1Password Tutorial | The Full Beginners Guide

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a password manager is the best investment you can make to keep your online accounts secure one of my personal favorites is one password not only because it's super easy to use but it also incorporates some of the best security that any online password manager has today in this video I'm going to show you how to set up one password so it's super easy to use but also super secure and stick around because I'll show you a really cool feature of one password that you can use to send secure information back and forth between different people now I said that one password was one of the most secure online password managers and the reason for that is because there's two pieces of critical information that are used to secure your vaults the first is the use of a master password now this is going to be standard on any online password manager but it's the first ingredient to secure your Vault like any master password for a password Vault you want to make sure that this is the only time that you're using this password this has to be super strong and it has to be unique what separates one password from other password vaults though is the use of the second component it's called a secret key this is also something that only you have these two pieces of information combine to restrict access to your Vault and keep it super secure so even in situations like that password manager that won't be named LastPass so even in that situation when somebody was able to gain access to the password Vault it wouldn't matter because even if they start trying to crack your master password they also have to crack your secret key so it's just not going to happen and most importantly here one password doesn't store your master password or your secret key so there's nothing that somebody could steal from one password this is what allows it to up the security the first step in getting one password set up is to choose the right plan for you so let's start there so to get started let's just go to onepassword.com and we'll start checking out what they have available so I want to go over to pricing and I want to look at all the different plans that they have available now you can see they have something for everyone they have an individual plan a family plan A Team starter pack and then a business plan the main thing here is to just figure out how many people are going to be using it if it's just going to be you the individual plan is going to be perfect but if you're planning to share this with your family or friends you're going to want to look at the family plan or the team's plan this is going to get you all the same features but it's going to open it up where you're just going to get more value and be able to share for a cheaper option if you're a business the best option is going to be the business plan because there are extra Integrations that are available that can tie into other features that are already present in your environment but for most people you're going to really focus in on the individual or the family plan it's important to note here that there is no free option for one password now there are cost effective options here but you got to keep that in mind I personally believe that the cost is well worth it with just how easy it is to use one password all the features that they pack in which we're going to walk through today okay so to get started here I'm going to select the 14-day trial here and we're going to get this set up now so I'll first just put in my name and then we're going to put in our email address and then we'll go ahead and create the account now this is where you're going to get a six digit verification code that's sent to that email address to ensure that it's really you so we'll go over to our email and we'll just pop that in here and click next so this is our first indication of How It's using the master password with the secret key it's giving you a run down here it's telling you how this works together to protect your data it's calling out here that you're going to need both your master password and the secret key in order to log in to one password this is going to be true on any device that you're logging in remember that because it's going to be really important as we move along so we'll go ahead and we'll click next here and now this is where we're going to create that master password going back to the security features of onepass where they call this out here that they are not going to be able to reset your master password so if you lose that it's game over and the reason for that is because they never receive your master password they just don't know what it is and that works in your favor from a security perspective so we're going to create the master password now again you want this to be super strong I recommend you put this over 25 characters and I'm a big fan of passphrases so that it's just easier to remember so we'll go ahead and we'll pop this in here confirm here and now we're going to click next at this point our account is getting created so now that our master password is created we're getting prompted to generate the secret key again just like the master password the secret key never makes its way to one password it stays on your local device because it's actually generated from there and one password does a great job of calling that out here so we're going to go ahead and generate the secret key because one password is not going to have a copy of this key it's important that you save a copy of this so we're going to save this down to our local system first and we'll talk about this in just a minute on what you're going to do with this so from here we're going to go ahead and click next and then we're set now the 14-day trial starts today you can bill it annually or monthly we'll do whatever is going to work for you okay now let's Circle back to that PDF that we downloaded we can see here that this is a one password emergency kit and it's called the emergency kit for a reason because this is everything that you're going to need to log in to one password from any device so this is going to include your email address your full secret key and then it also includes a spot for your master password that you can write down and lastly