10 Fast Food Chains that are by Far the WORST in the Country!

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this is the worst thing i've ever seen when it  comes to fast food in america there are some   real winners and some real stinkers nobody  expects gourmet food when they walk into one   of these places but people do have standards so  to help you choose more wisely here are 10 fast   food chains that are by far the worst in the  country i'm sorry you're just not good enough   hearties carl's jr this is impossible how can this  be hearties was always a straggler forever coming   up behind competing burger chains and customer  satisfaction surveys their burgers have been   described as dry and flavorless spongy and without  recognizable beef flavor which are not exactly   qualities anyone is looking for when seeking out  a fast food burger what a disappointment you've   turned out to be depending on where you are in the  country you might recognize this chain as carl's   jr seen as the two companies joined forces in the  90s but the food is the same mediocre quality no   matter which coast you reside on despite several  attempts at rebranding which seem to always flare   out before liftoff please stop it now you're  embarrassing yourself it can't be because of   the company's racy advertising but oddly enough  it seems to be a popular destination for senior   citizens then again maybe it is the advertising or  they are just looking for somewhere to hang out on   a tuesday afternoon papa john's do you know i know  papa john the papa john papa john's is yet another   pizza chain in the running for serving the worst  fast food in america mainly because they have   failed the cardinal test in pizza making actually  making good pizza for some reason or another papa   john's is still around so clearly something is  working they have over 5 000 stores all over   the country and have enjoyed decades of success as  an alternative to pizza hut and dominoes which is   more a testament to how badly people need their  pizza fix rather than the quality of their food   time is money money is power power is pizza  pizza's knowledge let's go but for the rest   of us we're just hoping the madness ends sooner  than later papa john's was never and will never   be that good and it regularly turns up on lists  of the worst pizza chains in america losing points   among customers for lack of freshness and general  lack of taste as well as poor customer service   and the drab in personal interiors of their  restaurants sorry papa jones maybe you can boast   about quantity but sometimes it's quality that  counts listen you gotta shape up panda express   chinese food is usually delicious and renowned  for its variety of taste sensations but you would   never know it by eating at panda express at a time  when u.s china relations have sunk to a new low   some suspect that panda express might  have had something to do with it seeing   as the food this chain offers is the culinary  equivalent of a diplomatic slap in the face   it's devastating you're devastated right now it's  a one-stop shop for factory line overly sweet and   msg doused stateside chinese food featuring all  the generic favorites general sews stir fries lo   mein and egg rolls i got panda express did you get  sugar chicken that's kind of the only thing they   have but even these classics have been reduced to  such a low standard of quality that it's probably   a disservice to call it chinese food famous as a  food court staple panda express has diminished in   popularity over the years as customers seek out  healthier fresher food to chow on and there have   been a litany of complaints of poor food quality  and high prices but it's fair to say that this   panda has never had far to climb down from in  the first place as usual our expectations are   disappointed sonic drive-in sonic is a cult  favorite throughout the us for their retro   50s throwback look drive-in eating concept and  wait staff who at many establishments cheerfully   deliver your food to you on roller skates so  for the sheer audacity of an immersive junk   food experience sonic has always scored points i'm  healthy enough to admit that but then when you go   ahead and take a bite into the food sonic leaves  a lot to the imagination more like a nightmare of   previously frozen deep fried proportion sonic  excels at serving up some of the unhealthiest   tasteless fast food available because if this is  the best you can do it's pathetic with customers   complaining about their foods lack of freshness  and the unappetizing way everything ends up as   a sore lump in the pit of their stomachs i'm  never gonna eat or do anything ever again and   of course it's likely you will start to experience  a diminishing sense of self-respect after eating a   week's worth of calories fat and carbohydrates in  one sitting quiznos do honey mustard chicken and   quiznos not now quizzos admittedly quiznos had  a promising start as an alternative to sandwich   chain subway only with healthier fresher options  early on in their reign quiznos offered customers   a choice of fresh herbs and toppings along with  fresher ingredients in an attempt to outshine   their competition but they gradually started  scaling back this nonsense when they realized that   people weren't terribly adventurous when it came  to their sandwich choices uh krabby patty and with   extra onions daring today aren't we now quiznos  is more known as a mediocre rest stop plan b   serving basic and overpriced sandwiches which  has sent the company down a financial black   hole they have yet to recover from in recent  years they have been forced to close thousands   of their restaurants across the country which if  you know your mass is a lot of restaurants maybe   the trick is to adapt or to be able to offer your  customers something they can't easily make at home   but putting some cold cuts on bread with cheese  and mayo and toasting it is as easy as it gets it   might be time for quiznos to start reevaluating  their reason for existing at all i mean really   what's the point red robin how come you're not  dead yet red robin this burger chain known for   offering customers a pit of bottomless fries as a  bribe just to eat there ended up last place in the   full-service restaurant category on the american  customer satisfaction index this colorado-based   chain's overall score has diminished precipitously  over the years with complaints of noise and   dirtiness aplenty and notoriously long wait  times and that's not to mention the general   mediocre quality of their food made all the more  infuriating since they advertised their burgers   as gourmet this my friends is false advertising  or is it gor meh by now americans know a good   burger it's a classic item that can often be put  together superbly but red robin struggles at the   basic level and their financial struggle tells the  tale operating at a massive loss in part due to   their prominence in fading american shopping malls  red robin has tried to keep optimistic but the   numbers aren't on their side blurring the lines  between full service and fast food is not what   customers necessarily are after these days