10 Products That Will RUIN Your Childhood!

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will my hands discolor this is amazing this is not safe toxic toxic it's called the king of magic Archer welcome to another episode of Joe Bruno today we're looking at 10 products that will absolutely maybe but definitely but with both certainty ruin your childhood pants when ants attack volume during your pants that was a joke for the toddlers first product Charlie chimps and I play my oh my why didn't he like Turner he is black nail polish tan or not today but so what is this point of this pop his eyes in and out repeatedly what is the entertainment value of this it's like I'm sure once you get it out here you're gonna love it you specifically this monkeyshines remains as unpleasant and terrifying Derek purchased volume is incredibly long and hard to sleep some nights when it won't stop whispering didn't think I was gonna go that way sci-fi fanatic that's in your head bro look at Rachel Delaney how to scare children without going to jail wrong people is not a versatile drummer - hi I'm Charlie chimp no no no this is the same poster they have in schools it's evolution this is how humans were made why do his eyes got a pop-out cuz you're like whoa whoa automatically returns to clashing the symbols not recommended for children under six cuz they'll stick their head between them cuz it's scary I was terrified God shoulda kept them going keeping frame oh no I don't like that that that's the multifunctional Michael points of instructions harder do it from the side to show the eyes oh that's so loud to like yeah cause you imagine hard welcome to me what do you have to say my monkey all right speak in sign language now but where has the rum gone this is definitely a nope that's gay this would ruin my childhood yeah that would definitely scare me if I saw that at like four years old I wouldn't even say four six and up he pooped the batteries monkey the last cloud for the sequel monkeys clap back play-doh dr. drill and Phil said I don't like drilling who's doing this to me why by the way is there a play-doh poop set didn't we do something kinda like those Tanner found all these products in this yeah I'm gonna find all of them yes yes this frustrate amen I do feel like this wouldn't ruin your childhood though I really do feel like Luna would absolutely love them oh that's the whole point of this video will ruin your childhood or will it make it oh that's the that's mistake that's the stick if it's a dope and makes a childhood if it's a no it ruins it that's a big tooth that's a giant oh whoa oh you make the tiny teeth Rises oh just play-doh but this is upsetting Dyess hates teeth for those of you don't what is that it as a filling yeah play-doh toys are usually high quality one side of the card oh thank you thank you did I get this one all right I'll try no oh please put on your actual teeth how about left little sucks he leave plato's edible forming surgery performing the drilling noise I hate this oh I see you're giving a root canal yes did you know that if you have a tooth infection it can go to your brain do you know if you have a big personality it can really go to your head I wasn't aware but now in a little worried let's try and fill it with what red no I'm gonna fill it with white okay here we go a little high I got to drill it down he's been having too much sugar he's got me bad teeth oh that just went into mush oh yeah he lost that too that's called the lawsuit no you signed contracts I say that's a joke I I think this wouldn't ruin your childhood I think this wouldn't either I think I had a lot of some of this but the drilling is kind of weird next product Oh folks today we're here back on target.com he's telling me something and we got a step to Hot Wheels extreme thrill coaster all right so that's lad this product won't ruin your childhood it'll most likely upgrade it and maybe even make your parents jealous you know I'm saying cuz toys like this didn't exist back then you had this when you're kidding no I wish yeah I'm much better toys the only toys he had was rocked hmm get a pet named rocky look how excited this dad is and then little Johnny's like I'm coming and she's like something that maybe we buy here Michael give me I'll tell under Kay likes we buy one that's my head like I don't know like we buy one but you me at like 150 we buy two of them the two of them a mega we put the other ones up on Legos yeah and we just make it this mega thing and we're gonna slide down it maybe we'll bring we send mat down 200 likes maybe we get Luna involved only if it's chewy not on the big one that's a good light bulb that does look like so much fun so if you guys want to see this she would love this coupons are 17 dollars maybe twice to that price oh my word that means we'll make it happen all right baby so hundred fifty K for 200 for Luna to be here - I don't know I've never had a grandfather all right calming down a little green and we'll make it happen next product guys this next product is so crazy we had to change our clothes for it that's right this next product I got to hat we just found on the internet we realized this is insane and it's the lovely straitjacket it's made by control toys and control to lace toys that control you pretty much this is a prank box kind of thing it's but we actually decided this