10 Life Hacks with PVC #4

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watch miss Pacifica love this is the fourth addition to ten line packs for PVC let's begin have you ever forgot your keys and you get locked out of your house and you're kind of just stuck well here's a great way to keep from that happening this is a piece of two inch PVC pipe and have an N cap on one end and you want to glue this end on on the other end I have it's a plug cap if I can get spin this right here you glue this end on here this is about five inches long you can make it any length you want blew that cap on there and now you can store your keys in here so put an extra pair of keys maybe out beat the string or piece of wire and then you can screw this on now you can go bury this out in the yard about up to here and make sure it's near some kind of like a water drain and people think that it is part of your drainage system and that is a great way to hide your keys if you have any kind of sliding glass doors a lot of people take some wood and wedge down in there to keep it from being open easily from the outside well a lot of times the wood will get trapped down in the groove and it gets real difficult to pull it out here's an easy right using some PVC of course you want to cut it to the length of works going to sit but you also want to include a little tee and then an extra handle that way whenever you need to remove it you can just grab the handle lift it up and easily go to a doorway if you like to work throughout the yard line or if you do a lot of landscape you know that having a bunch of tools can just be a pain they'll topple around where there's in the back of your truck your trailer and sometimes just get the way or possibly even fall out where it's a great way to carry your tools get your piece of four inch PVC pipe or larger that seems to work the best and you can strap it to your trailer or truck wherever you're using and you can just shut your tool down you're nice and secure and that way you can carry them around you can drive up and down the road if you active you don't have to worry about blowing out for getting your wet if you like to do a bunch of fishing I got a great way to use some PVC to first get you a 2 inch PVC pipe this is about five inches long doesn't have to be exact I then took a marker did it some odd designs because I'm going to drill a bunch of holes in it so now once you get all these holes drilled in it you now need a cap and this cap is courses the glue a bowl filled time but we're going to drill one little hole in it so that we can take what I have here some paracord tie some knots in it so it will hold it well you want to put that on one end make sure you glue it in place and then on the other side you need one of the caps that glue one on one in and screws in on the other you want to have easy access to this then you glue this in place once that's in there now it's a great Chum holder or you can say any kind of maybe some ham or bacon or something that will attract the fish and has that smell that I just permeate through the water screw your little lid on now you can take this and hang it over the side of your boat or your dock or wherever you choose and that should help with your fishing if you're interested in improving the security of some of your push up windows especially at the white and frame I got a great idea just get you a piece of half-inch PVC cut it to size and wedge it into place the great thing about it being white is that it goes great with the frame you hardly even notice it and you can leave it there all year long you don't have to worry about it getting into white unless you want to open a window then you can just easily I'm going to move it out if your wife likes to craft like mine you're going to have tape and ribbon just about everywhere in our crafting area I have a great way to fix that this is just some half-inch PVC that I have got some corner pieces on either 6 inches 3 inches by 4 inches 6 inches across here I got some 90 degree elbows here except on other side which I'm using some CPVC now to connect those I got some couplings now the CPVC 90 degrees they will usually sit down in the PC coupling pretty well some are loose some of them like this side a real stiff well I suggest gluing one side to a coupling and these can spin let me show you how these work with the CPVC you need these because on the ribbon they have much smaller holes that won't fit around the PVC slide you a few on here put your connector back and then slide them into place now for your tape they fit quite well around just a PVC through your tape on your whichever order you'd like snap it into place and there you go you got a great holder for your tapes and your ribbon now another thing is if you run out of space on here you can easily add an addition to it by taking your PVC here pulling it apart from the corner adding another piece in there and there you go additional holders or you can create additional holders for your ribbon another additional piece this is that on the back here if you were to take it put a couple holes in put a couple nails in the wall then you can take this and you can hang it on the wall and there's a great way to store your ribbon in your tapes or anything like myself and you just have extension cord thrown in a pile here's a great way to fix that this is just some half-inch PVC now use some tees it's six of them got some some about three inch pipes on the ends these are four inch in the center and these are I believe six inch put your stench in court on there and you can roll it up show you right here get it going there you go here's your extension cord caddy this next idea I actually got some old friend of my wife he's a photographer and I noticed one day that yet is camera out and but he did not have a tripod I saw some strange if you're taking a bunch of photos don't your arm gonna get tired you need something to put it on but then I realized well a tripod put it on and take it off put it on pick up Ken get to be a pain when he was carrying there's a piece of PVC but wow that's strange until I realized what he had done he took a coupler and you took an ink cap and a bolt and you screw that straight to the bottom of your camera then you could easily stick on top of the PVC take a bunch of pictures on from here at height this happens to be five foot as it works for me and then you could take it off and do all your maneuvers or all your small shots and put it right back on here great way to use your camera when you're cleaning your house if you happen to have any big vaulted ceilings or in my case I have a nice drop-off going over the stairs it's come down hard to reach up in those corners especially don't well you just want to risk your life I mean our kids have to lean over stairs or to pass the wife it's actually falling off chairs trying to get up in those corners turn to get all those cobwebs where else might be up there so here's a great way to solve that this is a piece of one-inch PVC it's cut to about six foot because it works with ours can easily now reach up into those corners and get all this cobwebs and it should be able to fit nicely into your current connector if not you can wrap some tape around it and I'll fit in nicely and there's an easy way to keep falling and getting hurt my second life hacks video I show you how to use one of the crossbar load wrenches with some PVC to make it easier Wow one of my viewers Julie whiting suggests another idea you can use with your factory lug wrench now with the factory ones of course there are only about a foot long which does not give you much leverage at all she said she carries around in her truck a piece of PVC this is oh this is a little over two feet she said somewhere around a meter length that she uses but anything helps slide that over the end now that gives you a lot more leverage to use to take off your lug nuts especially if you're on the side of the road if you have any other ideas using PVC make sure you leave a comment tell me what that is and you just might be mentioned in a future video we'll have fun building
Channel: Specific Love Creations
Views: 6,346,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life Hacks, PVC life hacks, life hacks for real life, life hacks for home, 10 life hacks, life hacks everyone should know, 10 life hacks with, life hacks with pvc, pvc, pvc ideas, #lifehacks, best life hacks, hacks, everyday hacks, pvc projects, how to simplify your life, lifehacks, make life easier, lifehacker, life hacking, how to make, PVC pipe
Id: a30jKmaeJXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2016
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