10 Famous FOODS Discovered By MISTAKE!

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Did you ever wonder where your favorite foods  got their start sometimes a product is created by   design but some things are discovered completely  by accident and still manage to find their way   onto store shelves so here are 10 famous foods  discovered by mistake let's do it potato chips most of the foods on this list were discovered  by accident or at least through a process of   trial and error but when it comes to the  potato chip it's a bit of a different story   george crumb dipped into his revenge pool to  come up with what we now call potato chips   in 1853 the harried cook was frying up french  fries but his customers at the swanky saratoga   spring resort kept complaining that they were  too big and soggy oh thanks but i'll pass crum   was determined to teach his customers a lesson  so he sliced the potatoes as thin as humanly   possible that will show them before frying them  up until they were crispy apparently he didn't   get the reaction he was hoping for because  the customers loved his new take on fries   these saratoga chips became such a hit that they  were marketed and sold everywhere it makes you   wonder what people ate with their sandwich before  or how they would add that extra fancy crunch   because this was during the era of slavery in the  united states crumb an african-american man was   denied any credit for his accidental discovery of  potato chips this was a huge injustice because he   invented one of the world's most popular snacks  one thing is for sure he deserves all the credit   in the world you admit it yes corn puffs come on  guys what do you say these cheese puffs are made   with cheese so it shouldn't come as a surprise  that this snack food was discovered in wisconsin   the cheese capital of america the story of its  creation however is a little more surprising   an agricultural company called flake all had  special machines for cleaning its equipment   these machines were grinding corn into animal  feed and would get all mucked up with the mashed   up grain to help clean the machines the workers  would sometimes put wet corn feed through the   machines the heat of the machinery caused an  interesting and fortuitous reaction the corn   feed puffed up an employee named edward wilson  saw the puffed corn and decided to season them   and a new snack what we now call corn puffs or  cheese puffs today was discovered this corn snack   was originally called corn curls some people like  to point out that if you eat corn curls or corn   puffs slash cheese puffs you're actually eating  repurposed animal feed really flake all decided   to patent the machinery used to make the cheese  curls and contributed to snack food history what   would we do without our favorite finger staining  movie snack huh i don't know ice cream cone   two scoops sir two make it three i'm not driving  new york is the city that never sleeps but it's   also the city that didn't want to continue eating  ice cream out of a cup ice cream vendor italia   marcioni had been serving the frozen treat to  his customers in small glass dishes so you can   probably guess what's coming the glass dish would  often break or get taken away by the customers so   marcioni realized he needed a disposable container  for his ice cream the enterprising businessman   experimented with different solutions in his  kitchen until he hit upon thin waffles that he   could roll up into a cone shape this turned out  to be a genius discovery because not only were   these cones disposable but they were edible  as well people have come to enjoy a good ice   cream cone in its own right with gourmet waffle  cones sometimes being higher in calories than   the ice cream they hold oh my god i'm a fat guy  marcioni received a patent for a waffle machine   that could make 10 at a time so he could keep  up with the demand for his ice cream cones as   if the ice cream cone wasn't enough margioni also  invented the ice cream sandwiches wafers when he   put the frozen treat between two cookies his ice  cream cones are one of those inventions that seem   pretty obvious once they exist so it's surprising  it took so long for someone to come up with it   you're right once again popsicles the frozen  lollipop you want the red or the blue pal how long do you think it would  have taken other frozen treat   manufacturers to come up with popsicles  if someone hadn't accidentally invented it   what are you waiting for huh thank goodness  we don't have to worry about that since   an 11 year old boy made sure the world  got to enjoy his tasty frozen lollipop   young frank epperson from san francisco was on  his front step drinking a homemade soda drink   and left the drink outside with a stirring stick  still in it the next day frank found his drink   frozen solid so he licked the sturdy but still  sugary treat and a light went on in his head brain freeze it wasn't