10 Brain-Boosting Habits to Skyrocket Your Success | Dr. Tara Swart Reveals!

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I wrote the book every weekend for a year and that was a great part of my journey of integrating those things doing the research finding out what science could explain the laws of attraction but then actually it was the response to the book that I think really hit me emotionally that how much people wanted a very clear pragmatic explanation of what you have to do with your brain and your thinking and your feeling and your action to bring the things that you want into your life so I'll start with visualization and and vision boards I kind of deign behind them is is quite similar so it's basically about three processes that happen in the brain and they are selective filtering selective attention and value tagging basically we're bombarded with so much information and this has been the case for a long time but if you read a copy of the New York Times today you would receive as much information from that one newspaper as somebody would in their entire lifetime 100 years ago and even then they were overly bombarded with information so the brain has a natural filtering mechanism which is that you don't need to notice things that aren't really relevant to your survival so for example you don't notice your clothes on your body all day we need to direct that filtering system otherwise in a way we're still wired just to survive and reproduce need motivation watch top term with believe Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because the thing that saved me as an entrepreneur was watching the stories of other successful entrepreneurs and I learned from their advice I learned from their motivation and honestly I have no idea where I would be if I didn't have those videos to inspire me I still need them for myself today too and I hope that they can inspire you as well so today let's learn from one of the best Dr tarus swart Bieber and my take on our top 10 R of success enjoy things that will help us to thrive in the modern world may not necessarily be filtered in unless we're presenting visual images to our brain on a daily basis or sitting down and closing our eyes and you know visualizing the things that we want in our life for a certain outcome if we do those practices then the next process comes in which is selective attention which is that you notice the things that you're visualizing or you have on your vision board it's like when you buy a new car and then you suddenly see it everywhere um so it's basically priming your brain to notice opportunities that will take you closer to your goals and then value tagging is the brain's system of putting things in order of importance and it does this in two ways it does it in a cold or logical way and a warm or emotional way so The Logical things are basically the survival you know the basics that we need to survive like roof over our head food on the table um and the warmer things are the ones that we might choose to put on our vision board so they're the things you know our dreams our desires goals that show that we're thriving rather than just kind of you know surviving so by repeatedly exposing your brain to these images you priming it to not just notice but also grasp the opportunities that will take you closer to what you want and that's why I call vision boards action boards because I don't believe that you can create this fantasy image and sit at home and wait for it to come true I believe that you need to be out there networking dating whatever it is um to get the things that you want rule number two is keep your brain healthy what are the things that we can do to improve our brain performance so we talk about things like rest which is sleep and also sort of downtime nutrition is super important so the brain is obviously a tiny proportion of your body weight um and only weighs a few kilos but it uses up up to 30% of the breakdown products of what you eat so when you're asleep your brain is is eating up 20% of what you ate that day when you're at work um and focused on something it's using up about a quarter of what you eat and when you're stressed it's using up up to 30% oh wow yeah and so obviously people think what should I eat if I want to be healthy generally or I want to lose weight or I want to build muscle mass but the sorts of people that you know like you and the people that I work with aren't thinking enough about what should I be eating so I can make the best decisions today what should I be eating so I can solve complex problems what should should I be eating so I can understand what's going on like in terms of interpersonal Communication in my te with my team for example and then there's everything from hydration exercise um breathing mindfulness curiosity like there's there's so many factors that contribute to brain health and they're probably not dissimilar to things as a doctor that you would know contribute to cardiovascular health or gastrointestinal Health but you know we at Heights feel that if you approach everything with a brain care first attitude then you're kind of taking care of the rest of the stuff like if you eat and drink in a way that's good for your brain your skin and your hair are going to look nicer I mean and I that's sounds like such a girly thing to say but people make a lot of really important choices based on what they look like and and and that's fine and that probably has like beneficial effects on on our you know our brains and our guts as well but considering this organ is so energy hungry and it's so important in terms of everything else that happens in your body I feel like we need to flip that narrative so that it's starting with okay what can I what things can I do today that are going to be the best for my brain rule number three is focus on the good things one of the things about being conscious and not being on