10 Cottage Living Objects You Need To Start Using | The Sims 4 Guide

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put on your overalls and get ready for the country lifestyle as we're going to look at 10 cottage living objects that you need to start using as always we'll look at five which are standouts and another five which i feel are underused of course these objects are entirely my opinion so if i miss any objects that you yourself love then please feel free to let me know in the comments down below also a heads up that i'll have a link to a very detailed guide to all of the farm animals in the description which will allow me to focus more on just the biggest highlights from the animals and their associated objects in this video and with that let's start out with a standout being the garden patches while you can grow regular garden plants and trees here most importantly these gardening patches will also allow you to grow oversized crops including orbiting or eggplants lettuce mushrooms pumpkins and watermelons and these offer a rather unique gardening experience oversized crops take around a week to grow that's right they are slower than a caterpillar but during this time you can give them various fertilizers to help them along the hassle-free fertilizer keeps away weeds and bugs while vitality fertilizers boost the quality of your crops importantly growth fertilizers will speed up the time that they take to grow and improve a plant's weight which is great for chasing the overgrown gardening goods growth fertilizers are also great for impatient people such as myself once grown you can harvest your plants and choose to use them in canning enter them in the finchwick fair or you can sell them for a rather big one-off payment before you then have to replant and start from scratch some oversized crops can even be turned into decor just in case you wanted a giant lettuce on display personally i say why the hell not make sure no one's swearing in front of the salad you know honestly i really like the variety that this brings to gardening and how your produce can come out at different sizes depending on the level of care that you give them it's time to turn our attention to an underused object now being picnic baskets there are two of these added with the pack and the way that they work is that they can be filled with up to four food objects such as canned goods or freshly cooked food with 8 servings or even a lemon because why not once packed then pop the basket into your inventory and if you come across an empty picnic table then you can place the basket and set up an adorable picnic to enjoy with family and friends it's so cute as an outdoor activity on a day with good weather and can also be great for little dates however one issue i found is that for placing and unpacking to work it can be a little bit buggy if the table has something on it such as a lamp so make sure that you source a nice empty picnic table so you don't become frustrated by this the way i did next up we have a standout being the animal shed this cute little barn will allow you to raise either a cow or a llama both being excellent choices i must say of course you can care for befriend and even dress these animals and you can upgrade the animal shed with livestock upgrade parts to increase your animal's lifespan or even at an auto feeder it should be noted that there are also two rather discreet spots on the shed which you can add wall decorations to meaning that you can easily customize and add a bit of character to your shed as you would expect cows produce milk and feeding the cows different treats will change the milk that they produce most notably the rainbow treat will literally make your cow a rainbow colored cow and rainbows are always a big win so i'm loving the gay pride cows the midnight treat will mean a cow can produce obsidian milk in which drinking gives sims the evil glare power making them angry and enabling them to spread the moodlet by using the evil glare on other sims the moodlet also allows sims to break objects and set them on fire while the moodlet is active it's kind of like milk induced rage on the other hand the golden treat will see a cow produce golden milk which drinking makes sims dazed while giving them the golden pulse power this power can be used to make objects perfect or their highest quality possible if you go down the llama route which is what i was drawn to then various streets will temporarily change the llamas color which you can then shear for different coloured wool you can then use this wall to lower the cost of cross stitching or to have the creature keeper make clothes for your adorable farm animals the creature keeper can be tracked down with his house being located in the bramblewood south of the ruins while he's a big fan of roaming around you can also click on his house to focus the camera on him and find him at any time before having him start making your animals some clothes note that if you have the nifty knitting stuff pack then you can use llama wool to knit clothes for your animals or yourself as well finally know that the animal shed is a woohoo location meaning that if your sims want to add a bit of spice to their sex life and say no to the bed then this might just be the object they need it's worth making sure that it's clean before they get down to it though if your animal shed is stinky then i dare say the appeal is pretty much gone clean shed yes stank shed no you know the drill we love hygiene moving on now to the fourth object which is underused being the garden and grocery stores now these stores open from 9am to 7pm in finchwig and they stock heaps of helpful goods from plants to treats fertilizers and wool you can also sell a lot of your farming goods at them too what's great is that if you're out of hours you can buy one on your home lot and hire a vendor to run it before then looking to buy any goods you need from it of course this can also be a handy addition to a community lot such as if you wanted to set up a form of market as well on to the chicken coop now this object is normalizing chicken obsession and i am so here for it as you would expect this lets you raise chickens