10 Most Aggressive Animals in the World

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remember the story of Noah every time I hear that story it makes me wonder I was able to take all those animals and fit them into an ark aside from that how did he manage to keep all those animals from killing one another while confined in such a cramped space that the story used to be believed there would be some very aggressive animals in that boat especially these ten today we're gonna be taking a look at ten of the most aggressive animals in the world number one is so aggressive Quentin Tarantino himself saw it fit to be included in Kill Bill is what could that be though well stay tuned to find out with all that said and done let's begin shall we number ten the cape buffalo this large African animal is known as the Black Death with good reason they are responsible for the most number of fatal animal attacks on humans in Africa this animal is quite unpredictable and very aggressive when it feels it is being threatened or even if you disturb it just a little bit a cape buffalo would attack anything even large predators like lions a mature cape buffalo stands six feet in height and can weigh close to a ton the most noticeable feature and primary weapon of Cape Buffalo's are their large thick horns when a member of the herd or a calf is being disturbed they would charge with their massive horns attacks from such a large animal like cape buffalo can result in severe injuries or even death it is most aggressive when it has been wounded or if one of the calves from the herd is under attack an angry Buffalo will circle and stalk its prey waiting for the perfect moment to tear apart its opponent with its massive thick Oren's they are also known to engage in mobbing behavior when fighting off predators now just imagine an angry mob of these Cape Buffalo's charging at us speeds of up to 35 miles per hour when you're that scary they call you black death for a reason before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that I'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal he does leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing luck try it really works number nine the black rhino the black rhino does indeed have a reputation for having a bad temper and they are generally considered to be more temperamental and excitable than white rhinos if you aren't on a walking Safari in areas where they frequent it's a good idea to move very quietly so that they have plenty of warning of your approach and have a chance to move away when startled they charge immediately and ask questions later and better not get too close because they are far from lumbering Giants rhinos can charge at 50 kilometers an hour and are most likely to attack if taken by surprise cows with calves are especially dangerous and will charge under almost any circumstances when feeling threatened the main reason behind the aggressiveness of black rhinos is their poor eyesight so they easily become aggressive and attack anything they find as a threat number eight the hippopotamus hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa they aggressively defend their territory and have been known to capsize boats that unwisely venture into their neck of the woods or rather river they are so aggressive in fact they even attacked crocodiles and lions who dare to disturb their naps these semi-aquatic Giants kill an estimated 500 people per year in Africa for example in 2014 a hippo attacked a small unsuspecting boat filled with Nigerian schoolchildren at killing 12 students and one teacher on board attacks can also happen when hippos wander around on land in search of food often in two places humans occupy obviously it's their sheer size and weight occupied with their massive teeth or what make hippos very dangerous but what is not commonly known is that they are actually very fast runners that can quickly outstrip a running man with ease reaching speeds of up to 20 miles per hour number seven the cassowary this is the only bird that made it to this list but quite fittingly as its considered to be one of the most dangerous birds in the world considering the size cassowaries are second only to ostriches but cassowary attacks are more deadly than ostriches it provoked they become extremely aggressive and attack of viciously using their powerful clawed legs as their primary weapons with one blow using these claws they can break human bones they charge and kick and sometimes jump on top of their victims unlike emus and yes I'm actually a little surprised to learn that emus also attack people which repeatedly can only kick backwards cassowaries can kick forward and downward they may also Peck and headbutt you needless to say these attacks can cause a variety of injuries the most common of which include puncture wounds lacerations and bone fractures when being attacked by a cassowary you should never turn your back to it or crouched down in the prone position as this is when the most serious injuries happen rather to send your ground and look as menacing as you possibly can and hope that it's enough to intimidate the charging bird number 6 the Wolverine fearsome tenacious Wolverines live in northern boreal forests and up to the Arctic Circle one of the most rugged inhospitable terrains on earth although they look like small bears they are in fact the largest member of the weasel family few other animals can match their strength their short but powerful limbs making them excellent hunters there have been documented cases of a Wolverine bringing down a moose equivalent to a house cat bringing down a deer they have no fear and with their huge paws that can run on snow this gives them the unique ability to chase prey like snowshoe hare or grouse in any weather but despite their strength and reputation of being aggressive they are opportunistic eaters preferring to scavenge rather than hunt if they can help it they've actually been known to follow packs of wolves during the winter months scavenging off their kills this is very risky for the Wolverine as wolves are one of the few animals that have been known to attack them nonetheless the Wolverine takes the risk knowing full well