Top 10 Fast Food Restaurants WE WISH We Had In America

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We want them we need them we can dream about them we can hope they will get it together and open up near us here are the top ten restaurants we wish we had in America Tico's first time going to China no not really D COEs is a Chinese fast-food chain that is super popular in Asia apparently D COEs has about as many locations as McDonald's does how did we not know about this place well unless you've traveled and eaten there it is unlikely you would have heard about the wonders of decos even though they are mega popular basically they are just like your standard fast-food burger spot here but with an Asian flair for example they have a spicy good luck burger that will make you long for a second soda decos even advertises using sports icons and themes just like here at home in 2019 they ran an NBA themed advertising campaign that would have gotten you just as excited as any McDonald's Burger King or a NW ad over here od COEs we wish you were in America this American tradition right there caddy zone there's no need to get what caddy are you know saint cat I was not gonna say caddy caddy zone is a fast food chain from India that specializes in wraps wraps of all kinds wraps with meat and wraps with veggies they also have sides that are oh so yummy and oh so different than any of the sides you can order at a fast food joint in the u.s. they have masala fries corn and pea falafel I said feel awful but tell me more about this falafel idea and chicken Shami kabab you can even do add-ons or customize your wrap you can even upgrade to a whole-wheat roll kadhi zone is the zone for all of those softshell lovers who feel they do not have enough choice at Taco Bell you know it's okay to admit this and still adore Taco Bell nothing wrong with having some contentions with the places you at regularly it is also totally fine to long for something new and exciting because honestly getting a new fast-food chain in your country is super exciting everything seems fresh and alive and sparkly khadi zone we will dream of you and your soft-shells the dish is chicken tikka masala Pizza Pizza this one may sound a bit familiar to you and that is because though Pizza Pizza is not currently available in the US you can get it in North America Pizza Pizza is a Canadian pizza joint that promises fast and cheap pizza delivered right to your door Pizza Pizza was founded in Toronto Ontario in 1967 and has been going strong ever since why has this chain not come to America well it could be because it is SuperDuper similar to Domino's that being said Domino's is available in Canada and so Canadians get the choice between the two when they are ordering fast food Pizza Pizza Pizza is also great because they always have promotions going they will often have a combo which includes a free movie ticket and their online ordering platform is super well done easy to use and almost never glitches next time you are in Canada try Pizza Pizza and see how it compares to what you order at home you can also pop into one of their many locations across Canada to get a slice teary mock teary mock is a crepe place well actually a blini place which is basically a crepe and it first opened in Moscow in the late 90s thrush some New Yorkers may know this chain because for a brief moment there was a location in the city but that closed in 2018 it had only been open for one year how sad why did they close well they laughed because of what they felt was open hostility towards them what is this Soviet Russia right because of these hostile feelings we are all missing out on some pretty delicious fast food delicious and different we do not necessarily always want a burger being able to grab and go something totally different from the rest is awesome and we wish we had some more of that in America come on folks let's get it together and open our doors to tear amok they are so great not only do they have food that most of the population is not accustomed to but they are also known for experimenting and trying outlandish dishes for a fast food chain that is a pretty special quality many places will stick with what they know and what sells but maybe sometimes that can be boring or even predictable yeah test burger s burger is Chuck Norris approved Hess burger was founded in Finland and is the largest hamburger chain there you can also find a Hesper Gurren Estonia Latvia Lithuania Germany and even Russia among other countries they have just under 500 locations and are SuperDuper great because they have way more vegan gluten free and all-around healthy options than say a McDonald's or Burger King does it's like moving from Iceland to Finland for example while we have chicken nuggets they do too but they also have soy fingers not only do they have cool options like that but they also have neat sauces that we can't get here like a cucumber Mayo a curry Mayo or a garlic mayo when you look at the Hess burger advertisements you would think it was McDonald's but it isn't they are very similar to the fast-food chains and formula we have here in the US but just different enough to make us jealous we are clearly missing out the worst part is that it doesn't seem like it would be that hard for them to fit in here and do well who doesn't want to try soy fingers and cucumber Mayo well maybe many people don't want that but the ones who do really want it the other thing with Hess burger is that they also do the unhealthy stuff really well their fries can rival those here and so can their burgers Hess burger is so the same and yet so different maybe just maybe we can get our very own hats burger one day Pete Salah in Japan there is a place called Pete Sala and it is clever it is delicious it is the second highest grossing pizza spot in Japan that is right just behind Domino's because let's be real Domino's is awesome have some fun with Mickey Pete Salah is cool for so many reasons and some of those have to be just because it is Japanese for example the name is sort of a play on the monster Godzilla Pizza Godzilla get it they also have a