autopilot is is basically controlling what you expose your brain to because the more you expose it to bad news the more you're likely to live life through fear we know for example that people who repeatedly look at images of the Twin Towers going down who had no personal connection to New York could get PTSD I mean it's it's incredible that just exposing yourself repeatedly to bad news especially with visual imagery can actually traumatize you in a way that you know you can't easily get over so I'm very very careful about what I look at what I read um you know my social media feeds are carefully controlled to be as positive as possible um you're absolutely right that if you don't think about it and you look at bad news just before you go to sleep then think about young children you've got young children even if they you know read a book that's not that scary but maybe has some monsters in it then they can have nightmares they can feel frightened um so yeah everything that we expose our brain to has an impact and we need to be much more mindful of that that um especially because the gearing of the brain it's two to two and a half times more likely to focus on negatives than positives so we need to be feeding our brain more positive things to keep ourselves confident um and you know moving forward positively rule number four is learn about neuroplasticity neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to grow and change and you see that very clearly in children from 0er to two where they go from being completely helpless and vulnerable to walking talking managing their own bowels and Bladers pretty incredible um there's a lot of change that goes on during the teenage years as well it's more pruning away of neural Pathways that you don't need anymore and Readiness for socialization and reproduction and then we used to think that that process really slowed down or became quite passive from 25 to 6 well we used to think from 18 now we know it's very active till 25 and what we also know is that if you do things to keep your brain flexible it you can make changes absolutely from 25 to 65 and maybe even beyond that so I believe that manifestation is neuroplasticity the process is is underlied um by neuroplasticity which is that you have a certain way of thinking Behavior patterns habits and the more you repeat them and the more emotional intensity is associated with them the stronger those Pathways become also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five is practice proper manifestation in the last 25 years or so we have had much more sophisticated brain scanning technology which shows how the brain works prior to that we really understood a lot of how the brain works from seeing what happens when it goes wrong so if somebody has a stroke or a brain tumor or a brain injury once we could scan healthy brains we started to learn a lot more about this concept of neuroplasticity which is that the brain grows and changes throughout life now you've got two little girls so you will know that from zero to two they went from being completely vulnerable and helpless to walking talking being able to control their bladder and bowels and you know maybe even speaking several languages and having an opinion so it's a massive burst of neuroplasticity and we see that you know very visibly in young children um around the teenage years there's some pruning of the brain to sophisticate it for adulthood for sexual behavior emotional and social interaction and that is quite an active process till we're about 25 we used to think it stopped when we physically sto stopped growing around the age of 18 but the really interesting area for us in manifestation and the laws of attraction is that from 25 to 65 you can do things that keeps your BL brain more plastic or flexible and you can change the ways that you think feel and act so to me neuroplasticity underlies manifestation and it's a four-step process it starts with raised awareness so you need to know what you want to bring into your life or how you want your life to look or feel um then it's focused attention which is notic ing maybe you know negative thinking or certain behaviors or relationship patterns that are holding you back from getting what you want and also noticing opportunities to get the things that you want but really just building up your database of okay that doesn't work for me when I do this then you know good things come into my life the third part is deliberate practice so that is going out there and doing the things that you need to to manifest the things that want into your life got to do the work got to do the work totally um and the fourth part isn't really like a step in the process but it's accountability because it's very easy to start particularly a new year and say okay these are all my resolutions and new things that I'm going to do and then for most of us that motivation doesn't you know remain partly from the Neuroscience that's because we tend to pick goals that are too big and it's better to break them down into bite-sized chunks and that's the same for manifestation take small steps towards the things that you want so if there are some things that are more in your control like getting fit and healthy then start doing that and then if there's something that's less in your control like getting married or having a baby then give that a bit longer but know that you are changing your brain by changing your behaviors and you know have some form of accountability whether it's a vision board whether it's your partner whether it's a therapist rule number six is start journaling what is the your science or evidence around why journaling is legit yeah so um at the very minimum it's like a download of your emotions and so with your you know any emotions uh negative thoughts unfinished tasks if you keep them in your brain body system by just thinking about them in your mind then you