10 FREE VRCHAT WORLDS that put most VR Games to SHAME!

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I hate VR games okay not actually but I'm constantly let down by buying a game off the Oculus store or steam just to play for five minutes be like wow that's cool and then get bored never to touch it again sound familiar but with most VR and non-vr players alike don't realize is that a lot of the best games are actually found for completely free inside VR chat if you didn't know VR chat runs off of a free game engine called Unity that literally anybody can download which means you don't need to have a degree in game design or 3D modeling to share your creations with tens of thousands of daily active players today I'm showcasing what I believe are the best VR games out there which were all created by passionate community members working together to push virtual reality I think that's really special in of itself but I'm not even joking I've had way more fun in every single one of these games than I've ever had with any of the other top viewer titles out there heck I mean titles even such as beatsaber have been recreated by people here in VR chides freaking crazy so after three years of playing the game myself I am bringing you my personal top 10 list of the best VR check game worlds that you have to play this list contains five Adventure Game maps that hit that RPG puzzle solver fix and five group Game maps that I think are the most fun to play with friends or strangers I'm steering clear from games that recreate other existing franchises such as Among Us prop hunt or breath of the Wild's great Plateau all these are awesome by the way and try to strictly include games that push the boundaries of VR and with that let's dive into the list starting at number 10 battle discs are four you might have heard that the neutron movie is coming out and if you've seen the previous ones you'll quickly recognize the iconic discourse scenes from the original and Legacy battle discs takes clear inspiration from just this as a game that only truly works inside virtual reality there are multiple maps to choose from and full game settings to compete with your friends in both teams or Battle Royale fashion customize your colors and then throw the discs at friends to freeze them until one player or team is left standing the rounds can last a few minutes or wait longer and are still super fun and satisfying regardless of your skill level I find myself laughing hilariously even just watching the other players battle it out while I'm defeated now battle discs is lowest on my list because it's somewhat basic in complexity and visuals but I couldn't not include it because it doesn't necessarily need to be it's just pure fun number nine Obsession this one is not for the faint of heart VR horror can be pretty brutal a lot of times relying on gags like jump scares or screen effects which in my opinion can feel pretty cheap Obsession on the other hand feels very masterfully created in both atmosphere and scariness levels this map comes from a Chinese Creator and has you exploring the deserted House of a traditional Chinese family along your journey you uncover the story behind it a story about a mother and father's excitement over the birth of their first child and the tragic fate that met them what happens when the grief of death fuels powerful evil and evil driven by Obsession for what once was and the inability to accept loss this map explores just that and as you progress through the house by solving puzzles you find yourself deeply immersed into uncovering what lies ahead you can play this map on your own but I highly recommend you go in with a few friends because it's truly scary not to way but it actually makes you feel things which is awesome number eight zombie tag there are plenty of tagging games in VR chat to go around but the one I always come back to has to be zombie tag it's great for large groups so we end up doing it on my patreon meetups and it's a total fan favorite everyone starts by spawning in as a human except for One Singular zombie and this zombie infects people they tag and those people also become zombies attempting to tag everyone until one side wins zombies win by infecting every human while humans win by Staying Alive until the timer runs out despite being seemingly small the map might be the biggest pull for me it turns the game into hide and seek because there's so many fun hidden areas you can explore and find you are rewarded by sneaking around as you hope you can try and find a spot to camp out that the zombies don't already know about you can hide behind walls run through secret tunnels or even stake out in the toilet if you feel like it I play this game with friends dozens of times but even now I still feel like I discover a new secret every time I play it's easy to learn while also being mentally rewarding the more you play which is what makes it one of my all-time favorite group activities number seven project summer Flair okay if you like puzzle solving parkour args and a hint of combat then this is your place to go project summer Flair is complicated and full of exciting turns at every corner that make you use your brain on how to move forward you accidentally stumble into working on a mysterious mission called operation summer flare while accompanied by a floaty electronic friend at your side named loopy guiding you and revealing information throughout the adventure on how to reset something called satellite not only is the gameplay and story exciting but I find the UI to be extremely tasteful as oftentimes that's something that a lot of VR games fail miserably at it's fun alone but also with friends to help