10 Hidden Secrets & New Easter Eggs You Missed in Hogwarts Legacy

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we've picked up a lot of hidden secrets and harry potter easter eggs that are hiding in plain sight in the recent hogwarts legacy reveal and i'm going to walk you through 10 of them which i think you're going to find super interesting so let's just apparate straight on in now this game will be taking place in the 1800s and up until now warner brothers and avalanche have been very ambiguous on a precise date and there is a reason for that because alan 2 the game director said that we place you in the 1800s to ensure that you were never overshadowed by any other hero and up until now that's given us the impression that this game is very much a clean slate with new stories to be told where we're going to be exploring new characters and not necessarily getting involved with some very well-known names within the current hp universe and i think that is going to be the case initially with the base game release but this is where it does get interesting because in the state of play trailer we are showing the daily prophet front page where it says truth or gobbledygook gobbledygook being the official language of the goblins by the way so a very nice tabloid centric play on words there but i want to bring your attention to the date on the paper itself it says monday september the 1st 1890. now september the 1st first and foremost is the day which the hogwarts school term begins every year but even more interestingly albus dumbledore attended hogwarts in 1892 at the age of 11. and if you weren't aware we do find ourselves starting hogwarts in our fifth year in this game meaning a very young albus dumbledore is alive in this time period and if we do pick up further content expansions going forward which to be honest with you i don't think is out of the realm of possibility depending upon the game's performance we may actually see him starting hogwarts as we enter our seventh year and then go on to graduate additionally in a tv spot trailer for the upcoming fantastic beasts film dumbledore says this i was young about a powerful match and i think this ties in quite perfectly to our hogwarts legacy journey as this whole game story is based on an ancient powerful magic which we are told we are at the heart of definitely food for thought though and i would love to see him appear even if it is down the line now let's go through some hogwarts centric easter eggs in the trailer the first being a picture of wendell in the weird which you can slightly catch a glimpse of on the wall to the right hand side here funny story about this one wendelin became a famous witch in the 14th century for casting a flame freezing charm on herself and allowing to be willingly burnt at the stake 47 times because she enjoyed the tickling sensation of the flames we've also got another painting of the fat lady here who famously guards the gryffindor common room looks like they've gone with a more official and traditional looking fat lady as seen in the philosopher's stone film rather than dawn french from the prisoner of azkaban films and onwards and speaking of the prisoner of azkaban in this shot from the trailer we can also see another easter egg here where the painting is the same bridge where dementors attacked everybody on the train shout out to movieflame on finding that one great spot link to his channel is of course in the description and if you are wondering how we're going to be awarded with house points throughout this year well it hasn't officially been confirmed yet but if we do zoom in here we can just about make out the hourglass jars holding all of the house points so that does look really promising i would say on top of all that it looks like we're going to be able to visit the prefix bathroom on the fifth floor which only opens after providing the correct password if you can remember which i do wonder how i end up getting maybe it's hidden around somewhere or we pick it up during a side quest you also notice the mermaid on the wall similar to what we actually see with the films as well i think that is a great touch and a nice detail as well as all the golden taps just like in the books which all produce different washing soaps which i think is super cool now bath soaps aside let's talk about some fantastic beasts because in this particular clip we can see what looks like to be a cat and i've actually got a sneaky feeling that this may be a kineasel or nasal depending upon how you pronounce it which is a magical beast that has a similar appearance of a cat a very famous kneezle was crook shanks hermione's half cat half knees who was incredibly intelligent and actually helped sirius black expose peter pettigrew as the rat scabbers so it would be great to pick up our own pet here and i could definitely see this happening in the game it would be a shame if it didn't incidentally avalanche have also said that beyond the hogwarts grounds are poachers who are actually setting traps to try and capture magical beasts for their own profit if we do come across them we can decide to help them or not but if we do decide to give them a hand we'll be able to capture them ourselves in a similar way that newt scamander does in the fantastic beasts films which what looks like to be some sort of capture bag or suitcase now after they are captured in game they're transported to a mongerie a large open customizable space in the room of requirement which isn't too far off what's inside newt's own suitcase which has an undetectable extension charm cast on it similar to hermione's handbag i think this is definitely a nod to the series there and i can't wait to try it out now if you've got good eyes you may have noticed a couple green flames dotted around in certain locations in the gameplay trailer now these green torches look like flu powder fast travel points flu powder being a glittery magical substance used by witches and wizards to travel to and from fireplaces that are connected to the flu network now the reason why i think we can firmly deduce that this may indeed be some sort of fast travel mechanic is because in this clip in particular we can just about make out the word wildsmith underneath the statue portrait which all kind of adds up actually because ignatia wildsmith was the witch who created the