$10 Budget Shopping At Harajuku In Tokyo, Japan

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[Music] hey guys welcome to Tokyo creative play I am your host Emma and today I'm here with the wonderful Natasha and Paris today we are going downtown cash - Dodie which is in Harajuku and Turkish already has so much crazy fashion it's such a great street being as we've been given 1000 yen and we have to spend all of it and it's gonna be a race we're gonna buy one food item and two things doesn't really matter what but we gotta have the passion and the idea of how did you get so are you guys ready to start the race yeah three two one so I do have a strategy for the food item I think I'm gonna go for the ferry boss in Australia we call it pray for us but it's candy cotton candy candy but there's a small store at the end where I'm gonna get something small maybe for 100 to 200 yen and other than that I've got one more item and I'm just gonna see if I can get inspiration for something I walk past okay but I gotta hurry gonna be like 200 yeah but they're 800 yeah that's the thing that we're looking for but I want to go a different one oh thank you I see a shop that I want to go to it's this workshop the Harajuku is love like yet we had talked to some very fashionable so I won't get a pair because in a book must have yeah I think maybe just some glittery socks you do it's more expensive something also I don't know what I'm gonna get but I'm for sure gonna get a snack and then maybe something that I can wear so get you sorry [Music] I'm gonna have like 50 cents to buy something and this is for 30 the crepe is 310 I'm gonna have not a lot I can't do math 583 m I don't know if that's enough but I think it will be okay this is the cotton candy place I was talking about I think it's gonna be expensive if I want to get a lot of colors so I might just have to get a few let's see how it fit in I think it's okay I'll have to get three colors 600 yen that's randhawa's this might cause me a bit of time zone let's take a bit of time look at that if that isn't how to do it I don't know whatever okay I'm going to show this in my face as fast as possible because you don't want to walk down the street with it you have to eat at hand so the same time I'm just going to shove it all in but so good every layer is a different flavor okay let's go buy something else oh it's so sweet I only have a few coins left which is very worrisome because I have two more things to get and a food item shucks everything is really expensive see that's like a 390 yen shop but I don't really have more than three on there maybe we can buy a drink oh no I'm feeling like oh I I love water what is always good okay so we just got to know Monica Craig's place and I'm so excited they have amazing crepes okay we're saying bye to the 500 so good right oh you're right so I needs a liver about 200 yen 100 to 200 yen oh no these are 300 yen they're so cute a tell me I only have 100 yen it's gonna be a hundred yen plus tax isn't it and this is gonna be 300 yen plus tax I don't think I can do it I have to walk away oh it's such a good deal so they have keyrings here of teeth on who is a really popular character right now she's super cute I'm gonna get a catch-up on a sheet pan because I really love my so much this is the first sketch of one of favorite scenes oh it's so cute I got this one I can't run down this stream so I have 250 and hopefully I can buy something to eat I kind of fought a cream the choux cream shop that sells like eclairs and everything we're fresh cream old kids yeah fine I'm not sure about the queue there's no cure okay how much is the choux cream that's the question with Manila coins oh my gosh 290 I'm like 40 and shot should I should I should she I'm just just drinking my water oh no way they have something for 250 so I can get it turns out of the Chi at all okay perfect I have my shoe and 2 yen left so all we have to do is race to the finish okay so I think I'm gonna go with this one it's a hamburger keychain it's so cute it is super cute on my key ok guys so we made it oh no we did not I'm heading to this giant we go I know that they have really cheap things inside the fingers crumbs see I don't think I can get anything for 200 yen because that's gonna be plus tax and I only have exactly 200 young oral Mississippians I'm gonna turn the other side what a crazy street so on my trip I managed to eat some giant fairy plus from Tigers to Joey I bought two little things I bought a little cheese on keyring and they bought a pack of stickers for the sandwich shop and altogether my time is okay so I finished the race of three items my shoe cream I'm mineral water and a pair of shiny soft and are finished it's a time of hope I spent 1000 yen and I got three super cute things I'm so excited I'm actually really going to use the hamburger keychain and my crate I still haven't finished it so I was running around but the time is really so the time is we made it back and should we put our things on the table but we don't actually know what each other and bought I'm sorry boy continue okay so we're not sure what we bought yet but we're gonna be judged on the amount of money that we have left the amount of time that we spent and how interesting and creative our purchases are the person who did the best will get three points the person who didn't do quite so well will get one point and then we'll add them all up again at the end and see who is the winner the winner is gonna get everything that everyone else bought okay I like the Subarus gets a special punishment at the end of this video Oh hmm let's see what that is at the end I'm it's wasabi I'm gonna scream so let's go through our items from left to right so the first thing that I bought was a pair of shiny saw oh I didn't think through how yeah I just assumed that it was like maybe 400 500 yen and then when I went to the counter it was like not over oh no it's important to stay hydrated while you shop so we went to a special hardrick blue jihong key which is a vacancy and I remind everybody to stay hydrated up by your shop so Wow important nature Inspira 100 yen Oh such a great deal Wow so what food did you get I got a shoe cream in cheap offers so they had just the plain original one for 250 years no change okay I spent festivals 600 yen on my fairy floss my cotton candy oh it was amazing night that was a good decision and it was really good they don't have to shove in my face yeah that only left me with 400 yen and the thing that must not was tax I went to a gotcha pond so then I only had 200 yen left and the place I went to was plus tax so I could only get something for a hundred yen I got some stickers of a sandwich instead of yeah yeah and it's a sandwich tasty sandwich shop a cafe but it says it with a tea in that sandwich so yeah that's that's what I managed with my car somebody's the very first thing I got it's a really cute oh and this one was actually four hundred and thirty yen so this is really cheap and this is a really cute ugly know what I mean for this challenge or yeah it's a good price so I still have like 500 something in it that's better than my decision so what food did you buy I got a strawberry creme creme and it was I think it was 390 oh that's so much okay so now we have to go through the amount of money that we had left say Natasha you know everything except - it's amazing I have no idea how you did that I have a shock - and I have to cheat or something but the thing at the end with the tax messing up I had 200 yen but I had to pay 108 you mmm and so I have 92 anyway I have 28 yeah I lost pretty hot at that yeah okay we're gonna find out each other's times see who was the fastest I think Paris is gonna beat us laws what do you think that would be the size rush [Music] whoa that's pretty close yeah it was so hard to write down that Street so the people behind the camera has voted on who has the most interesting products and who didn't quite do so well so let's find out cutie please next time you want to join walk are you gay so we just added up all of the points from all the categories and I got 5 points I have 6 points Natasha salmon - ice cream affair in the water people so against me oh because it attaches one I guess yeah stop oh yeah she had to leave yeah and I ran faster than y'all well now we have a simple punishment for the super loser congratulations Natasha ah Thank You Asians enjoys enjoy our stuff anyway thanks so much you guys and we'll see you again soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 113,258
Rating: 4.8851123 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, harajuku, shopping in japan, takeshita street, takeshita street japan, popular japanese shopping, harajuku fashion, tokyo, japanese, shopping in tokyo, where to shop in tokyo
Id: mgQ0_z3h9gI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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