you have this setup code here at the bottom which is going to help you in the event that you want to be able to just scan it and just automatically import your secret key we'll walk through that in a minute as I said this document is very important because it's the only backup that you have of all the information you need to log into one password so I recommend you print this out and keep it somewhere safe and secure and then delete that PDF from your desktop the next thing we're going to do is set up MFA for our account this is going to make sure that we have an added layer of protection beyond the master password beyond the secret key so this is really taking it to the next level to secure access so in order to set up MFA we're just going to go to more actions and then we're going to go to manage two-factor authentication there are two options that are available to you you have an authenticator app which which is something you'll have on your mobile phone or you'll have the option for a hardware key if you want to go the most secure route I recommend using a Hardware Key this is phishing resistant and it's really going to help secure your account if you do this make sure that you set it up with two keys just in case you lose one I like to have one that's a primary that I'll take with me and then one that's a backup that I keep in a secure location we'll start setting up the authenticator app first so I'll go ahead and click on that you're going to get a QR code here and you're just going to go to your favorite authenticator app of choice and configure it there when you scan that QR code you click next and then you're just going to type in the six digit code that you're prompted with so we'll do that now and then you can see great it's been registered it's that easy next we're going to add a Hardware Key and it's a very similar process here so to add the hardware key we're just going to go and click on add a security key we're going to type in a name and then we're going to click through and say okay and then I have my key plugged in already so it's prompting me to enter in the security pin that I've assigned to this key so I'll go ahead and type that in and then I'm going to touch the key in order to complete this setup one second here and that's it we're done it's really that easy so now we have two different forms of MFA set up and our account is very secure at this point we're ready to start importing data if we have passwords from other locations otherwise we can just start going to different websites and reconfiguring all of our passwords to be extra secure if you do need to import the passwords you simply go to your profile again and click on import the cool thing about one password is they make it really easy to import just about anything from a lot of popular different things like your browser or other password managers if we go ahead and click through one of these you can see they give you very easy to understand instructions on what you need to do to then import it in most of the time this is just going to be about exporting those passwords from another password manager and then importing them into one password so in this case you would just export it from your other password manager go ahead and click continue you would upload it here by choosing the Vault that you want to go to by default it's going to be the personal Vault and then you would go ahead and upload by just dropping in whatever the file is and then you're good to go so assuming you've imported all of your passwords now we have to get all of our devices set up and I'm going to Target three in particular it's going to include the web browser extension the desktop application and then your mobile device as well to do that you just go back over to your profile and then you click on get the apps they have a lot of different options available and as I mentioned we're going to start first with the browser extension so I'm going to click on one password for Chrome because I'm using Chrome this is going to take me over to the Chrome web store and I'm just going to click on add to Chrome we're going to click ADD extension and Google is going to go ahead and install this into Chrome you can see here that it just automatically pops it in and now I'm getting redirected to sign into one password so we're going to see this login process for the very first time here go ahead and click on sign in I'm going to choose my account and then because I've already logged in from this device this is important the secret is already there so we don't have to do anything with that and all we're going to have to do is go ahead and type in our master password and click sign in now our MFA is kicking in here which is great it's prompting me for my most secure MFA option which is my Hardware key so I'm going to go ahead and touch that again one second all right so we got that in and now we're in a good position where one password is now logged in VIA that web browser extension so for that browser extension we can see it's right here and I'm just going to pin that to my browser here so I don't have to click on that button again so now if I go ahead and click on that you can see it's all set up this is the interface that we're going to be using from now on with the web browser extension with the web browser extension set up let's now look at the desktop application so I'm running Windows here so I'm just going to go ahead and download that for one password for Windows and then when that's finished downloading I'm just going to go click on that and we'll begin the installation process so it's going to prompt me do I want to install it yes I do and it's going to go ahead and start installing this on my desktop so it's a very simple install from here I'm going to go ahead and sign in now this is where it gets a little more complicated because we have that secret key so we're going to have to input not only our master password but the secret key as well so you have a couple different options here I can just sign in on onepassword.com I can sign in with the emergency kit I can scan the QR code it's a little bit harder on the desktop app that'll be good on mobile though or we can just manually input all of the different account details so I'm going to go and just do enter Account Details here so you can see