15 Weirdest Beauty Standards Around The World

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there was a time when we were all shocked by the news that jennifer lopez had ensured her greatest physical asset for a billion dollars and then her unusual feature became the beauty standard but who the hell was the trendsetter in these crazy tribes today we're gonna show you the most insane rituals and beauty standards from around the world that will shock you but first hit the bell and subscribe to the channel you'll have luck in your life [Music] how do you like these ladies from a local beauty pageant do you like them well this is the wadaby tribe and the men compete in beauty here that's right you're looking at the guys this is one of the few places on earth where matriarchy reigns women run everything and men wear makeup and keep an eye on their figure they can only find a mate at the gyrowall fertility festival once a year so the men dress up and do their best makeup highlighting the whites of their eyes and teeth and each color in their outfit symbolizes a character trait good thing we have tinder for that the women judges of this beauty contest need only to pat the shoulder of the man they like this is considered a love marriage even if the woman is already married the winner gets to choose an unlimited number of women with whom he will live for the following month the longhorn meow women have to wear a six kilogram headdress on their heads to meet the beauty standards of their people and it's made from the hair of their ancestors the women of the tribe have been collecting their hair for centuries and passing it on to create a giant headdress woolen threads and linen are added to the hair and then wrapped around animal horns or a wooden clip this crescent-shaped design is attached to the head with white ribbons these wigs used to be worn on a daily basis but now they're only worn for holidays some of them are created from hair that is several hundred years old [Music] in this ethiopian tribe fat men are revered as heroes because in the bodhi tribe fat is considered extremely attractive every year the bodhi hold a beauty pageant to determine the fattest unmarried man in the tribe each of them must isolate themselves in a hut for six months and avoid any physical activity the only menu item is fresh cow's milk mixed with blood he has to drink at least two liters a day that's to make the stomach as big as possible after all the winner of the competition will be considered a hero and will be honored throughout his life every girl in the tribe dreams of marrying a fat man where else can you find that inhabitants of the padang tribe consider their long necks incredibly beautiful tourists call them giraffe women but they don't take offense after all the longer their necks are the better chance they have of getting married to lengthen their necks they wear a special brass necklace girls put the first ring around their neck between the ages of five and nine and then they simply cannot stop by the age of 45 every padong woman is wearing up to 15 kilograms of tin around her neck the secret is that because of the weight of the jewelry their shoulders drop a record 40 centimeters pedong women never remove the rings from their necks because their muscles atrophy and it becomes difficult to simply hold their heads up they even risk breaking their necks while the whole world is whitening their teeth the followers of the ohagoro tradition are certain that there's nothing more beautiful than a black smile several centuries ago in japan only aristocrats could afford black teeth it was a sign of wealth they used a special paint that not only changed the color of their teeth but also had a characteristic odor according to one version they were imitating the emperor's wife who had bad teeth and according to another only rich people could eat a lot of sugar which is why their teeth quickly deteriorated and everyone else simply imitated them now modern geishas and fashionistas from myanmar delight men with this kind of unusual beauty [Music] this montawai girl is considered very beautiful can you guess why a shark-like mouth with sharp teeth is the standard of beauty for this tribe and the more influential a man is in the tribe the more beautiful his wife should be so they have a ritual of sharpening or chiseling human teeth it is carried out using stones and other improvised tools and no anesthesia the dentist simply removes the excess pieces of teeth and sharpens them if seeing this gives you a toothache write in the comments girls from the himba tribe in namibia are considered the most beautiful in africa and they also don't bathe for months because it can ruin their hair they make their famous dreadlocks from ochai's paste they grind ochre into dust mix it with clay milk and vegetable oils and goat hair is attached to the ends for beauty they apply the paste not only to their hair but also to their entire bodies so their skin takes on a shiny red tint it's not only beautiful but also helps them survive under the african sun the paste protects their skin from burns insect bites and even serves as a soap but in the myla tribe girls style their hair with manure that's right this octopus is secured to the head with the help of cow excrement for starters they dye their hair using crushed red stones the ingredients for this seem very simple compared to hair gel you just have to mix cow dung with tree bark and oil and add herbs for aroma i wonder if that helps with the