is so crazy we want to make it and see what it looks like look a straitjacket kids are supposed to love like it supposed to be like cute still like oh like a straitjacket fur and so we challenged ourselves to make this ourselves and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add it to inventory then we're gonna take a look alright Anna a Mattias you wait for this oh no this is sad oh no that's so sad oh there's a little Ricky Bobby all tied up you know I'm gonna be honest with you that's what a swaddle is what's a swaddle that's what you do to your babies too so essentially you swaddle your baby you're still like so basically you wrap their arms around things and and use dilatation exactly so the tighter they are and the more they can't move the less they cry this just looks really wrong but ultimately yet you guys just made a really like Punk swaddle - waddle I'm proud swaddle if post Malone was to be in a straitjacket at the age of four is what this baby look that's a little bit yeah that's probably why post Malone is post Malone today you do have a point there I guess it's like the baby was a little bit older like she is and she's supposed to be like active and movie yeah exactly yeah since that's a baby it's still it's still wrong it's still for sure wrong well the baby how would the babies move at this point you know because babies crawl so what is crawling with that arm bar me from playing caterpillar exactly Pikul egg crawling and so this is what this baby's gonna do let me come head up and it's just gonna do one of these yeah it's just got to be a no no don't shackle up your kids I love my baby I bet you guys thought we were done with Spongebob you liked Anna there's no way you have more Sponge Bob and I was like listen here Zetas squid weird call you old bold and brash squidward arctic naughty you need crying they in a bedroom what that's what that says he's like gay right the joke and he's trying to remember his joke so you could say it this is from the show so this quotes from the show write your jokes on this show know this quote is from the show life into this clip how about this one high college ball band bride oh belongs in the trash literally Tanner so excited and me Mathias just like you guys don't so here's what we're gonna do I think we should buy this product and I want to take it around just random people in the office the first person who can guess the rest of it I call it bold and brash more like belongs in the trash they will affect to keep this hard piece Wow lucky it is hey and comment and in the pull above would you want this is it bold and brash or does it belong in the trash or would you sell out some fat cash and hit that joint in town holy moly rap man add the car so art am i right let's go ask kids if they know the last phrase can't just walk around with it like that though got a deal aren't right are you texting behind our I need to look up at the quotas again okay while you lick it up it's okay you look it up and I'll get the clothes so bold and brash more like fill in the blank that's we're gonna go ask people okay hey woods you do art some would call you artistic by some maybe you Huck yeah did I'll slap to that weird did it so here's what's gonna happen what it what's the first thing you think of when you see that Squidward okay now I'll let you keep this if you know how to finish this quote bold and brash more like four words do you even want to keep this you're not even trying man hey how's it going gamers we have a quick question do you know what this is from okay now I'll let one of you guys keep this if you guys can finish this quote this is from this exact scene bold and brash more like four words give me those four words strong trash something like this like that in the trash or so much that it's so much crap definitely yeah yeah oh you guys think all right bold and brash more like but that was so epic you want it and you also an eight year supply of D fuel what was your problem cut that out cut that hang it on your wall I don't have why would this rooming here this wouldn't excite me the child oh it looks like a pretty busted brother to be a part of the Lord of the Rings wait who's that sad boy up in the top right that is Grima Grima Wormtongue that's right terrible purchase not even good enough for one time use okay Randy dang got that table dog all right tanner I'm so it's so clear that Tanner picked up these probably from this video Lord of the Rings today you're just saying you just got a package full of three four but the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy plus The Hobbit yeah I mean it was like it's fake leather there's so many like there are beautiful leather I will practice my bow and I will make you quiver quiver you legless about to make you legless hahahaha it almost took Liz oh wow that's a big ring I got big ring that's a big picture of a ring that's how big sarang's middle finger is like a smoker where's my bones where you out viewers you up there was like three feet off and he's only 3 feet - what do I look like Aragorn son of Arathorn hi arrow goes where the heart wants how in the heck did I do that Billy went around I don't even know how that happens it's called being a magic Archer okay no no it's a crossbow what did you think was going to happen Sandman I don't know I've had costumes like this that were fun yeah