscribe please so i can revive my dead youtube channel and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: OmicronGaming
Views: 461,060
Rating: 4.9559975 out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, 10 hypixel glitches, hypixel glitches, minecraft, skywars, bedwars
Id: QW3kyU-4Ah4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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