what it looks like so the first thing I need to do is pop in my email address we're then going to have to enter that secret key now because I'm logged in on the website and we can get our secret key here I'm just going to do that because it's going to be the easier option here so I'm going to go back to my profile I'm going to then look at my secret key and just copy it from here I'll then go back to one password pop in my secret key and then all I need to do is enter in my password and we'll go ahead and sign in from here now again two-factor authentication prompt here so I'll show you this time what it looks like if I'm signing in with the authenticator app so I'll go ahead and fire that up and I'll just type in that one-time password verify the code foreign and there you go we're logged in on the desktop application now as well to install the mobile app it's very straightforward you're just going to go install that application on your phone whether it's Android or iPhone and then when you go and run that you're going to get prompted to sign in and then you're going to select the QR code at this point you can go show this QR code and then scan that with your phone and that's going to enter in the information like your secret key to allow you to to log in at that point you just type in your master password and then that's it you're into the application with one password installed on all our devices now we can just quickly look at the settings to make sure everything is in order I like to do that through the desktop app just because I find the interface a little bit easier to use so to do that we'll just pull up one password and then we're going to click on our profile here on the left and then click on settings from here we can just take a quick look at what we have there's not really anything you need in general unless you want to have some of the keyboard shortcuts that are going to launch one password when you need it I like to look at security and you're going to have to change these depending on your device your mobile app is going to have a little bit different settings than some of these others but it's a pretty self-explanatory important thing here for the desktop version is you want to lock one password when the computer locks so keep that the same here or if you're not using one password or you're not using the system at all you want to just condense this down potentially this is going to be up to you best practice for this is just going to put it about two minutes that way you can just log in when you need to and we can set this up with Biometrics on our devices so I don't have Windows hello in my system that's where you can use your fingerprint or your face to unlock it you can use that with a Windows device or on a Mac you can use Touch ID to set that up I also like to make sure that I have this clipboard option selected this is just going to make sure that if I do copy a password it's going to clear my clipboard after 90 seconds here this is just going to help if there is malware on my system that is monitoring that clipboard it could steal that password so this is just good housekeeping from here we'll go over to the Privacy sections and here I want to make sure that I am checking for compromised websites so if there's a website that got compromised this would notify me I also like to enable checking for vulnerable passwords this is especially important if you do have old passwords that you've imported into the Vault that maybe you didn't have a unique password for so this is going to be important one in a minute when we look at another feature because that can help you identify some weaker passwords so go ahead and make sure that's enabled and then I also like to ensure that I'm checking for two-factor authentication this is going to allow me to know that if there is a website that supports two-factor authentication and I'm not using it then I can go ahead and configure that appropriately so make sure that that's selected as well we can also just quickly take a look at the browser extension to see the differences here to go to the settings here you simply click on this menu here and go to settings this is going to pop up a different website and we can just quickly see that a lot of these settings are the same here I do want to make sure that Watchtower is enabled here with all all of our devices configured we're now in a position to start using this so let's give this a shot and just see how it works so I'm going to first just go over to Coursera and see what it's like to create an account here so we're going to go ahead and click join for free and then we're going to just enter in some information here we'll pop in our our email address and then you can see here we're getting prompted to use a suggested password this is from one password and look at that it's a very complex password I like this already so we're going to go ahead and click on that and look it pops up here it's going to allow us to change the name our username our password it's going to add in the website here which is going to allow it to just Auto recognize it and you can change the autofill Behavior here where you can have it where it's fill in anywhere on this website that's the default you can have it where you're only filling it in on the exact domain or you can just have it be never default is going to be fine here last thing here is if you do have multiple vaults set up you can just save it to whichever Vault you'd want we only have one so we're going to say we're going to stick there okay we'll go ahead and click save and then we'll complete the registration and click on join for free I have to prove that I'm a human here no pressure no pressure okay we're good and that's it we're good to go if for some reason I wanted to change this password I could do that as well so I'll just go ahead and click on the web browser extension here click on one password and then we can see I have the option here to edit from here it actually pops open the desktop application if I didn't have this open it might pop up on the web browser and then from here we can just go ahead and change the password so I'm going to go ahead and change this to something that's a really terrible password and we're going to see why this is important in a minute go ahead and click save look