at your side and oh did I mention there's nukes involved yes there are nukes this game is no joke and worth checking out if given the chance number six laserdome this is VR chat's absolute hands down top take on laser tag out there hop into teams or free-for-all it out with up to 20 players via their multiple game modes across an expansive neon map with multiple zones that can be unlocked for large groups of players part of the experience that sets laserdome apart is the venue with the classic black lady feel 90s futuresque sound design and Smoky atmosphere the laserdome community is massive and hosts frequent competitions and events the whole experience of playing feels super hype so if you've got a competitive itch then this is absolutely a must for you number five treasure Heist domain of the Gods so I'm going to be honest I originally wanted to put magic Heist on here which is a super well-known game world that even went on to win the award for best immersive world at rain dance immersive however when making this video I wanted to try out the third successor of Finn's Heist series treasure Heist I expected to get another real cart style experience when you lean side to side collecting items with an epic Disney World ride level animation playing around you which I thought that was exciting enough to be on this list alone for magic Heist but treasure Heist was anything but that you are the new assistant of an archaeologist and Explorer Henry Arc in one day while cleaning up his office you accidentally activate an Egyptian Relic from one of his previous Expeditions you both are mysteriously transported to a tomb and an unknown age Wallace encountering the god of the Dead a new Anubis exploring the tomb leads you to being separated from Henry Arc while collecting artifacts that help you solve puzzles and move forward within this Labyrinth I found the puzzles to be some of the most invigorating ones I've done in VR using symbols math and critical thinking skills with a small amount of Parkour Flair while you explore the colors and lighting only accentuate to the grandness and scale of this adventure with the Towering structures over you in Gods you can practically feel the presence of from above every new task feels enticing and Vivid as well as increasingly rewarding leaving a feeling of true accomplishment by the end of this adventure near the end you do end up getting to go on one of those High style adventures in a boat sailing the sands of time however I found it to be less Fantastical than the previous entries of the series with some badly dropped frames in comparison but it was still pretty freaking cool you can play this with up to eight people I did it by myself but will definitely be coming back with a group of friends because it is absolutely worth repeating and showing to people number four Prison Escape now we've made it to the upper half of the list and I can confidently say prison escape is one of the most fun VR chat group games you can possibly do the majority of your group are assigned The Prisoner role with a few of the rest being the guards 30 seconds into the match the prisoner cell gates are opened leaving them free to get out and roam around for a bit while the guards watch over to make sure nothing sus happens guards are not supposed to shoot prisoners that are innocent and will take punishment damage if they choose to do so however prisoners can lose their innocent status by walking into restricted areas where they will be marked as suspicious or even wanted if they decide to pick up a weapon or key card with the intention to escape obviously the guards's goal is to keep the prisoners from escaping while on the flip side the prisoners goal is to steal weapons and kill all the guards or more likely have at least one prisoner escape by scanning the main gate with a key card and making it through before we're getting shot this game is incredibly fun and chaotic and what I like about it is that it really involves talking and interacting with one another to be strategic in your plans you can't just grab a gun as a guard and shoot everybody and you can't just run around everywhere as a prisoner and still manage to break through the gate it involves communication trickery and a good level of sneakiness as well forcing you to work together or break up into groups in order to win plus playing the roles of guard vs prisoner always leads to some really fun and sometimes hilariously chaotic interactions and improvisational role play opportunities it is absolutely a VR chat must number three murder four now we're getting to the top of the list and it would be shameful for me to not include any of the murder game series up here it is a true VR chat classic that's been around long enough to include four iterations the newest one being murder four you'll find yourself spawned into a classical Garden home filled with chests and drawers that you must open to search throughout the house to find Clues this is the goal of the bystanders at least someone in this house is a murderer and this murderer's goal is to kill every player so anyone that can find five Clues unlocks a random weapon they can use to defend themselves or kill with depending on their intentions murderers have access to knives and bear traps hidden throughout the house that only they can pick up but the bystanders aren't spawned in totally in the dark as there is a detective who spawns in with a pistol already in their hands and if they find out who the murderer is and kill them everybody wins but accidentally killing innocent bystanders just gives one more Edge to the murderer on the loose you have the ability to play this game in any way you want maybe