actually increase your cortisol levels and cortisol correlates with stress so it's like it's like a pressure cooker building up if you speak it out loud write it out into a journal or do physical exercise and literally sweat out some of that cortisol then you're releasing those negative emotions negative thought patterns anxieties you know worries about the future from your brain body system but I have and I'd love to know if you've done this or not I have I had an Insight which I just stumbled across by myself but it really makes sense obviously from the neuroplasticity point of view is that if you go back and read over your Journal you see your thought process laid out in front of you you see your patterns of behavior you see like your decision making tools whether it's more logical or more intuitive you see what you've written about your relationships with people and seeing that in your own handwriting or you know even if it's been synced up and and typed out for you just just seeing knowing that it's your words and what you've thought and what you've said you can't run away from that so it can be like so insightful and enlightening and and I've had that definitely with all of that stuff like emotions and thought patterns and intuition but I also had it when I was I used to go to Boston twice a year to teach MIT and I remember with the travel and the jet lag just feeling that I was having these small muscular twitches and it was noticeable in bed at night and I decided to read back over not for that reason but just anyway I decided to read back over my journal from 6 months earlier when I was last in Boston and I'd written in my journal I'm getting these little muscular twitches and so I worked out that I'd become magnesium deficient by flying and so I basically hence why I was carrying so many bottles of things with me when I was traveling really upped my dose of magnesium um for the trips and it never happened again oh wow and if I hadn't read back I would never put two and two together I would have thought it was just happening now and it hadn't happened before rule number seven seven is make small progress daily I try to do the right things about sleep and everything else but I don't get stressed about it if I can't yeah um so that's that's a really big thing for me you know I try to eat right I try to remember to take my supplements I Journal when I can I meditate when I can um but if I don't do it then I I don't get stressed I would say that is a really big learning for me I think that that's a really big tip I would also say it's better to change 10 things by 1% than try to change one thing by 10% so work on micro tweaks to your routine like go to bed half an hour earlier do a digital detox over one weekend um drink a bit more water than you normally do try to increase your steps by 1 to 2,000 per day for a week and see what happens so small things like that build up because you start to feel better your brain becomes more powerful and then you're able to do you know some of the bigger goals that you may have been saving up rule number eight is increase your water intake so 75% of the brain is made up of water and of the solid matter 60% is made up of fat so the focus should be on good fats and hydrating Foods in your diet so that's like oily fish if you eat fish um eggs if you eat eggs um and then avocado nuts seeds olive oils um obviously leafy greens but particularly hydrating foods like cucumber melon and then the best foods for your brain are dark skinned Foods so like beets black beans eggplant and the good news is that dark chocolate over 80% and organic coffee count in that too because in the skins of dark Foods there's a uh something called anthocyanins which are really strong antioxidants that support your brain protect it from inflammation but also support growth of new cells um so I just Tred to eat as many of those things as I can also because of the gut brain connection fermented foods so like Cafe kombucha sauerkraut kimchi um and then you know just just eating around that the sort of right proportion of protein fat and carbs so just not too much carbs but some whole grains you need to make serotonin for example um the hydration equation is half a liter of water for every 30 pounds of your body weight so you need to work out what that ideal number is and then see where you're at at the moment and if there's a big gap just increase it by one glass of water per day over a sort of you know one to two week period otherwise you're going to notice you're going to the bathroom a lot more rule number nine is sleep with good posture can we spend a moment on sleep posture yeah of course I actually did a real for you on um Instagram yeah and I was saying that the best position for cleaning out your brain overnight which is a very active forcible flushing process of getting rid of the sort of toxins that build up through the wear and tire of daily life um and this process takes s to 8 hours is lying on your side so basically left or right side but that's better than lying on your front or your back and it's something to do with the positioning of the vessels in your neck um so basically the fluid that the brain sits in which also is you know there are ventricles in the brain that forces toxins out overnight and if your head is to the side then it's easier to expel them it's called the glymphatic system in the brain but basically it goes into your lymphatic system and then gets expelled from your body yeah so I've actually I love it side sleeping yeah I have a special pillow that makes me sleep on my side oh what is it it's a temple memory foam pillow that's got a ridge so that it fits nicely into the side of your head and neck and shoulder and Ru number 10 the last one before some very special bonus Clips is spend time in nature you mentioned nature and looking at the stars and stuff what's inherently good about nature yeah so