right away it's already telling us hey this is a vulnerable password it's appeared on a list of exposed passwords this is really important because this type of feature is what you can use to figure out if you're using insecure passwords or not and you can see this didn't pop up when we were using a uniquely generated password and that's why you want to use a password manager because you get those unique passwords for every single site another cool feature of one password is we can do a lot with the application itself so I'm just going to open up the web browser here go over to the Coursera one we're still showing that it's a weak password but if we needed to we can copy out our username or a password it's already reminding us that the password is terrible here so thank you one password one thing that's really cool is if you needed to reveal it you could show it there this is really nerdy but I I actually love seeing this in large type really important if you're logging to another computer for the first time and you're on your mobile it just helps to really clearly see what that password is another cool feature of one password is you can actually manage your two-factor authentication through one password so let's check out what that looks like I'm gonna go and click on the settings here and Coursera has a beta option for this so we're just going to enable that now we're going to pop in our password you can see how it pops up automatically and now we have a QR code here so I'm just going to go back into one password and I'm going to go to Coursera here I'm going to click on the three dots and you can see scan QR code so go ahead and click that and then you can see we have a new field here which is our one-time password so we're going to copy that out pop back here verify the code and now we're all set you can now do two-factor authentication through one password that's awesome so if you did import all your previous passwords and you did want to check the security of all of them all you need to do is go over to your Vault here click on that and then you can see we can click on Watchtower here and it's going to go in and generate a report now we can see we have one week password and it pulled us over to Coursera which is the password that we set up intentionally week here there's a lot of other cool features with Watchtower where it'll check obviously the weak passwords it'll also look for those vulnerable passwords that's what we selected earlier in our settings it will also show you any compromised websites that have been impacted by a data breach there's also an option at the bottom here for a breach report this will look if your email address has been included any breach using have I been pone so it's a good way to kind of just keep a good sense of how out there is your email address or passwords and what do you need to do to try to secure them you can also go through and see any passwords that are reused and also any sites that are known to have two-factor authentication but you don't have it configured for this might not seem like a big deal but when you're dealing with hundreds of passwords especially if you haven't used a password manager before this is a very good way to just get some hygiene checks on your passwords and when you're doing things like using weak passwords or reusing passwords this is how hackers take advantage of this to log into your accounts so take the time to go through these Watchtower reports trust me you're not going to regret it all right I told you before there was a really cool feature about how you can share sensitive information with others so let's dig into that now to do that I want to start by creating a new Vault so I'm just going to scroll down here and click on new Vault and I'm going to give this just the name of shared we'll say shared passwords here and you can give it a quick description so we're going to go ahead and click on create vault and that's going to go ahead and do that and then we'll go ahead and click on view Vault from here I'll just create a new password okay and we'll go ahead and click save from here I'm going to go to the right here and click on invite people now this is going to be one of the differences between the individual account and the family plan so I'm just going to go ahead and click on upgrade to the family plan and now it's going to allow me to invite people so from here we have the option to invite by email so you can put in whoever you want here and just go ahead and click invite that individual will get an email prompting them to join that Vault and you can see down here we have a pending invitation and that's going to Auto expire after five days if that person doesn't accept it now the important thing to understand here is when you're inviting them and they accept access into that Vault they are going to have access to this password here so you want to be careful on who you're adding to it and really be cognizant of the access that you're granting now the good thing is you can create as many vaults as you want so you can get pretty granular in this and when you don't need somebody to have access anymore you just remove them and you're good to go and it's just not passwords that you can share we can add things things like a secure note or a document so if we wanted to send information securely we just create a new Vault and then add in our information we want to share invite somebody to that and we're good to go and that's one password in a nutshell as you can see it's super easy to use super simple to secure and most of all it's fairly cost effective for all the things that you can do with it add in the fact that those vaults are one of the most secure that you're going to get with an online password manager and you can see that this is a very clear winner in the online password War
Channel: Jason Rebholz - TeachMeCyber
Views: 58,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: password vault, lastpass hack, lastpass breach, password manager, best password manager, best password vault, 1password setup, 1password set up, 1password tutorial, bitwarden vs 1password, 1password review, 1password families, 1password family, 1password guide, how to use 1password
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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