that it is well equipped to defend itself if need be number five the Tasmanian Devil this fierce creature is found only in the Australian island state of Tasmania they got the name devil from their nature of being aggressive so quickly so aggressive in fact that they often find themselves in a scuffle with each other yes Tasmanian devils fight a lot but despite their aggressive reputation they don't attack immediately they will often use a few clever techniques first before resorting to full-on combat when dispute finds two Devils face-to-face their skin will flush red turning the ears crimson and they will gave their impressive jaws at one another screaming and growling the whole time if the situation is stressful enough the devil release a musky odor that would clear most rooms finally they will emit a staccato sneeze it is sometimes so violent that they lose their footing if all else fails it's time to rumble and most Devils are the scars to prove it number four the Sun bear when it comes to size the Sun Bear is the smallest member of the bear family it's also the rarest of the bear species the Sun Bear is oftentimes been called the honey bear due to the fact that it loves honey but before you go off trying to pet one of these creatures let me tell you something they aren't anything like Winnie the Pooh because despite the name they are more aggressive than any other species of bear son bears have been known to attack both humans and animals about any provocation at all it's still unknown what sets them off making them very dangerous to be around with even in controlled environments like zoos they have large canine teeth and sharp claws so when they do decide to attack well I just say that it's not going to be a very good day for anyone except for the pair number three the saltwater crocodile the inclusion of the saltwater crocodile on this list shouldn't come as a surprise to you because they are truly one of the more aggressive animal species that populate the earth these animals although primarily ambush predators have been known at times to pursue their would-be pre aggressively but did you know that their aggressiveness starts at a very young age studies have shown that baby saltwater crocodiles of the same level of aggressiveness as adults who spend their entire lives in the wild these hatchlings were observed showing violent behavior some of which are unintentional like when other hatchlings have served their sleep or invade their personal space however other violent and aggressive behavior were also observed this sign these babies do it intentionally when swimming in open water the hatchlings were observed to bite and drag each other underwater as if trying to drown one another these babies are preparing themselves for the future learning at an early age other mother behaves by grabbing prey and pulling them underwater until they drown now it's time for the day's best Pig today's photo shows three very aggressive animals the lion the cheetah and the Badger you have one chance against the most aggressive one of those three ready with your choice let's find out what's next with number two the honey badger the most fearless animal in the world this title is not given to just any animal especially when it is the Guinness world record books so you should have a basic idea why the honey badger beats lions and cheetahs in this list the honey badger is in the most elite family which includes otters weasels and Wolverines a group of pretty aggressive animals mix effort maybe the otter it's not closely related to the European badger and was only calm so because of the grey stripe from its head to its tail it has a large distribution through most of mid in southern Africa but also through Middle East and India it lives in savannas and forests not venturing into deserts and is mostly nocturnal it's very aggressive and will kill poisonous snakes and even chase away lions it also has loose and thick skin getting to about 6 millimetres around the neck so of a lion or other big predator grabs on to it the Badger can turn around and attack its offender it also has a pretty gruesome way of taking down larger prey and it does this by attacking the preys scrotum as there are large blood vessels in that region the prey can run but we'll eventually die from blood loss the Badger has a great sense of smell so they could just follow the trail until it finds the body number one the Black Mamba the Black Mamba is famous for several reasons it is the second largest venomous snake in the world it is also the fastest snake in the world reaching speeds of up to 12 miles per hour but undoubtedly the most famous characteristic of this snake is the potency of its venom a venom so deadly that it can kill a fully grown man within minutes the scary thing is most encounters with the Black Mamba will end up in bites this snake is so aggressive especially when it feels threatened hence its inclusion in this list although black mambas done attacked without provocation it's still a good idea to let only experts approach these dangerous creatures because when a black mamba decides that something is a threat humans or otherwise they bite without any hesitation what makes it even more dangerous the fact that they are never contented with a single bite like most snakes they deliver multiple bites each bite lace with its deadly toxin did we leave anything out let us know in the comments section down below want to watch more videos about amazing animals Gaga name the videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
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Keywords: Top 5 Best, facts, countdown, viral, Top, Best, education, animals, top 5, pets, top 10, big, amazing, nature, biggest, caught on tape, animal, best of, top10, caught on camera, mysteries, strange, real, list, weird, real life, funny, 10 Most, people, in the world, Incredible, luck, wild, giant, caught, science, best videos, most, insane, top 10 videos, you wont believe, interesting facts, interesting, dog, cat, wildlife, moments, life, 2022, tiktok, watchmojo, chills, 10, new, 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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