Descendants 2 - Cast Secrets

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Are we going? Oh, you guys, we're going. Oh. We're rolling. (WHOOPS) What's up, VK team? DOVE CAMERON: Ready, you guys? Ready? She got one. I got one. (EXHALES) Okay. "What was something new you learned from filming<i> Descendants 2?"</i> We learned how to fence. Sword fighting! Oh, my gosh. We did. SOFIA CARSON:<i> I've never felt cooler.</i> It was like a whole month of training. You had to know how to before, though, 'cause you were so good. BOOBOO STEWART:<i> I mean, I never did fencing...</i> Booboo's just human perfection. (ALL LAUGH) All you gotta do, is look like me. Oh, ha-ha. "Who is your favorite Disney villain of all time and why?" Oh... I'm gonna say the Evil Queen and not just 'cause she's my mommy... Oh, God. I knew you guys were gonna say that. There's the door! There's the door! I genuinely like Maleficent only because... Shut up! Stop it! Stop it! There's the door! Honestly, it's a mix between Ursula and Yzma. Yzma. Oh, I love Yzma! (CACKLES) You do it so well! (WHOOPS) "Who was your favorite character? Can't choose yourself." I like Gil. Hey! I like Gil. Dylan is so good. CHINA ANNE McCLAIN:<i> Gil's so funny.</i> Well, well, well. Harry's great, too. I was just about to say I like Harry! That's my specialty. DUDE: Hey, guys, what about me? CARSON: Dude! (ALL LAUGHING) I thought you forgot. My favorite is definitely Dude. <i> Cutest character, most endearing character. Funniest character.</i> CAMERON:<i> Most professional character.</i> McCLAIN: Yeah. Best actor. Amazeballs. "What's your favorite song from the movie and why?" I think Uma's song is actually my fave. <i> ♪ Uma, Uma, la, la Uma ♪</i> Really? <i> What's My Name</i> is killer. Are you kidding? <i> ♪ What's my name? What's my name? ♪</i> I like<i> It's Going Down.</i> <i> ♪ Let's go, bring it on</i> <i> ♪ Better give us what we want ♪</i> <i> It's Going Down</i> is great. It's so dynamic. Although, I don't know, Sofia, I love our duet. <i> ♪ In the space between</i> <i> ♪ Where two worlds come to meet ♪</i> CARSON:<i> I love</i> Space Between. CAMERON:<i> I love our duet.</i> What about<i> Ways?</i> I love<i> Ways.</i> Yeah. <i> ♪ We got all the ways to be ♪</i> <i> Ways</i> is maybe my fave. I would listen to<i> Ways.</i> <i> Chillin' Like A Villain.</i> <i> Chillin'</i> is my fav... We forgot<i> Chillin'!</i> <i> ♪ You wanna be cool</i> <i> ♪ Let me show you how ♪</i> I think that's the best one. <i> Chillin'</i> is so catchy. Honestly, like, all the songs are ridiculous. Every song. They're so good. Buy the album. "What is something that nobody knows "about your involvement in this film?" Not even us, your cast-mates! Okay, here's mine. <i> When we were filming, for some reason</i> all of my clothes kept ripping. <i> In the first week, two jackets.</i> My gloves, my fingers were coming out. My toes came out of my shoes. And his socks! And my socks! How does that happen? There was a hole through his shoe, and his sock in both feet! Life ain't fair. I actually got to choose my pirate hat. Oh, what? Did you? BOYCE: There were options? That's awesome. Yeah, there were a lot of options, but I was like, "That's the one," so, yeah. That's very cool. Wow. <i> ♪ You need to watch your back ♪</i> While we were dancing to<i> Chillin' Like A Villain,</i> apparently, I was dancing too hard and somehow I managed to rip my wig off of my head. Wait, what? But we magically got it together and no one will ever notice, hopefully. They know that I'm a minor. But what comes with being a minor is having to leave the set early and when you leave the set ear, you need someone to fill in for you. So, I think I had like five doubles. (ALL LAUGH) There was five Camerons! I had a stunt double. CAMERON: That's so funny. I had a dance double, I had a picture double. I had two picture doubles... Two picture doubles. So more than once we'd go up to Cameron from behind and be like "Hey..." Right, and it was someone... Not Cameron. ...completely not Carlos. And all of them had freckles, it was really funny. Painted on, little tiny... So good. That was so funny. Oh, you got me. (BOTH CHUCKLE) I don't even... I didn't prepare for this. I don't even know. Ah, jeez. I don't know what to say... I mean, well, first of all, anytime you see me on a Vespa that's a lie. (ALL LAUGHING) Literally every time you see me on the Vespa I'm like, barely... Like my feet don't touch the ground in the thing, so I'm like perched on it awkwardly and then you see like eight men just like out of... That was one of my favorite moments of filming, is watching you on a Vespa with one dude like, sort of pushing it so it looked like it was moving. Like a kid on one of those 25 cent rides. McCLAIN: Gosh. Oh, my gosh. That's hilarious. Okay, okay, okay, now... "What's a secret that we all share with each other?" Kenny taught us a chant before every musical number that we all do as all the dancers, all the cast. And it goes like this, you ready? Three, two, one, let's go! (ALL VOCALIZING) <i> ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey! ♪</i> And that's how we get hyped. That's how we get hyped before a scene. <i> ♪ W-I-C-K-E-D</i> <i> ♪ Let's go ♪</i>
Channel: pyrocendia
Views: 4,193,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: descendants 2, descendants, sofia carson, dove cameron, booboo stewart, china anne mcclain, cameron boyce
Id: bxV2G59HhqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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