10 Life Hacks with PVC #5

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boy miss Pacific love today is the fifth edition of ten lie packs with PVC let's begin now your front steps really hard to see at night or your back porch a little too dark for gathering I have a great PVC life pack for you I took some cheap dollar store solar lights and created these awesome PVC stands the main tube of the lights slid right through a half inch D connector which are then connected to smell boughs the lengths of the PVC will depend on the length where you will use them but they are easy to make and since they are solar charge you can put them about anywhere the sunshine if you have a collection of shoes that just kind of gets in the way and you wish you had a way you can just move them maybe get them off the floor of a great way to do that well here I've used some half inch PVC in fittings to create a wall shoe rack now I'd have four elbows on each side and the this pipe here is about four inches long I also have a one and a quarter and one and a quarter to hold these elbows together now being that walls here in the US the studs are about sixteen inches apart I have measured from corner here the corner here into roughly 16 inches so this bar you'll just have to trim and get it to the right size I've also taken a drill and put a couple holes in the ends so that we can hang this on a wall I'll show you how it works now I have a couple nails but one in here one here is about 16 inches apart it'll fit the holes sometimes you have to play with them to get them to fit there we go hey you can take your shoes and you can put them in here so now you have a way to store your shoes on the wall and you can also stick some shoes underneath and you can make multiple layers and now why you can run up the wall you're not taking up floor space do you have a child that just like to stack their books on the floor will have a great idea for you this is a nice bookshelf for the floor now I have a four way all these pipes in the middle here are all three inch I have a couple corner connectors here in here and then a 90 degree this creates a nice little wall for this side on the other side a little bit different I have 90 degree angle elbows here these three inch and four white and I have six inch pipes down here the reason for that is that now in my case this is sloping to the left which makes easy for books to just be put up there quickly they all lean to the left I'm not going to fall out that's a great way to store your books on the floor have you ever bought a container full a bunch of cords and then you go to use them and it just well it's a pain because everything is mixed with each other things hung on each other and it's hard to even good add the containers let alone and organize exactly the one you want well I have a good way to fix this here is a four inch piece of PVC pipe that I've put the bungee cords on one in and now I've made holes in different spots depending on the length of the bungee cords even the small ones fit well that's a great way to organize all your bungee straps also in some of the spare area that I had down here I put one of my straps and you can do that in several from places here and that's a great way to get your strap side to way too this would be a great idea to maybe store in the back of your pickup truck toolbox or just in your in your garage or just you can hang it on the wall anywhere if you like to work in a garage whether it's on the car or on one of your lawn mowers or just your tools in general you will need rags so you don't want to leave your rags just out anywhere but you still need to have easy access to well I got this four inch piece of PVC pipe that I took a three inch hole saw and I cut a nice little hole in it and you can mount this anywhere whether it's on a wall or on the table you have easy access but you can take your rags here bottom up and just throw them on the top and it slides down then you can just come down here you can easily pull out whatever rags however many rags you need and have easy access to them and I stay out of the way but springtime just around the corner you're going to think about getting some plants well maybe you like these old used basic pots or maybe you're getting tired of them and you just want something a little bit nicer but yet so simple and still easy that you can move around and possibly decorate a little bit easier than these well I got great something great for you I took a piece of three inch PVC pipe and I have cut it down into three pieces and if you notice two of them are about eight inches one of them is about six inches long and we're going to take the two larger ones and put them behind the smaller one to give it almost like a step look first we're going to cement the all three of these together real carefully making sure everything is nice and even in a level so that everything stands flushed on the floor the table or wherever we might go frost they're going to get some PVC test gaps and these are going to go in the bottom of each of the pipes in that way the dirt can stay in and you can put a couple holes in it and let the water drain out the great thing about these being PVC is that you can move them around easily you don't have to worry about them getting broken easily you can also paint them and just put them about anywhere even playing around a lake or river something you accidentally drop your keys in well if you're in a nice clean pool like this you could easily see your keys but when your River people splashing around or the lake pool people splash around it's hard to see down in there well a viewer by the name of tracker came up with this great idea that he gave me this is a four-inch piece of PVC pipe that I've painted the inside black so that you can easily see through it on the other end it's just a 2-liter bottle that I've cut apart and I silicone to it and that allow you to now stick the pipe under the water and it doesn't matter how much splashing everybody else makes you can still easily see to the bottom of the water and now you can find your keys or whatever else you may have dropped have you ever happened to be at the beach you're in a pool or something where there's a bunch of water you want you're real thirsty you want something drink but if you accidentally put it in the water oh boy you just lost it well I have a great way to fix that this is you can call the cup holder can holder whatever you like I have a four-way is all half-inch pbc we have 90 degree and 90 degree and a little extra piece of PVC here and I got some one and a quarter inch length pipe and here to hold everything nice and flush now I did this on all four outlets of the four-way and to hold it out of the water we're going to use these nice little water bottles that you can get just about anywhere the great thing about they're inexpensive and if for some reason the water still tries to see past it you can put a little tape right around all four edges there set this down in the water notice the floats quite well just by itself now let's see it fit a hole a nice four cup there you go just free-floating all around there and a nice full cup now you don't have to worry about your drinks kidding waterlogged for that matter have one at the pool you happen to have an old door particularly two solid wood type maybe like a front door or something that is fully solid wood not put too thin stuff I can show you a great way to turn it into a nice sturdy table if you go do the plumbing section of the hardwood store now you can find one of these fittings these are usually used for like your toilets the great thing about them is you can then bolt these straight to your door and then you can take some PVC and you can slide it right over this happens to be a four inch pipe which is really really heavy-duty but the great thing about these fittings not only will for it fit on the outside of it but three inch will fit on the inside it that way you can have a little more diversity in the size of the legs you want now that is a great way to turn an old door into a nice table a friend of mine sent me this awesome picture of this mailbox that she spotted in her own town now looking closer it looks like it is using about six inch pipes in the elbow and looks like they added a custom door and a flag on the side well I guess if you don't want a regular mailbox or maybe if you're a plumber this is a great way to use PVC for a mailbox also don't forget you will have to bury something in the ground hold this up so I'm guessing it's using probably about the standard four by four probably braced with something but overall this is a very cool cool project now if you have any good ideas for uses with PVC please list them in the comments and you might be mentioned in next video have fun build
Channel: Specific Love Creations
Views: 1,791,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, pvc life hacks, life hacks for real life, life hacks for home, 10 life hacks, life hacks everyone should know, 10 life hacks with, life hacks with pvc, lifehacks, pvc, pvc ideas, #lifehacks, best life hacks, hacks, everyday hacks, pvc projects, how to simplify your life, make life easier, lifehacker, life hacking, pvc pipe, how to make, repurpose
Id: L1hy5NuInuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2016
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