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I'm attempting to start a new series here on my channel and when I say attempting I mean like I hope I'll stick with it I'm planning either every month or every other month to share some of my favorite things that I have gotten on Amazon I always like to say that I try more stuff than the average bear on Amazon because part of my job is trying and finding the best [Music] stuff okay my first product is essentially like a remix of a product that I had in the past I have had this sort of Veggie dicer thing I feel like it's kind of one of those viral Amazon products that you see all over the place and I did really like the one that I had but I had some issues with it it was like a 12in one dicer slicer grater mandolin thing I don't really know it did it did like a lot of things and so it came with a lot of pieces and I have a little bit of a pet peeve with specifically kitchen items that come with too many random pieces that I don't really need and I actually ended up giving it away to a friend because I was so annoyed with how much space it took up in my kitchen for the amount of time that I was using it I'm one of those people that Purge and declutter often and very rarely do I regret getting rid of something but after a month or two I did kind of regret getting rid of this product but not because I needed the 12 different pieces I literally regretted it because I wanted something that could slice and could finally Dice and so after I did some research I found that you could get essentially the same product but you could choose to have just the four and one so this one only came with four pieces it included a large Dice and a small Dice and then two mandolin options which is exactly what I wanted it's all that I needed it takes up much less space because it is just one little storage Cube to hold four different plates and I now can use it for my dicing and I can use it for mandolin so if this is a product that maybe you have been considering but you feel the same way you're like I really don't need 24 pieces this 4in one one 4 in one one in my opinion is the I'm I was going to say bees knees I like I'm not sure where that came from it's real great well stick on kitchen I found this collapsible mashed potato masher how many times have you gone to close a drawer in your kitchen and you can't you either can't close it or you can't open it cuz your potato masher is in the way I kind of gone down a rabbit hole a finding collapsible things for my kitchen drawers specifically things that always would get caught in the drawers so I had already replaced my lemon press and my whisk with collapsible ones and this mashed potato masher was just hanging on still making my drawer hard to open but lo and behold you can buy a collapsable potato masher and I did and it works really really great I just bought a new set of these fillable uh freeze pops I actually had bought some of these last year and I love these cuz my kids love freeze pop and listen I get it some occasional sugar and artificial dye is not going to like be the end all be all but my kids love them so much that in my mind I'm like I feel like I could use this to my advantage to like sneak some good nutrients in and so I will blend up my own like smoothies and pour them into these freezer pops and my kids love them there are million delicious recipes that you can follow online but typically I will do some kind of fruit mixture maybe with yogurt or with coconut milk and lots of times I'll throw some veggies in there or some chia seeds they do come with a funnel which is really nice and my trick is if your smoothie mixture is a little bit on the thicker side it can be hard to pour into the freezer pop thing but if you just take a straw and you blow a little air into the freeze pop bag before you pour your mixture in then it'll make it so that it pours in really easily these are a huge hit in my house another product that maybe will be in the May favorites that I've decided I'm going to buy is those little sleeves that go over freezer pops they're like Koozies for freezer pops these are one of those products that I've seen for years and I'm always like I don't need that like that is just extra clutter in my kitchen but now that my kids are having these like yogurt freezer pops I'm constantly having to wrap it in like a towel or like a washcloth or whatever and I'm like I don't know maybe I could use some of those freezer pop Koozies okay I bought these door alarms our youngest is now he just turned one and we have two areas like two we have a gate and a door that are not super safe areas for him to go to one is the door to our basement and then the other one is the gate that leads to our upstairs it wasn't a big deal with my first and my second because it was only adults that would go through that gate and we always knew to close it behind us but now that my oldest is old enough to like open the gate he doesn't always remember to close it so anyways I had done some research for door door alarms and a lot of them were like these very intense when they were left open it would let off like this crazy loud siren alarm but I ended up finding these ones and you can set them to different settings so there's actually two different beeps one is more of like a siren setting it's still not super loud which is great and then the other one sounds more almost like when a door gets open in a store or something and what I love is you can set different delays for it so ours are set for 5-second delays um so it doesn't go off the second you open the door you have a chance to open the door and close it behind you and then if it's left open for 5 seconds then the alarm will go off and repeat every 5 seconds but you can change it I think to 10 seconds 15 seconds and 30 seconds and so I just think this is a really great option if you have places you want to be notified when the doors open but you don't necessarily want like a blaring alarm about it okay next up are these clothing storage cubes I actually got um a set of like three or four of these a few months back and I was using it to store all of my kids winter gear and just like their General outdoor gear and I was loving these storage bins so much because you can stack stuff inside of them you can open it from the top like you would a normal I feel like most of us have been like