until 17 years later that  he served his frozen lollipops to the public   wisely he filed for a patent for his frozen  concoction then sold them at a california   amusement park and started to get some traction  for his iced treat he started selling the treats   on standardized sticks and called his invention  epsicles an important change was instigated by   epperson's kids who apparently weren't happy  with the name of the treat frozen lollipop was   okay if not a little ungainly fortunately his kids  suggested popsicle and the name immediately stuck   the earl of sandwich you ate my sandwich it was a  simple mistake it could happen to anyone oh really   sandwiches have become one of the most popular and  recognized foods on the planet they are renowned   for their versatility and convenience and it  was the latter that led to the sandwich being   accidentally discovered in the 1700s in england  according to the story the fourth earl of sandwich   john montagu an avid gambler was in the midst of  a card game and did not want to leave the table   to eat a regular meal he instructed an attendant  to bring him a snack made from meat placed between   two pieces of bread a simple solution to a small  problem but a solution that launched lunch as we   know it today what would lunch be without peanut  butter and jelly sandwiches or without tuna fish   sandwiches how good is that one shutters to think  that we'd all be stuck eating stews and casseroles   without the earl there might not ever have been a  mcdonald's or a subway the earl had been satisfied   with just meat and bread simplicity itself but  today's sandwich lovers can choose from any number   of combinations of fillings toppings and breads  the modern day earl of sandwich is a fast food   company that of course specializes in making all  kinds of different sandwiches for our midday meal   this earl of sandwich offers a sandwich called the  original 1762 made with roast beef to honor the   man who gave his name to one of our most popular  and accidental foods crepe souzette pancakes   are love no crepes are not just fancy french  pancakes they're actually pretty different do   you know what cinderella susan oh i love the crepe  season crepe souzette is a popular french dessert   made of a thin crepe topped with caramelized  sugar butter tangerine and orange liqueur it   is often served with a table side performance as  well a flambe show that sets the dessert on fire   the accidental origins of crepe suzette are  equally as sweet a 14 year old assistant waiter   in an elegant french restaurant made a fortuitous  mistake the year was 1895 and a young man was   preparing a dessert in front of a distinguished  group of guests when he accidentally set the   dessert on fire he was panicked until he tasted  the flaming dessert and realized it was delicious   the assembled guests including royalty loved the  sweet treat and the way the flame had brought out   all the flavors the now famous dessert was named  after a young woman who was present at the dinner   suzette this dessert is a staple at elegant  restaurants around the world and is commonly   depicted in movies because of the dramatic burst  of flame that comes from setting the brandy on   fire this is not something being served up at  ihop i want one no c is for chocolate chip cookie   make your version of the world's best most people  are so familiar with chocolate chip cookies that   it might be hard to imagine a time when these  iconic treats didn't exist however the accidental   discovery of chocolate chip cookies was fairly  recent it wasn't until the 1930s that two chefs   ruth graves wakefield and sue brides stumbled  upon this particular cookie recipe at the time   wakefield and her husband owned the toll house  inn in whitman massachusetts which was a popular   restaurant you might notice the toll house name  as it is a well-known brand of chocolate chips   that touts its own chocolate chip cookie recipe  according to the story mrs wakefield was making   a batch of chocolate drop cookies but discovered  she was out of baker's chocolate the resourceful   chef improvised by chopping up a block of nestle  semi-sweet chocolate she had intended for the   chocolate to melt and blend with the dome just as  the baker's chocolate would resulting in chocolate   cookies but this is where fate intervened instead  of dispersing throughout the cookie the chocolate   bits remained as individual semi-solids and  the beloved chocolate chip cookie was born   and that's the way the cookie crumbles her  chocolate crunch cookie became an instant   success at the inn national attention came when  wakefield's recipe was featured on betty crocker's   popular radio program wakefield cemented her  cookies place in americans hearts with her   1936 book toll house tried and true recipes  who knows if the cookie monster would love   cookies so much if the chocolate chip cookie were  never invented granola these crunchy