10 Dumbest RV Park Rules | Extreme Campground Etiquette

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are you staying at an rv park with ridiculous rules here are the 10 dumbest rules you've ever seen in an rv park [Music] welcome back to the rvr couple my name is john and i'm mercedes and long story short we sold most of our possessions to our v full-time in pursuit of freedom independence and adventure because life is so short guys it really is and these rules are going to make your life even shorter no but seriously this was not our regularly scheduled video but we just had to address the topic because it was so front of mind and we understand why rv parks need those rules and you know whenever you stay at an rv park they'll usually hand you a list of the rules and and their normal rules just common sense stuff be courteous kind the golden rule treat others the way that you want to be treated pick up the dog poop what are some other common ones no speeding don't trespass on your neighbor's law just simple things that most people you know know just be courteous of your fellow campers that's it and 95 of our viewers are just like that they're beautiful people but there's always that five percent that kind of wreck it for everybody else and we're not talking about those rv parks that have those normal understandable rules right we're talking about the ridiculous rules so the first warning sign that you might be in a park with ridiculous rules is getting a huge ginormous package yeah we recently stayed in a park and we've seen a lot of different rules some of it just just downright ridiculous but when you get a packet of rules that's 13 pages yeah warning sign number one is when you get a packet that's 13 pages long so now that you aware of what to look out for when you pull into an rv pack for the rule nazis here are the 10 dumbest ridiculous rules we've seen in our experience so far and you better not break these rules so we recently stayed at a park where the rule of this park was is that they gave you a name badge when you checked in and you were supposed to wear your name badge no matter where you were now this includes having a pool and five hot tubs in this resort but you still have to carry your name tag with you at first we're like well where do you put it we'll tell you about that one later and to be fair how often have we had it that we meet a couple and we're like oh what were they their names again so i love the idea of like helping to remember people's names but being obligated to wear the name badge i think takes the rule a little too far yeah and this park treated as is your official identification right and so you're supposed to have this thing with you at all times we thought that was a little bit ridiculous yeah that's a little too far the next ridiculous rule is a dress code this one blew my mind yeah this is pretty crazy to imagine a dress code at an rv park when you're really camping and enjoying the great outdoors um i understand that there's certain like decency requirements basic decency requirements but i mean if you have like a river or a pool it's a campground i i just i can't i can't get behind the dresser no and this park was actually a park in arizona and where it gets to be really hot but the dress code reads shirt shoes and appropriate clothing must be worn in the resort at all times cover-ups should be worn from pools to jacuzzi and exercise rooms which pretty much what this says is don't wear a bikini now you know in a 55 year old park it's probably not a big big deal no okay but still i think it's a little silly because i think you shouldn't even have to say that we know we know to have right so you pull into a park and they have a dress code pay close attention what's the dumbest rule that you've heard in an rv park we'd love to hear your dumbest rv park rule please leave them in the comments below the next one is wearing a mask not only to the pool you know the mask that we need to be wearing right now or indoors we get all that what we have a problem with that we thought was very strange is is that they actually want you to wear your mask into the hot tub or into the pool which i mean for me i like going underwater it could actually be like waterboarding you know what i mean little clarification could go a long way on that one that was pretty ridiculous the next rule that's kind of ridiculous is that you can't have your dog outside even if they're like in a gate or if they're you know they're perfectly safe and here's why i think that's kind of ridiculous if you live in a sticks and bricks you leave your dog outside in the yard all the time so provided that there's fencing and the dog can't escape to not let the dog be outside is kind of silly yeah and i kind of understand this one a little bit because you don't want to leave your dog outside if it's going to be barking at people or you know you obviously want to watch them at all times most parks will let us keep skippy outside on a leash and skippy behaves himself you know but some parks will say the dog cannot be outside without you meaning that you can't just leave your dog outside you're gonna have to be sitting outside with him even if it's inclement weather all right this one drives me absolutely insane but we've gone to a couple of parks now where you need to if you're gonna hang a flag our beers love to hang their flags whether it's their last name on it or you know it's it's a funny saying we have one for the rv odd squad usa yeah but we've been to parks where they allowed two type of flags a united states flag and then the state flag of the state that you're camping in which i think is great right what i didn't like is that you needed to go down and get written permission from the front office to hang your flag and i don't think you need to get written permissions from anybody to show your