10 SNEAKIEST Food Business Tactics You Never Noticed SCAMMING You!

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why are there hamburgers in your underwear  are you serious how could there be oh my god   look again and you might be surprised at all  the smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand you   find taking place in the food industry all around  you but have no fear as we reveal the 10 sneakiest   food business tactics you never noticed scamming  you the mcdonald's fry carton pinch that's it no   more fries mcdonald's french fries are generally  regarded as the gold standard of fast food fries   so there is no doubt that when you order a  helping of fries from the golden arches you   want that carton filled with as many fries as can  be squeezed in there and when you get your order   it usually looks like that is the case but as we  all know looks can be deceiving and we aren't just   talking about that bump up arch at the bottom of  the fry carton however former employees of the   chain have made claims that when they worked for  mcdonald's they were encouraged to pinch the fry   carton when they were filling it so as to create a  slightly smaller space to fill and then you pinch   pinch pinch the carton would look completely full  but would contain fewer fries although multiple   former employees have made these claims mcdonald's  for their part have said that they believe   these claims to be fictional there are no secret  tricks and they have strict operational procedures   in place to ensure that fry portions are not  under-filled regardless it's probably a good   idea to just give your fries a quick check before  you dig in just to be sure you are getting all   the french fries you paid for milk in the back  where's the milk we're out no milk no walk with   me i want you to get some milk where at the store  now right now have you ever noticed that the milk   is always at the back of the grocery store now ask  the manager of the store why that is and they may   say something about how that is because the back  of the store is where the delivery trucks arrive   and having the fridges close by makes the most  sense but the real reason and probably the bigger   reason is because milk along with eggs and a few  other items are staples of most homes and are   on most customers shopping lists when they enter  the store i got to milk eggs and fabric softener   however if you have to walk all the way through  the store to get to the milk eggs and butter   that means you will be passing by lots of other  products on your way there and back to the cash   making it more likely that you will pick up a few  more items whether they were on your list or not special no reminder sorry so the more time people  spend in the store the more money they are likely   to spend bigger shopping carts stopping carts  are not dangerous mom there's nothing dangerous   about a shopping cart if you only have a couple  items on your shopping list then grab a basket   or even better just carry the items in  your hands from the shelves to the checkout   just don't use a shopping cart the basic  premise behind this one is that if you have   room for more items you are more likely to buy  more items but if you already have your hands   full with a couple items then impulse buying that  mega box of fruit loops the frozen pizza that's   on sale and that six pack of mountain dew that  you really don't need will be much harder to do it will become a crazy balancing act just trying  to get to the checkout line without dropping   everything since the 1970s cars have gotten  smaller but the shopping carts have gotten bigger   about three times as big in fact and while most  grocery stores offer two sizes of carts you   have probably also noticed that there are way  fewer small ones available forcing more people   to grab a big one container sizes how is this a  child-sized soda well it's roughly the size of   a two-year-old child it may seem simple enough  different size containers cost different prices   because you are getting more or less content  in each one well not so fast the truth is   that while the cups and or bowls might all  look like different sizes the amount of soup   drink etc you are getting in each one can often be  exactly the same exactly the same these misleading   descriptions can happen anywhere and one quick  look online finds consumers complaining about   the practice everywhere from local eateries to the  big restaurant chains one poster on reddit claimed   that at one unnamed chain people would pay more  for soup in a bowl than a cup but basically ended   up with the same amount of soup in the end no more  soup for you the bowl was just shorter and wider   at the bottom than the cup well at this point  there might not even be much we can do given   that it actually isn't illegal to sell the same  amount of product in different size containers at   different prices it sure is sneaky though and for  now at least it is on all of us as consumers to be   aware of the practice and be on the lookout  for deception that's not what you ordered   this isn't what i ordered man can't anything go  right in my life this one seems like a no-brainer   if you order one thing and get something different  you are going to know well yes it's true if you   order a whopper and get a chicken sandwich you  will be able to tell and won't be very happy about   it and rightly so because whoppers are delicious  and if you order a frosty and get a salad that too   is not something that will go unnoticed there's  been a mistake you've accidentally given me the   food that my food eats but what if it's not as  easy to tell the difference well there have been   reports from employees at some of the big chains  of some more subtle switches like regular coffee   just being watered down and passed off as decaf  excuse me that better be decaf and if regular   mayonnaise is cheaper than fat-free mayo there  is a chance that you will be getting the full   fat version on your sandwich even if you asked for  the low-fat one while some people may be able to   tell the difference these are examples of switches  that could go unnoticed by the average customer   until they are wired on caffeine wondering what  happened photos can be deceiving am i getting   catfished here food photography is a big business  and the professionals who do it are experts at   making whatever gets in front of their camera  looks so good that you feel you need it in your   belly but there isn't one restaurant customer who  