smell if you know what i mean and as decorations for the dreadlocks they use pieces of food what one won't do to meet the beauty standards of their tribe some people are ashamed of their scars and some get them on purpose to be beautiful in ethiopia girls undergo a scarification ceremony and it's much more painful than a tattoo during the procedure the master uses plant sap and ash to leave relief scars on the skin girls are strictly forbidden to cry while scars are being applied and they do it voluntarily because the men of their tribe consider bear skin ugly and for the men from the chambray tribe in papua new guinea the scarification rite is like obtaining a passport once they reach adulthood the chiefs make hundreds of scars on their bodies they're so bulging because clay is placed under the skin in the process the resulting scars resemble the skin of a crocodile a sacred animal of the tribe well now we know for sure that this guy from black panther is at least 18 years old do you think it's beautiful share with us in the comments [Music] do you want to win over the japanese then remove your braces immediately they go crazy for crooked yaiba teeth such a smile is distinguished by protruding fangs girls say that imperfect teeth make them look younger and childlike japanese guys say yaiba makes girls look like cats so if your teeth are too straight you can get them fixed by a japanese dentist for as little as 390 bucks there was a time when no chinese woman could get married if her feet didn't look like this this deformed foot was called the lotus foot and was considered extremely attractive to men the ideal foot length should not exceed 7 centimeters for comparison the foot length of a girl with a size 38 is 24 centimeters which is three times that also the feet had to be soft symmetrical and fragrant for the sake of beauty girls had to bandage their feet their whole lives and it starts when they're 5 years old all the girls toes except for the big one were clamped to the heel and tightly wrapped with cloth the bones were deformed under the weight of the body but the girls had to endure dance and even work in the field all that just to meet this beauty standard because big feet were considered ugly a complete ban on bandaging feet appeared only in 1949 you can still find several dozen owners of lotus feet in china today [Music] if you think that lip augmentation is already too much you're gonna be shocked by the beauty standards in the mercy and surrey tribes to become beautiful every local girl removes her four lower front teeth then a hole is made in her lower lip and a plug is inserted into it to stretch it more when it reaches four centimeters the first round plate is inserted into it it needs to be changed regularly increasing its size and thereby stretching the hole in the lip even more the most diligent girls managed to insert a plate with a diameter of 40 centimeters this tradition has existed for 10 000 years the plate in the lip makes the girl feminine and beautiful which helps to find a rich groom who will present the bride's family with cattle the women make pretty good money too by allowing tourists to photograph them [Music] there are 256 people in the world who are sure that there's nothing more beautiful than a wooden stick in the lip in childhood every member of the brazilian zoe tribe pierces their lip and inserts a piece of jewelry called ember pot at first it looks like a thin reed but it's gradually replaced by a stick of larger and larger diameter look at how elegantly the lower lip hangs down for this decoration the villagers are ready to give up even their lower teeth in addition to the stick in their lips they appreciate the adornment of feathers brazil nuts and lipstick but these people don't like clothes at all instead of headdresses residents of the bracba community in india wear bouquets on their heads all residents of this community regardless of their gender adorn their hair with fresh flowers every day men wear them as part of a headdress while women weave them into braids along their entire length they even work in the field and manage the household this way i bet you don't feel so embarrassed about going into the supermarket all dressed up now do you grandmothers with cages in their noses and tattoos that's no big deal for the apatani tribe in india most of the older women here wear yapping hollow plugs in their nostrils and have a tattoo right in the middle of their face that's just their way of looking beautiful but before such an unusual look became the standard of beauty it was a way to keep them safe after all other peoples would often abduct apatani women since they were famous for their incredible beauty there are still many incredible beauty standards in the world but that's enough for today which beauty trend impressed you the most which one would you never try write in the comments also don't forget to subscribe to the channel and like it i'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music] you
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 3,958,053
Rating: 4.8095961 out of 5
Keywords: unusual beauty, beauty standards, unique beauty, rare beauty, unusual people, unusual beauty standards, unusual concepts of beauty, neck rings, teeth sharpening, lip plates, top 15, 15 most amazing, standards of beauty, beauty ideals, unusual tribes, Unusual Beauty Standards Around The World
Id: Fq-0iIAtgSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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