10 Animals Who Can Live Forever!

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[Music] humans have been looking for the key to eternal life for centuries from the first emperor of China who reportedly ingested mercury pills the various European explorers searching for the fabled fountain of youth it seems that as humans aren't really satisfied with the time allotted to us here on earth animals however seem to have a better grasp at immortality than we have today we want to take a look at ten animals who can live forever just to clarify we're not saying that these animals are completely immortal but rather have the chance - that is if they aren't eaten by predators or succumb to sickness number one though is an entirely different story and quite possibly is the very definition of immortality so watch after that one with all that said and done let's begin shall we number 10 the Aldabra giant tortoise we're starting off this list with an animal that although not quite immortal by definition when compared to us humans practically lives forever the algebra giant tortoise is a giant species of tortoise native to the outer islands in the Indian Ocean it is one of the largest species of tortoise on the planet and is also one of the world's longest living animals with one out average ient tortoise individual reaching the grand old age of two hundred and fifty-five years old they are very slow growing reptiles and often do not reach sexual maturity until they are between 20 and 30 years old although some individuals have been known to live for more than 250 years scientists actually think they can easily double that number if left alone unfortunately us meddling humans have encroached into their habitats we've done some pretty bad things like hunted them down and downsize their habitats and introduce pathogens that make them sick fortunately they are now a protected species and measures have been put up to make sure they live their long slow-moving lives at peace before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that I'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal he does leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button hit the notification bell and you will get 25 years of amazing try it really works number nine clams clams are just some of the most unassuming and not to mention some of the strangest animals on earth who would have known that they would have the secret to immortality hidden inside their tough shells yes a certain species of clams are immortal or have extremely long lives one species for instance has shown great resilience and although they are regularly harvested for food as seems to defy the odds and just keep chugging on the ocean Quahog clams shows exceptional longevity one specimen called mang was estimated to live up to 507 years in the wild one study found that in animals aged four to 192 years antioxidant enzymes declined rapidly in the first 25 years this includes the growth and sexual maturity stages but afterwards remains stable for over 150 years in addition the level of oxidative le damaged proteins in the heart does not change significantly for up to 120 years of age for real though what does all that sciency stuff mean well in simpler terms their physiology simply doesn't allow them to age after a certain point keeping them forever young at least in a clams point of view number 8 sea sponges contrary to what some people think sponges are also animals although they are always mistakenly categorized as plants they are all in mobile aquatic animals and some have the longest lifespan of any known animal scientists at the Max Planck Institute for chemistry studied the skeleton of the glass sponge found in the East China Sea and discovered that it was more than eleven thousand years old the thing is these glass sponges can live way longer and rarely died of natural causes this is because of one evolutionary advantage of this animal has they are probably the most adaptable creature on earth sponges can easily remove themselves according to their environment giving them the ability to survive in even the most inhospitable conditions I'm not saying that the sponge can't die they certainly can especially when their habitat is irreversibly destroyed or when they are predated upon but remove human interaction as well as predation from the equation these creatures may just go on and live forever possibly in a pineapple under the sea number seven the planaria malaria or flatworms are one of the most ordinary-looking of animals yet beneath that slimy exterior lies something that we can only call a superpower one that we thought only possible within the pages of a comic book a healing factor is so powerful that it rivals that of Wolverines researchers from the University of Nottingham have demonstrated how a species of flat worm overcomes the aging process to be potentially immortal planarian worms have amazed scientists with their apparently limitless ability to regenerate researchers have been studying their ability to replace aged or damaged tissues and cells in a bid to understand the mechanisms underlying their longevity to better understand the flatworms immortality you need to understand first how cells regenerate in humans and other life forms usually when stem cells divide to heal wounds or during reproduction or for growth they start to show signs of aging this means that the stem cells are no longer able to divide and so become less able to replace exhausted specialized cells in the tissues of our bodies our aging skin is perhaps the most visible example of this effect planarian worms and their stem cells are somehow able to avoid the aging process and to keep their cells dividing for an indefinite period of time number six the jellyfish while some animals on this list become immortal because they basically stop the aging process after a certain point in their lives some jellyfish approach the matter very differently instead of freezing the aging process immortal jellyfish does what no other animal can do it turns itself into a baby the immortal jellyfish was observed by scientists have the ability to regenerate its cells back to their original state and grow them again in other words this jellyfish as its name suggests can have infinite lives this effect occurs when something disadvantageous happens to the jellyfish like when it senses danger or is being starved the jellyfish simply attaches itself onto a surface then transforms back into its polyp stage their immortality is not perfect though as this ability only manifests itself after they reach sexual maturity they can always be eaten by predators or encounter a disease while on their polyp stage number five tardigrades if you