this is really come up as a big one in the last few years and I don't I'm not sure if it's coincidental with the pandemic and having been locked up or or locked up but also had more opportunity to maybe commune with nature than we did in our hectic Lifestyles before but the brain benefits of time spent in nature are massive and I whenever I'm asked a question that I don't necessarily factually know the answer to straight away always take it back to Evolution there's a reason that our brains were wirden in a certain way and and when we first became you know Homo sapiens we walked on the surv we we walked in the land we we ate what we could hunt fish or or harvest and so our relationship with nature was was you know we were dependent on it but it was also a huge threat to us floods storms you know fires um it's the symbiotic relationship and what we've done through Agriculture and construction is just move ourselves further and further away from that and even if you just think of one like super scientific example of that is the quality and diversity of our gut Flora has diminished so much since we lived in the cave it's it's like reduced by I don't want to get the number wrong but it's a shocking Factor like hundreds um and agriculture's contributed to that antibiotics have contributed to that to that like obviously antibiotics save lives and you know it's been an amazing advance for us as humans but um the fact that we eat food that's not as diverse as it used to be that we don't necessarily eat those Natural Things the Prebiotic and Probiotic foods and supplements that allow our gut bacteria to flourish and we eat so much processed food um and that stress alcohol and antibiotics will damage our gut microbiome that's one of the huge consequences of of um having moved away from nature and people ask all sorts of questions that we don't know all the answers to yet about why do we have more diseases like me like Ms like autism like add and some of the answers lie in that disconnection from nature and what that's done to how that's shaped our bodies and our brains right um and how we live as a result of that just take one minute to look at a leaf or a petal or a squirrel or something like that's like close up right in front of you in great detail and then take one minute to look at a really large tree or building or a cloud in the distance and just see how that resets your nervous system so there's a couple of so that that's basically taking yourself away from sharp Focus to a wide Vista which is part of like living in nature and on the Savannah is that we we love having an uninterrupted view of the Horizon it's really restful for the brain oh yeah okay and then as well as like 10 deep breaths you can just do like you can take you can do a sharp intake of breath and just do like a really long sigh as well that's a nice little way to reset your nervous system we've developed an appreciation for things that we may have taken for granted before so I have been um in lockdowns I've been with one other person and it has certainly made me think at first I was like well if I'd been on my own I would have been fine but as the months drag on and as it happens again and again I just my heart just is so out there for people who've been through that on their own that is not a healthy state for us and so a lot of the work I've done in the last year is to encourage people to bathe rather than shower because immersing yourself in warm water releases the same bonding hormones that you get from physical affection from a loved one to massage your own body to do gratitude practices that involve self-touch um so a lot more you know being a lot more proactive about the fact that you may be have been isolated alone but also even with one affectionate person or you know two or three affectionate people in your family it's normal in a day to go out and shake hands or hug or kiss like eight to 12 people and so that happens and you don't even really think about it and they say that you need eight hugs a day just to sort of stay mentally stable and 20 hugs a day to grow as a you know as a person who feels healthy and happy and they can take some risks so I think suddenly demanding 20 hugs a day from one person is probably you know if your brain has seen something or experienced it through mental rehearsal then when it comes across something similar in real life it's less threatening so uncertainty is the most threatening thing to your brain anything new is a huge threat to your brain which is kind of counter to neuroplasticity right because with neuroplasticity I make myself do something new every year so I've learned several languages really yeah how many languages do you know now um I've learned five in my life I'm not going to pretend yeah um are you fluent in any yes I was very lucky I was brought up bilingual in English and an Indian language and then from the age of nine I learned French at school wow um and then as an adult I learned three other languages at different times um probably not so good at those ones um yeah so during the pandemic I I actually made a statement in the beginning which was don't put necessarily put pressure on yourself to like start a new career or learn a language then it went on for longer than we all thought it would um so I was actually on an Instagram live saying that I'd always wanted to learn the piano and somebody sent me a DM and said Dr Tara you can use the Floy app to teach yourself piano Floy huh yeah um it's a really really cool app and um I'd been gifted a piano keyboard for Christmas by my husband I I am ashamed to say a year or two earlier and never used it um so in the pandemic I did I did use the Floy app and teach myself um now you know play piano more than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star exactly yeah yeah yeah and um my husband gave me tennis lessons and then I thought okay if I can learn piano and