storing a lot of our clothes in like the big toel wees and you can still open from the top and put stuff in or take stuff out but the problem with those is you're left leg digging looking for stuff what's really cool about these bins is on the side panel it's like a plastic window so you can see everything and then you can actually open it from the side as well as the top if you want to be able to pull something out so this was really great for our winter storage and like our outdoor storage stuff because I could go down I could open the side compartment just take out what we needed one of my big spring cleaning projects was to organize the rest of the clothes that we keep in and storage we have switched everything over to these and let me tell you it is the way to store all of your clothes a random little beauty favor I love are these pixie glow pads in January I splurged as a like kind of Christmas present like a belated Christmas present to myself um three products from barefaced if you've ever looked at bareface the brand it's a pricey brand I spent over $300 on three products which is way more than I spend on skincare and then much to my dismay I really did enjoy the products I ended up getting their overachiever their like vitamin C serum and then a set of pads the one good thing is the overachiever and the vitamin C serum that I bought way back in January I am still using now so that feels kind of worth it to me that I'm getting like almost 5 months of use out of these I don't know girl math I'm justifying it to myself whatever but the pads ran out faster and so I did a little research online to see if there were any good dupes these glow tonic to go pads from pixie when you like compared the ingredients they came out as a very close match and so I ended up trying them out they have glycolic acid aloe vera gin sing so I get the pixie ones for just under $20 I'm saving more than half the price there skincare is tricky I don't recommend skincare and beauty stuff a lot just because I feel like everybody's skin is different but I have been loving these pads okay a few quick kid products one are these toothpaste covers these are like little silicone covers that go over the top of your toothpaste once my kids specifically my 3-year-old got into like I'll do it myself phase with toothpaste our toothpaste heads got like gross real real fast not to mention the top was always lost so I bought these out of desperation and I really love them it allows you to not have to worry about keeping a cap on it it dispenses the toothpaste slower for the kids which is really great and then it auto sort of like closes when you're done squeezing next up we got my son um this little like Walker for his first birthday he had had one that we had bought for my first that my all of my kids had used and it was cute and it was nice but it really wasn't the best for early Walkers if they tried pull themselves up onto it it would fall back on them so I knew I wanted to get a new one because Tate is now at the age where he loves pushing things around and we are going to have one more baby so it felt worth it and so I did some research I won't lie I looked a little into Aesthetics because some of them are I'm really great but gosh they are ugly and I am stumbling across this one and what I loved about it besides the fact that it was nicel looking it doesn't hurt was that it worked really great as a walker but because of the big bucket in the front I knew that my older kids would also just love using this as a push C kids love toys they can fill and then like push around we've had it for a few weeks now and already's proven it's worth all three of my kids play with this in different ways my one-year-old can pull himself up with it totally successfully without it flipping back on him and the wheels are a little bit more sturdy with a rubber coating and so he doesn't like fling across the hardwood floors on them and last but not least is this clipon snack tray I don't if clipon is the right word it's like a wrap-on snack tray this has been going viral lately and I decided I wanted to try it out for my myself we have a Zoe stroller that we use for like quick little trips it's kind of like more of our travel stroller and it does have the option to put snack snack cups onto it but they're kind of to the side and I've never loved the position I always wished that it was a snack tray in the front like our Uppa baby has and essentially what this clip on tray does is it has these really sturdy like metal wrap things that you can wrap onto any bar and so I thought it'd be a perfect solution for the stroller and it is it holds on really really well like snack tray isn't like wobbling or moving around when my is eating out of it so I love that it's really versatile to give you the option to have a snack tray in some places where maybe you needed one almost forgot about my 10th product I got this little wristlet for my wallet and my keychain I just love this because you can slide it over your wrist it has two pockets so you can have one to put like cards in and then one to put like your lip gloss or just like random other little stuff and then the Carabiner is really easy to just clip your keys right onto it so I just love this it's like an all-in-one handsfree easy mom option all right my friends that does it some of the best things that I bought from Amazon in April if you like this video give it a thumbs up let me know if you would like to see this continue as a series I'm going to try to stick with it I'm not always historically really great about series but I'm feeling really good about this one as always thank you so much for stopping by and watching I hope you're having a fantastic day remember to be kind to yourself and to others and I will see you all in my next video
Channel: That Practical Mom
Views: 69,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon must haves, amazon must haves 2024, amazon finds, amazon home, amazon must haves with links, tiktok amazon finds, amazon favorites 2023, amazon best sellers, best amazon products, amazon finds aesthetic, amazon home finds, amazon products you need to buy, best things on amazon, amazon may 2024, amazon 2024, best amazon finds 2024, what to buy on amazon, but first coffee
Id: U-3vg2ne0RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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