flu powder in the 13th century and it would be really great if we could actually blow flu powder onto these flames and then just travel to different flu network stations that we've discovered ourselves across the map which speaking of which we don't know the full size of it yet apart from this map illustration officially presented to us in the behind the scenes trailer but what we do know is that there is going to be an incredible amount of exploration outside the grounds in this game so fast traveling back and forth on this network does make sense as we only learn to operate in our seventh year so theoretically that's ruled out and it will save us some time if we don't want to just fly on our broom or hippogriff to different locations on the map now let's talk about some famous people and recognizable families in the hb universe that have been hinted at being here in this game chandler wood community manager of hogwarts legacy and a really great dude by the way mentioned in the official playstation blog article that we may even come across some very familiar names like a weasley or two now this is exciting because the weasley family are one of the most prominent pure-blooded wizarding families in great britain with a long family tree has been documented for centuries in fact as we know the game is based in 1890 thanks to the daily prophet arthur weasley's dad septimus weasley was born in that same time period and went on to marry into the serious black family so i'd expect to see a young septimus and his parents potentially appear in the storyline here thanks to a nod from our community manager now another cool link here is eleazar figg who's noted as playing a big role in our storyline as well as being one of hogwarts professors we see him appear multiple times throughout the trailer and that's for a good reason as he is going to be our mentor throughout the narrative story arc but we also have a another fig in the harry potter universe which you may be aware of that being arabella fig who is a squib which means that she just can't perform magic but she does have magical parents and we do end up seeing her appear directly in the order of the phoenix film and she acts as an untraceable non-magical guardian working for dumbledore while harry is living at the dursley so a potential connection there perhaps additionally victor rockwood is noted as being one of the antagonists of this legacy game he's the leader of a faction of dark wizards working with the lead goblin ranrock now of course we do have another dark wizard with the same name he's even actually mentioned in the films here you go there was rockwood he was a spy august is rico but the department of mysteries the same keep past information do you know who from inside the ministry itself and there we are he was a spy working inside the ministry feeding voldemort valuable information who was later sent to azkaban so we've got two dark wizards with the same surname of rookwood within the last 100 years so this could be a coincidence but in all honesty i don't think it is they could have purposefully created new names if they wanted these characters to be separate and i think this is a nice way for them to subtly link the modern day hb universe to the 1800s one that they're setting the scene with here but we're just gonna have to wait and see and by the way if you have enjoyed the video so far and if it's not too much trouble leaving a like down below lets me know that you like this type of content and it also helps push it out to more people for them to hopefully enjoy so thank you very much okay let's talk about the sorting hat scene in the trailer i think it looks awesome first and foremost and i can't wait to get more details on the specifics around it in the coming months but i do want to bring your attention to this dude on the left hand side here that's because the headmaster's chair in the great hall is empty in the scene just before this one and we can actually see him walking through the students towards the sorting hat platform and i think we can also deduce here that this man is perhaps the headmaster and canonically the headmaster of hogwarts in this time period is none other than professor phineas nigella's black who was serious as black's great-grandfather and who managed the school from 1847 to 1925 famously becoming the least popular headmaster ever absolutely hating his profession and job role his portrait appears in dumbledore's office offering advice to the current hogwarts headmaster as well as being visible in the black family tree tapestry in grimald place and check this out i actually think they look pretty similar to me to be honest with you perhaps the developers have taken inspiration from this tapestry when they actually created his modeling game i think it's interesting stuff for sure now let's talk about ranrock he's the leader of the goblins in this time period and whom are currently in the process of their third rebellion within three centuries mainly because they feel that they've always been subjugated to prejudice and segregation by wizard kind historically wizards have chosen not to share one law with other magical beings denying creatures like goblins from extending their powers which means they have to seek out other devices to potentially expand them themselves and this is what i find interesting about this gauntlet that ramrok has equipped on his arm seemingly being able to absorb a spell fired at him by eliza fig to then channel that into some sort of counter shock wave of power right back at fig himself almost like a goblin thanos now jokes aside when it comes to canon goblins can perform magic without ones in fact so can wizards to be fair however within goblin society a goblin leader rises to that elevated position not necessarily due to their charisma or leadership skills but rather due to their skill with metal work as metalsmiths a good example of this goblin work is the sword of gryffindor where it's designed to absorb energy around it that actually makes it stronger harry of course used it to kill the basilisk in the chamber of secrets subsequently causing the sword to then be imbued with this highly potent and useful basilisk venom and as we've just discussed since goblin made items absorb what makes them stronger the sword was then able to destroy horcruxes it's kind of like