hasn't had the experience of seeing a photograph   of what they ordered and then looked at what  they actually got only to be a little dismayed by   the difference you look nothing like your profile  picture in a consumer reports investigation they   checked out seven fast food chains and did photo  to actual food comparisons and the results were   pretty much disappointing across the board reality  is very disappointing with subway actually coming   in last regardless this practice of not delivering  on what the pictures promise is not going to   change anytime soon a spokesperson for the federal  trade commission said that truth in advertising   laws do apply when restaurants show menu items  in print and television ads but the ftc hasn't   pursued any cases alleging that food ads are  deceptive based on photos distribute the sugars   sugar-free donuts no that is sugar with  free donuts knowing how bad sugar is for us   many consumers do the top three test meaning they  check to see if sugar is one of the first three   ingredients however what many food companies have  been known to do is distribute the sugars among   multiple ingredients so that sugar itself doesn't  show up as one of those first three items on the   ingredient list sucrose high fructose corn syrup  corn syrup solids brown sugar and dextrose are   just some of the ingredients food manufacturers  can use to make sure their product tastes just   as sweet as they want it to they're terrible  for you no they're not there's picture lance   armstrong on there but by using multiple sugar  ingredients in smaller proportions none of them   make that dreaded top three that is why you should  along with the ingredients list always check   the nutritional information because while the  sugars may be spread out in the ingredient list   they can't spread them out in the nutritional  facts on the line called sugar fast food menus   what's the craziest thing on the menu one of the  most obvious things to point out about those big   bright fast food menus is the size of the pictures  the hamburgers french fries salads and shakes all   look so bright and mouth-wateringly delicious and  the photographs of them are the largest things   on the menu sure there is some text but it is  smaller and there are even prices but that font   is generally even smaller still they want you to  focus on the food not the price this also makes it   harder to read from far away and once you get up  to the counter and can read all the details there   is that pressure of it being your turn to order  not ready for this man they will even place the   most expensive menu items on the left-hand side  which is where you start reading so you see them   first and let's talk about those prices everyone  is familiar with the 99 trick making a price 9.99   so that we will still think of it as nine dollars  even though it is for all intents and purposes ten   dollars well fast food restaurants know we know  so many of them have gone to 979 and 989 pricing   which does the same thing but better aisle and  shelf placement clean up on all five it might not   look like it to the average eye but everything in  your grocery store has been designed to make you   spend more money from the color scheme to where  in an aisle the product is placed you see while   women tend to browse grocery stores men are more  likely to do what has been called the boomerang   effect unlike a man with the television remote who  feels the need to click up and down through every   channel barely stopping to see what is playing  on any given one a man in a grocery store will   often walk in go get what he came for and walk  back the exact same way to the checkout is this   gonna take long relax you big baby we'll be in and  out to somewhat counteract this boomerang effect   grocery stores tend to place the biggest  brands and products in the middle of aisles   that way no matter what direction a shopper  enters the aisle they have the furthest to walk   to get to said products where an item is placed  on the shelf is also done very much on purpose   stores will generally place the more expensive and  higher profit margin items right at eye level so   those are the ones you see first and most often  putting the less profitable stuff at your feet   or on the top shelf where you are less likely  to look all the time so the next time you were   in a grocery store remember to look up and look  down there might be some money to be saved there   label padding crackle bars also healthy and  delicious no they're not yeah they actually have   rice in them padding is usually used to protect  people from injury but when food manufacturers   partake in the sneaky business of label padding  they are definitely not taking the consumer's   safety into account with the growth of the healthy  eating craze the companies making not so healthy   foods have been feeling left out he doesn't need  us anymore now that he's got his cool new friends   as fewer people are purchasing their products  well what is a food company to do well they could   just make healthier products or they could  label pad their less than healthy products   with a bunch of healthy ingredients in such  small amounts that their health benefits are   basically insignificant my body is starting to  digest itself terry needs nutrients so don't be   fooled by all the berries herbs and superfood  claims that some of these manufacturers make   about their products and make sure you actually  see where in the list of ingredients they are   ingredients are listed in order of their  proportions from greatest to least so kale   or the like as the last ingredient on the list is  pretty much like not having it in there at all as   far as the nutritional benefits are concerned if  it looks like junk food and smells like junk food   and tastes like junk food it's probably junk  food stay right there and tap that screen for   another great video show us some love and hit that  subscribe button and ring that notification bell
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 1,078,145
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Keywords: 10 sneakiest food business tactics you never noticed scamming you, sneaky food business tactics, ways food companies are scamming you, food scams, 10 food scams you always fall for, 10 ways you are getting scammed, 10 secret food scams you always fall for!, top 10, list, babbletop, babble top
Id: laYTv9wlu9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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