granola dudes   that have convinced everyone that they're cool  and they're not cool pretty much all of us have   heard the name kellogg and immediately associate  it with breakfast cereals dr john kellogg was a   19th century physician and health advocate who was  ahead of his time he advocated vegetarianism eat   it exercise fresh air and sunshine and plenty of  water all this seems like common sense nowadays   but kellogg lived in an era when smoking was still  considered healthy by many people although he   would become most famous for developing cereals  like corn flakes kellogg's initial foray into   the breakfast world was his invention of granola  this popular food was made from oatmeal cornmeal   and wheat meal grounded up into small pieces  to make it easier to eat with milk or juice his   granola became so popular with his patients that  he started a food company to sell the product more   widely kellogg wanted to create a cereal that  would help digestion and put america back on   the right track to health as part of the movement  he called biological living he experimented with   several recipes of dextronized or toasted forms  of cereal and eventually hit upon toasted corn   flakes soon followed by toasted rice and toasted  wheat cereals the combination of ingredients   was completely random and it created the corn  flakes we all know and love today cornflakes   and plain cold milk aspartame excuse me but this  has powdered sugar on it and i ordered no sugar   aspartame is a chemical sweetener used as a  sugar substitute because it contains almost   no calories this sounds great but you might have  guessed that if it sounds too good to be true   then it probably is aspartame was discovered by  accident in 1965 by a chemist who was working   on an anti-ulcer drug the chemical that would  become aspartame is a combination of two amino   acids that's about 200 times sweeter than its  natural counterpart now the bad news are you ready   okay as the body breaks down the amino acids other  chemicals are formed these other chemicals can   block the body's natural production of dopamine  and serotonin levels one of the chemicals formed   during the metabolism of aspartame aspartic  acid is actually classified as a neurotoxin   if this wasn't bad enough aspartame has  also been linked to adolescent migraines   the lesson seems clear sugar in moderation seems  like a much better choice than aspartame in almost   any amount of course this hasn't stopped many  of us from consuming large quantities of the   dubious chemical in diet sodas to save on unwanted  calories but there's a balance to everything no   calories maybe but a lot of neurotoxins does it  have aspartame no cool beer what do you drink no   tea the exact origins of beer have been obscured  for thousands of years some people might wonder   how a beverage as popular as beer could have ever  been a mistake there's evidence that places the   accidental discovery of beer to several regions  including egypt mesopotamia iran and china as   far back as 7000 bc however there is also evidence  of the fermentation of this mysterious gruel-like   substance as far back as 11 000 bc in what is  today israel this time frame indicates that beer   production began not very long after grains were  cultivated for domestic production experts believe   that the most likely scenario would have involved  bread dough being left out in a rainstorm and that   to the bread baker's surprise the wet dough would  have begun to ferment the chemistry behind this   process is well understood today grains can begin  spontaneous fermentation because of wild yeasts   present in the air this commercially produced beer  was stored in nondescript clay jars whatever man   i don't care about anything today of course the  situation is much different as giant breweries   spend many millions of dollars marketing their  beers with dramatic commercials and colorful   packaging people today think of beer purely as a  recreational beverage but to ancient civilizations   beer was a critical way to store extra grain  before refrigeration and other forms of preserving   perishable foods either way beer is here to  stay to make your happy hour way more enjoyable   what you think a first class girl can't drink  we've got more just tap or click for another   great video hit that subscribe button and  ring that bell to join our notification squad
Channel: BabbleTop
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Keywords: 10 famous foods discovered by mistake, accidentally discovered foods, foods discovered by mistake, food discovered by mistake, foods discovered by accident, interesting facts, food facts, facts, foods, food, discoveries, amazing facts, random facts, fun facts, top 10, list, babbletop, babble top
Id: vjtK6cegzzw
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Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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