10 Highest Salary Paying Countries for Expats

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there are many valid reasons why you should consider relocating and working abroad but for many the biggest draw is the chance to significantly increase their earning potential sure nice weather and living in a fantastic location are great incentives but money is often the real driving factor certain countries strive in different industries depending on their climate economy and ultimately on what positions are most needed in different regions the countries mentioned in this video are ranked according to their average monthly income and minimum wages which are published by the international labor organization however one should also consider the local cost of living and taxes all in all it will depend on your career prospects and possibilities to find a job in one of these countries the average monthly incomes are expressed in u.s dollars so here are 10 high salary paying countries to work number 10 belgium belgium holds the number one spot on the global workplace happiness index the index measures not only how happy employees are with their jobs but also their confidence in the local economy and their chances of finding their next job as well as their satisfaction in their career prospects in the next few years additionally this small nation has three official languages flemish dutch french and german a good part of its workforce also speaks english the average monthly salary in this country is estimated to be around 4 700 this is a very reasonable amount considering the cost of living in belgium is relatively lower than other european union states furthermore foreign employees are issued with a work permit and labor card within 10 to 15 days as such belgium has one of the fastest and most flexible procedures in europe number nine singapore the global competitiveness report named singapore as the world's second prospering economy as the economy is booming singapore companies are hungry to acquire overseas specialists offering top salaries and lucrative benefit packages to attract highly skilled workers and talents with a median salary of forty eight hundred dollars per month engineers can earn up to eighty thousand dollars annually whereas general practitioners usually receive around one hundred thousand dollars per year additionally the personal income tax rate is quite low in singapore for non-residents a flat rate of 10 percent is paid as income tax on all the income gained while staying in singapore for those with a residence permit the income tax can range from zero to four percent if the earnings are less than seven thousand dollars in addition all of your earnings gained overseas and brought to the country are not subjected to any taxes number eight australia australia is the only country in the southern hemisphere featured on the list of the highest salaries in the world by country apart from beautiful beaches and terrain the sparsely populated country is a true economic powerhouse australia also has a welcoming immigration policy especially for those willing to study in the country and then start a career in australia right after however some of these immigration policies are on a halt due to the pandemic nevertheless the average monthly income is estimated to be around 4 800 but keep in mind benefit costs in australia are not among the highest and the taxes will take a lot of your salary package furthermore it has a multicultural society with people from different parts of the world coming and settling here in fact 43 of australians have parents of overseas origin or were born overseas number seven usa the united states not only has the largest economy in the world but also some of the highest salaries the country has the overall highest total gdp among all nations and the us dollar is considered as a global reserve currency the usa is also home to some of the biggest tech companies which have some of the highest it salaries in the world as the u.s is such a large country salary rates may differ drastically depending on where you are based but you can expect to be well recompensed if you work in one of its tech hubs such as san francisco austin or new york city the average gross wage in the united states is 60 000 per year while the average monthly income is around five thousand dollars number six germany more people are flocking to germany for their opportunities and benefits everyone from college graduates to workers close to retiring if you're considering starting your own business even better germany is one of the best countries to form your own startup the unemployment rate in germany right now is a mere 3.6 percent compare that to the european union's overall unemployment rate of 7.6 percent and it's easy to see that germany's economy is booming it has many benefits for their employees particularly more so than other countries for one the minimum wage in germany is projected to rise through the years as europe's largest economy currently the average monthly salary in germany is estimated to be above five thousand dollars additionally its employment laws are generally more favorable to workers especially their termination protection collective bargaining agreements and holidays number five netherlands despite the fact that the netherlands is a small country it has a relatively small population they've managed to make their economy one of the biggest in the world the country has an above average level of economic growth and an enviably low rate of unemployment while the dutch complement their well-paid jobs with a famously comfortable lifestyle its average monthly income is around five thousand five hundred dollars and for those starting their own business the dutch government also helps small businesses to grow by simplifying bureaucracy offering tax breaks and continuously updating government policies a thriving economy offering a wealth of job and career opportunities is one of the best reasons to work in the netherlands number four norway norway is one of the wealthiest countries in the world attracting qualified workforce to the country on a constant basis its capital oslo offers a high quality of living and may be the ideal place for professionals seeking career growth while this is downset by high living costs norway is a strikingly beautiful place to live and as with most scandinavian countries it is run by a socially progressive government the average monthly income in this country is roughly around fifty seven hundred dollars there are many employment positions available in norway for foreigners most of these jobs are in the oil shipping and fishing industries it is considerably easier to land a job in norway if you are an eu citizen number three luxembourg luxembourg is a tiny nation in western europe bordering belgium france and germany with a small population of just over 600 000 inhabitants luxembourg also happens to be one of the countries with the highest salaries in the world the average gross wage in luxembourg is seventy thousand dollars per year while the average monthly income is around fifty seven hundred dollars expats mostly benefit from the strong high-tech driven service sector of the country and the recently introduced special tax exemptions for expats working in luxembourg one of the top economic sectors in the country is banking and executives can earn up to three hundred thousand dollars per year plus bonuses number two denmark denmark is a scandinavian nation with some of the highest living standards in the world the tax rate here is very high but the government spends the money for health care program education and social programs so its citizens do not even hesitate to pay taxes the country is oftentimes ranked as the happiest nation in the world although the metrics are quite subjective what is not subjective about denmark are its high salaries considerably above its southern neighbor germany minimum wages in denmark are not defined but still this country has the lowest income inequality in the world the most interesting thing is that there is no foreign debt on this country here employees receive an average monthly income of six thousand dollars apart from high salaries denmark is one of the easiest countries to do business in the world number one switzerland switzerland is a tiny landlocked nation right in the heart of europe unlike most of its neighbors switzerland is not part of the european union and does not use the euro single currency having its own currency and one of the most solid banking systems in the world are just some of the advantages allowing switzerland to maintain and grow its wealth over the past centuries it comes as no surprise that switzerland has some of the highest salaries in the world the average monthly income in switzerland is roughly around 6 500 thanks for watching be sure to subscribe for more amazing [Music] content
Channel: Skerry Harry
Views: 1,322,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Highest Salary Paying Countries, 10 highest paid salary countries, 10 countries that pay the highest salary, paychecks, monthly earnings, high salary countries, highest income countries, working abroad, 10 countries that pay the most, 10 countries with highest income, relocate, highest wages, 10 high salary countries, expat life, highest paid countries, 10 Best countries to earn money, countries that pay well
Id: DW6JwgeHkxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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