since  who wants to wait 20 minutes for a table and then   even longer for the food to come out when we are  talking about a burger what is going on in there   why what is taking so long so red robin attempted  to fix this by dispensing with their busboys and   utilizing flashy high-tech kitchen displays in  a bid to save time but people weren't having it   the technology was iffy and supremely confusing  to customers who've just wanted their burger   like now add to this some egregious marketing  stumbles like a commercial in which a character   blasted vegetarianism liking it to a teenage girl  phase and you have the kind of nose dive you can   only sit back and watch in horror or amazement  jack-in-the-box jack-in-the-box lives up to its   name by offering food that at first glance scares  you then makes you laugh at the randomness of it   all take into consideration that this chain sells  burgers pitas teriyaki bowls and tacos all in one   big culturally appropriated mashup with enough  trans fat and sodium content to last you days on   end after sitting for a single meal and that  would be the healthy choice healthy for hope   actually if you eat here you're better off  fasting the next three days case in point the   stacked grilled cheese munchie meal which comes  with not one but two tacos a massive stacked   grilled cheeseburger concoction and curly fries  almost hits the 2000 calorie mark but that's okay   since potatoes are vegetables right you're always  trying to give me potatoes what is it with you   i just think they're neat the good stewards at  the american heart association have probably   suffered major heart palpitations just by  glancing at the menu as they've previously   called out jack in the box as one of the worst  trans fat offenders amongst all fast food chains   and the munchie meal in question is something that  basically no american should ever be feasting on   ever not even in your greasiest dreams please  mouth queen no stop stop it stop everything   that you're doing stop it jack in the box is also  notorious for a lethal food poisoning scandal that   sickened 700 people around the country which is  not usually the kind of thing one can climb back   from but jack has proven to be as resilient as  the scariest halloween monsters they just keep   coming back from the grave which isn't really  something any company should be proud of sabaro   sabaro has been referred to as the least essential  restaurant chain in america and that's probably   not far from the truth if your company has to  file for bankruptcy once you know there might   be some problems afoot but if you have to declare  bankruptcy twice in three years it might be a sign   from above that it's time to just stop just give  up morty it's game over sabaro however just keeps   chugging despite a reputation for peddling some of  the greasiest at least fresh pizza in the u.s and   stands as an insult to even the simplest new york  slice which it claims to be styling itself after   ubiquitous and rest stops around the country  dingy corners of airport terminals and many   hundreds of random food courts sabaro is very well  known and her time was quite popular among people   who needed to fill up while on the run but these  days with so many better pizza options available   sabaro comes across as a mess cardboard pizza  crust assembly lime processed cheese toppings   and tomato sauce that tastes like imitation baby  food sabaro just doesn't cut it anymore in a world   already saturated with decent pizza and pasta you  had options yeah you had lots of options better   options it also doesn't help that this chain  sells incredibly unhealthy fare a single slice   of sabaro's pepperoni pizza will dose you with  double the amount of recommended daily sodium so   you should eat only half a slice and call it quits  but who does that my favorite new york pizza joint   and i'm gonna go get me a new york slice long  john silvers my god you're greasy industrially   farmed deep fried from frozen seafood was  something that regular americans tolerated   as a dinner option in the past but these days  with so many people's tastes shifting and so   much healthier grub available long john silver's  comes up lagging this old kentucky pirate still   counts as a fairly ubiquitous restaurant  chain with strong holds throughout the u.s   but one taste of their menu items and you might  understand why so many people have abandoned ship   this chain has won some accolades but  not in the way they might have wanted   say right now the center for science and public  interest has recently declared that long john   silvers belongs in a watery grave singling out  their big catch menu item a giant hunk of deep   fried haddock fried hush puppies and fried onion  rings for containing a ton of calories and even   more sodium and further investigation into their  culinary practices uncovered far more unhealthy   fat and calorie content attached to the meals than  the company's listed nutritional information has   indicated which led the franchise to formally ban  trans fat in 2014. this is surely a bright spot   but it hasn't exactly made the food any healthier  longjohn silver still proudly serves cracklings   as a secret menu item their term for excess  fried batter which you can eat as a completely   nutritionist meal in itself right there i  want some of that stuff like the garbage on   the bottom i want some like put some of that into  my treasure chest crystal beloved by late night   revelers college students and anybody else who is  wandering the streets at 2 a.m crystal absolutely   fills a much needed niche among late-night junk  food eateries and to be fair they do manage to   offer something comfortingly consistent tiny  burger sliders which on first glance are so   small they trick your mind into thinking you can  eat a dozen and still walk afterwards belly button   moving from any tony crystal is a grease addict's  pit of despair and their burgers tend to lean more   on the side of reused frying oil and white bread  than any meat product you might be familiar with   if there ever was a need for rehab from fast food  crystal just might be the reason it's that bad   there is one tidbit of crystal burger lore which  is worth noting and might be this chain's crowning   achievement no one was more of a fan than the  king himself elvis presley who reportedly would   order hundreds of crystal sliders at a time to  feast on after shows or in the studio we're not   blaming crystal but we all know how that ended up  it went down badly stick around tap on that screen   for more great videos hit that subscribe button  and ring that bell to join our notification squad
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 334,453
Rating: 3.9626946 out of 5
Keywords: fast food chain that are by far the worst in the country, top 10 worst fast food restaurants, fast food restaurant, fast food, carls jr, krystal, panda express, sonic drive in, red robin, sbarro, jack in the box, long john silvers, hardees, papa johns, quiznos, top 10, list, babbletop, babble top
Id: iOvyEUQ1UJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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