Top 10 Discontinued Fast Food Items We Want Brought Back NOW (Part 4)

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lois it's back i had peter i heard sometimes it  feels like some fast food chains can't seem to   agree on what stays and what goes from their  menus so here is another top 10 discontinued   fast food items we want brought back now part four  taco bell's mexican pizza we get mexican pizza no   mexican pizzas are stupid it does not make sense  due to the pandemic that we are currently facing   many fast food chains have had to make sacrifices  in order to stay open but sometimes these   sacrifices do not sit well with everyone when taco  bell announced that its beloved mexican pizza was   going to be discontinued last november it did not  make people happy in fact in one survey over 27   of people agreed that this iconic pizza should  stay on the menu the mexican pizza was the   perfect fusion of a taco and a pizza with two  crisp tortilla shells filled with seasoned beef   hearty beans and then topped with pizza sauce  melted cheese and diced ripe tomatoes what's   not to love about this well apparently taco bell  deemed it as disposable enough to get rid of it   the chain claimed that removing the mexican pizza  would boost efficiency at its restaurants reduce   the amount of packaging needed and clear the path  for future menu innovations okay it makes sense   when you put it like that but why did it have to  be this mighty pizza there's even a petition going   around on to bring it back not only  because it was in fact delicious but also because   you could personalize your pizza and substitute  beans for meat if you're vegetarian in any case   the mexican pizza was a sad dish we had to bid  farewell to in 2020 but hopefully that petition   changes something and we get to enjoy this franken  pizza once more pizza what pizza mcdonald's spicy   chicken mcnuggets what do you want for mcdonald's  chicken nuggets it shouldn't come as a surprise   that when a new menu item comes out it can  sell out and pretty quickly and when it comes   to mcdonald's it should be even less surprising  when the chain announced that they were out of   their new spicy chicken mcnuggets it was like the  world had stopped spinning the chicken bits fried   in a tempura batter seasoned with cayenne and  chili pepper are now a thing of the past while   the spicy nuggets were never supposed to be a part  of the permanent menu and we always knew they were   going to leave us eventually they were certainly  supposed to stay on there for more than a month   in some places after only two weeks they were  out oh no even as a limited edition menu item it   should have had more time to shine as they were  oh so good it seems clear that mcdonald's just   completely undershot on just how popular the spicy  mcnuggets would be and underestimated how hungry   people were for some spice the spicy chicken  mcnuggets were the first new flavor of nuggets to   be added to the mcdonald's lineup since debuting  in 1983. so maybe that's why people went nuts plus   mcdeez released these spicy nuggies along with a  hot sauce the hottest one available at the chain   while these mcnuggets are no longer on the menu  mcdonald's did say there was always a possibility   for them to be brought back if we really wanted  them and well we do please give it back please   subways roast beef and rotisserie chicken exactly  just like snowflakes or subway sandwich artists   subway is undoubtedly one of the fast food chains  with the most options from the vast choice of   vegetables and bread to the infinite mix and  match possibilities there is definitely something   for everyone but just because there are a lot  of choices doesn't mean subway should get rid   of anything especially not two of its top sellers  in the summer of 2020 subway made a decision that   left most people rather shocked they were getting  rid of the roast beef and the rotisserie chicken   two of the most frequently bought sandwiches now  subway chopping some items from its menu isn't   that outrageous in siri but why take away the  most popular items instead of tossing aside some   less desirable options it's unbelievable oh stop  it please hey everyone exciting new announcement   we've just released our new emojis on emojam is  the next generation of emoji they are animated   and have sound now i'm hungry emojam allows you  to share our exclusive audio gift cheeseburger   cheeseburger cheeseburger to unlock these audio  gifts download the emojam app on ios or android   then sign in with your youtube account and give  it a try not only did this move shock customers   but employees were also taken by surprise as they  took over twitter to express just how ludicrous   it sounded subway has yet to release an official  statement as to why they chose to axe these two   popular items over others perhaps it's because  rotisserie chicken is more expensive to source   than their other chicken offerings and