glass is a dope yeah exactly it's not the best quality it's like what does it look like you don't care they have much better bow and arrows oh no it's more of a boomerang now spongebob moustache Bob rub-a-dub foaming body soap kids bath fun 15 piece kit isn't spongebob kind of mean for kids no don't people like hit on that show then they're like violent people blow up on that show what age rating for this girl fish so what is this like shaving cream bath so why are they selling it on eBay now yeah that's a little concerning yeah that's a little weird Add to Cart Wow okay tanner it's time I make you oh wait no it's okay that was like a foam yeah it's like shaving cream I just put in his mouth what the heck uh yeah bubble blowing weenie wait so what are you supposed to do with this oh this is weird we have a good song day Oh Oh jeepers oh no not like this I just don't get the point of this phony body soap oh they are supposed to clean out a spy ball you go go dude that is lit I love this product now this is art kids Wow how much is there this goes on for hours it smells so clean yeah it does smell good Oh running out finally my fears are gone holy cow it's so cool oh my gosh Cameron don't cut any of this out just like speed it up a beanie dude oh oh my fingers getting tired that is like my bladder after all Road Trip it's like clearly not that big but oh yeah that's pretty much it who has the the goal to just feel it I'll do it does that feel good you can't even feel it I literally can't feel it almost oh it's so heavy it's so light you can't feel it it's grab a death just three dudes take it a little bath together just do this grab a bunch and then just like tread it Oh what there's something in there oh that's disgusting look watch watch real close I squeezed hard and then I open up and it's like blue it was before my hands discolor this is amazing oh my gosh are you kidding me oh no mine too I mean I'm tan and even I'm blue toxic toxic this is not safe there's none below if we're gonna pass away okay I'm gonna go wash my hand hopefully it comes off I say there's a decent amount of foam in it but I have to say nope because my hand is still stained yeah if you're staining your kids in the bathtub that's not safe that's not safe maybe that's not safe maybe you redo your product if you have to use soap to get soap off sorry next product is the pee and poo plush doll set oh I hate that these are for kids hands going like this like they're welcoming the child to hold them hold me hold me I don't like this guvnah no one's written or reveal yet cuz no one's bought it you have a ba plushie poke hey no really Tanner give me give me a little insight here on to who you think would on eclis buy poop and pee plush doll hear me out hear me out tell me the person real babies they poop their parents a lot and they pee their pants a lot they want to relate they want somebody to be with them wondering it so who didn't want to be with them during it poop and pee guess we got right here pee and poop how do babies get money armed robbery add the car he's not ready for pee and poo isn't that the truth my favorite duo my nephew took a huge dump the other day what's up is bad and my sisters like you want to change it I was like Michael I'm gonna have to ask you to refrain from talking what kind of funk were you a loving one a caring one I doubt it not enough to change is everybody ever scared boy a little bit scared oh here we go pee and poo poo has got some separated eyes his other eye whoa it's like in the back of his own he's got to see both sides of the large intestine is that a mouth or is that a booty hole on his that's a bar oh that's a booty hole is that a mountain or that a boat oh wow it's a sphincter but why is that a sphincter I don't know make this Frank this guy I'm all about pee and poo put him on your shoulder it's like the devil in the angel hey you should go BAM I think they're both the devil why does the peepee have a sprinkler anybody this is a podcast he's so confused why did the peepee have a speaker what is this oh I don't like summer season nope yeah that's no I would eat one nope you eat one you'd eat I would buy it again that's a toast I would never eat it I did not say that that's not you were so thirsty would you ever drink your own urine in the desert absolutely would I saw a girl once I would just imagine it is like tea all right guys before we get into that next product I just would like to give a quick shout-out to j-rod 93 because what do you do Sandman he followed two simple steps he went down below he hit that join button became a member selecting which tier one through three he wanted to come up I mean he was also a fluent enough to be able to do such things and he also put a number on his road bike that he just drives over if that's his where's the first one if that's his road bike I'm jealous that's sick hate that join button down below and you can become a member as well next product Oh pink this is made for kids let's address it okay don't don't undress me let's address this you're right tanner I hate that they're like Santos we're cute brown bears educational toy how do i poppy Sansa super cute brown bear toilet nano blocks micro diamond DIY educational toy like alright Jonny it's a time to potty train eeeh this is how you go pee what did you just say what's yourself like no like as in