I can learn tennis and I can see how much I improve and I can see the muscle memory from when I played tennis from when I was at at high school can I apply that to looking at life through a happier lens so it's a natural default for all of us to you know loss aversion is one of the biggest gearings of the brain and it's essential to survival loss aversion yeah so avoiding loss and uncertainty like I said we don't like that so we like things to be safe we like them to be the same you know we like to know what's going to happen and and equally we you know the brain wants to look out for danger to protect us and during the pandemic I'd been speaking for a few years about having a sabatical and a few people said to me oh now you can have a soba and I said you know I'm locked up at home I can't travel I can't see my friends I can't hug my stepson it's not a sabatical it's not the sabatical I dreamed of and also the mental health requirements were so vast that I felt I had to do my piece and really you know speak to that through Instagram through zoom and Tred to help people so I was actually busier with work than ever before trying to help people yeah but I did start you know I saw a lot of relationship breakups I saw a lot of people get sick you know a lot of people that I personally knew died during the pandemic and it was easy to start to feel like to focus on things like you can't see people you can't travel and I didn't I didn't want to see myself go down that road so I actually I got a coach you know I believe in having therapy having coaching having supervision love it I love it um and I worked on on that and she actually said to me why can't you apply neuroplasticity to being happier and because it's intangible it's you know you can make a vision board with a house and you know a a dream holiday and vacation and all that for the material world exactly but how do you create one for the emotional world I think there are and that's why imagery is important because it can evoke a feeling yes um but I remember the moment I was standing sort of at the door to my garden and a really small nice thing had happened and I thought isn't that lovely and and I I actually checked myself and I thought I notice when something goes wrong all the time I don't always acknowledge when something goes right or is really good and happy and so I could tell that I had I had changed that I was noticing those things you didn't notice that before I mean I'm sure I did sometimes with like big things the longer we have been experiencing something the more deeply entrenched it is in our brain and that's why the neural Pathways that relate to things like the values that we hold the roles that we play in our family and Social Circle how boundaried we are or not the expectations that we place on ourselves and the secrets that we keep can be so deeply embedded in the neural architecture of our brains that we're not really aware of how much they drive our Behavior so essentially these are subconscious or non-conscious beliefs that drive our thinking processes and then drive the actions that we take in the real world the good news is that through neuroplasticity you can choose Sustainable New behaviors that will overwrite those old neural Pathways that you have in your brain it's important to remember that neuroplasticity can can work for good or for bad so you also need to be so mindful of what you're exposing your brain to everything you see on the TV reading the news the people that you meet and the emotions that you experience and the thoughts that you let go round and round in your brain now there's a process for embedding sustainable Behavior change in your brain and that starts with raised awareness so you really have to bring from non-conscious to conscious what it is that's driving your behaviors and thinking processes at the moment you can do that through meditation journaling therapy or just talking to good friends once you've identified what might be holding you back from success what barriers you may be placing in front of yourself or just old patterns of thinking and behavior that no longer serve you you can start to focus attention on certain situations or relationships where these behaviors tend to show themselves up at first it's important just to notice where you could have done something differently rather than jumping straight into action once you've spent some time reflecting on this and you have a few good examples of ways that you think or behave that you'd like to change you can start the third step of deliberate practice which is choosing a new way of Behaving or choosing a new thought or positive affirmation or Mantra that you can use to overwrite old unhelpful thought patterns and then deliberately practicing these actions and thoughts until they become so strongly embedded in your brain that they become the default pathway for your brain to send energy along the more you repeat something and the more emotional intensity there is associated with it the more likely the neurons are to wire together and form new neural Pathways that make you the new you and give you the best life you can have and this is really from the root level up it's not superficial Behavior change it's changing the way that you now do things the final part of that process is about accountability we all have so many good intentions but we don't always see them through and that's why an app like living Asam or a buddy that you're going through this Behavior change process with really helps you to be much more successful than if you just have vague thoughts about changing a way of being or acting the evidence from really committing to a behavior change like this is so strong that even the field of research around epigenetics which is the effect of the environment on your genes shows that if you think in a different way act in a new way give up lifestyle behaviors that are actually