since  times are hard for businesses they were trying   to be cost effective no matter the reason they're  both gone and there's nothing we can do about it   i miss them kfc's pickle fried chicken sandwich  pickle rick it can be quite an arduous task to   make something that's already tasty even tastier  like kfc's epic fried chicken sandwich for example   they've spent years perfecting it and it  shows it's yummy but how would you feel if   this iconic sandwich was kicked up a notch and  brought to a whole new level of deliciousness   well with the pickle fried chicken sandwich this  is exactly what you would get it was basically   your classic chicken sandwich except it was made  with some added pickle sauce to give it an extra   pep it consisted of an extra crispy chicken  fillet covered in a dill vinegar sauce with a   very subtle pickled taste that didn't overtake the  whole sandwich whose pickle is this the sauce had   notes of onion garlic buttermilk and white and  black pepper and was the perfect combination   of sour buttery and savory the tanginess of the  sauce paired perfectly with the chicken and only   had a mild sour taste and with the added pickles  a true delicacy you could even drizzle that pickle   sauce onto your regular chicken strips with a  side of pickles if you didn't care for the bun   so why did kfc discontinue this ingenious menu  item simply because it was a limited time offer   and limited time offers can't last forever no  matter how amazing and prodigious they might be   fingers crossed that it will make an impromptu  comeback soon you never know taco bell's quesarito   you want to go to taco bell have you ever gone to  taco bell and found yourself hesitating between a   burrito and a quesadilla and ended up just getting  both because you couldn't decide who can blame you   they're both so delicious it happens to the best  of us well for a while there taco bell had just   the solution for you before they discontinued it  the quesarito was the best of both worlds when   it came to mexican food it was basically a burrito  with all of the regular fixings like seasoned beef   rice and sour cream but with a little twist it  was wrapped in a hot freshly made toasted cheese   quesadilla you didn't need to choose anymore you  could have both delicious items all in one that's   what i'm talking about the quesarito quickly  became a customer favorite and how could it not   but in june of 2020 taco bell took the decision  to remove this beloved item from the menu along   with some other popular options the chain said  it was again to ensure an easy and fast ordering   experience and make the service time effective  while we're still very sad about this icon's   departure there's technically still a way to get  your hands on one apparently if you go directly   on the web or the app you can still order the  quesarito or better yet just ask them to do it   for you you might need to pay a little extra and  wait longer but it might still work okay let's   try it out pizza huts the big italy careful marge  that's how i bankrupted a pizza hut the big italy   from pizza hut was basically invented to give  the expression the bigger the better a whole new   meaning you might remember this one as it was  so huge it's unlikely you could ever forget it   the big italy pizza was almost two feet long with  a hand stretched crust and a lot of room for any   toppings you were craving it was so big it could  feed an entire family or maybe just a very hungry   college student cramming for an exam it might  have just simply been a giant pizza and nothing   more but just think about it when's the last time  you had to measure your pizza consumption by the   foot it was a very impressive and savory pizza to  say the least very impressive a former pizza hut   employee recalls the initial steps to making  the pizza they would brush the dough with oil   instead of spraying it and then sprinkle on the  seasoning they usually put on the breadsticks   sounds like a winner recipe it's unclear why  pizza hut stopped making this huge concoction   but one thing is for sure it's one for the  history books needless to say the big italy   holds a very dear and very big place in our hearts  and we need to see this back on pizza hut's menu   asap yeah i'd like to order one large person  with extra people please mcdonald salads   there's dressing on that salad give me that salad  when going to mcdonald's obviously we shouldn't   expect a very healthy meal that's a given  but there were days where you could at least   feel like you were getting one you could order a  salad instead of a burger but that's no longer an   option that's possible the golden arches made the  decision to discontinue its salad and some other   menu items in the light of the pandemic the chain  said they needed to lighten their menu in order to   stay afloat and make the employees jobs easier  it was also done to simplify operations while   improving customer experience hi