do a crazy Speed Run Killing Spree or test how good you are at lying to people only to stab them in the back literally you can stay entertained for hours in a rush of panic doubt and excitement no matter which role you end up as so if you haven't played murder before then do yourself a favor and go check this classic out number two Pop Escape Pop Escape is my runner-up as the best VR chat game world for a really freaking good reason and man I'm mad it's hard to explain without spoiling it I'm gonna try my best to give you a glimpse of what to expect but don't sleep on this world without giving it a fair shot because I think it might be the most underappreciated game out there you have an appointment at an escape room with your friends where you're greeted by a spicy little cat robot guide to show you through the building past the three main Escape rooms they have to the back garage where you'll be driven to their new off-site fourth escape room called frequent however everything you could imagine goes wrong and the catbot loses the key for the door and then somehow also manages to lock the keys to the van inside the van and of course asks you for help to find the spare you start off with some super basic puzzles that involve searching and Counting until suddenly the actual escape room becomes trying to get to the escape room pretty meta and oddly funny the puzzles move forward in becoming increasingly more fun and challenging as time goes on lots of cool over-the-top theming by connecting things you normally expect from an escape room together and twisting them in a really cool way you quickly get immersed into but finally you complete all the challenges get the keys to the van and drive to the frequency escape room site when all of a sudden [Music] all right I'm gonna have to stop it there Pop Escape is really something you need to go into blind to fully enjoy the first segment of the map is really just a super fun setup for everything that comes next so please please go check this out on your own with a few friends and if you don't enjoy this map by the time you're done I'll refund your view AdSense to Google okay okay just trust me on this number one the devouring the devouring is what I would consider the best VR chat world of all time and I don't say that lightly premiered in 2020 by four of the most well-regarded VR chat creators of all time this adventure horror map has you searching the halls of a Mysterious Mansion you woke up inside after an unexplainable car wreck late at night on the open Highway inside the guest room you wake up in there's a letter inviting you to the Manor's special dinner they've quote been anticipating for some time in structuring you to not venture outside the room until they come to escort you to dinner raggy this five to six hour map has you exploring all the halls and rooms of The Manor in search of some way out but don't think you can stop for a second roaming the Halls are mysterious beings that could take you at any point including one of the monsters lurking to kill at any time if you stay AFK for too long you quite literally have to be on your toes at all times to survive engaging map design Exquisite atmosphere and theming riveting gameplay all wrapped inside a beautifully composed custom soundtrack by one of the creators all this together provokes your curiosity so brilliantly that I would argue it's a VR Masterpiece if you're easily scared and maybe even terrified at the idea of playing a horror game in general especially in VR I really encourage you to give this one a shot anyways there aren't cheap thrills like random jump scares and very early on you'll begin to understand the mechanisms to the point that it just becomes about navigating your way through the map it's a really really fun game that just so happens to work best in a scary setting and is well worth sucking up some bravery for I think everyone in VR chat needs to attempt it at least once it's an incredible feat that I'm still to this day Blown Away by as a VR Enthusiast because it's a golden example to show people when they think VR is just all about beat saber and Mark Zuckerberg's metaverse however it was created on the VR chat sdk2 logic system which was replaced by udon a couple years ago because of this there's no guarantee that the game will even be playable for that much longer so do yourself a favor and check it out now before it's gone forever well that wraps up my top 10 list it's hard to narrow down to just 10 game worlds because there is a lot of VR chat content being uploaded all the time so let me know your favorites are your own top 10 list in the comments I'm planning to hopefully make some more World highlight videos soon so if you enjoyed this one subscribe and like the video so I know to keep making more and before you go we're having a film festival at the virtual reality show Studio this month where you can join in game with all of us to enjoy submissions by the best film creators VR chat has to offer join the discard link down below and if you're a virtual VIP patreon you get Early Access and access to VIP only areas anyways thanks so much for watching I've been your host FIA and I'll see you in the next video special thanks to this one's patreon members and virtual VIPs black amethyst Connor Terrell Dutchman 101 GS Genesis izuna Moon James Bond's cool Jean Felix monin kaimies Kaze Rio mjr117 in in neoplasm Nair Penny rye600333 snake eight head cernis third eye Sally and Yama zakura
Channel: The Virtual Reality Show
Views: 178,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t6fjePltUlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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