like as a parent gonna teach your kid how to pee like they never have an internal conversation you ever literally not even lots of know what you're saying you're gonna so in the next sentence what everybody's like well I really like you want over no parent-child games and children's educational toys high-quality don't like it 350 piece set to learn how to go pee any urinal that's a lot of pieces what kind of wage is this for 8 years and up those are tiny pieces yeah I would also agree tiny those are tiny pieces you were you gonna eat those Michael you're reviewing a pee bear don't break the others you did super cute but super frustrating to build this was super hard to put together as opposed to other brand new partners I usually do there's an R in front like this is Russ there's an RN frustrating that's what I said super sore phosphated weird frustrating frustrating frustrating you earned yourself a bus trading foot frustrating Michael I'm really frustrated with you and frustrate you're buttering me oh I was like if she built it and put it in your dude you just annihilated it check the only thing in their tiny little Lego piece 350 pieces would you ever make tiny Legos this is not for an eight-year-old I know some eight-year-olds and they would not enjoy this they would say it was frustrating for sure alright it's what it looks like from the front the side and the back tell you P kids take off ahead give it to me thank you decapitation we have a rough day when you go out with Hannah you gotta leave this side with this is what Michael tip it over and had it like like if you're puking in the urinal you've got a rough night that's just nasty yeah and he was just being in this - oh would it be acceptable if I glued this right here honestly I'd say like glue it and make it a key it's kind of cool Wow beautiful a little bear but I'll never forget the peed on me so he dies i'ma say no and we wonder why brown bears are going extinct milky the marvelous milking cow so oh wow see I did not bring this product off this tent can you actually milk that you know Michael didn't either cuz only likes 2% and that's not natural if you just picked a bottle of Dasani oh look at these that's milky that's what the official packaging looks like click it you can't milk those why is this that thing wait Lisa how did this either get in the ground like why don't you just get it why don't you just get a real cow without calorie borne look at the lips on that puppy Bertha she drinks water when you pump her tail she automatically races her head and moves when she's ready for milking something about that made me uncomfortable well that's that's true like cows like Moo when they need to be milled we don't speak cow we can't assume that what if I say no milk emit whoo no you really alright you relieve the pressure oh yeah they need to be milked welcome to lactation my friends this is my second time being invited to them there's a restriction on your account so we can't progress request we bought too many weird products yeah like they actually bought the bait they bought the cow the time has come shut it down oh I don't want it it's so it's how birthing looks a lot of head-butting you got it there I'm elbow-deep mr. Spock what are you doing pull it out yeah why is that dirty why is that paper dirty get it ow I hate it okay guys so here's the nipple Asst that one's got a big hole pronounced the others tenor what are you this is so it's a bucket Olli hey I don't want to make any mess over her I have to show up the crowd are we done yet this is how oh it's dirty in this color what did I just say what happened to you you quit the Bessie no in the in the crop in the what's it called a trough thank goodness another farmer what a neck doesn't work like that yes it does what are you snapping it for hey I'm watching the commercial - this product will be the marvelous milking cow it's fun to milk we're gonna do it right now she drank so water one day pump her tail been run 310 milk is a feeling they'll be the marvelous milking cow but pretend milk cabbage from Kenner little unknown fact Henner toys probably produced this before they took on the Star Wars line really yeah you know my name is Tanner Kenner all right this is a dope is really cool it's not cool it's definitely no it's a nope you guys about done you wish I was already guys thank you for joining us today we hope ya good time with us be sure to check out that video right over there that is a video that YouTube recommends just for you and right over here this is a playlist of all of the children's toys that have been recalled that we have reviewed there are some crazy ones in there like a Cabbage Patch doll that eats your fingers instead of veggies you gotta check it out and we'll see you next time please check it out
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 2,685,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5, top 10, 2019, spongebob squarepants, reacting to, funny videos, shopping haul, shopping, amazon, amazon prime, prime day, childhood trauma, childhood, funny, reviews, comedy, try not to laugh, funny videos 2019, fails, unboxing, play doh, lord of the rings, friends, best friends in the world, absurd, random, Matthias, Hi5 Studios, Dope or Nope
Id: 5h8ff5KITwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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