there customer  someone hungry while this discontinuation might   not be permanent yet it's still a pretty big loss  for the menu's diversity and well for us too the   salads were first put on the menu as an answer  to the wave of criticism mcdonald's received   saying their menus didn't offer enough healthy  options so they listened and added a bunch of   salads funny enough the salads were almost even  more caloric than the burgers but as long as   it said salad it seemed to be okay nevertheless  hopefully the salads don't get the final chop and   we'll be back on the menu in no time whoa the menu  is in a bottle taco bell's triple layer nachos taco bell had to say goodbye to a lot of fan  favorites because of the current situation   the triple layer nachos was a pretty  simple dish but oh it felt like so much   more it was basically just some tortilla chips  topped with beans red sauce and nacho cheese   nothing too fancy but sometimes all you need is  some simplicity once again this beloved item was   another casualty directly related to the pandemic  taco bell said they needed to get rid of anything   too time consuming and after analyzing the menu  they decided to eliminate it sorry dear as to why   these nachos were time consuming no clue luckily  though they didn't leave us completely hanging   to compensate for the loss of the triple layer  nachos the five dollar grande nachos box which   layers beef refried beans guacamole pico  de gallo and cheese sauce has come to the   rescue to take its place so in a way we weren't  completely left deprived of good nachos but still   the point is we need the triple layer nachos back  i mean you can never have too many nacho options   sure the more to marry panera bread tuscan  chicken sandwich ah my sandwich there's not   a lot of people who wouldn't go for an out of this  world's chicken sandwich we can't deny that it's   one of the most delicious inventions and one of  the tastiest things we can get at any fast food   restaurant panera bread is certainly no exception  to that rule and over the years the chain   has served us many delicious chicken sandwiches  however we recently had to witness the departure   of a very delectable one the tuscan chicken  sandwich one of the best things about this   sandwich was that the grilled chicken used was  raised without antibiotics making it even more   organic and fresh the sandwich also featured  provolone parmesan arugula smoky tomato cone fee   some basil pesto and basil mayo all in between  an artisan ciabatta and yes it was just as good   as it sounds that uh sounds expensive sure  it did cost a little more than your average   chicken sandwich but that's only because it was  made with high quality and fresh ingredients so   it was definitely worth the price but there is  some good news you can still manage to get your   hands on one if you know how to order well most  panera bread locations still have almost all of   the ingredients to make the tuscan sandwich so all  you need to do is order a regular chicken sandwich   then add everything else that makes it tuscan and  voila you're smart mcdonald's all day breakfast   sorry sir we stopped serving breakfast what  are you talking about we're four seconds late   do you remember that time everybody went crazy  because mcdonald's finally announced that they   would now be serving breakfast all day the fact  that you can now get an egg mcmuffin at any given   time of the day was cause for celebration and  everyone was beyond ecstatic well sorry to burst   your bubble so suddenly but those days are now  over mcdonald's has gone back to serving breakfast   only during breakfast hours and people have been  sad ever since you can no longer enjoy a sweet   mcgriddle for lunch or some mighty pancakes  for dinner all thanks to the pandemic again   mcdonald's was the first fast food outlet to ever  introduce breakfast items to its menu all the way   back in 1973 and since then many other chains have  followed suit notably wendy's has recently gotten   into the breakfast game and the competition  has been fierce between the two who are those   guys wendy's breakfast now since the all-day  breakfast has technically only been cancelled   for the duration of the situation there's no way  of knowing whether or not it will be back or if   it's gone forever the best we can do is wait and  hope it's only temporary stick around tap or click   another great video hit that subscribe button  and ring that bell to join our notification squad
Channel: BabbleTop
Views: 255,032
Rating: 4.884203 out of 5
Keywords: top 10 discontinued fast food items we want brought back now, fast food, discontinued, discontinued food items we miss, discontinued fast food items, discontinued fast food, discontinued foods, food we miss, top 10 discontinued foods, foods that stoppped, list, top 10, babbletop, babble top
Id: IjJ2I141oZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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