holding you back from being the best self that you can be things like stress smoking drinking not exercising eating badly that you can actually change the expression of your genes so we all have um parts of our genes that can be switched on or off so even if we have certain um likelihoods of getting certain diseases or living to a certain age through our thoughts and our behaviors we can change some of those outcomes pretty incredible one way to approach this is through positive visualization so you can visualize yourself healthy and well and you can really take that to the core of you and see yourself exhibiting these good behaviors and visualize the outcome that that would have for you in the future another way of priming your brain to make sure that you stay accountable to these goals that you really want to reach is to create what I call an action board now this is like a vision board it's a collage of images metaphorical or literal that represent all the things that you really want in life but the scientific part says that you also have to take goal orientated action towards making these things come true you can't just sit at home and fantasize about them coming true so if you create an action board you look at it every day you visualize it coming true and you take the actions whether it's from the brain Body Connection actions that you committed to or something to do with a longer more sustainable Behavior change and you keep doing them you'll see the results rolling in and this really comes back to living ashram's motto of root LevelUp whole human approach to wealth to health wealth and well-being um so it's about really committing and seeing that through in every aspect of your body your thoughts your emotions and your spirit a strong negative motivator gets us into action um sometimes a a really strong positive one will do that too but not as strongly as a negative motivator so I'm thinking for example when I had my wedding come up and I wanted to look a certain way and for the whole wedding to feel a certain way I did a lot of things I wouldn't normally do to try to make sure that happened but that was unusual and I remember thinking then okay this is a really positive motivator but most of the time we do things to avoid a perceived loss or we do things because things have gone wrong for us and we need to try to make it better and at that is very explained by science because one of the strongest gearings of our brain from evolution is called loss avoidance and the brain is two to two and a half times as primed to avoid loss as it is to get a reward do you remember I mentioned the um I I mentioned six ways of thinking I may not have classified them as the brain agility model you said what's the source and I said it's your fully integrated brain power and so I I put that into six categories which are are mastering your emotions knowing yourself which is the brain Body Connection trusting your gut which is intuition making good decisions it it's logic logic has to be in there but it's just one of the six um staying motivated and resilient to reach your goals and then the final one which is kind of the culmination of those five is um creating the life that you desire so in that model I talk about using all of the different ways you have to think to to to manifest it real world outcomes but I'd also like to say at this point that I was one of those people who was told at school that I wasn't creative because I wasn't good at Art and so I want to my Headmaster or no brother brother John was it a veryan Catholic High School sent me to the Headmaster saying I couldn't be the possibly be this bad at Art I must be painting this way just to piss him off oh and look look what you've created right I'm still Shake though if you give me a paintbrush it literally it and someday I will get to challenge myself on that but that like the root beer is still in me well do you remember that quote from the book um if somebody tells you you can't paint by all means paint yes um so I think you know I want to give that to you as a as a gift um but yeah I mean things like that stay with you for ages if you're like 11 and you're told that you're not creative I believed I wasn't creative till I was 35 I fully believed I was not creative and all my friends are creative creative in the obvious sense of the word and I sort of thought isn't it strange how all my friends are creative but I'm not and there were a few friends that said but you are but I was so shut off to believing that that was true that I didn't even question it or say what do you mean or you know explore it um um so for me there was like a bang kind of you know a crisis moment that changed everything but one of the reasons I wrote The Source is that that it shouldn't have to be like that we could you know we can all bring that into our lives without necessarily having a crisis so so I wanted to reframe creativity and just make it about creating your own life um and and so man so manifestation is basically believing that you have more agency around creating you know what you want in your life rather than that life just happens to you um I totally understand that it feels like that for people a lot of the time um and you know I use this analogy where I say if if you're going on a Jour a car journey and um would you rather be the person in the driving seat choosing the destination and how you get there or are you happy to be in the passenger seat and just be driven around not know where you're going and you know the the route that you take and so a lot for for a lot of people life can feel like you're in the passenger seat and understanding Neuroscience is about putting yourself in the driver seat so the manifestation part is how much can you contribute to actually bringing into your life the things that you really really want and so it's a bit of a gray area because to me it overlaps with Magnetic desire