up to eight per coop in fact and you can have multiple coops on one lot meaning that there's no limit to your chicken ambitions i know what you're thinking look at all those chickens and 10 points to your harry potter house of choice if you note that fully enacted reference is all about now chickens can be dressed and they lay both non-hatchible eggs that can be used in cooking and hatchable eggs that can make more chicks and various treats will have interesting effects on your chickens too notably the midnight treat will turn chickens into evil chickens which are 10 out of 10 the best chickens ever these will scare out foxes and attack enemies including the grim reaper himself and even save sims from death they also lay obsidian eggs which when used to create dishes and then eaten will act like obsidian milk temporarily allowing you to break objects and set them on fire on the other hand the golden treat will turn chickens into golden chickens which will passively max out the quality of objects around them they'll lay golden eggs as well which when used to create dishes that are then eaten will act like the golden milk temporarily giving sims the golden pulse power so that they can make objects perfect quality like the animal shed you can use eco upgrade parts to make the chicken coop increase your animal's lifespan and auto feed your chickens you can also upgrade it with an alarm that will scare off boxers gotta be careful because foxes will prey on your chickens also a heads up be nice to your chickens or else they might just kill you if you're repeatedly mean to them next up is a very quick underused object being the typesmithy computer now make no mistake this really is a computer and it functions the same as the others but the reason i love this object is because it looks much less techy and much more old-school which makes it perfect for playthroughs where you want to go without a lot of tech but still want the versatility of what a computer offers such as being able to order 5 000 different things while it's not a huge game changer it is good to be aware of especially from a storytelling angle onto a standout for the seventh object being the cross stitching kits this of course allows for your sim to cross stitch which can be a very cute hobby for sims that can see them produce some beautiful art while you'll unlock more patterns as you level up it's worth noting that you can also unlock patterns by completing errands for the hanford on bagley people and through interacting with wild rabbits and birds which i'll talk more about soon at level 5 cross stitching then you can also stitch from reference meaning you can have a huge amount of versatility in what you create overall this object is perfect for a crafty sim and can be an awesome side activity or side hustle for them next up is an underused object and i'm being a little bit cheeky here because i'm shining a spotlight on multiple country kitchenware objects from the pack things like the country picture canister and teapot or tea sets can bring a country themed kitchen to life and it really stamps out the need for the country kitchen kit which i do feel should have just been included as part of this pack the wake up and spill the water object is also such a fun and unique fountain that gives off farmyard vibes so consider making use of that too now for the ninth object which is a standout and it's the flock of wild birds and the wild rabbit home objects these are a little unique in that you have to find these around henford on bagley and befriend either the birds or the rabbits who live in them before you can then unlock and buy them in buy mode yourself make no mistake though they are well worth it you can give birds and rabbits various gifts and over time discover their gift preferences which will help you form a friendship with them there are a lot of perks to being friends with birds and rabbits too you can ask them for help with gardening whereby birds will ward away bugs and help crops grow by singing to them rabbits on the other hand will take care of weeds and can help crops grow by enriching the soil you can also collect gifts from birds and rabbits which includes rare treats and unlocking special cross-stitching patterns rabbits can also be dressed in cute animal clothing and just be wary of foxes which can attack them know that if your rabbits are attacked they can put up a good fight and win but it's still not worth the risk also just like chickens if you're continually mean to rabbits then they might just attack you and if you do this repeatedly then the rabbits can kill you so just be a little bit wary of that because you know we don't have time to go around getting killed by cute fluffy adorable rabbits and now for the tenth and final object which is a quick one and it's the henford wedding arch the reason i love this is because it feels both very grand and also incredibly natural when compared to the other arches allowing for a natural forest inspired wedding theme and of course paired with some of the other objects you can have your sim get married with rabbits birds and other farm animals roaming around and create the perfect farmyard wedding and we've reached the end that's 10 cottage living objects that you need to start using again feel free to let me know any favorites of your own from the pack and thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed or found this helpful then please subscribe and leave a like i would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 55,090
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Keywords: 10 Cottage Living Objects You Need To Start Using | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, Guide, How To, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Sims 4 Cottage Living, Henford-On-Bagley, Cottage Living Objects You Need, Sims 4 Llama, Sims 4 Cow, Sims 4 Chicken, Sims 4 Picnics, Sims 4 Picnic Baskets, Sims 4 Garden Patches, Sims 4 Oversized Crops, Sims 4 rabbits, sims 4 cross stitching, Sims 4 Build and Buy, Cottage Living best objects, Cottage Living Inspiration, Sims 4 Gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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