were a fan of the channel I'm pretty sure you've seen this animal pop up in one of our many videos often in the number one spot but not today though also known by the cuddlier name of water bears they can survive basically everything you can subject them to and that includes freezing them to start with some tardigrades can survive being frozen to negative 359 degrees Fahrenheit or negative 273 degrees Celsius but why stop there they can also survive being boiled nuked exposed to extreme pressures and launched into the vacuum of space yes you heard me right these guys went to space without a spacesuit and survived even the reentry before you ask no NASA didn't send them there on purpose they hitched a ride on the Endeavour in 2011 as we said they're virtually immortal so what's their secret while there have been suggestions of the extraterrestrial kind scientist Lee the tiny invertebrate survived by entering a deathlike dehydrate known as cryptobiosis but then again scientists have estimated that these guys can die of old age reaching the relatively young age of a hundred years old well young relative to the other animals on this list but then again for being so indestructible this list would not be complete without the tardigrade number four the deltoids but a Lloyd's are freshwater zooplankton microscopic animals they live everywhere where there is fresh water and when I say everywhere I really mean everywhere these guys are considered immortal because of one trait they can survive literally everything that you can throw at them they've even been found in sewage treatment tanks they can also survive nuclear blast extremes of temperature and even being taken out of water the longest time one survived in a dry environment is nine years four years scientists have been be followed by those animals longevity then a recent study revealed something truly amazing this animal has the ability to absorb the traits of other creatures much like rogue in the x-men comics well they don't literally absorb other creatures powers or traits or memories like rogue does Bedell woods actually steal genetic material from other creatures such as fungi bacteria and plants in fact 10% of the Bedell woods active genes have been stolen from other species and scientists think that this is the reason behind their immortality so les robe from x-men and more cell from Dragonball Z number three the tree wanna wet as are a grasshopper like insect that can only be found in New Zealand they come in many different varieties from a giant Wetty a carrot loving Hellspawn as big as a gerbil and as heavy as a mouse to a significantly smaller tree wetter but just because it's smaller doesn't mean it's any less of a wetter in fact the tree weather may be the most amazing insect you've ever seen that is because tree Weta's are virtually immortal as are many other things on this list tree letters are also called zombie bugs for a reason they can actually come back from the dead literally first off they have a special protein in their blood that prevents it from freezing under extremely low temperatures it's all well and good but it means nothing of the heart and the brain of the animal gets frost bit this is where the wet as other ability comes into play upon being frozen their brains in their hearts die but after being thawed they begin to function again as if nothing happened this amazing ability is currently being studied and scientists are hopeful they can replicate the same phenomenon in humans to be used for a myriad of applications predominantly deep space travel now it's time for the day's best pic now due to recent global events I've been watching a lot of Dragon Ball Z lately okay actually I watch a lot of it in general even if there isn't a pandemic going on regardless this is a day's best Pig and it's due to its ability to regenerate lost body parts which reminds me a lot of piccolo or again sell the thing is does this ability make it immortal number two salamanders salamanders have the amazing ability of regrowing lost body parts if they lose or damage a limb after being attacked by a predator they will slowly grow the damaged area back some salamander species also have a defensive mechanism went under attack that sees their tail fall off and continue wriggling in order to give themselves a chance of escape the sale that is left also grows back over time this amazing ability however doesn't make them immortal it just makes sure that sound Landers wouldn't have to go through line with a missing limb but they can't live forever but for a certain species of salamander that is this same ability allows them to have an unusually long life span blind salamanders live at least as long as most people adults of these species live nearly 69 years on average with a predicted maximum age of more than a hundred years three times longer than related species number one the Hydra the Hydra is a serpent-like creature in Greek mythology it had many heads most accounts say nine one of them being immortal also if one manages to cut off one of the mortal heads two new ones will grow to take its place although this creature only exists in mythology there is actually one creature that although not a serpent has almost the same ability of the mythological creature earning it the same name Hydra are a group of invertebrates that look like tiny tubes with tentacles for tuning off one end they grow only about 0.4 inches long and eat even tinier aquatic animals according to studies the Hydra is one of the few animals that does not show any signs of deterioration with age being able to continuously divide and regenerate new body cells hydras can basically keep themselves young for long periods of time even until forever did we leave any immortal animals out let us know in the comments section down below want to watch more videos about amazing animals click on hang videos you see on your screen as always thank you all for watching and I'll see you all next time later everybody [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 934,374
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Keywords: Top 5 Best, facts, countdown, viral, Top, Best, education, animals, top 5, pets, top 10, big, amazing, nature, biggest, caught on tape, animal, best of, top10, caught on camera, mysteries, strange, real, list, weird, real life, funny, 10 Most, people, in the world, Incredible, luck, wild, giant, caught, science, best videos, most, insane, top 10 videos, you wont believe, interesting facts, interesting, dog, cat, wildlife, moments, life, 2022, tiktok, watchmojo, chills, 10, new, 2023
Id: xxBh3IL9XQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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