10 Prehistoric Creatures That Might Be Alive Today!

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[Music] life on earth goes through a cycle of evolution and extinction that's just how the world works however dominant of species might be today chances are it will be long gone in a few million years yet some creatures defy the odds and live through the various mass extinctions that have happened throughout prehistory and are still alive today so there's no reason why these creatures on our list couldn't have done the same today we're going to be looking at 10 prehistoric creatures that might still be alive to this very day do you think nessie is just a figment of someone's wild imagination well stay tuned till number one as it might just change your mind with all that said and done let's begin shall we number 10. the megatherium when you think of sloths you likely think of small slow-moving creatures but in the ice age there were types of slaws that had much more active and aggressive tendencies one of the biggest among these were the megatherium just how big did they get well these ground sloths could actually grow up to 20 feet long which is longer than many land creatures today including elephants for all that we know the megatherium went extinct at around 8 500 bc along with other iconic animals such as the irish elk and the saber-toothed tiger however scientists now believe that this giant ground sloth survived in remote areas while some say for another 5 000 years but others say that they may still be roaming unexplored areas of the amazon until today amazon locals often tell tales of the mafinguari which is an animal that stands over nine feet tall with nasty claws backward facing feet and an extra mouth on its belly the terrible beastie would surely send you running for the hills if it didn't get a hold of you first though if accounts of locals are to be believed you'd likely smell it coming and have ample chance to get away because the mapping wallery is said to give off a horrific scent it's alleged to be a carnivore and has been blamed for devouring herds of cattle but never has there been a documented assault on a human before we move on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take 5 seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works [Music] number nine the mokeli member in the swampy jungles of western africa reports persists of an elephant-sized creature with smooth brownish-grey skin a long flexible neck a very long tail as powerful as the crocodiles and three clawed feet the size of frying pans over the past three centuries native pygmies and western explorers have told how the animals feed on the nut-like fruit of a riverbank plant and keep to the deep pools and subsurface caves of waters in this largely unexplored region does the description sound familiar to you well it should because what you just heard is the textbook description of a sauropod large plant eaters with long necks and tails and tiny heads these dinosaurs died out over 70 million years ago but could it be possible that a certain species of sauropods survived the great extinction and continued to exist in certain unexplored regions sightings of this animal is prevalent in the congo where the legend actually started given the fact that 80 percent of the likula region in the northeast congo so remains uncharted there is a large possibility that a few of these animals still survive number 8 the short-faced bear the short-faced bear also called the giant short-faced bear or the bulldog bear was a genus of prehistoric bear which ranged across from north america from the mid pleistocene until at least 11 000 years ago this creature may be one of the largest known terrestrial mammalian carnivores that has ever existed although generally believed to be extinct some cryptozoologists have theorized that it may still exist in north america or russia many have suggested that a number of accounts included in collections of supposed bigfoot sightings especially from the eastern united states may in fact refer to surviving short-faced bears which he knows have the limb proportions of a gorilla these bigfoot accounts describe much larger animals with eyes that glow in the dark they have also been reported in sightings in canada particularly northern british columbia alberta and saskatchewan locals in the area have been telling tales of a large bear-like animal strong enough to carry off a full-grown moose number seven the megalania the megalania sometimes called the giant ripper lizard is a very large lizard-like creature resembling a komodo dragon which inhabits southern australia the creature has been cited many times in the last century with some sightings suggest that it lives also in new guinea during the middle of the day a surveyor returned to his trunk tired he wanted nothing more than to go home he spied what he thought was a fallen tree near his car and blaming his fatigue for his lack of details he climbed in his car and slammed the door the log suddenly bolted away it ended up being a lizard of 15 feet in length as recently as the late 70s there have been megalania sightings in july 1979 rex gilroy was performed a footprints of the creature found in a recently plowed field across the field where 30 or so trash from what looked like an enormous lizard rain had ruined most of the tracks but gilroy was able to make a plaster cast of one that had been preserved the footprint looked surprisingly like something that might have been made by a megalania another incident includes a farmer who observed a gigantic lizard walking along one of his fields it walked along a wire fence so the farmer used a set of fence posts as a guide his estimate of the beast was a length of 20 to 25 feet which corresponds to the size of the megalania number six the moa when people first arrived in new zealand they encountered giant wingless birds known as mullahs these birds were distinct from other flightless birds such as ostriches emus and cassowaries which possessed wings whereas moaz had lost the wing bones completely the largest moa species could reach up to 12 feet in size larger than any other bird on the island due to what many believed to be over hunting by early maori moes became extinct somewhere between the late 1300s and early 1500s however in the 1840s australian bird painter john gould reported seeing what he described as giant kiwis on the south island of new zealand that were around a meter tall and had spurred feet gould's spurred feet description had matched those of fossilized miller footprints found on the north island in 1978 a japanese research team investigated the south island to see if moas were still living in the area but didn't gain any evidence of continued survival it has been suggested that the people