100 PVC Project Ideas - The Good, The Bad, The Stupid

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pvc it's an amazing product it's not just for pipes you can build almost anything out of it there is however a debate going on whether or not pvc is safe for the environment or safe for your body but i've just got one thing to say about that don't eat it [Music] welcome to ellie pick where i'm going to show you a hundred cool pvc projects that you can build i'll start off by showing you some useful projects that i built over the years then i'll have a video montage with tons of other cool useful and even some weird pvc project ideas [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] now those were seven projects that i made 93 to go but for the next 10 i thought it would be worth a laugh to look at 10 really dumb and impractical pvc project ideas [Music] i have way too many screwdrivers and knives to dedicate one pvc pipe for each ah no just no [Music] nerd i don't need a rube goldberg for oil you'd have to pull them all out to find just the one you're looking for impractical i'd rather use the screws in the box that they came in [Music] before i show you the next 83 pvc project ideas please remember to subscribe to alipict if you're not sure how to do that just click on my logo at the end of this video [Music] thanks for watching allie picked and now for that hilarious outtake that i mentioned earlier this has got to be one of the funniest bloopers i've ever seen it involves my grandson jackson who was helping me build a project and then right in the middle of filming well he had something else to do however they do pee constantly they use it to communicate and to track their paths let's pause paul because after all right in the middle of the video what i have to take a dump [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alley Picked
Views: 315,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pvc, pvc ideas, pvc project, pvc project ideas, pvc builds, DIY, pvc diy, pvc storage, storage ideas, good ideas
Id: qEvOCqxpixQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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