mascot because hey it's Japan and why not who is shaped like a slice of pizza and has a little face which goes through all kinds of emotions when you go to Pete's ala you get great food with lots of options but you also get some heartwarming entertainment sometimes fast food should have a bit of a kitschy personality that is why we need a pizza in the u.s. we need it because Pizza Hut does not have a mascot like the slice from Pete Salah and Pizza Hut is not named after a local sea monster and Pizza Hut actually just does not have as many options chicken licken chicken licken was founded in 1981 in south africa it is exactly what it sounds like a chicken fast-food joint that will obviously make you want to lick your fingers and maybe even lick up whatever is left on your plate because of how yummy it tastes like come on with a name like chicken lickin how can the food be good please don't dude they have chicken in all kinds of forms for your eating pleasure they've got chicken hot wings chicken drumsticks chicken burgers chicken fingers chicken poppers chicken sliders and even chicken club sandwiches basically they are like a South African McDonald's that is all about chicken it's always been about why even the style of the restaurants menu and font will make you think about McDonald's chicken licken is the place you want to be licking your fingers after eating some chicken too bad you can't do that in America Wow Momo Wow Momo is a fast food chain that started in West Bengal India in 2008 by a guy named cigar Durrani Wow Momo has flourished since opening and has become one of those success stories you hear about in which a person starts from scratch and then works hard and ends up earning tons and tons of cash cigar dari ani started the business after taking a loan from his father he approached a local grocer and proposed opening a stall outside of the grocer from which he could sell his food as in any startup story there was also a garage dar Yanni worked and cooked in a garage that was fashioned like a kitchen and transported food to his stall to sell his days were long and tiring but boy has it paid off now while Momo really does make you go WOW while Momo is known for their dumplings you can get them steamed or pan-fried you can also get them with different kinds of filling and with different kinds of sauces for example you could have a steamed paneer momo steamed chicken and cheese Momo or a pan-fried corn and cheese Momo with Szechuan sauce or tomato sauce and it's delicious you can even get a chocolate Momo for dessert well Momo also offers a Moberg which is a burger we need this in the US because we don't really have anything like it fingers crossed that one day the bright yellow and red stall of Wow Momo will grace our food courts and busy streets if and hopefully when it does come you just won't know what hit you Tatum showboating for the crowd super Mack get to the choppa right super Mack is an Irish fast food chain which offers eaters all the things they are accustomed to getting at fast food chains such as burgers subs wraps salad and even fish and chips fish and chips Super Max also has a dope fry offering you can get regular fries boring or you could get curry and cheese fries garlic and cheese fries are just regular garlic fries which rocks for the people who are lactose intolerant but love garlic and there are even taco fries they also have juice boxes like the regular apple or orange but also black currant they serve milkshakes and fountain drinks they also offer party buckets just like at KFC in the party buckets you can get Nuggets tenders potato wedges or even sausages basically Super Mac is awesome it's disappointing that we don't have it here if you want to enjoy the wonders of Super Mac you'll have to go to Ireland you're right you'll see Kathy Ireland hi everyone toast box it makes me finish toast toast box is a Singaporean company which was founded in 2005 apparently the smell of this place is heavenly caramelized coffee beans warm toast and butter rich spices and melting cheese is your mouth watering yet toast box serves luxurious coffee at a fast food pace and price as well as toast that will make you feel homesick for mama some of the traditional toasts they offer even have the crusts cut off a toast box you can also get a lunch or dinner that is a little more substantial than just toast they offer hearty bowls with rice chicken pork or fresh veggies they also serve soups with coconut broth or potato based gravy with egg noodle bean sprouts and egg they've got fish cakes and prawns they even have take-home jars so that you can experience they're comforting flavors in the tranquility of your own abode you can buy their peanut butter or their high Annie's Chaya spread which is basically made with a coconut milk base and pandan leaves and honey they also have small coffee packs you can purchase and a little bit of branded coffee gear so all in all toast box is hip homey delicious and seriously awesome we really need a toast box in America like really really really like wish for it next time you blow out birthday candles or see a shooting star or find a magic lamp and speak with the genie we really need a toast box well need maybe the wrong word maybe we want a toast box but still we really really really really want one toast house tap that screen for more great videos and click on that subscribe button and a notification Bell
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 314,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 fast food restaurants we wish we had in america, restaurants we wish we had in america, 10 regional only restaurants we wish were everywhere, fast food chains we wish we had in america, fast food we wish we had in america, toast box, wow momo, chicken licken, hesburger, supermac, pizza pizza, teremok, pizza la, dicos, fast food, restaurants, fast food restaurants, restaurant, fast food chains, fast food restaurant, regional restaurants, food, top 10, list, babbletop, babble top
Id: rsjNjryRdGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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