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those hit him up fishing we missed these fish a long time ago we came back here with a vengeance we already caught a giant here last time now we're back in just a couple of days later you see this spread way out there there's a bunch of little fish eating but if you look in the middle of that zooming right over there there's something eating on meow boy come on baby there is a Johnny just munching nonchalantly back there we did is we Chum with a bunch of cat food guys please sponsor me I appreciate you me on this you're the best fish Chum I'm gonna take my nature's own another sponsor I appreciate you butter bread all day guys I'm gonna take this a really fluffy piece Oh smells good I'm gonna put this on the hook and see we can float this out on 15 pound fluorocarbon hopefully this doesn't spook them this time you never know when you really want something working you make that boy so you see the giant back there right over there oh my gosh she's gonna come up in just a minute we're gonna try to sneak up behind it zoom and here it comes Oh okay we're gonna sneak up on that date around the corner and see we can get this bread right in front of its face come on yeah I'm gonna way over here so he doesn't wait to the right this has gotten so smart that if he sees us he will recognize us and not I threw some Chum on this side and now all spread right into the middle so I'm gonna try my best to catch this as far as I can hopefully not spook this thing hopefully beep I think that's about as good it's gonna get God it's going right at the bread come on don't see oh my god he's right next to me go we'll make a hard right hard right hard right highlight all right my Oh turn around baby my hardest Palast again here he comes back baby this is so frustrating he's going this way now way from our bread what is this Oh something just beeline for the bread he's way left now oh they're done beeline look at the way a row quick wait hold on come on RINO here comes the Rhino straight for it I feel like I'm playing polka on the world tour right now and if we do hook up to this thing this is 15 pound test it's gonna be one of the hardest fights and hope what is the turtle gotta be a turtle got to be something stupid and big see this thing come on man Oh fifteen pound test still does work what it look at that good take time tennis babies picture but we got the PACU look at the pocket he's still crazy and this turtle just came into Snookers oh my gosh go home dad is not the puck and we're looking for literally like 20 feet in front of me turtle you trying to respect him oh my god he's gonna run - he's running right to it that's what I thought was ran away this is exactly where he is you know oh right there he's right there you just swam right under our law that's why I respect these PACU so much because they're so intelligent take everything you have to outsmart these good now this thing went to the bottom it's just a demon we're to go where do you come from I don't know I have no wonder with you you literally set the rod down for like a minute we didn't you set the rod down oh my god I said well you know what this is the giant D okay okay Kelly it's gonna be it's gonna be tough we're gonna have to run all the way around the lake cause it's lighter line yeah he's right here come back what are the odds I'll set down the rod for two second one for two seconds guys for two seconds like literally we were trying so hard to get to eat he comes up out of nowhere circles we just saw we how many yards away like 30 75 yards away but work them a little bit this way this is a good this is a decent spot because we have that piece of crap right there so less do we have a lot of crap for right now so we're actually kind of screwed it's not a deep spot at all I take it back fifteen pound test we're keeping the pressure on as much as we can we're trying to turn them back and forth this is a giant fish age' Pete if I catch this one today Kelly and I would have caught both the fish that I lost about two years ago playing with us you want to see what we're working with now come up and look at us and then he's gonna dart okay here we go three two yes thank you oh I can see him Turnham its Ryan tryin to turn I'm trying to turn him now trying to turn him now come on turn back baby turn back on he went under you went under it should've brought your waders today uh oh my you are a legend well did he turn it going - good you come that to the weeds have to dig you might get a look you might have a chance to do it right now you might have the chance to do it right now go ahead head first if you can oh no no no dang it this thing is smart okay here we go you know the rocks my god the Roscommon it oh my god come on the rock and that's how you do it ladies and gentleman doing the late guys if you're epochal don't come around Kellyanne I because we are the Power Team give me a hot box and give me the camera hey and give me a high-five again my face hokku on dick while waterfall he's in for a weird surprise what's a big channel but this is that fish you were talking about miles it's almost as heavy I missed this two years ago when you work so small and now look at the teeth look at the teeth my way look at those teeth yes they're really slippery we're gonna keep this in the water and we're gonna get some water we're actually gonna keep this thing as a pet a giant pam surprising my friend who has a pool with fish in it is that kind of cool give me some skin it's slimy I'm sorry yes ma'am how peas are you have a nice eye sorry about that All Right see you later mr. Lamie baby no miss I'm sorry I'm just I'm really excited I caught the fish okay okay all right just fish alive I appreciate you doing that for me officer so what we're gonna do is gonna change port this fish he's doesn't look too good because we did have a little bit of a holdup but we're gonna try our best to get him inside the cooler in rinse race home literally the other fish picked it up you guys know the drill alright so he's gonna be good still kicking we got a race home though let's do it guys I know the perfect place to put this PACU whether it lives or dies I'm not sure because we did deal a lot with it we had a big slow down by the cops but the officer was just doing what she was doing it's a person who called the cops his fault that was really lame really late but it whatever you know I do what you got to do this huge PACU Joey slam is a baton has no idea we're doing but at the same time I'm not sure if this puck was gonna make it I don't have all these key on me and I really want to put the stay in Olympia but honestly I have no space in my pot either I was gonna surprise Harley but we do have doing so we might be in luck just for this instance so check it out from here I gotta get the hook out of this guy buddy where's Oh Oh the line just popped all right cool so I did have a large pot with at some predatory Finn's I actually caught him I had to leave the hook as he was gonna and that puppy was doing fine and this really massive we was on tour Landry sure it's the same so anyway we're just going to take this mop take our time master oh my god so I'm just gonna put this thing in here step back to them actually we give it up you know I see it alright actually hold this thing just don't bite me oh my gosh don't bite don't bite me I can get you I can get them account oh my god thing has jaws of steel oh don't want it don't want to stress him man check it out boom so nice and quick and easy get the Jewish layin power good feel so nice to be a punk ooh I rather have a rounder puns for a big fish like this but Joey's flame is going to be so surprised if this thing does do okay which I'm just not sure if it will anyway either more pause because we were held up for so long eight feet from the easement which means eight feet from the water line you're allowed to walk in the back yards down here in South Florida that's a rule hopefully this pocket does okay it is massive it looks awesome but if it doesn't guys it's gonna be a popular catch and cook you are turning around all day whoa what didn't he try to eat you I know it looked like it luckily Joey had this ketchup on the air bubbler because it doesn't look like there's too much like air flow going on foot here you just have signals over here that really cool slingshot video eat me good job Joey slam so we got the bubblers connected I'm gonna put one right here I think that's gonna be pretty good have it tied up so if the bobbin starts kicking I have one over here alright one going right here directly to crops and hopefully that does okay keep this guy alive that is a big fish for this little pond but we just need this thing to survive this long enough that we can find a data Commons building nothing but pop up on that womb but we're not going to waste anything if this guy does die then we're definitely going to have a huge massive pop you can cook guys I hope you're surviving my child to the moment to the moment
Channel: Catch Em All Fishing
Views: 1,516,160
Rating: 4.4930339 out of 5
Keywords: epic, catch em all fishing, food, monster mike fishing, aquarium, fish in garage pool, amazing, monsterfishkeepers, cops, the king of diy, flair, florida, fish tank, fish, flyfishing, fv family, diy, vlog, 1rod1reelfishing, icefishing, fisherman's life, fishing, pond, fishing videos, cops called, shark, rawwfishing, jon b., family, how to fish, catfish, blacktiph, how to, funny, catch em all, keeping mega fish, pool pond, nature, bass
Id: Yku2C6vXJQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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