[10 Hrs but ONLY $21] Tokyo to Osaka by Local Train, Auto Heat Up Station Bento #285

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this is the main square of tokyo station i  have decided to go back to osaka usually i use   shinkansen but today i want to have small  adventure so i have decided to go back to   osaka by local train every holiday season  in japan we have Seishun 18 Kippu ticket   you can ride any JR train all over japan for a  day except limited express train i will explain   about the ticket more while we're on the way to  buy bento box in tokyo station but first let me   show you how many luggages i have because it  could be important information for travelers   i have one luggage and one heavy backpack  with me this is the luggage it's plane carry on size there are four wheels  and this is my camera backpack there are one cam and two lenses inside i'm a  video grapher but at the same time photographer   too so i always carry other lenses also this is  the space for GoPro hey guys welcome to Rion's tv i'm Rion "Seeeno Gaooo" so let's go to grab Bento box  let's go this is Marunouchi north entrance if you keep straight we will find JR entrance and where you can ride on the shinkansen and JR local train since Seishun 18 Kippu cannot use the automatic  ticket gate so we have to use this gate   after you receive the date  stamp you are ready to go there are many bento box stores in tokyo station  you can choose bento from many variety Bento   usually local train stations don't sell  many kinds of bento so i highly recommend   to get bento in this tokyo station today i have  decided to get the bento from this bento store they have many kind of bento box, today i picked  a really special one as you know usually bento   foods are cold but this bento box you can make it  warm everywhere, really interesting invention it's   first time to try that so i'm so excited too the  price is 1380 japanese yen a little bit expensive   but i could save train money so why not, first i  need to find a Tokaidosen so let's keep walking basically we can go to osaka from tokyo by local  train using tokaido line it's platform number 10   in JR tokyo station, first we need to go  to Atami in Shizuoka prefecture through   yokohama in kanagawa prefecture as you see many  people use this line so i couldn't take a seat   speaking of Seishun 18 Kippu ticket price  it sold 5 ticket set for 12,000 japanese yen   so if you go to osaka from tokyo in a day with  local train it costs only 2,400 japanese yen but i   bought only one ticket at discounted ticket store  so it was a bit expensive it cost me 3,300 japanese   yen still compared to shinkansen which will  cost 13,400 japanese yen definitely much cheaper now we arrive to Shinagawa station many people  take off from train so i could find a seat after past Yokohama, becomes really less people  from Tokyo station to Atami station it takes   1 hour and 44 minutes yes it's a long trip but  it was a beautiful day so i enjoyed the scenery when i arrived to Atami station  there was a Kurofune Densha it was really cool this Atami station  is popular for Onsen hot spring resort   there is an ice cream vending machine in  the station now it's 12:15 and the next   train is 12:35 so let me go to bathroom  in Atami station there is a big elevator so even if you have a big luggage  it's not going to be a problem   speaking of the Atami station's restroom  it was clean and kind of big restroom   like a tokyo station so if you have a big  luggage you don't have to worry about it   next let me get a drink there is a small souvenir  store in the station and i found the local Chuhai this Chuhai used the Yamanash prefectures peach  it's a regional limited version, looks pretty good   i can drink it with bento so let's get  this the price is 280 japanese yen it's not bad this is the next train the next destination is   Okitsu station it takes about an  hour 13 stations so let's go we are in Shizuoka prefecture now such a beautiful  day maybe we can see the beautiful mount fuji that's mount fuji but unfortunately clouds  was there this is Fuji station Fuji station   was much smaller than what i was expecting  it and i can't see the mount Fuji neither it's okay Okitsu station is almost there  i need to get ready for changing train so i'm at Okitu station right now seems  like i have to change a train from here   the next one is about 9 minutes from now  as you see pretty much middle of nowhere this is the next train to Hamamatsu station   it takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes this  train has restroom it's clean usually JR  train has a restroom in train except in the  big city one it's really good for travelers it's time for lunch but this  kind of train we can't eat   inside the train next train should  be fine so i wait for the next train finally we arrived to Hamamat station and  i believe the next train is just in front   of me if it's possible I want to eat food there  this train also has restroom too, in previous video   i had several questions what kind of trains are  okay to eat in the train basically there is no   answer but most of us think that if the sheet is box  seat like this it is okay to eat and drink   this is the bento box i got it's a beef tongue   bento here is small line here just pulled it immediately you can hear the sound, and  the bottom of the bento box becomes   really warm after several minutes, white steam  comes out from the bento box and it's ready to eat inside it is really simple bento  there are seven beef tongues   one carrot and the pickled veggie which  is Tsukemono so let's try Itadakimasu it's warm and pretty good, felt like i  just got this vendor from some restaurant   and pickled veggie is pretty good with rice and now it's time for the Yamanashi  peach Chu-hi it must be good! Kanpai! it's so good drinking peach Chu-hi and eating  Bento box in such a beautiful weather why not now arrive to Toyohashi station there  is only 5 minutes to change the train   so i decide to use stairs this is the next train this train has restroom too   next destination is Ogaki in Gifu  prefecture about 1 hour and 30 minutes ride it was a pretty empty train but in Nagoya station   more people ride on the train and  the train became kind of crowded in Ogaki station there were  many people in the station   so again i decided to use  stairs there was an elevator though and this is the next train heading to Maibara station in Shiga prefecture it's about 30 minutes ride well seems like i can't find a seat the train  is getting crowded for this train only 30   minutes so i think i can just stand up here  i believe if you come over here in early time   probably you can find a seat if you  go to osaka from tokyo by local train   I highly recommend to leave tokyo in early time, sun is setting really beautiful so this is the last long train  i'm happy that i could take a seat outside already gets totally dark this  is the train line goes to Kyoto and Osaka   so it became really crowded  compared to other trains   this is Kyoto station there are more  people coming to train in Kyoto station Osaka station is almost there  my long trip finally will finish   and here we go we are at the Osaka station   oh i miss Osaka, alright so  let's get out from the station yes finally we came back to Osaka well if you have  been to Osaka that bear over there looks familiar   right, i'm so excited to visit Universal Studios  Japan new Mario section and make a video about it   so this morning we left tokyo station at 10  am and we ride on the train at 10:30 and right   now it's about 8 pm so "Juichi, Juni, Ichi, Ni, San,,,, " yeah it took about 10 hours it was pretty fun though and   yes it was pretty cheap too so if you like train  and if you have time and you want to save money   maybe you can try that, well definitely you can  have a priceless experience if you want to see   more about japan i'm a travel photographer  i've been taking many photos and posted on my   instagram so if you haven't checked my instagram  account please check my instagram account. and also speaking of my channel there are over 300 videos  about japan and the food so if you are thinking of   traveling to japan in the future please don't  forget to subscribe and check other videos as   well yes when we hit the 100,000 subscribers  Mt. Fuji challenge is coming so your support   is really important for me anyway so this video  pretty much that's it hope you enjoy traveling   in japan through my video so see you in the next video Arigato bye bye!! my goodness you know i was sitting in the train over 10 hours yes that was really tiring but yes definitely really fun experience next time when i go to tokyo maybe i can try the hotel bus or LCC airplane uh there are so many   ways to go to Tokyo so i really look forward  to it anyway so Arigatou for watching my video, Bye-bye!
Channel: Rion Ishida
Views: 302,322
Rating: 4.9564672 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo, Local train ride, Japan train, Train travel in Japan, Bento, Ekiben, Local Bento, Yamanashi Chu-hi, Heat pack Bento, Warm Bento
Id: WJ7eqr_TsOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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