which is something that you really really really want so there has to be a strong emotional component to it and then the acttion that draw that into your life so I'm not one of those people that says if you visualize something or make a vision board or you know imagine an ideal future that you should just wait for it to come true because you thought about it I'm very much about doing the actions that um move move you know progress you towards that goal becoming true and so um the science around manifestation and magnetic desire and vision boards is a three-step Concept in the brain which is selective attention selective filtering and value tagging and basically we're bombarded with so much information all the time everything we smell hear see everyone we meet that the brain naturally filters most of that out and um brings our attention to the things that are relevant for our survival and tags those things in order of importance and there's both a logical and an emotional component to why certain things are important to us so you can imag imagine if you're trying to hold down the day job if you're trying to put food on the table that that filtering process happens quite automatically and it's not thinking what's the best thing that could ever happen to me in my life what how do I really want my life to look like in five years time it's not doing that it's just doing how do I survive like in the next short term so um paying attention to manifestation and one of the mediums for doing that as a vision board is a way of priming your brain to notice and grasp opportunities that might otherwise have passed you by the sort of the intentionality of what you do so you can do the same thing like okay so intermittent fasting is a great example there's a huge difference between people who say oh I forget to eat breakfast and people who eat like me which is only between 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m. every day because of the intention it actually has a different effect on your body yeah so it's like your body's like burning more because you're intentional doing that or you're losing more weight or something I won't go so far as to say it's burning more or you're losing more weight but there's so again in Neuroscience there's a difference between um intentional mind wandering and just slipping off into daydreaming and so if you slip off into daydreaming that means your attention isn't the best and it's actually kind of a bad sign in terms of your focus and your concentration but if you intentionally let your mind W then actually that leads to more creative thinking the threats have changed from physical to psychological or social um although that threat also existed because we could only really Thrive as part of a tribe in the cave and that was literally for physical warmth as well as affection and you know looking after each other's children and sharing responsibilities now there aren't as many any in that way anyway physical threats to our sa our safety or our life but the social threat of being rejected Ed being lonely being abandoned um that's still very very strong in our wiring um and then other things because obviously now we have money for example that the idea of losing your job losing your lifestyle those have become you know sort of potential social threats to your safety as well and you know there's so many more but I would say that financial and relational have become the biggest threats to our safety so I think obvious examples of that are staying in a relationship where you're not really happy but you think well it's better than being single again kind of thing um and because that wiring has been there for so long and of course in Lacy's work she talks about wiring that has been there since childhood for us as individuals and we have you know made it very clear that the longer an issue has been there the harder it is to um bring it from subconscious to conscious and then deal with it this is even beyond that this is for generation and Millennia so it's a very strong default and it it's really every decision that you make is based on is the world a safe place can I do this and still be healthy and happy and you mentioned a specific which is not watching the news well I don't know any neuroscientist that I'm friends with who watches the news and and that's the reason because because we're wired to Def default to loss aversion if we continually tell our brain that there's danger out there there's bad people out there there's accidents out there you will not want to take the healthy risks that you could to make your life better because you're too aware of the possible dangers because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you are different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hasht believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for 10 more amazing rules from Gabby Bernstein check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there your presence is your power if you want to live in that life of flow if you want to attract that partner if you want to get that book out into the world if you want to make more money if you want to
Channel: Top 10 Rules For Success / Evan Carmichael
Views: 133,664
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Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evan carmichael, success advice, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, success habits, motivational speaker, success motivation, life changing advice, how to change your life, advice from successful people, how to acheive success, rules for being successful, self development for women, personal development motivation, dr tara swart podcast, dr tara swart manifestation, dr tara swart action board, dr tara swart vision board, dr tara swart the source
Id: unqqx0g2qEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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