reporting have seen moa's were exaggerating or seeing large individuals of known birds these include cassowaries or emus others however still argue that some small species of moa have survived in the present number five the tigre dontero the tigre dontero which when translated from spanish means tapir-eating tiger is a cryptid cat reported from the montane forests of colombia ecuador and venezuela as well as from paraguay at one dubious sighting it is described as a long famed cat about the same size as a jaguar this creature has long been speculated as living descendants or even a surviving species of the saber-toothed tiger in 1975 an unusual big cat was allegedly killed in paraguay and examined by zoologist juan akavar who supposedly identified it as a living smilodon weighing 160 pounds it also had 12 inch fangs however to avoid causing any hysteria either akavar or the authorities declared that it was a mutant jaguar with a jaw deformation the fate of the body is unclear although according to some sources it was incinerated other sightings of this animal have been reported since then the latest one in 1991 when a hunter named tirson sosa claimed that in the dry season while hunting about three days upriver on the left bank of the kara river he saw a long fang short-tailed unpatterned cat the size of a jaguar emerge from a thicket to drink from a pool of water it appeared stealthily and vanished cautiously number four the woolly mammoth probably the poster child of the ice age the woolly mammoth is an extinct relative of the elephant that lived in north america and europe during the piscine epoch until about 1700 bc they were about 9 to 11 feet tall on the shoulder and they had great curving tusks that they use for sweeping snow off the ground to get to the grasses and mosses on the ground that they eat they also used them possibly for fighting similar to modern elephants like musk oxen woolly mammoths were adapted for the cold due to their long shaggy hair covering their bodies while generally accepted as extinct there are claims of holy mammoth still alive in the remote areas of the tundra of the northern hemisphere many native american indian tribes have told tales that concern the animal the northeast algonquian is hold of a great moose with a kind of limb growing between its shoulders a fifth leg used to prepare its bed while the noscopy of northeastern labradors knew of a monster with a long nose it used to hit people siberian tribesmen have reported large shaggy beasts to local authorities though there has been no scientific proof the mammoth has been cited in asia south america north america russia and other places as well number three the gigantopithecus blackie thousands of years ago in asia there lived a massive ape called gigantopithecus blocky it stood ten feet tall and weighed a thousand pounds or more researchers think it was something like a large orangutan and would have lived on bamboo and other vegetation they died off a hundred thousand years ago and while it would have encountered some of our relatives it did not live in asia around the time modern humans moved in or did it there are those who believe gigantopithecus evolved into a mythical creature we have long been familiar with that being bigfoot if giganto began to evolve while still in asia it may have become more human-like they also could have crossed the bering land bridge to cross to america the same land bridge our ancestors crossed thousands of years ago did ancestors of gigantopithecus come across two and do they live on in the forest in north america as the sasquatch i guess we'll have to figure it out now it's time for today's best pick [Music] which is an animal that we've honestly talked about a ton on this channel and if it's still alive would probably be one more reason for you to fear swimming in the ocean that being number two the megalodon megalodon was the biggest shark ever to swim the oceans of the world reaching lengths of 60 feet or more it preyed on whales and other large marine mammals and would have been the apex predator of the ocean in its day megalodon went extinct a million and a half years ago probably due to change in global climate conditions increased competition for a dwindling food supply or a combination of both so what makes us think megalodon could still be alive today every now and then there is a report of a monster shark bigger than the one we currently know of we know a typical great white shark is around 16 feet in length with a record being around 21 feet so how then do we explain reports of a 40-foot great whites and bigger these tales have been told as long as men have gone to the sea in recent times angers have reported possible megalodon encounters in the sea of cortez and other areas where the ocean is deep and hard to explore number one the plesiosaur plesiosaurs were marine reptiles that lived during the time of the dinosaurs there are many different types in all shapes and sizes the ones we are most familiar with have a long-necked big-bodied animals with the flippers it is widely accepted that the same mass extinction event that white out the dinosaurs did in the large marine reptiles as well about 65 million years ago but there are those who think some plesiosaurs are still with us and they have plenty of reasons to say so aquatic monsters matching the description of some of these reptiles have come from lakes all over the world as well as the open ocean this is one theory that allegedly explains the loch ness monster because loch ness is connected to the ocean the story goes that a population of plesiosaurs somehow escape from the sea and into the confines of the lake some examples of plesiosaur-like creatures reported in north america include champ from lake champlain and memphry from lake memphis magog do you think that any or all these animals will be rediscovered in our lifetime let us know in the comments section down below want to watch more videos about amazing animals click on any of the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and i'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 723,059
Rating: 4.9110847 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, Top10, Top5, List, Viral, best, prehistoric, creatures, large, animals, monsters, ancient, past, dinosaurs, wild, Goblin Shark, Alligator Gar, Giant Chinese Salamanders, Lamprey, Giant River Stingray, Solenodon, Sponge, Tuatara, Pygmy Right Whale, Crocodilians, wildlife, jungle, ocean, sea, underwater, sharks, crocodile, attack, Zoo, Shark (Animal), Prehistory (Event), largest, found, in the world, won't believe, exist, real, shocking, amazing, incredible, PREHISTORIC, actually exist
Id: 9sUiSziA2vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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