patriotism and fly the american flag yeah that was kind of silly the next stem rule has to do with hidden fees and i cannot stand it when you think that the rate is what 50 bucks a night or whatever it is right that's the rate but then there's hidden fees like oh well if you want this kind of extra 50 amp there's an extra five dollars oh if you want to receive mail there's a actually in a resort um that you needed to pay twenty dollars to be able for them to accept packages there and even then it's like okay well they have to handle it that's not the case in this particular resort the mail truck would come right to your rv spot so nobody at the park even needed to touch it so we thought 20 bucks was way too much yeah or like they'll charge you for a gate card but you need the gate card to get into the gate but you need to pay a deposit for the gate card but if you lose the gate card you pay again well and along with the whole mail debacle thing i think it's really ridiculous when they won't accept mail on your behalf right i've heard before that rvers running businesses out of their rv have put a big burden on the rv park staff like if you got tons and tons of packages i understand why that's not acceptable but when you're just trying to get a birthday present from grandma to the kid i think it's a little i mean there's a certain amount of reasonableness that you should be able to accept mail on behalf of yeah and just so you guys know they charge fees for pets they charge fees for kids yeah which blows me away a certain number of people a certain amount of people they have like everything you can imagine they'll have a fee for it now most parks don't do this yeah but typically the ones that do do it pay close attention because those are the ones that really like to enforce their rules the next ridiculous rule is when you're not allowed to hang towels outside or clothes and i get it you don't want it to look kind of cheap with like your underwear i don't know oh it's but it's camping but but at the same time it's like come on just let let people have towels outside i mean how else are you supposed to dry them and most of these rvs don't have you know washer and dryer so i think you should be allowed to hang out at least towels outside one of the rules that is rare but we've seen it is you're not allowed to play music or your tv outdoors yeah and that's kind of silly because i i know you shouldn't be blasting the music but come on like a little bit of music outside that's that's the best part the next rule that we think is kind of silly is we've been to parks where you're not allowed to move the rv without somebody escorting you to your spot now we do think it's helpful when you don't know where your spot is to have somebody in the golf cart show you hey here's the spot but we've noticed it becomes more of a pain when the escort tries to tell you how to park we stayed in a park where when you come through the gate they assign you one or two escorts that will bring you down show you your camping site and then they're not allowed to leave until you finish parking yeah even more interesting if you do decide to move lots or change lots you need to wait for an escort to come and bring you to your new site or you'll be fined or thrown out yeah and so i get it that they want to make sure there's no damage yeah liability yeah but i think it kind of can become more of a hindrance when someone's watching you park or when they're trying to tell you how to park and it's not their rv so they don't know that you have slides and you can't be right next to the tree because the slide will come out it actually gets in the way one of the things that our daughter loves to do when we're on a site that has has pavement or concrete yeah the pads where you park is sage when we carry chalk with us oh yeah sage loves to kind of you know do hopscotch and she's do she's drawing pictures now she's really an awesome artist she's doing all this artwork we were actually in a park that told us that we needed to remove that chalk before we leave but here's the problem we also couldn't use their water to do it because that would not be conserving water yeah if you get caught not conserving water that's an 85 fine so mercedes and i have to figure out a way probably just to get buckets from inside the rv to come out here and enhance scrub the chalk off or pray for rain or pray for rain one or the other you know we're not we're certainly not gonna stop sage um from you know doing the chalk she's an amazing little artist we love her doing it but chalk at a campground should be fair game we think chalk at a campground is fine well listen mercedes and i are all for rules right and most people 95 of our viewers and campers they follow the rules common sense courtesy being kind and considerate to your neighbors yeah but do you guys think that some of these rules are absolutely insane that they're just ridiculous and a little bit of an hoa nightmare did we miss anything yeah or maybe you think we're ridiculous yeah or maybe we're being ridiculous but i guarantee you there will be some of you who leaves horrible comments about why you shouldn't leave your laundry outside
Channel: RV Odd Couple
Views: 193,051
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Keywords: Campground-Etiquette, camping etiquette, campground etiquette, rv camping etiquette, campground rules, campsite etiquette, rv etiquette, rv camping, free camping, loloho camping, loloho rv, long long honeymoon, camping tips, long honeymoon rv, rv living, rv life, full time rving, full time rv, rv travel, rv travel vlog, rv tips for beginners, rv tips and tricks, rv living full time, rv camping tips, rv tips, rv lifestyle, living in an rv, rv living with kids, RV Life
Id: W_ArjZDjjlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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