another notch on its belt so it seems that ranrok presumably the best metalsmith of his kind in this time period has risen to the rank of a goblin supreme leader and is utilizing his creations to help against the fight of wizard kind we also see the chandelier of gringotts in the trailer and the minecart used to travel from vault to vault which can only be operated by a goblin so it looks like we're going to be venturing underground in green gods which i'm very much looking forward to now chandler also mentioned in the playstation blog article that our ties to ancient magic put us on a collision course with ramrok where we'll need to unearth the mysteries behind the ancient magic to stop the rebellion and the threat of the wizarding world being torn apart now ancient magic happens independently from the efforts of witches and wizards it's triggered by events or powers that are really native to reality and it's considered to be extremely old mysterious and very dangerous where a wand isn't necessary to actually make it work it can be found in the hides of dragons and if we take a look at this scene from the trailer that looks like a magical skin resistance to me a mighty dragon imbued with this ancient magic incidentally the dragon in the trailer also looks like a hebridean black dragon which is native to the hebrides in scotland and is recognizable due to its brilliant purple eyes and dark rough scales they're a very aggressive breed of dragon in the british isles and historically the mcfasty clan takes responsibility for their well-being and has done for many centuries additionally we also come across thestrals in the trailer meaning we as a character or player have seen death at some point in the storyline as the only way to visually see thestrals if you didn't know is to have witnessed the death of someone at least once so more food for thought there it gets me even more intrigued of our backstory in this game but i'll tell you what else is very interesting and it's the dark magic that's been shown to us so far because the official line from the studio is be careful where you choose to explore as it may lead you down a darker path followed by a clip of us performing the avada kedavra spell as well as some dark ancient magic finishes on some npcs now it's not specified by warner bros if we can actually choose a dark wizard path similar to star wars the knights of the old republic mechanic if you actually played that game where you could choose to be a jedi or a sith but it does seem like we're going to be able to kill in this game as a witch or wizard and this scene in particular it's a nice juggling easter egg i think which looks very similar to the prairie incantatum reverse spell between harry and voldemort but also can be seen in a similar effect when arthur weasley duels a death eater at the battle of hogwarts as well as dumbledore versus voldemort in the ministry of magic but what i do find even more intriguing though is the visuals of the talents and abilities menu we've shown three at first those being the room of requirement stealth and then core but the final two are omitted and i've got a feeling these may be ancient and dark magic talentry options where we'll be able to prioritize that type of magic if we prefer to do so but again yeah that's a little bit of speculation there and we're just gonna have to see what they say okay i had to get this one in here and it is the chocolate frog cards which we can see sneaking into the frame in the room of requirement in the trailer and it does make sense as in previous harry potter games over the last decade these cards have been used as a form of collectible in-game to show off famous witches and wizards and i wouldn't be surprised if the same mechanic is applied here however canonically the chocolate frog was actually created in 1924 which is 34 years after where this game takes place again thanks to the daily prophet article and perhaps an error or creative freedom from the devs here i honestly wouldn't mind it if they were in the game to be honest with you purely for the easter egg collectible aspect and perhaps if that's the case we may even get bertie bott's every flavored beans which actually entered production in the middle of the 20th century but to the right of that frog though we can also see some fudge flies and ron mentioning in the books that scabbers really enjoyed them and i can imagine or envision some sort of chocolate fly hidden around the open world that we'll have to collect here and i just want to get your opinion on this one actually above the chocolate frog and the fudge flies there's a picture of a large rock in the sea just off the coastline this looks like the cave tom riddle visited when he was younger and where dumbledore and harry also traveled to to destroy salazar slytherin's horcrux where they also came across some infrared which are dead bodies reanimated by a dark wizard's curse which we can also see as npcs or enemies in the trailer so you have to let me know what you think of that one and if you haven't already done so by the way do consider subscribing for more hogwarts legacy videos just like this i'm going to be covering the game all throughout this year there's lots more to come and i just want to say a big thanks to the reloads researchers in our discord community who helped me put this video together as well as you reloaders who actually support me and the channel with your own hard earned cash i thank you so much i really am incredibly grateful and there should actually be more harry potter videos on your screen right now so hopefully see you there in a few seconds and as usual coffee is on me
Channel: AndyReloads
Views: 359,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter hogwarts legacy, harry potter legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, playstation state of play, hogwarts legacy, state of play, harry potter game, playstation 5, hogwarts legacy release date, hogwarts legacy state of play, harry potter ps5, harry potter, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwarts legacy game, portkey games, new harry potter game, harry potter rpg, hogwarts legacy easter egg, hogwarts legacy easter eggs, hogwarts legacy secrets, harry potter easter eggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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