10 Biggest Sea Creatures Ever Caught

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[Music] they say if you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime we say if you teach someone to fish it increases their odds of catching something truly spectacular after all the world's oceans lakes and rivers are loaded with all sorts of crazy creatures don't believe us just take a look at these record making catches fishermen have hauled in over the years just be sure to hit that subscribe button before casting your line largest ray okay it's probably not what you think when you imagine what a fisherman catches but wow this is one massive ray this particular one was caught in Thailand by TV personality Jeff Corwin using a line and rod in fact it is believed that this is now the largest freshwater fish ever caught using this technique so how big is this thing well it's eight feet wide 14 feet long and weighs in at nearly 800 pounds African tiger alright so a fisherman didn't actually catch a tiger but they did catch a pretty impressive giant tiger fish found in Africa this fish sports some pretty nasty looking teeth which make it look like the big brother of the piranha given its history of attacking humans anyone who takes on this guy is pretty courageous that didn't stop raymond Helpmann who battled with and reeled in a 97 pound specimen the image looks a little photoshopped but it's very real and a world record to boot that's no alligator the alligator gar is one ugly looking fish but we understand where it gets its name after all just look at its snout and all those teeth several years ago fisherman John Paul Morris bagged one of the biggest gars around how did he do it well he didn't use a rod and reel that's for sure in fact Morris used a bow and arrow to shoot his catch in the end measurements have this down as being over eight feet long and weighing 230 pounds it is believed to be the biggest gar ever caught using a bow small but impressive just to put things in perspective we'd like to remind you that the biggest catches aren't always the biggest does that make sense no well consider this when Michael Bailey lifted his net from the waters off the coast of England he discovered he had just snagged the largest sea horse ever caught the strange looking creature measured in at over 13 inches in length significantly larger than most seahorses thankfully after recording his record catch Bailey returned the monster seahorse back to the waters three's a crowd yeah we realize this picture looks 100% fake but it turns out it is very real sure they might look like oversized sunfish but these are actually known as OPA and one in the middle set a world record at 181 pounds the proud fisherman is Joe Ludlow from California and the catch was made while he and his buddies were on a recreational trip amazingly while capturing one OPA is considered rare Joe's buddies each caught pretty large specimens on their own on the same trip accidentally terrifying imagine fishing for regular fish and snagging something truly enormous and kind of terrifying at the same time fishermen in the Antarctic did just this when they noticed something freely big snagged in their line when the crew got a really good look they found it wasn't a large tuna or even a shark but instead a massive squid the largest one ever caught once they were able to inspect the creature more closely it was found that this squid was 30 feet long and weighing around half a ton the disturbing thing is researchers think this species of squid can grow upwards of 50 feet in length yikes big tuna if you're a fisherman then you know the ultimate bragging rights are provided by a picture of you posing next to your big catch well Ken Fraser has one of those pictures that put some people to shame you see Fraser holds the distinction of catching the largest tuna ever reported the bluefin he caught in 1979 weighed in at 1496 pounds and incredibly only took 45 minutes to reel in this picture captures Fraser still in shock at his massive catch it's a record that stands to this day that's no shrimp you're likely used to seeing shrimp hanging off the edge of a glass as part of a shrimp cocktail well after seeing this catch we think you'll need a much bigger glass this alien light creature was snagged by Steve Barger on who was just doing a little nighttime fishing from a Florida dock after pulling up the squirming catch to take a picture the massive mantis shrimp was released back into the water Barger on estimated the shrimp was about 18 inches long which would make it the biggest ever caught jaws no story about massive fisherman catches would be complete without a shark Frank Mundus and Don Braddock were off the coast of Montauk New York when they noticed a bunch of sharks feeding on a dead whale they decided to try their luck and bagged one of the sharks after a tough battle the two managed to get to shark that would rival the one from Jaws so just how big are we talking well that shark weighed in at an incredible 3427 pounds that's like catching a small SUV with a fishing rod well considering we've only really explored 5% of the Earth's waters and managed to catch these things just imagine what we haven't caught yet if you love learning about record-setting things then check out some of the other related videos we have to offer you at the richest just remember subscribe and we'll see you around goodbye
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 20,782,300
Rating: 4.6255655 out of 5
Keywords: fishermen, fish, caugh, creatures, underwater, ocean, water, river, under water, top 10, top 5, facts, fact, mind-blowing, mindblowing, interesting, best, most, theirchest, science, animals, education, sea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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